CC MTG MINUTES NOVEMBER 19 2012 REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Minutes dated November 19, 2012 ' President Johnson —I'd call the meeting to order. Item 1. Roll Call ' President Johnson —I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please? ' ROLL CALL— 11 PRESENT, 0 ABSENT President Johnson —With eleven present, we have a quorum. Item 2. Moment of Silence and the Fled-e of Allegiance. President Johnson — I'd ask everyone to rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance please. ' Item 3. Citizen's Speak Time President Johnson — We have two citizens wishing to address the Council and I'd ask ' that they come forward, state their name and address and they have five minutes to speak. The first is John Cappuccilli. ' John Cappuccilli — My name is John Cappuccilli. I live at 50 Red Fox Drive in Feeding Hills. I wish to thank the Mayor and the City Council for their support of TR-2012-47. I would like to urge the Council's consideration within the next few weeks to pass this ' very important measure. What is needed is a permanent fix to the problem. We know that. We don't want to burden the homeowner with multiple future repairs down the road especially the seniors in the Southwest section living on a fixed income. Remember ' under Title 5, the fix or repair is only valid for two years, after that you have to get it re- inspected again before you can sell the property. In closing, I would like to wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving and good luck to the Brownies! You know, the turkeys always taste better with a win over West Side! Thank you. President Johnson—Thank you. Next is Douglas Reed? ' Douglas Reed — Thank you, Douglas Reed, 10 Shelley Lane, Feeding Hills, Mass. Again, I'm just going to echo some of the sentiments that John has brought forward. I'd ' like to thank the Council for their work and their efforts up to this point in time and we're at kind of a cross roads where we really need to get this through. This second phase is critical to see this project finish — period. There's been a lot of questions brought up ' about the values of it to the citizens in general in town and I think overall what we need to look at is not only does it directly affect the people that are gonna receive the sewers and correct problems that are either here that they've dealt with in the past or will be 1 ' dealing with in the future but to put our effort and our money into the infrastructure which has been not done over the years and in turn this will benefit the town overall because you're going to increase your property values, it's gonna increase the tax revenue for the town. It's just a win/win. Now there's some questions about whether it's gonna raise the taxes. If anything by increasing the property values it will prevent the raising of taxes to the remainder of the people in time over a period of time. It'll also bring money into the sewer fund and that being a self-sustaining department, it just benefits all around. I'd like to again thank you for your patience and again, Go Brownies! Let's beat West Side. Thank you! Item 4. Minutes 1. Regular Council Meeting—November 7,2012 President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Cichetti, seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Questions or discussion on the minutes? Seeing none, all those in favor say Ay? Please note Councilor Calabrese's abstention. ' Item S Declaration from Council President President Johnson — The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission cancelled at last minute. We'll hopefully get them back for our second December meeting. Item 6. Presentation of Petitions, Memorials & Remonstrances 1. TR-2012-47—A Resolution Authorizing a Loan Order in the Amount of$10,469,500.00 for the Construction of Phase II of the Southwest Area Sewer Project(Referred to Finance Committee) (Mayor) President Johnson --Do we have a Motion? Councilor Calabrese —Through the Chair, Council President, I'd actually like to make a Motion to table this item? I know there's still a few questions that we are still waiting to hammer out and I don't want to move too quickly on a bond issue of this size. ' President Johnson — We have a Motion and then we have a Motion to table. Is Councilor Rheault willing to withdraw the Motion to allow the Motion to table? Councilor Rheault—Motion to table supersedes mine anyway so I'll withdraw. ' President Johnson —Okay, we have a Motion to table made by Councilor Calabrese and seconded by Councilors Cavallo and Letellier. I'd ask Barbara to call the roll on the Motion to table. ROLL CALL— 11 YES,0 NO 2 ' President Johnson —With a vote of eleven yes, we've placed TR-2012-47 on the table. ' 2. TR-2012-48 - A Resolution Authorizing the Community Preservation Committee to Spend $4,935.00 for the Purchase of Historic and Recreational Signs (Referred to Finance Committee) ' (CPA) President Johnson -- Moved by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by Councilors Cavallo, ' Mineo and Rheault. This was also referred to the Finance Sub-Committee. Councilor Mineo? ' Councilor Mineo— .... President Johnson —I'd just ask—the "mire"please? ' Councilor Mineo — Dick Bennett of the CPA and the Historical Commission presented and discussed the item. The Anne Sullivan sign in Feeding Hills center needs to be replaced and new signs are needed for parks and fields. They are 4x5 signs. They need to be replaced at Borgatti Field, Shea Field, School Street, Perry Lane and Pynchon Point which that sign is 20. Each sign is to include the hours and regulations for usage. The ' Motion was made by Don Rheault and seconded by CeCe Calabrese and it was passed 3- 0 so that's our recommendation. President Johnson —Thank you. Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas — Yes, I'm going to support this. I have no problem and it's a very small amount of money to have something nice but also I would like to make a point. I would like to see some money spent from CPA, they have millions of dollars there, for to look around the other parks to make some improvements, to make some safety issues, so I hope in the future the Recreation Department go around and see what they need for the parks so we can spend some money. Thank you. rPresident Johnson — Any other discussion? Seeing none, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous. ' 3. TR-2012-50 -A Resolution Accepting a Grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 53A for Agawam Police Department (Referred to Finance Committee) (Mayor) iPresident Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Magovern. This was also referred to the Finance Sub-Committee. Councilor ' Mineo? 3 Councilor Mineo —Discussion was held on this item to accept the grant and whether the funds are to be used to supplement the purchase of new vehicles. The Motion was made ' by Don Rheault and seconded by CeCe Calabrese and we are sending a positive recommendation 3-0 to support this. ' President Johnson — Any other questions or discussion? Just for the public's information, the grant is in the amount of $70,999.00. Seeing no further questions, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous. 4. TR-2012-51 - A Resolution Authorizing the Appropriation of Storm Remediation and Debris Removal Costs from Free Cash for the ' Snowstorm of October 29, 2011 (Referred to Finance Committee and Council Workshop) (Mayor) President Johnson — We have a Motion to table by Councilor Letellier seconded by Councilor Calabrese. All in favor of tabling say Ay? Any opposed? The item is on the table. 5. TR-2012-52 - A Resolution Authorizing the Appropriation of Storm Remediation and Debris Removal Costs from Stabilization Funds for ' the Snowstorm of October 29, 2011 (Referred to Finance Committee and Council Workshop) (Mayor) ' President Johnson — Is there a Motion? We have a Motion to table by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilors Mineo and Calabrese. All in favor of placing the item on the table say Ay? Any opposed? The item is on the table. Item 7. Re art of Council Committees None. ' Item 8. Elections None. ' Item 9. Public Hearings ' L PH-2012-5 (TR-2012-49) -A Resolution Adopting a Residential Factor of 0.00000 pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40, Section 56- Public Hearing date set for December 3, 2012 (Referred to Finance Committee and Council Workshop) (Mayor) ' rd President Johnson — The public hearing will be set for our December 3 meeting. That ' gives us the requisite fourteen days necessary pursuant to the statute. 4 Item 10. Old Business ' 1. TO-2012-28 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 2 Dealer(s)—Parrotta's Auto Service, Inc.,357 Main Street, Agawam, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) President Johnson — Do we want to take this in a block? So we have TO-2012-28 which is Parrotta's, TO-2012-29 Class 2 to Malkoon Motors on Springfield Street, TO- 2012-30 to Euro Imports on Main Street, TO-2012-31 Class 2 to D&J Auto Sales on River Road, TO-2012-32 Class 2 to V&F Auto on Harding Street, TO-2012-33 Class 2 to Luigi's Auto Sales on South Westfield Street, TO-2012-42 Class 2 Dealer's License to ' Chris Auto South on Main Street, TO-2012-43 Class 2 Dealer's License to Auto Kraft on Walnut Street, TO-2012-44 Class 2 to Langonet on 61 Ramah Circle South and TO- 2012-45 Class 2 to Joe's Truck Repair 97 Ramah Circle South. All those ten licenses were referred to the Administrative Sub-Committee, Councilor Rossi—Thank you Mr. President. The sub-committee met- Councilor Rheault—Move to accept. ' President Johnson -- We have a Motion to grant the licenses by Councilor Rheault is there a second? Seconded by Councilor Magovern. Now we can get the report from Councilor Rossi. Councilor Rossi — The sub-committee met and it was a unanimous decision to send a positive recommendation for all ten licenses as read and I would make a Motion to the ' Council that we would accept there as one Motion as originally read by the Council President. President Johnson — We've got it moved and seconded twice now. Any questions or discussion? Councilor Rossi—I thought we needed to make a Motion to block it, to consolidate it? President Johnson — Well Chair will accept it as a Motion to consolidate all ten. All those in favor of consolidating all ten say Ay? Any opposed? Now we have all ten consolidated before us with Councilor Rheault's Motion. Any questions or discussion on the issuance of the ten Class 2 Dealer's licenses? Councilor Cavallo? a Councilor Cavallo — Yea, I drove around a couple weeks go and toured some of the used car lots and I still have a problem with the one on the corner of Leonard and River Roads. I drove by there and I don't know how any kind of a safety vehicle, police car or an ambulance or anything could get in there. There seemed to be an awful lot of vehicles ' there and I'm not sure how many each, how many they're allowed to have on the lot but and I'm sure obviously the zoning allows for it but I was thinking of the people that live on either side, up on Leonard Street and on Main Street to have to look at that. I mean it 5 ' really, they're just jammed in and also I drove by on Main Street where Dino Carando there, that particular one, same thing, an awful lot of cars. Is this ever checked to see if they're going over their allotment? I know cars move in and out but I mean it's just that to me it's unsightly and with that many cars on that property, I just don't find it very appropriate. I'm just asking that question, maybe Bob, you can answer that for me. Is there a limit according to the size of the lot or if there is, what is the limit because if they're squeezing cars as I saw on the corner of Leonard and River Road, it seems to me they're over their limit. ICouncilor Rossi — Through the Chair to Councilor Cavallo, yes there is in fact there is something in place that says they can only have so many cars for the size of their lot and ' each license has that lot number onto their license and the Sub-Committee did meet tonight as a matter of fact on that very issue. Councilor Cavallo—Oh, okay. Councilor Rossi — And that particular license did come up for our review and it is determined that the Licensing Committee will be taking action on that to set up regular checks and as a matter of fact to make it part of the regular application process. So we are going to take steps to clean up some of these things and make sure that they're conformed to the automobile numbers that they're assigned to by their licenses so the sub-committee is working on that presently. Councilor Cavallo — I appreciate that but I think you know when I was on this committee before and I questioned a couple of those before when I was on the Council but to me it's just really I think it's getting a little out of hand. Councilor Rossi — In all fairness, I'm not going to say that every one is not, is not in compliance. Knowing a little bit about their inner workings, there are times that they ' have an influx of cars because they wholesale a lot of them, they bring them in, they fix them, they detail them and they take them to the auction so at any one given time, they could have a little bit more cars than they are allotted to have but they shouldn't have any ' more cars actually for sale than they're supposed to have on their license and that's one of the things that we're gonna try to control and get that under control a little bit so we're gonna be working on that. ' Councilor Cavallo — Okay, thank you. ' President Johnson — Any other discussion? That's why I've added the cover sheet on the license renewals and on there it indicates the number of vehicles that are approved pursuant to the site plan approved by the Council in the past for each lot. So, any other questions or discussion on the ten licenses? Again, it's ten licenses listed under OId Business, they're all Class 2 Dealer's Licenses. Just in case, I'd ask Barbara to call the ' roll on the licenses as a singular Motion. ROLL CALL — 11 YES, 0 NO 1 6 President Johnson — With a vote of eleven yes, we've approved the ten Class 2 Dealer's licenses. 2. TO-2012-29 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for ' Class 2 Dealer(s) —Malkoon Motors, 1039 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) President Johnson—Please refer to Item # 1. 3. TO-2012-30 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for ' Class 2 Dealer(s) —Dino Carando d/b/a Euro Imports,325 Main Street, Agawam, MA(Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) ' President Johnson—Please refer to Item # 1. 4. TO-2012-31 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 2 Dealer(s)—Elmwood —D&J Auto Sales, 521 River Road, Agawam, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) President Johnson— Please refer to Item# 1. 5. TO-2012-32 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 2 Dealer(s)—V&F Auto, Inc., 7 Harding Street, Agawam, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) President Johnson—Please refer to Item # 1. 6. TO-2012-33 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for ' Class 2 Dealer(s)—Luigi's Auto Sales, Inc., 371 South Westfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) ' President Johnson —Please refer to Item # 1. ' 7. TO-2012-42- An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 2 Dealer(s) - Chris Auto South,207 Main Street, Agawam, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) President Johnson—Please refer to Item # 1. ' 8. TO-2012-43 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 2 Dealer(s)—Auto Kraft, 119 Walnut Street, Agawam, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) President Johnson —Please refer to Item # 1. 7 9. TO-2012-44 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 2 Dealer(s)—Langonet, Inc., 61 Ramah Circle South,Agawam, ' MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) President Johnson—Please refer to Item # 1. ' 10. TO-2012-45 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 2 Dealer(s)—Joseph J. Polys d/b/a Joe's Truck Repair, 97 ' Ramah Circle South, Agawam, MA (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk) President Johnson —Please refer to Item # 1. Item 11. New Business 1. TO-2012-34 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s) —Polish American Club of Agawam, ' 139 Southwick Street, Feeding Hills, MA (Clerk) President Johnson — We'd refer that to the Administrative Sub-Committee, next ' Agenda. 2. TO-2012-35 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an ' -Automatic Amusement Device(s)—West Springfield Fish & Game Club, Inc., P.O. Box 25, 329 Garden Street, Feeding Hills, MA (Clerk) ' President Johnson-W Also to the Administrative Sub-Committee, next Agenda. ' 3. TO-2012-36 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s) —The Main Street Still, Inc., 858 Suffield Street, Agawam, MA (Clerk) ' President Johnson —Also going to the Administrative Sub-Committee, next Agenda. ' 4. TO-2012-37 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s)— Ferrentino's Inc., d/b/a Ferrentino's Pizzeria & Pub, 1676 Main Street, Agawam, MA (Clerk) ' President Johnson—Also to the Administrative Sub-Committee, next Agenda. ' 5. TO-2012-38 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s)—F.S.F., Inc. d/b/a Riverboat Bar& Grill, 11 South End Bridge Circle,Agawam, MA (Clerk) ' President Johnson—To the Administrative Sub-Committee next Agenda. S I ' 6. TO-2012-39 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s)-- Scoreboard Bar& Restaurant, 15 King Street, Agawam, MA (Clerk) President Johnson--Also to the Administrative Sub-Committee,next Agenda. ' 7. TO-2012-40 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s)--Home Plate Sports Bar, LLC, 827 ' Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA (Clerk) President Johnson —To the Administrative Sub-Committee, next Agenda. ' 8. TO-2012-41 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s) —Buc, Inc., 84-86 Maple Street, Agawam, MA (Clerk) President Johnson —Also to the Administrative Sub-Committee, next Agenda. 9. TR-2012-53 - A Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 2013 Annual Operating Budget for the Agawam Municipal Golf Course (Mayor) President Johnson — I don't know if the Finance Sub-Committee wants to post simultaneous with our workshop. ' Councilor Rossi — That's fine with me, Mr. President, but I believe that the Finance Committee already took that up at their last meeting. 1 President Johnson — All right. So again, this will be a topic at the workshop on the 28,' as well, ' 10. TR-2012-54 - A Resolution Accepting a Grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety ' and Security pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, §53A for the Agawam Police Department (Mayor) President Johnson — We'll put it on the Agenda for the workshop rather than have the Finance Committee set up. 11. TO-2012-46 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 1 Dealer(s)— G&T Beaver, Inc., d/b/a Beaver Camper, 721 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA (Clerk) President Johnson —That'll o to the Administrative Sub-Committee, next Agenda. g g 9 ' 12. TO-2012-47 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 1 Dealer(s)— Sarat Ford Sales, Inc. 221 Springfield Street, ' Agawam, MA (Clerk) President Johnson—That'll go to the Administrative Sub-Committee, next Agenda. ' 13. TO-2012-48 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 1 Dealer(s)—Sarat Ford Sales, Inc. 243-249 Springfield Street, ' Agawam, MA (Clerk) President Johnson —That'll go to the Administrative Sub-Committee, next Agenda. ' 14. TO-2012-49 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 1 Dealer(s)--Sarat Ford Sales, Inc. 250 Springfield Street, Agawam, MA (Clerk) President Johnson —That'll go to the Administrative Sub-Committee, next Agenda. ' 15. TO-2012-50 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 2 Dealer(s) —Balfour Motors, 1801 Main Street, Agawam, MA ' (Clerk) President Johnson—That'll also go to the Administrative Sub-Committee, next Agenda. 16. TO-2012-51 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 2 Dealer(s)—Garden Auto Sales, 204 Garden Street, Feeding Hills, MA (Clerk) President Johnson —That'll go to the Administrative Sub-Committee, next Agenda. 17. TO-2012-52 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 2 Dealer(s) --Lafleur Auto Exchange, 374 Main Street, Agawam, MA (Clerk) President Johnson—To the Administrative Sub-Committee,next Agenda. 18. TO-2012-53 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for Class 2 Dealer(s)—RNK Auto Sales, 28 Moylan Lane, Agawam, MA (Clerk) President Johnson —To the Administrative Sub-Committee, next Agenda. ' 19. TOR-2012-4 - An Ordinance to Amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Chapter 175 entitled "Water and Sewers" by adding Article XIII entitled "Mandatory Connection to Public Sanitary Sewers" (two readings required) (Council President Johnson) 10 President Johnson —That'll our for the Workshop. go onto Agenda e ' 20. TR-2012-55 - A Resolution Adopting an Order of Public Notice for the Pending Assessment of a Portion of the Cost of Phase 2 of the t Southwest Area Sewer Project to the Abutting Land Owners (Administrative Sub-Committee) President Johnson —That'll also go on to our Agenda for the Workshop. 21. TR-2012-56 - A Resolution Supporting the Creation of a Septic Repair Loan Program in the City of Agawam (Council President Johnson) ' President Johnson — Will also go on to our Workshop on the 28th. Item 12. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council. President Johnson — Councilor Letellier? I think I started with Councilor Cavallo last time. ' Councilor Letellier—Thank you. I get to be the first one to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone but I also would like to invite anybody that's interested — every year, the week of Thanksgiving, the Agawam and West Springfield Rotary Clubs get together and the team that's hosting the game hosts the luncheon and so everyone wears their school colors and there's some friendly rivalry and the mayors come, etc. So this week it's at Hofbra Joe's tomorrow at 12:15. I know the Mayor is gonna be there and some of us councilors are Rotarians but if you're interested in coming, please wear your orange and brown and it's $12.00 at Hofbra Joe's tomorrow at noon and the more orange and brown we can get, the better. It used to be known as Hofbrahaus. Now they're called Hofbra Joe's, I'm sorry; I probably should have said that. Hofbrahaus/Hofbra Joe's. Thanks! And there is a friendly wager on the game by the way. The losing club has to make a donation to the Parish Cupboard in the name of the other club. President Johnson—Councilor Rossi? ' Councilor Rossi — Thank you. The only thing I would ask Barbara would you please make accommodations for our sub-committee to meet at the usual time and place with the items on my Agenda? Thank you. President Johnson —Councilor Mineo? ' Councilor Mineo — I will give everybody report on the Golf Course issue at the next g rY Y a meeting and I would also like to wish everybody a happy Thanksgiving out there and my colleagues too. 11 President Johnson—Councilor Magovern? ' Councilor Magovern — Again, I just want to reiterate what Councilor Letellier said about the Agawam/West Springfield Rotary. It's about as spirited as our football games are seeing as we have a lot of ex-football players in Rotary as well as the West Springfield and it should be a lot of fun. If you can make it, we'd love to have you there. Again, I hope Agawam wins. I would love to receive the check from the West Springfield Rotary for the Parish Cupboard this year. Thank you very much and again ' have a great Thanksgiving. It's still one of the best holidays of the year. You can just commercialize a turkey so much. Enjoy your dinner! ' President Johnson —Councilor Rheault? Councilor Rheault— Yeah,just echo the sentiments of my fellow councilors_ I wish all of you a very happy Thanksgiving and to all of you out there —safe and happy. President Johnson—Councilor Perry? ' Councilor Perry Thank you Mr. President. Through the Chair to Councilor Rossi, as far as our meeting, we might want to have a night out. We could start at the Polish Club ' and end up at The Buc?!! Councilor Rossi—I think we'll have enough time. Councilor Perry — But I, too, want to wish all of my colleagues and their families a happy and safe Thanksgiving. To all of the people out there,our camera crew,the people ' in the audience, the people at home, you know it's a hectic world that we live in and Thanksgiving is a time to just sit back and enjoy a meal with the ones that you love and just reflect on what the Lord has provided us and just get away from the hecticness of ' everyday life and just take that moment on Thanksgiving Day to take one moment and just say thank you for everything that He's provided us. Thank you. iPresident Johnson —Councilor Cichetti? ' Councilor Cichetti — I'd just like to echo the sentiments of everybody on the holiday and Happy Thanksgiving and Go Brownies! President Johnson —Councilor Calabrese? Councilor Calabrese—Thank you. Again, also a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone but I ' also would like you all to mark your calendars for Saturday, December 80, at the Jr. High. You all know what a cheerleader for Agawam High Robotics team I am and we're going to be sponsoring the Agawam Regional First Lego League Tournament. It is one of the ' premier events in first and I forget if this is our fifth or sixth year now sponsoring it and I'd like to invite everyone, everybody on the Council and everyone at home to come by 1 12 the Jr. High any time on Saturday, the Sth of December, and check out the action. Thank you. President Johnson—Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas — Yes, I would like to wish you all and the people who are watching us Happy Thanksgiving and a happy Christmas holiday season. ' President Johnson —Councilor Cavallo? Councilor Cavallo —Yes, I'd like to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving and make it ' a safe one as well. Thank you. President Johnson — Just one quick piece of business, we received a memo from the 1 Superintendent of Schools looking to establish a "Facilities Need Committee". He's looking for two councilors to serve. I've had, Councilor Cavallo has expressed a desire so if there's one other councilor that's looking to serve, please let — oh, I saw Councilor Rossi put his finger up so congratulations Councilor Rossi and Councilor Cavallo. Barbara, if we could notify the Superintendent that we have two volunteers and again to all those at home and to my fellow councilors Happy Thanksgiving and Go Brownies! ' The Chair will entertain a Motion to adjourn. Moved and seconded all over the house. All those in favor say Ay? Opposed? We are adjourned. Adjournment at 7:27pm ' 13