Minutes dated 16,2013
President Johnson—I'd call the meeting to order.
Item 1. Roll Call
President Johnson--I'd ask Barbara to call the Roll,please.
President Johnson—With eleven present,we have a quorum.
Item Z Moment of Silence and the Pledge of AllegLance.
President Johnson — I'd ask everyone to please rise for a moment of silence and a Pledge of
Allegiance please.
Item 3. Citizen's Sneak Time
President Johnson—We have one citizen wishing to address the Council,Richard Theroux?
Richard Theroux—Thank you Mr. Johnson. My name is Richard Theroux. I reside at 30 Ley
Street and I am the Chairman of the Casino Oversight Committee along with being the Chairman
of that committee I serve with two members of your Council—Councilor Cavallo and Councilor
Rheault and former president of the Council. This evening I have brought to the Council for their
review the signed agreement between MGM and the Town of Agawam. This agreement was
executed just this past week and received by the Town of Agawam today. We were waiting for
the actual documents of this agreement to be executed by the corporate officers by MGM. As
you're well aware, this committee was charged by Mayor Cohen to enter into community
agreements with communities in the Commonwealth that abutted the Town of Agawam. Our first
charge of course was looking at the Town of West Springfield that abutted our community and
would impact it greatly. I will say that our committee wisely chose to wait until the vote was
taken in the Town of West Springfield. We felt that it was up to the ballot box and running
elections; I hedged by bets and said that it wouldn't pass in West Springfield and didn't want to
expend what would have ended up to be the town's funds for legal fees and consultant fees
looking at that issue. As you are well aware, West Springfield did not vote for a casino and it
came down to MGM. Now MGM and its representatives worked very well with this committee
and I certainly want to take the opportunity to thank all of them, as I said Councilor Cavallo and
Councilor Rheault, Wendy Rua from our School Committee and Kate Gourde, a business owner
at Coopers Commons. This committee and no one does anything alone, not only worked
diligently with our attorney, Jeff Fialky from Bacon & Wilson, but also with PVPC,the Planning
Commission located in the City of Springfield and with the MGM Corporation to make sure that
the Town of Agawam was constantly protected and certainly we looked for the best if you will
the best deal for the Town of Agawam. If you're looking at the communities that have been
signed, have signed up the communities and I believe Chicopee is going to be one that they are
going to be announcing tomorrow, our agreement is going to end up being the standard for the
other communities. Everyone would like to get as much for their community as they could, not
only in dollars but also to protect the traffic flow which always was the main concern of our
committee but other issues that carve about, protecting our businesses and the way of life that we
have here in the Town of Agawam. Certainly the Council is aware that the town will receive
MGM payments totaling $2,375,000. This will be used at the town's discretion. It will be
payable as follows: $125,000 upon issuance of the license, $100,000 annually for 15 years and
$750,000 to be paid pursuant to the schedule under the agreement that I will give to your Council
Clerk tonight and that you can certainly review. All the legal fees and consulting expenses
incurred by this study and impacts are in the negotiation agreement and will be paid for by MGM
so that there was no cost to the Agawam taxpayers concerning this agreement. The town
additionally wished to have and Mayor Cohen insisted on a look back for this agreement and the
look back being I think one of the major points that certainly Councilor Cavallo and Councilor
Rheault were also in favor of and adamant about. We can have an agreement today but then
again,the agreement down the road after the casino is built if it does receive its license in the City
of Springfield, we have a one year look back after construction and a five year look back so that
we're not left out after we actually see the impact of this legislation. Now speaking of this
legislation, there's also a phrase in the legislation, a section I should say, that allows the Town of
Agawam to then go to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for other mitigation funds if there is
a higher traffic impact that we have envisioned with our Department of Public Works. I think
there's some safety guards in this. I believe it is a good agreement. I believe it was the best we
could do and in closing I absolutely want to thank the Council and even the people of the Town
of Agawam for not getting into the debate of whether or not casinos are good for any community,
whether we like casinos or not, our committee was charged with what it had to do under the
statute that was passed by the Massachusetts legislature and signed by the Governor. We stayed
with that premise. It was not our task and other communities have taken a different tact and
that's their business but Agawam did not do that and I'm very appreciative of that. It would have
certainly made our task a little harder; it would have muddied the waters a little bit. We weren't
in the business of whether we like casinos or not or whether we liked one next door or not. We
were given the task to do an abutting agreement, get the best situation for our community that we
could and I believe that we did. So I want to thank you this evening for your time and your
attention. I will be giving your Clerk as I stated earlier these contracts for you to look over. As
you know in the statute, the Mayor has the authority to sign on behalf of the community but I
wanted the Council to be aware of not only what was in the contract but you know the timeline in
what we did and certainly in closing thank you again for allowing two of the members of your
Council to be on the committee. Their input was really invaluable. Thank you again this evening
for your time and your attention.
President Johnson--Thank you.
Item 4. Minutes
1. Regular Council Meeting—December 2,2013
President Johnson —Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Cichetti, seconded by Councilor
Rheault. Questions or discussion on the Minutes? Seeing none all those in favor say Ay? Any
. opposed? It's unanimous.
Item 5. Declaration from Council President
President Johnson — I'd ask the Council Vice President and Councilor Magovem to join me at
the podium please. It's with a great deal of pleasure and honor but also with a bit of sorrow that I
present you with this evening with a token from all of the Council of their appreciation of your
service, many, many years of service to the Town of Agawam on the City Council. It's a clock
and it says "Robert A. Magovern — in appreciation for many years of outstanding service on the
Agawam City Council - presented December I6, 2013". I was talking with Councilor Cichetti
earlier this evening and he indicated that now that you're fast approaching retirement, if you're
looking to down size and move into a condominium, no only kidding, he'd be happy to hook you
up but all kidding aside, it's tough to come so close again but as we all said the night after the
election, please don't throw away the signs, we hope to see you back here again. It's been a
pleasure and an honor working with you, sir.
Councilor Magovern - Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you.
President Johnson—l don't know if Dennis wants to say anything.
Councilor Magovern--Thank you Dennis.
Vice President Perry —Not a problem Bob. You and I have served many years together up on
• this podium and I just want to let you know it's been an honor working with you and I did say
that to you that night —don't throw those signs away, definitely not. We haven't always agreed
on every issue but we've always respected each other and our opinions and you're gonna be
missed up there. I appreciate it.
Councilor Magovern—Thank you very much. What no batteries?
Vice President Perry—It wasn't in the budget Bob.
President Johnson—There had to be cuts. (Batteries included in the box)
• Item 6 Presentation_ofPetitions.lVlemorials&Remonstrances
1. TR 2013-51 - A Resolution Congratulating the Agawam High School
Varsity Football Team for their undefeated season and playoff victory in the
2013 fall football season(Bitzas)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Made by Councilor Bitzas, seconded by Councilor
Cichetti. Questions or discussion? Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas—Thank you. I'd like to read the Resolution for the record:
• A Resolution congratulating the Agawam High School varsity Football Team far their undefeated season
and playof,j"victory in the 2013 fall football season Whereas, the Agawam Brownies Football Team won
right consecutive regular season games for the first time since 1965; and
Whereas,the Agawam Brownies Football Team won their first playoff game against Northampton
High School; and
Whereas, the Agawam Brownies Football Team has worked tirelessly to build a strong,
competitive team; and
Whereas, the Agawam Brownies Football Team has proudly represented their school and their
town by winning eight straight regular season games; and
Whereas,the Agawam Brownies Football Team, Coaches and Staff deserves recognition and
congratulations for their outstanding achievement.
congratulate the Agawam Brownies Football Team on their outstanding achievement and athletic
• excellence while representing their school and their town during their first undefeated football season since
I would also like to add that I read in the paper last week I believe that one of the players, Stephen
Comee,would rush for 1176 yards and had 15 touchdowns, got awarded the Norman S. Dagenais
Award for the Western Mass most valuable player. I watched many games, I went to many, I
• love the game and I saw the parents, grandparents, mothers, fathers,they're so proud of those
kids, they worked so hard and I think they deserve our congratulations. Thank you for your
President Johnson — Any other discussion. Seeing none, if you're in favor of the Resolution
vote yes, If you're opposed,vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the Roll?
President Johnson — With a vote of eleven yes, zero no, we've approved the Resolution and
again congratulations for an outstanding season.
Item 7. Report of Council Committees
Item 8. Elections
1. TE-2013-5 -Election of a member of the Agawam Zoning Board of
Appeals to a term expiring January 1,2017(Council)
President Johnson—The floor is open for nominations.
Councilor Rheault—Mr.President? I nominate Mr.James Marmo.
President Johnson —We have a nomination by Councilor Rheault of James Marmo. Seconded
by Councilors Mineo and Cavallo. Any other nominations? Seeing none, is there a Motion to
close nominations? Motion made by Councilor Perry, seconded by Councilor Magovern. All in
• favor of closing nominations, say Ay? Opposed? Nominations are closed. Since we have only
one name in nomination, I'd ask Barbara to call the Roll, the name in nomination is James
President Johnson —With eleven votes for James Marmo, he is elected to the Agawam Zoning
Board of Appeals. Thank you to Mr. Marmo for your continued service.
2. TE-2013-6 -Election of an alternate member of the Agawam Zoning
Board of Appeals to a term expiring January 1,2017(Council)
• President Johnson—The floor is open to nominations. Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo—I nominate Gary Geiger.
President Johnson — We have a nomination by Councilor Cavallo, seconded by Councilor
• Letellier. Any other nominations?
Councilor Rheault—Move they be closed.
President Johnson—We have a Motion to close nominations by Councilor Rheault, seconded by
• Councilor Cichetti. All in favor of closing nominations, say Ay? Any opposed? Nominations
are closed. We have one name in nomination — Gary Geiger — I'd ask Barbara to call the Roll
President Johnson --With eleven votes, we've elected Gary Geiger as the alternate member to
the Zoning Board of Appeals and again to Gary, thank you for your continued service as an
alternate member of the Board of Appeals.
Item 9. Public HearinPs
• 1. PH-2013-16(TOR-2013-8) —An Ordinance to Amend the Code of the
Town of Agawam Zoning Ordinances §180; Mixed Use Business District
(Referred to Legislative Sub-Committee)
President Johnson — Before opening the Public Hearing, I'd ask for a Motion to approve?
Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilor Letellier. At this point, the Chair would
declare the Public Hearing open. Anyone wishing to address the Council and speak in favor of
TOR-2013-8 can approach the microphone?
Deborah Dachos —Good evening. I'm Debbie Dachos, I'm the Planning Director for Agawam.
Happy Holidays to everyone if I don't see you after this evening. This evening we have before
you a proposed new Mixed Use district. It's going to be called if passed, Business C, and it's
target area is the Walnut Street Ext. shopping center. I think that you all remember that in 2010
we completed an Economic Development Plan which identified priority development sites for the
Town of Agawam. It was a comprehensive plan and it studied spending habits of the Town of
Agawam, conducted surveys, looked at traffic and at the completion of the plan, multiple areas
were identified as priority development sites. The first site was the Walnut Street Ext shopping
center. The second was Tennis Road. I distributed to you this evening an excerpt from the plan
itself which identifies priority area one and in it it discusses the development strategy for the
shopping center. It says to redevelop vacant and underutilized properties for retail, commercial
and mixed us; encourage design standards that address architectural design; landscaping,
pedestrian movement and traffic flow; create a village center. That is what we're attempting to
do this evening. We were fortunate enough to be chosen by the Pioneer Valley Planning
Commission and this evening I have with me Chris Curtis from the Pioneer Valley Planning
Commission. He worked with us as a consultant on this Ordinance and I have the Chairman of
the Planning Board, Mark Paleologopoulos available to answer many questions I'm sure, Mark.
Mark served with me and with Chris and with Nick Pandolfi for months going over the
Ordinance, as you can see, it's very comprehensive. It's twelve pages long. It contains a lot of
information and I understand this evening that we will probably be continuing this Public Hearing
to allow for a workshop with the Council so that we can go through it in great detail. The
Planning Board did hold three workshops on the draft. We have met and spoken to all the
properly owners and many of the abutters to the property and they all support the Ordinance. The
Ordinance is very simple in its goal. Its goal is to revitalize and redevelop the shopping center.
The project area extends from Suffield Street up to Dave's and back on down shopping center
court over to Walnut Street Ext. It consists of approximately and I counted them today and I
came up with nineteen properties but I looked at my research before and they said seventeen, so
excuse the number, but multiple properties. They are, some of them are in commercial use.
There is one big vacant property that we're all aware of, we're seeing a major upswing in
development in the shopping center with many store fronts being occupied and we think this is
the ideal time to move forward with this step You need a carrot to entice property owners to
invest in the properties and the carrot in this Ordinance is to get rid of the underlying zoning
which is pretty restrictive, currently it's Industrial A, Business A and Business B, get rid of those
districts and have it be replaced by Business C and Business C relaxes the dimensional
requirements in the other districts meaning it relaxes the size of the lot, it relaxes the side yard
setback, rear yard. The biggest component is it allows for a much higher density on the lots while
# keeping in mind that the biggest issue in the shopping center is parking. I know that there's a
property owner in the audience who stated time and time again, we can't survive without
additional parking and I want to step forward for just a second and say step three of this process is
to seek a MassWorks Public Works Grant which would allow us to get at least up to$1 million to
make improvements to the parking, streetscapes, pedestrian access and the like. The other, other
than relaxing the standards to encourage redevelopment,we would like to see a very pedestrian-
friendly shopping center, making sure we have adequate sidewalks, lighting, safety for people
coming to the area at night, also streetscapes, making the buildings harmonious so we're gonna
be looking at facades and signage but as I said,we would be happy to go through each component
of the Ordinance with you, line by line, if you feel that's necessary. We're also making sure,
we'd like to encourage residential development on the second floor of buildings. There's not that
many second floors, so you say where are these people going to live but we're hoping that with
the incentive to maximize the use of the property and I have spoken to property owners, they
would like to be able to utilize their second floor for apartments, obviously meeting Building
Code requirements, but bringing people down to this area 24 hours a day. That's it in a nutshell.
It's very comprehensive. It's,we think what the shopping center needs, a shot in the arm to, other
than cleaning up a brownfield that is a very huge issue down there, but will give property owners
a lot more flexibility to be able to use their properties and to make a go of the shopping center.
Agawam has no central business district. Walnut Street Ext even though it's not the traditional
New England style shopping center can be made to be a real asset to the community and we think
this is a step forward in that direction. Thank you.
President Johnson—Anyone else wishing to address the Council regarding TOR-2013-5?
Councilor Letellier—Can we ask questions of the speaker?
President Johnson—Certainly.
Councilor Letellier — Sorry, my microphone was falling off. Hi Debbie. I think the biggest
carrot, if I were a developer, is seeing Games & Lanes taken down and demolished. I know that
the Mayor is not in favor of that but my personal opinion and having spoken to some of the
property owners down there is, if I were a developer and I was coming to that neighborhood, if
that was my neighbor,why would I even want to be next to it? So I think the town needs to focus
more on demolishing Games &Lanes, not just saying it's bad, not just saying it's an eyesore, but
actually doing something about it.
Debbie Dachos -- I think that the Administration is 100% in support of that goal. The issue,
obviously,with Games&Lanes it's a Brownfield. We were successful and the Council supported
an application to Mass Development whereby we received $50,000 to conduct an assessment of
• the property. DEP will not let anything happen on that property until they determine the full
extent of the plume. We will be having a Public Hearing to release the findings of that study.
They weren't good. They weren't good at all. The plume has migrated off site and has gone
towards the Westfield River. There is multiple properties affected so, the issue becomes first of
all, I guess the town could potentially go in and demolish the property and put a lien on the
• property, the property's not worth anything today. The biggest concern and our consultant with
the $50,000 we hired O'Reilly, Talbot and Okun who are LSP's and they've done a monitoring
wells and we do know as I said the extent of the plume and what would be involved with not only
stabilizing the Games & Lanes site but remediating contamination offsite. If the town were to
take the property for tax title which we could very well do because the property owner has not
paid their taxes in many years and they can't, they have a DEP `inability not to pay' designation
so if we took the property for tax title, we become the responsible party and our study shows that
at a minimum, that's a $600,000 price tag because we not only have to do the continued
monitoring of the contamination that's flowing offsite but we also need to mitigate some gases
that have accumulated, percolethelene which is the dry cleaning solvent deteriorates and its final
stage over time and that's decades is a gas that's harmful to people if they inhale it so there is a
proposal to do venting under the slabs of a couple of buildings across the street to make sure that
there's no health impacts to the people who either work or live in those structures. So the big
question mark is does the town, first of all we need really good legal advice if the town were to
step in and demolish the property and put a lien on the property, how does that make us
responsible or does that make us responsible? And then the bigger question is taking it for tax
title, actually being the owner of the problem and I don't know if anybody really is prepared at
• least from what we know what the extent of the contamination is, do we want to do that? Now
fortunately the Mayor and I have done an exhaustive search of brownfields clean up companies
and one in particular does clean ups and they will not redevelop the property but they will market
it and recoup their costs and then they, you know to developers, that we feel is really ideal in this
situation and we had a gentleman who was extremely interested in the property, worked with the
property owner actually, he even and this isn't a reflection on how professional he is but he even
parked cars there during the Big E for a while with the owner's approval but he has done many
brownfield clean ups and flipped the properties and he had to back down from the project during
the recession. He was very interested and he just called me two weeks ago and said he's
interested in it again. So what we needed to be able to do is provide the information to
developers to tell them what their responsibilities in development would be and we're pretty close
to, the draft report is out, we just have to deal with one property owner who's been unwilling to
• allow us on his property. It's our ultimate goal and I think one of the business owners down there
that you're talking about said, Debbie, when they take a sledge hammer to that building, you and
I are gonna be over there with our hard hats and they I want you to come over and have a glass of
wine with me. I said definitely. Everybody wants to see it gone. I always say the good news was
the building caught on fire, the bad news was it didn't burn to the ground and now it's just sitting
• there and it's a major discussion the town has to take, what kind of involvement there should be
in it. The demolition cost is about $200,000 assuming there's no asbestos or other materials in
the building. I'm sorry, long answer.
Councilor Letellier--No, no, I was just going to say I appreciate all that detail. So demolishing
it may end up being a bigger environmental hazard if there's no plan in place to deal with the
ground and what's in the ground. Is that what you're saying?
Debbie Dachos--No.
Councilor Letellier—No,so it could be demolished without doing tax title.
• Debbie Dachos—I don't know. I don't know that,that's a legal question that—
Councilor Letellier—Well,no, I know it can be demolished without doing a tax title.
Debbie Dachos —But what is that, what are the implications and our consultant said that. What
• are the implications in terms of have you assumed responsibility once you do step onto the
property and do demolition and they said that that needed to be carefully evaluated. There is
some contamination still in the soil. You can put a use restriction on the property. You could
pave it. I mean to do it right there should be additional soil removal, that's in the cost estimate,
the $600,000, because it's gotta be removed from site and disposed of properly and then the use
restriction so the Town demolishes it, it's paved somewhat so the amount of moisture getting into
• the soil and increasing the size of the plume is not significant at this point in time but, the
building might prevent some of the, the roof is pretty much shot, but might prevent, the floor in
the building might be preventing precipitation from getting into the soil and causing a bigger
problem with the plume.
Councilor Letellier—Thank you.
President Johnson—Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas—Thank you. Debbie, I like the idea. I think it's a great idea to see something
that could be like a destination point so for the people to go walk, sit down, shop,have good time
• like a family, now I support that. This town needs something down there, a lifeline, so I see that
it's a good potential. Did you experience or did you see any other town that have something
similar? I know I visited some towns in Connecticut and they do have some idea like this, very
successful,can you tell us a little bit about it?
Debbie Dachos—About other similar projects?
Councilor Bitzas—Yes.
Debbie Dachos — Well, there are other similar projects for instance in Connecticut, I think that
we have a really unique situation because we have a 1940's/1950's strip mall basically, old brick
structures and I see capitalizing on them. I think they are, other people might disagree with me,
but I think they are a unique architecture. I see small cafes, maybe blocking off some areas for
pedestrian use only, I don't know if you like neon but that's really that era,trying to capitalize on
a 1945's/1950's strip development and then, in between the spaces, filling them in. We need to
pursue the public parking issue, whether it be at the Games & Lanes property or elsewhere and
there are other sites that would be available but trying to make it all cohesive, improve the
facades, improve the lighting, get consistent signage. It's a difficult nut to crack because there
are so many property owners but believe it or not,the buildings are historic and let's capitalize on
what's there. A lot of people say well why don't we find a developer who's gonna go in and just
raise the property and start from scratch? Well, that sounds like a great idea and no offense to
any property owners there because I know there's some in the audience, that is an exorbitantly
expensive undertaking given the number of properties and their value so I don't see that
happening. I see this giving the property owners the tools to be able to be creative with their
properties, give them some guidelines and do something with Games & Lanes and parcel by
parcel I think it will work.
President Johnson—Councilor Rossi then Cavallo?
Councilor Rossi -- Thank you. Debbie, I don't think there's anybody in this town or anybody
who's ever gone near the shopping center doesn't agree that something needs to be done down
there but I was at a couple of meetings and one in particular that you were at when we talked
about the Games & Lanes, and the Mayor took a very pointed position on that Games & Lanes
property when he said very specifically he didn't want to have anything to do with it in terms of
the town taking it over because of the responsibilities and the ramifications. Giving what we
know and the constraints that are available, I mean why are we pushing this thing forward when
we don't have any idea what this building, what's going to become of this building,who's gonna
take over this building, it appears at this point if the town isn't willing to do that, I don't know
that there's anybody in the background that's willing to come forward with this thing. With this
undertaking, it's a tremendous a monumental undertaking and this is not a small project that
• we're talking about over here and I don't know that there's, I have a lot of questions that I think
would probably be better answered in a workshop type of an atmosphere than this. I think one of
the questions or the biggest question I have is why are we going forward with this thing when we
have absolutely no idea what we're doing with the Games & Lanes and shouldn't that be
addressed before we even talk about redevelopment down there?
• Debbie Dachos—Well, as I mentioned, depending on how I add 17 to 19 properties, are all in the
shopping center, Games & Lanes is one property, yes it's an eyesore, it's awful, it's a blighted
area by enacting and I'm a Planner by training, the zoning we have there currently will never
encourage somebody to take on Games & Lanes because it's too restrictive, the property's zoned
industrial, the side yard setback/rear yard requirements, if you're gonna take that kind of risk and
• take on that property, you're not gonna take it on with the current zoning. So I think it's a
simultaneous, we've got two projects going on at once, unfortunately EPA clean up funds are not
available to private property owners. They're only available to municipalities. So I think it's a
dialogue that needs to occur but it's a separate, it's a separate and same kind of issue. We have to
pursue improved zoning in that area. We all know Agawam Zoning Ordinance is in the dark ages
and we really need to make some improvements. We did look at Northampton, obviously
Northampton's a totally different animal but they relaxed the requirements to encourage
redevelopment of their properties so let's make the Games & Lanes as well as all the other
properties out there attractive because people know they can come in and they can have multiple
options in terms of how to use the property as opposed to the way it is now. The way it is now is
not working and it won't work and so what is the harm of going ahead and improving the zoning
while we simultaneously try to figure out what's gonna happen with Games&Lanes?
Councilor Rossi—Well, one of the dangers that I see off hand and as I said it would probably be
better that we discuss this at a workshop situation but if we go ahead and improve this type of a
zoning, what you're asking us to approve here as an additional zoning this Business C class,
which actually takes pretty much the controls out of the Town of Agawam because it's a by right
• zoning that you're asking us,to do as opposed to say an overlay district where you could still
maintain controls and keep the desirability of your designs, how you want things to work and
stuff like that because what you're doing here by this as I see is we're just taking away the Board
of Appeals process, the Special Permitting process away by this by right zoning and the other
danger is here that the management of commercial property is one thing,the management of retail
property is one thing, but then when you start talking about residential property, you're talking
about a whole new breed altogether which makes it even more difficult and even more expensive
and even more complicated if you will. So I think all of those things have to be taken into
consideration as just exactly what we want to do in terms of that and how much zoning control do
we want to give up on those kinds of things? I agree with you that our zoning is inadequate. I
mean I know it needs to be streamlined, we've been talking about it for many, many years but I
don't think adding to the complexities of all of these things is gonna solve our problems. I think
• what we need to do is actually go in there with an in depth look and evaluate just exactly where
we are or where we'd like to go but if we allow this to go with a by right and losing the controls
that it looks like we're gonna be losing over here, I don't think that that's what we should be
doing at this point, at least that's my view unless you can give me another answer to that.
• Debbie Dachos — Sure. It doesn't release any of the town's control over anything that currently
goes on there. If you look in the Ordinance, there are uses that are allowed by Special Permit.
Those are actually, they've increased in number over what currently the Board of Appeals
currently has control over, so I don't, I think you have a misconception of what an overlay district
is. This Ordinance says these uses are allowed by right, currently they are allowed by right, it
says these uses are allowed by Special Permit and it increases the number of uses that would
• require a Special Permit. Industrial uses in the Town of Agawam, unless they're offensive or
hazardous, are allowed by right. Do you want an industrial use on Walnut Street Ext? I would
think not. I would think that we should encourage mixed use with office retail and some mixed
housing and I just think that we need to discuss what you think an overlay district is because it
doesn't, overlay districts don't, I don't know what to say, what we're proposing does not
relinquish any review authority on the part of the Town of Agawam so we'll have to talk about it
more Bob.
President Johnson—Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo — I just wanted to say that I like the concept. In fact about four years ago
when I ran for Mayor, that was a long time ago, I did visit in Connecticut one of these properties
but the difference is there was a golf course, a nine hole golf course, are you familiar with this
property? It was a nine hole golf course and it was purchased by a developer whoever it may
have been and it is really unique. It was absolutely incredible. There were restaurants,there were
law offices, there were insurance offices, there wasn't much in the way of residential but
everything else you talked about was there but you know it was a little different because they had
property and they built on the property and they had a lot of high end, because the area warranted
it, a lot of high end shops and restaurants and so forth, getting closer to Hartford you're gonna
find that but it really was unique. I parked the car, walked around, it was all outside, it was
summer, it was really a lot of al fresco dining and it really can make a lot but as Councilor Rossi
pointed out and having gone to that meeting,you know I was there, my concerns were a lot about
the health and welfare of the community, I would like to see it pulled off but again, I kept on
going back to what the Mayor said and what his attorneys said and that is we assume liability if
we get involved with any kind of deals with the Games & Lanes and I think with that you're in
between a rock and a hard place so to speak. I think that's the nemesis in that whole project is
that Games & Lanes and until you can conquer that and somehow if you're lucky enough to get a
developer to come in and do something but boy it's like playing the lottery tomorrow night, it's a
chance of,the chances of someone coming in there are slim to none right now. But I applaud you
for this. I think this is great and also for the people that are there now, the tenants that are there
now,but there are still a lot of mountains to climb here. Thank you.
President Johnson—Any other questions for Ms. Dachos? The Public Hearing is open. Anyone
else wishing to speak on TOR-2013-8?
• Corinne Wingard — Thank you. Good evening. My name is Corinne Wingard. I live at 194
Elm Street in Agawam and I am very supportive of this proposed new zone. Regarding Games&
Lanes which we're all concerned about, it gets to be a catch 22 if anybody remembers that novel
from all those years ago. I think that if we are successful with this new zone and this new mixed
use plan, we will be in much better position to have someone actually take on and solve the
46 problem of Games & Lanes as Debbie was saying and I think if we keep waiting until we get it
solved, we're not gonna, it's like going around and around, we're not getting anywhere. I think
this is wonderful for the town. It gives us options. This is an area that has long been a concern to
just about everybody. This is really the gateway to our town and it's frankly not oh good
welcome to our town, it's not appealing. It is awful and I don't mean it that way, it just doesn't
look good, it's just, there's a lot of great businesses, some of my friends own businesses there but
411 it's not an appealing area and people have been talking for years about we need to do something
about this area to make it better and this is an option. This is a proposal that gives us options for
making it better. Also, the state is focusing more and more on mixed use developments. They
really like it. They're starting to put money into it. We have the opportunity here again to get in
on the ground floor and get money from the state for the infrastructure needs of the project. I
1111 don't know about you but I get really tired of reading in the paper about all the towns around us
getting money from the state and I'm sitting here going hmmmm...this is an opportunity for us to
be in on the ground floor so I really I thank Deb Dachos and the Planning Department and the
Planning Board, they've put a tremendous amount of work into this project and I'm so glad
you're having a workshop. I hope I can attend it as well. I think it's a really winning proposition.
Thank you.
President Johnson — Anyone else wishing to address the Council on TOR-2013-8? Anyone
wishing to speak in opposition to TOR-2013-8? Anyone wishing to be recorded in name only in
opposition to TOR-2013-8? Seeing none, at this point, we're working with the Planning Board to
try to set up a workshop with them in January so I believe that it probably would make sense for
us to keep the Public Hearing open and continue it to our next regular meeting which is our
January 21, 2014 meeting so that if the product of that workshop happens to be changes, then we
have the Public Hearing already advertised and open. Given that I would entertain a Motion to
continue the Public Hearing? Moved by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by Councilor Cichetti.
Questions or discussion on continuing the Public Hearing? Hearing none, all those in favor of
continuing the Public Hearing to our January 21" meeting say Ay? Any opposed? The Public
• Hearing is continued. Now that we've continued the Public Hearing, just as a matter of
housekeeping, the Chair would entertain a Motion to table TOR-2013-8 until our January 21'
meeting. Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilors Rossi and Rheault. All those in
favor of tabling TOR-2013-8, say Ay? Any opposed? The item is tabled.
Item 10. Dld Business
1. TO-2013-24 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Agawam Auto Mall,Inc.825 Springfield Street,Agawam, MA
(Clerk)(Tabled 12/2/13) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
President Johnson—Is there a Motion to take the item off the table? Motion to take off the table
by Councilor Calabrese, is there second? Seconded by Councilor Bitzas. All in favor of taking
the item off the table say Ay? Any opposed? Hearing none, the item is off the table. I believe it
was moved and seconded at our last meeting. I know Attorney Skolnick is here representing the
applicant and wishes to address the Council on the item. We have a Motion to go into Committee
as a Whole made by Councilor Letellier and seconded by Councilor Calabrese. All in favor of
going into Committee as a Whole say Ay?
Councilor Rossi—Point of Information?
President Johnson—Councilor Perry,your point?
Councilor Perry—Yes and I understand where you're coming from George, we kind of jumped
the gun on the Committee as a Whole. We, I being part of the sub-committee, are recommending
to the Full Council that we leave it on the table so we can get some more information to bring to
the Full Table and he'll still have an opportunity for the applicant to speak to us at our next
meeting. To get his view right now without the other information that we're looking for doesn't
make sense so that's why we're really looking to keep it on the table so we can air it all out in
another sub-committee meeting and in front of the Full Council. That is all we're looking to do.
Councilor Bitzas — With all my respect to Councilor Perry, we have this on the table for many,
many weeks now—
Councilor Perry—And it's on the table why George?
Councilor Bitzas—Why's not—
Councilor Perry—What are you trying to avoid?
• President Johnson — I'd ask that we, we have a Motion to table in front of us, theoretically
there's no discussion on a Motion to table and we're engaging in excessive discussion so at this
point I would ask the Clerk to call the Roll on the Motion to table. If you're in favor of putting
the item back on the table,vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no.
• ROLL CALL—9 YES,2 NO (Councilors Bitzas and Johnson)
President Johnson—With a vote of nine yes, two no,TO-2013-24 is back on the table.
2. TO-2013-51 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Malkoon Motors, 1039 Springfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA(Referred to
Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilor
Rheault. I might ask Councilor Rossi for the Admin Sub-Committee report on TO-2013-51
• Councilor Rossi —Yes, thank you. The committee did meet and discuss these items and it was
unanimously agreed to send a positive recommendation for all of these licenses to be reissued and
for the purposes of convenience, Mr. President, if you want the, or if the Council so pleases, we
could consolidate TO-2013-51 Malkoon Motors, 1038 Springfield Street; TO-2013-52 Dealer's
for RNK Auto Sales, 28 Moylan Lane in Agawam and then we have 2013-56 Class 2 Dealer's
• License for Elias Auto, 1123 Suffield Street, we can consolidate those, all the committee sends a
positive recommendation for approval.
President Johnson — So we have a Motion to consolidate TO-2013-51, -52 and -56, is there a
second on that Motion? Motion made by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilors Cavallo and
Cichetti. Questions or discussion on the three Class 2 Dealers licenses which again are Malkoon
• Motors,RNK Auto Sales and Elias Auto? Seeing none, if you're in favor of granting or renewing
those Class 2 Dealer's licenses, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the
Roll please?
• President Johnson—With a vote of eleven yes, you've approved TO-2013-51, TO-2013-52 and
3. TO-2013-52 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for RNK Auto Sales,28 Moylan Lane,Agawam,MA (Referred to
Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
President Johnson—Approved please see Item# 2.
4. TO-2013-53 -Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device for Ray-Mor,Inc.d/b/a The Elbow,386 Walnut Street,
Agawam,MA(Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
President Johnson — Is there a consolidated Motion to approve those four Automatic
Amusement Devices (TO-2013-53, TO-2013-54, TO-2013-55, TO-2013-57) Moved by
Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilors Rossi, Cichetti and Letellier. Question or discussion,
the Committee Chair has also indicated there's. a positive recommendation on those four
automatic amusement device licenses. Seeing none, if you're in favor of granting or renewing
• those amusement device license,vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the
Roll please?
President Johnson—With a vote of eleven yes and zero no, you've approved TO-2013053, -54,
-55 and -57.
5. TO-2013-54 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device for Home Plate Sports Bar,LLC,827 Springfield
Street, Feeding Hills,MA(Referred to Administrative Committee)(Clerk)
President Johnson—Approved please see Item#4
6. TO-2013-55 -Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for do Automatic
Amusement Device for The Main Street Still,Inc.,858 Suffield Street,
Agawam,MA(Referred to Administrative Committee)(Clerk)
President Johnson—Approved please see Item# 4
7. TO-2013-56 -Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Elias Auto, 1123 Suffield Street,Agawam,MA (Referred to
. Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
President Johnson—Approved please see Item# 2
S. TO-2013-57 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device for Ferrentino's Inc.,d/b/a Ferrentino's Pizzeria&Pub,
1676 Main Street,Agawam,MA(Referred to Administrative Committee)
• (Clerk)
President Johnson—Approved please see Item# 4
Item]]. New Business
1. TR-2013-50 -A Resolution to Appropriate Funds for Agawam Police
Supervisors Association,Agawam Clerical Employee's Association,
Agawam Department of Public Works Employees' Association,Agawam
Police Patrolman's Association,Agawam Building Maintenance Association,
Agawam Administrative Union,AFL-CIO,Local 1973 Firefighters'
Association (Mayor)
President Johnson---That'll go on to our next regular Agenda. In conversation with the Council
Vice President, we are planning to call a workshop to discuss that item along with TR-2013-54, -
55 and-56 which we'll get to momentarily.
• 2. TO-2013-58 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for Automatic
Amusement and Weekly Amusement Device(s) for The Quest,Inc. d/b/a
Michael Anthony's, 1251 River Road,Agawam,MA (Clerk)
President Johnson—That'll be referred to the Admin Sub-Committee,next Agenda.
3. TO-2013-59 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Balfor Motors, 1801 Main Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk)
President Johnson—That'll also go to rferred to the Admin Sub-Committee,next Agenda.
4. TO-2013-60 -Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for P. J. Lapointe d/b/a The Car Connection,820 Springfield Street,Feeding
Hills,MA. (Clerk)
President Johnson—That'll go to the Admin Sub-Committee,next Agenda.
• 5. TO-2013-61 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's.LICENSE
for R. Conlon d/b/a Motor City Car Co.,91 Ramah Circle North,Agawam,
MA. (Clerk)
President Johnson—That'll go to the Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
• 6. TO-2013-62 -Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for Automatic
Amusement and Weekly Amusement Device(s) for Sabre Entertainment
d/b/a Bourbon Park,360 North Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA(Clerk)
President Johnson—That'll go to the Admin Sub-Committee,next Agenda.
7. TO-2013-63 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Dino Carando d/b/a Euro Imports,325 Main Street,Agawam,M.A.
President Johnson—That'll be referred to the Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
8. TR-2013-52 -A Resolution confirming the Appointment of Tricia
O'Grady-Howard, 121 Reed Street,Agawam,MA 01001 to Planning
• Board to a Term Expiring January 1,2018(Mayor)
President Johnson That'll go on to our next regular Agenda which of course is our January 21$'
9. TR-2013-53 -A Resolution accepting a grant from the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts State 911 Department pursuant to Massachusetts
General Laws Chapter 44,Section 53A to the Agawam Police Department
President Johnson—That'll go on to our next regular Agenda.
10. TR-2013-54 -A Resolution to appropriate$4,547.00 from Agawam Golf
Course's Retained Earnings Account to fund the Agawam Golf Course's
Regular permanent,Golf Overtime Accounts (Mayor)
President Johnson—That'll go on to our next regular Agenda.
• 11. TR-2013-55 -A Resolution to appropriate$8,040.00 from the Agawam
Wastewater Department's Retained Earnings Account to fund the Agawam
Wastewater Department Regular Permanent,Regular Temporary and
Wastewater Overtime accounts (Mayor)
• President Johnson—That'll go on to our next regular Agenda.
12. TR-2013-56 -A Resolution to appropriate$11,832.00 from the Agawam
Water Department Retained Earnings account to fund Agawam Water
Department's Regular Permanent,Regular Temporary and Water
Overtime accounts(Mayor)
President Johnson—That'll go on to our next regular Agenda.
13. TOR-2013-9 -An Ordinance amending the Code of the Town of Agawam
creating the position of Chief Procurement Officer as required by
Massachusetts General Laws (Mayor)
President Johnson—Which committee wants this one? It can either go to the Legislative or the
Community Relations Sub-Committee or the Finance Committee, whoever wants it.
Councilor Letellier — If I may as a point of privilege, point of information or what have you,
• come the next meeting, we're gonna have a new councilor,the old committees are gonna be gone,
so what are we referring things to, are we just assuming that the new committees are gonna
continue at least until the second January meeting for purposes of holding these sub-committee
meetings because the issue of the Procurement Officer, quite frankly I'd like that to be part of a
workshop and not just—
President Johnson—We're gonna hold a workshop on the others so I'd be glad to put that on—
concensus from everybody?
Councilor Letellier - And I have other comments to make but I will wait until `any other
business'. Thank you Chris.
14. TO-2013-64 -Transfer of$303,525.00-from Reserve Fund#16605-57300
in the amount of$93,525.00 and Salary Reserve#16605-57350 in the amount
of$210,000.00 to the following accounts (Mayor)
COUNCIL REGIII_AR PERMANENT 11111 51010 - $ 857.00
MAYOR REGULAR PERMANENT 11211 51010 - $ 5,mi-00
AUDITOR REGULAR PERMANENT 11341 51010 $ 3,406.00;
1611 51010 $ 3.643.00
IT REGULAR PERMANENT 11541 51010 $ 3,128.00
PERMANENT 11381 51010 $ 6,912.00
POLICE REGUI,.AR PERMANENT 12101 53010 $ 65.247-00
POLICE REGULAR TEMPORARY 121 O1: 51020 $ 310.00
POLICE OVERTIME !12101 51030 $ 4,434.00
POLICE HOLIDAY 12101 51050 $ 500,00
POLICE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 12101 51070 $ 275.00
POLICE COURT TIME 12101 5 1080 $ 1,600.00
POLICE SCIENCE COLLEGE- 12101 5l 120 S B 470,00
POLICE FIREARMS QUALIFICATION 12101 5l 1 30 - $ .4.600.00
. ..
POLICE LONGEVITY 12101 1220i; 31400 $
FIRE REG EM ULAR PRANE3dY' S101O $ 37,077.00
FIREREGULARTENMORARY -12201 51020 $ 500.00
FIRE OVERTIME 12201; 51030 $ 7,500.00
FLRE HOLIDAY 12201 i 51050_ $_ .340.00
HFAi TH RE,OULAR PERMANENT 151 OI 51910 $ 2.469.00
LIBRARY REGULAR PERMANENT 16101, 51010 S 17.739.00 t
COA REGULAR PERMANENT .15411 51010 $ 6,131.00 ,
COA REGULAR TEMPORARY _15411 51020 - $ 824.00
PUBLIC WORKS REGULAR PERMANENT -14001: 51010 $ 5,501.00
HIGHWAY REGULAR PERMANENT :14201- 51010 $ 27,973.00
HIGHWAY RFiOULAR TEMPORARY -14201 51020 ; $ 80.00
MGILWAY OVERTIME 14201 51030 ' $ 900.00
HIGHWAY SNOW&ICE OVERTIME 142011 51031 $ 1.900,00,
ENGINEERING OVERTIMF_ 1410I 51030 $ 10.00
BUILDING MAINI3=:4ANCE OVERTIME .11921 51030 S 1,200.00
BOARD OF APPEALS 16604' 51 I OO _ $ 454,00.
President Johnson—That'll also go on to the workshop Agenda, how's that?
Item 12. Any other matter that may le all come be ore the CityCouncil.
President Johnson —We'll start down this end with Councilor Cavallo?
i Councilor Cavallo — Well, I'd like to again, wish Bob, hopefully you'll be back soon. I
didn't know you that well but I think we got to know each other pretty well, again, we
agreed, disagreed, but you're a hard worker and you did a good job and I'm still looking
for those signs. Someone must have taken them. It's gonna cost you more money in two
years then but again good luck.
President Johnson —Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas —Two things. First of all I'd like to thank Bob for all he served for the
town and I wish you the best and the second is to wish you all Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Years and also Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all the people of
Agawam and Barbara too. Thank you.
President Johnson—For the last time, Councilor-elect Suffriti?
Councilor-elect Suffriti — Thank you Mr. President. Bob, I wanted to say I want to
• thank you for your services as you've done throughout these years. I've watched this
Council provide to the town and I do know that I have some pretty big shoes to fill over
there in your seat and I look forward to the opportunity to show that I have that strength
as you did over the years to provide what is right for the citizens and business owners in
this town. So I do want to thank you for, it's hard to see you leave but in the same
• respect I'm happy that I'm becoming part of the Board to represent but Bob thank you
very much for your time and service and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to
everybody out there.
President Johnson —Councilor Calabrese?
Councilor Calabrese—Thank you so much for all of your years Bob. I know you served
as a really'great mentor to me in my early days on the Council and you really kind of
gave me a template to follow and I greatly appreciate that and in the same vein 1 really
look forward to working with our new councilor coming in the new year. I wish
everybody a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and stay safe out there make sure you
enjoy the holidays, be healthy, be happy, thank you.
President Johnson—Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti — Just echo the sentiments so far that's going around the table and
I'm sure it's gonna keep going, Bob we are gonna miss you. It's been a pleasure working
with you and keep those signs — we'll see you in two years. Again, Merry Christmas,
Happy Holidays,everyone, and Happy New Year and be safe. Thank you.
President Johnson—Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry — Yes, thank you Mr. President. Again, Bob, it's been a pleasure my
friend, it really has. I want to wish all of my colleagues Happy Holidays, Merry
Christmas, Happy New Year. To all the people watching out on TV, to the two people
we have in the audience, to Barbara and our camera crew, Happy Holidays, thank you!
President Johnson—Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault— Yes, I echo the sentiments of my previous councilors and certainly
Bob, we've spent many, many hours together. I had the pleasure of having you as Vice
President as well as the time that you spent on the Council floor. I know where your
heart is — it's in the Town of Agawam — and it's a shame that somebody has to lose but
somebody does lose. To all the members of the Council and their families, I wish you a
very Merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy and long and prosperous New Year. Up
in the crew, they're diligent, they're here every meeting and they're seldom recognized—
the best to both of you up there, at least two of you that I see and to Tony, I can say Tony
now because you're not officially a councilor so welcome and I'm sure that you'll serve
the town well in your new capacity and thank you.
President Johnson —Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern -- I just want to take this time to say my thank you's rather than
doing it earlier, I wanted to say thank you to everybody sitting up here. It's been my
honor and privilege to serve on this Council and serve the people of Agawam the best
that I knew how. It's a town that I love, it's my hometown, I grew up in it and I really
have been blessed to be able to serve up here as long as I have, I wish Tony well and I
want to just wish everybody a very, very Merry Christmas and may God bless you and
Barbara thank you for all of your support and I just wish that the Council could have
taken up a little bit extra and bought the batteries for the clock. Thank you very much.
God bless and have a great year!
President Johnson—Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo — I know Don had mentioned hours, I'm gonna say it's been fourteen
years? So we've been together for fourteen years, boy, I've learned a lot from you.
• When we both got elected—we.were a lot younger—ha, both of us, or a lot of us here but
it's been a pleasure working with you, it really has. I enjoyed it and you'll be missed and
I'd just like to wish everybody Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to my colleagues
and everybody out in the audience and the crew upstairs. Thank you.
President Johnson —Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi — Thank you Mr. President. Bobby, again as everyone here, I want to
wish you well for the future, I don't know what it's gonna hold for you, hopefully you
might consider coming back and I know it's a difficult time to see you leave here but I
can tell you one thing and that's the Town of Agawam has certainly gained from your
• presence on this City Council and you will be missed I'm sure. I know you'll be missed
by me and by people that sit up here with you that have had an opportunity to work with
you over the years but again, I wish you well and think very seriously about maybe
coming back or maybe trying something different because I believe you still have a lot to
offer to the community and the general area for that matter. I know you have other
• interests but I'd also like to wish everybody a very happy and healthy Christmas holiday
and Merry Christmas to everybody and stay well and stay safe. And I just would like to
say to my councilors I won't be able to attend this holiday party that you have planned. I
will be away. It's one of the very first times in my life that I've taken off for Christmas
holiday and I had an opportunity to do that and I talked to my family and we're all in
• agreement that we're gonna be leaving for a little while so I'm going to take off over the
Christmas holiday and be back for New Year's Eve however but I'll miss your party by
about a day so I wish you all the very best, a very happy and healthy New Year.
! President Johnson—Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier - I'll do my best not to be redundant. Bob, hello, I so respect your
dedication to the town and I know that we have not always agreed on issues but we've
respectfully disagree and that's what democracy is all about. Thank you for reminding us
! about our history. Thank you for keeping us tied to our history. I know you are going to
continue to serve the town whether it's here or whether it's somewhere else and certainly
you have more time for Rotary now! So I wish you and Peggy all the best. I want to
wish everybody a very happy, healthy New Year and a Merry Christmas and just as one
small business matter—Barb, if you wouldn't mind, not before Christmas, but before our
• workshop contacting the other local cities and towns and finding out their job description
for their Chief Procurement Officer, what the salary is, etc, etc. I think that'd be helpful
to have for the workshop. Thanks everybody.
President Johnson —To finish this off, I wanted to obviously extend the invitation to our
annual holiday party. We didn't give you the batteries because you've got to come to the
party to get those Bob so it's gonna be Monday, December 306. it's in between the
holidays this year because Christmas just snuck up on us all. Bob, I've known you and
your family for a very, very long time. I've really enjoyed working with you the last
couple of years and the many years that we've both given in public service, we're gonna
• miss you. Please never be a stranger and please never forget our telephone numbers and
we hope to see you out there with a sign in a couple of years. To all of my fellow
councilors, on behalf of the Vice President and myself, I want to extend our thanks for
your support over the last couple of years. Hopefully, we've lived up to it. I do owe
Councilor Bitzas an apology for the last meeting so I extend my apologies to George. I
! kid George a lot and it only comes out of our friendship so I want to extend on behalf of
Dennis and myself our thanks to all of you. My special thanks to Barbara who as Barbara
and I are around the same age — I've got her only be about ten years I guess — but the
reality is it's the early onset Alzheimer's that I say I've got to do this, I've got to do this,
and then thirty seconds later you're walking out saying well how come I didn't do what I
said I had to do? She's the one that reminds us all of what we're supposed to do and
• where we're supposed to be so thanks to you Barbara and a very,very,very, very, special
happy birthday to the Dean of the Council who turned 39 years. I know he doesn't look
like he's 39 years old, doesn't look a day over 29 but he recently celebrated a very
significant birthday and his wife said she would shoot me on the spot if I told you what it
was but very, very special Happy Birthday to you Don during this holiday season. It's
• been great to have you sitting here next to me giving me pointers for the last two years —
I've really appreciated it but on behalf of the entire Council Happy Birthday. We'd get
you a present but you've got to come to the party —no sorry — and with that best wishes
to all of you and your families for a happy, healthy and prosperous holiday season. Best
wishes to all of the residents of Agawam and with that the Chair would entertain a
• Motion to adjourn. Moved and seconded around the house, all in favor adjournment say
Ay? Opposed? We are adjourned.------------------Adjournment.