• Minutes dated December 2, 2013
President Johnson —I'd call the meeting to order.
Item 1. Roll Call
President Johnson —I'd ask Barbara to call the Roll please?
• President Johnson —With eleven present, we have a quorum.
Item 2. Moment of Silence and the Pledge ofA11e�=iance.
President Johnson — I'd ask everyone to rise for a moment of silence and the Pledge of
Allegiance please?
Item 3. Citi en's Speak Time
President Johnson — We have no citizens wishing to address the Council at Speak Time.
• Item 4. Minutes
1. Regular Council Meeting--November 18,2013
President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded by
Councilor Perry. Questions or discussion on the minutes? Seeing none, all those in favor
say Ay? Any opposed? They are unanimously approved.
Item S. Declaration from Council President
• None.
Item 6. Presentation of Petitions.* Meurorials & Remonstrances
1. TR-2013-49 -A Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Shelby Hall-
Gibbous,49 Anvil Street, Feeding Hills,MA. to the Agawam Housing
Authority to a Term Expiring the Second Monday in January,2015 (Mayor)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by
Councilor Calabrese. Questions or discussion on the appointment or the Resolution
confirming the appointment? Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier — If I may quickly. Yes, thank you. For those of you who don't
know Shelby, she's becoming more and more.involved in our town and.when she gets
involved in something, she really does a lot of hard work and so I am assuming this is
going to be unanimous but I'd like to ask you for your support for Shelby and Shelby —
thank you!
Shelby Hall-Gibbons—Thank you!
Councilor Letellier—You're welcome.
President Johnson — Any other questions or discussion? Seeing none, all those in favor
say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous and again, on behalf of the Council, thank you
for your service.
Item 7. Re art of Council Committees
• Item 8. Elections
Item 9._Public Hearin
1. PH-2013-15 (ZC-2013-6) -A Petition for Zone Change for property
located at Sheri Lane Parcel H13 8 18, by applicants John Conte and Louis
Conte, 661 Barry Street,Feeding Hills, (Referred to Legislative Committee)
President Johnson — I believe the item is on the table so the Chair would entertain a
Motion to take the item off the table. Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded by
Councilor Rossi, all in favor of taking it off the table say Ay? Any opposed? Please note
Councilor Letellier's abstention. Next, the Chair would ask for a Motion to approve.
Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilor Rheault. At this point, the Chair will
open the Public Hearing. Anyone wishing to speak in favor of ZC-2013-6 will you
• approach the mic. I'd ask you to identify yourself with your name and address.
Rob Leveque — Thank you. Good evening. For the record, I'm Rob Leveque from R.
Leveque Associates, here this evening representing Lou Conte for his zone change on
Sheri Lane. Before you, you'll see that we have a plan, we have a few plans on this
board, the first is a plan from D.L. Bean that shows the subject property. It's basically
bisected into two zones. The front of the property is zoned Business A, the back of the
property is zoned Agricultural. We're here this evening requesting a zoning map
amendment to change the rear portion of the property from Agricultural to Business A,
fairly straight forward. If I can step away from the mic for a second, I'll show you just
• briefly —thank you— so this is the subject property here in green, the front of the property
is zoned Business, right here, this is that rectangle here, this is Agricultural, it'll show
you on your zoning map. This is where the property falls, this is Sheri Lane here, this is
the subject property and you see how it's bisected --the orange being Business A and the
white being Agricultural —and I'd be happy to answer any questions the Council has.
• President Johnson — Any questions for the Petitioner? Seeing none, anyone else
wishing to speak in favor of the zone change application? Anyone wishing to be
recorded in name only in favor of the zone change application? Seeing none, anyone
wishing to speak in opposition to the zone change application?
Adneida Rivera—Okay, my name is Adneida Rivera and I live at 41 Sheri Lane and you
probably have already noticed that English is not my first language so be patient with me
and my concern as a person who is living very near where the change is going to be is the
concern that I had to pass through there because it is exactly my only exit and entrance
because it is a one-way street and I'm concerned and I don't know how they are going to
• address it in to how we are going to be impacted especially in the mornings. As it is right
now, when there's some people parked in the other business which is Partners, I have
some problems when I have to turn left because I sometimes can't see the opposite traffic
because the way it is the parking, it doesn't allow me to see especially in the winter when
there's snow there so my concern is my visibility and the parking and also because as I
• say it is my only entrance and exit and I'm also concerned about all the traffic there. I
don't know how they're going to put the, I know the hours which mean I don't know if
there's going to be any in the evenings especially on the weekends or anything. We have
children there so I'm concerned about the noise. I mean I know this is something that is
happening after I moved there but when I moved I thought it was residential although I
did know there was a business there but I Hadn't noticed the impact. So I'm more
concerned about more business making more impact and again as I say, English is not
that great. I'm better with reading than spoken language but I believe that I made the
point somehow of what my concern is and it's not only my point, I just came from the
Sheri Lane Association meeting which just finished fifteen minutes ago. We were all just
talking about this which means that not only me the only one concerned, okay.
President Johnson — Thank you. Anyone else wishing to speak in opposition to the
proposed zone change? Seeing none, anyone wishing to be recorded in name only in
opposition to the zone change. Seeing none, I'll declare the Public Hearing closed. We
have a Motion and a second for ZC-2013-6, any discussion? Please note for the record
• that Councilor Letellier has vacated the chambers as she has a conflict so I just want it
noted in the minutes on the record that she's not here because she has a conflict. Any
other discussion? Questions? The matter was referred to the Legislative Sub-Committee,
Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti - Thank you Mr. President. Our committee did meet on November
21". Present were myself, Councilors Cavallo, Bitzas and Rossi. Councilor Letellier did
let us know she was unable to make it because of her conflict. The meeting was called to
order at 6:39. We did discuss this zone change. Councilor Letellier again was not
present. The Motion was made by Councilor Bitzas and seconded by Councilor Cavallo
to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council and the vote was 4-0 in favor with
one abstention. Thank you.
President Johnson —Thank you Councilor Cichetti. Any other questions or discussion?
Seeing none, eight votes are required to pass a zone change. I'd ask Barbara to call the
Roll. If you're in favor, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no.
President Johnson — With a vote of ten yes, zero no and one abstention; you've
approved ZC-2013-6. I'd ask Barbara to get Councilor Letellier back.
2. PH-2013-16(TOR-2013-8) —An Ordinance to Amend the Code of the
Town of Agawam Zoning Ordinances§180;Mixed Use Business District.
(Public Hearing set for December 16, 2013).
President Johnson — So I'd ask for a Motion to table the item until then. Moved by
Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Rossi. All in favor of tabling, say Ay? Any
opposed? The item is on the table.
Item 10. Old Business
1. TO-2013-24 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Agawam Auto Mall,Inc. 825 Springfield Street,Agawam,MA(Clerk)
(Tabled 11/18/13) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
• President Johnson — The item is on the table. I don't know if that is, where it is to
remain? The Chair will take that as a Motion to remove the item from the table made by
Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilor Rheault. All in favor of taking it off the table
say Ay? Any opposed? The item is off the table. Just because I'm not sure at this point,
I'd ask for a Motion in favor— I'm assuming we're gonna take action on it this evening?
Councilor Rossi—Yes.
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve TO-2013-24? Moved by Councilor
• Rheault, seconded by Councilor Rossi. I'd ask Councilor Rossi for the Admin Sub-
Committee report.
Councilor Rossi—Thank you Mr. President. The Admin Sub-Committee met again this
evening. This has been an ongoing discussion with the committee for quite some time
! now going back several weeks and it has been determined that the Agawam Sub-
Committee is gonna send a recommendation that the application for renewal not be
supported and a letter be sent to them with the recommendation that his license for
renewal, This person has two licenses in the Town of Agawam, the one license for the
Agawam Auto Mall is one that is not currently being used and hasn't been used for quite
some time, in violation of Mass statute and Town Code and other violations and
• conditions that have been set forth by the Licensing Commission so based upon those
violations, the action that we've taken we deem to be appropriate. So it is the
recommendation of the committee not to send a recommendation for renewal at this time.
President Johnson — Questions or discussion? Just stepping from the Chair, I think the
Sub-Committee's recommendation is to not renew or grant the Class 2 Dealer's license, I
think if that's what the Council's going to do, we need to enumerate on the record what
the reasons are. So,just because previous litigation involving Class 2 Dealer's licenses it
• wasn't clearly stated on the Council record what the rationale was. At this point, I guess
I would ask Councilor Rossi to enumerate for the record what the rationale is for the
denial and then we can go from there with discussion.
Councilor Rossi— Okay, thank you. It has been determined that the Agawam Auto Mall
• has not maintained a business located at 825 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA to
carry out dealer responsibilities, facilities dedicated to conducting business of buying and
selling motor vehicles in a continuous and lawful manner as required by Mass General
Law, the Town Code of Agawam, Chapter 114 inclusive. In addition, information on the
application has been falsified, representing them to be truthful, providing information and
making statements on the Class 2 Dealer's application known by the applicant to be
untrue and misleading and those are the reasons that we found that those non-compliant
with Mass Statute and Town Codes for those reasons — that he hasn't maintained an
operation for several months going probably better than a year, it has been determined
that his business hasn't been lawful. In addition, I have other information here that he
• has advertised a dealership in Suffield, CT that he claims that the 825 address here in
Agawam is used as an overflow lot for this Southfield Auto Sales, 68 Bridge Street,
Suffield, CT and according; to the website at the time, it said that that address is not being
currently staffed and is being used as an overflow lot which is in violation of Mass
Statute and the conditions under which the license was issued. So based upon the
findings of this committee, those reasons and others we find that the application should
not be renewed.
President Johnson — Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas — Yes, I've got a question for the Chair or anyone on the committee. I
was the last time at your meeting and this gentleman had a lawyer and they make some
points about your committee give them a chance to comply with some requests you made
and I believe he said he'd comply. What I'm worried about is if we rush to deny the
license — first of all we'd be looking like we be anti-business and give the wrong signal
• out to the community in the times that we do need some business here. If he made some
mistakes, we give some chance not to do it again. What I'm afraid is any lawsuit. I'm
not going to be in favor of that because I'm afraid that we have a lawsuit and the town
can't afford to lose,another lawsuit. We should not be rushing into it. I request to go
again, not to vote, because we have a lot of questions and answers and I'm afraid it's a
• lawsuit coining to us. If we have concrete, concrete information that he did violate all
these things and by law, we can't do something. Fin not saying yes or not, I'm not trying
to do, but that's my concern. I think we should consult our Law Department to see how
we can do it and we have until January to deny the license, what's the rush? I just don't,
I'm afraid of a lawsuit and to be anti-business. Thank you.
Councilor Rossi—Did you want me to respond to that?
President Johnson — Well, Councilor Letellier had her light on so I would defer to her
and then Councilor Rossi and then Councilor Cavallo
Councilor Letellier — Thank you Mr. President. To be honest, I would have a much
higher comfort level if we did this in a different way. I'd like to see a written report from
• the sub-committee that all the sub-committee members vote to approve that written
report, that specifically says why they believe they have not been operating a business at
that site and what you believe is falsified on the application. You made some very
general statements here but I think if we're gonna protect ourselves from a lawsuit, which
these things are almost guaranteed when these things get denied, I think we would be
• protesting the town a lot better if you had a specific bullet point list, not general beliefs,
specific bullet point beliefs, that we believe you have not been operating a business
because you haven't had any vehicles on the site since a certain date or you haven't had
any sales since a certain date; we believe you falsified your application by saying xyz
when in fact abe is the case. I think the more specific we can get, the better it'll be for
the town. So my recommendation would be that we table this, get a written committee
report that really specifies things in particular but I won't make the Motion because I
know other people want to speak.
• President Johnson-- Councilor Rossi,then Cavallo.
Councilor Rossi — Well, I can tell you this much, that this committee has been going
over this thing for several weeks, going into months. I can tell you quite specifically that
he is violating Mass Statutes in this and by his own admission; he hasn't operating that
thing in well over a year. He filed an application for renewal in 2013 and he hasn't had
that operational at that time so that's misleading information. The law says that he must
maintain according to 140-59 that he has to maintain an operation that is continuous and
lawful during that period of time. He has to maintain log books of his sales. He has none
of that stuff. We've asked him to produce that information for us. At the last sub-
committee meeting, he gave us a log book that he had five cars that he entered in pencil
• or pen, I believe I saw pencil but I'm not gonna say it was, it could have been pen, that he
had boughten from New Hampshire dealership under the name of Falcor Motors and
those motor vehicles are now sitting on the property at 825 Springfield Street. That does
not constitute buying and selling motor vehicles for that address. When you go on a
website and advertise for a Class 2 Dealer in Suffield, Connecticut and advertise a
location in Agawam that has been duly licensed here by this community and call it an
overflow lot for that facility in Suffield and say that it's not currently being staffed here,
that is in violation of Mass Statute. Now we can put them, if the Council feels much,
feels better if I put those things in writing, I mean I have them all listed out over here, I
• could very easily send them down to Barbara and have her type it up for the whole, for
the entire Council, but you can believe me when I tell you that I would not take this
action if I thought that this would result in a lawsuit, if I thought that the committee was
not in solid standing on this. But the Council's pleasure, they can do whatever they want
with this, I am here to inform you that this person has not been operating within the
confines of the Iaw and under the conditions that were set forth when this license was
issued to him. This person has been issued two licenses and I might add, he's the only
person in a car dealership in the Town of Agawam that has two Class Z Dealer's licenses.
I don't know how that ever came into being. I don't see why anybody in this town
should be issued two licenses but he was issued two licenses. Now why he needs two
licenses to operate in the Town of Agawam? I don't know but that's the case and I'm not
• here to make that argument now. My argument is simply when he went for renewal of
this license he was less than honest on that application and that is a violation for
revocation of suspension. He wasn't maintaining an address that was in the business of
buying and selling cars in a lawful and continuous manner and that is a violation that is
subject to suspension and revocation and this Council can take whatever action that deem
• appropriate.
President Johnson — Councilor Cavallo, then Magovern?
Councilor Cavallo — Yeah, I personally, I'm gonna vote, I'd like to vote on this tonight.
1 think it's been dragged on for so long now and I think Mr. Rossi and his committee
have worked hard and they've really worked hard on other issues regarding these used
car lots and I brought up a couple issues and he has taken care of them and I think
listening to his rationale for denying the license, certainly he may put it in writing, pass it
out to us but I think there's no reason why we can't take a vote tonight and I'm gonna
deny the license, I'm voting that way, and ask Mr. Rossi in the interim if he could get that
material, those bullet points that Gina talked about, hand them to Barb and have them
type them up and we have it. Why do we have to go beyond that? I don't know. I've
listened to this gentleman give six or seven reasons why this man has been in violation
and he is the Chairperson of that committee and knows the rules and laws regarding it.
So I think we have to respect his decision and therefore I think this Council should take a
• vote tonight to deny the license.
President Johnson —Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern — I want to thank Councilor Rossi for all the hours that he's put
• into this issue and what Councilor Cavallo said is correct, Bob has put a lot of time into
this one particular issue to come up with the rationale for denying the license and I also
feel that there should be some ordinance against one agency having more than one license
but in fairness to the owner of the license, I don't know if he's attempting to sell that auto
lot and if he's attempting to sell his auto lot what we're doing is taking away his right to
sell something that has potential value which is the property and I'm afraid of a lawsuit as
well and I just want to make sure that what was said earlier about documenting
everything and it's done right so that there's no comeback on us from a lawsuit but I
would like a letter to go out to the dealer specifying that his license is about to be denied
• and if he has any reason why it shouldn't be to come to the next Council meeting and
state it to the pull Council but I ready feel that he's in violation, it should be cancelled
but again as Councilor Bitzas says, I don't particularly want to see another lawsuit come
to the Town of Agawam so I just want to make sure that this is passed by our legal
department and let the oneness of a lawsuit fall somewhere there but I do think that he
has been in jeopardy of losing the license.
President Johnson -- Councilor Letellier, if I could just step from the Chair, and perhaps
it's because we come from a little different background, both being attorneys, and it
doesn't speak to whether or not the Admin Sub-Committee has done a good job or hasn't
done a good job, I concur with Councilor Letellier and what Councilor Magovern just
said, I think that the prudent course of action is to develop the list of specific reasons why
we're contemplating denial of the renewal of the license, communicate that in writing to
the applicant, tell them that we're going to take it up at our next meeting and give them
the opportunity to appear. If they choose to appear, we can go into Committee as a
Whole at that point and listen to what they have to say and if we still feel the same way
• regarding the rationale of the denial at least at that point they can't argue that they didn't
know why, and they didn't have the opportunity to address why. So that's, stepping back
into the Chair I know Councilor Letellier you had your light on? I think it just went off.
Councilor Letellier — Yes, that's okay. I don't want my comments in any way to be
taken as I don't respect the work of the Admin Sub-Committee because I do and these are
not easy decisions to make. I've been on the Licensing Committee; I've dealt with used
car dealers before and so please don't take my comments in any way to disparage the
work of the committee. However, this is not the first time that we've denied a license
knowing that there's going to be a problem and I think it, my preference is for a written
• committee report voted on by the committee members saying yes this is what we decided
in our committee. I don't know that we have an obligation to send the dealer a letter
saying we're going to vote on this next meeting, it's already on the Agenda, he already
knows that it's gonna be on the Agenda but if people want to do that, I'm not opposed to
that. I don't think we can send a letter saying we're going to deny your license because
their vote has not been taken but I think we can say that it's going to be under
• consideration and this is the report that the Council is going to be considering and we
have two full weeks so we can definitely give the gentleman plenty of notice. So at this
point, I guess, I don't see any other lights, I'm going to renew my Motion to table.
President Johnson — I have a Motion to table made by Councilor Letellier, seconded by
• Councilor Calabrese--
Councilor Letellier—Oh, I didn't see your light, Bobby, and it's right next to me.
President Johnson,— So I would defer the Motion to table because Councilor Rossi did
• have his light on so I would give him the opportunity before I take the vote on the Motion
to table.
Councilor Bitzas —And I also too had my light on.
• Councilor Rossi —Just so the Council's aware and I'm sure that they are that even if this
Council takes action to revoke, not to renew this application; we send him a letter saying
that action's been taken and his license will not be renewed, he has a right to appeal this.
So if we send him a letter saying that his application has been denied for renewal, he does
have a process where he can appeal that decision and at that time if the City Council
wants to take it under consideration or advisement and if they want to say okay, we'll
• reverse our decision to give it to him, they can do that so I mean that's, we can deny his
application now and set the appeal process in motion if you want to and I probably would
think that might be the easier way to go.
President Johnson — We have a Motion to table. I don't want to get into further
• discussion on the item because we have a valid Motion to table and a second on that
Motion. So at this point, if you're in favor of tabling the item, vote yes. If you're
opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the Roll please`?
ROLL CALL — 6 YES (Councilors Bitzas, Calabrese, Cichetti, Johnson, Letellier
• and Magovern), S NO (Councilors Cavallo, Mineo, Perry, Rheault, and Rossi)
President Johnson —With a vote of six yes, five no, you've tabled TO-2013-24.
2. TO-2013-47 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for ACE Auto Body, 1363 Main Street, Agawam,MA (Referred to
Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Rossi and seconded by
Councilor Perry. I'd ask for the Admin Sub-Committee report on TO-2013-47, -48 and -
49, Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi — Yes, thank you Mr. President. The committee met this evening and
voted to send a positive recommendation for TO-2013-47 Order granting or renewing a
Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE for ACE Auto Body, 1363 Main Street, Agawam. Also on the
Agenda tonight was TO-2013-48 granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement
• Device for FSF Inc., d/b/a Riverboat Bar& Grill, l I South End Bridge Circle, Agawam; also on
the Agenda this evening was TO-2-013-49 a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device for
Scoreboard Bar & Restaurant, 15 King Street, Agawam — all positive recommendations for
President Johnson — Thank you. We have before us TO-2013-47. Any questions on
that Class 2 Dealer's license? Keeping with what we said at last meeting, if you're in
favor of the license, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the Roll
President Johnson —With a vote of eleven yes, you've approved TO-2013-47.
3. TO-2013-48 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device for FSF Inc., d/bla Riverboat Bar & Grill, 11 South End
Bridge Circle,Agawam,MA (Referred to Administrative Committee)
President Johnson -- Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Perry, seconded by
Councilor Calabrese. Any questions or discussion? Seeing none, if you're in favor of the
Automatic Amusement Devices, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to
call the Roll?
President Johnson — With a vote of eleven yes, you've approved TO-2013-48.
4. TO-2013-49 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device for Scoreboard Bar&Restaurant, 15 King Street,
Agawam,MA(Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
President Johnson -- Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Perry, seconded by
Councilor Calabrese. Questions or discussion? Seeing none, again if you're in favor of
the Automatic Amusement Device license, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no.
President Johnson — With a vote of eleven yes, you've approved TO-2013-49.
Item 11. New Busifress
1. TO-2013-51 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Malkoon Motors, 1039 Springfield Street,Feeding Mills, MA (Clerk)
President Johnson—That'll be referred to the Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
• 2. TO-2013-52 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for RNK Auto Sales,28 Moylan Lane, Agawam,MA (Clerk)
President Johnson —Also to the Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
3. TO-2013-53 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
• Amusement Device for Ray-Mor, Inc. d/b/a The Elbow,386 Walnut Street,
Agawam,MA (Clerk)
President Johnson —Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
4. TO-2013-54 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device for Home Plate Sports liar, LLC, 827 Springfield
Street,Feeding Hills, MA (Clerk)
President Johnson—Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
5. TO-2013-55 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device for The Main Street Still, Inc.,858 Suffield Street,
• Agawam, MA (Clerk)
President Johnson --Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
6. TO-2013-56 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
• for Elias Auto, 1123 Suffield Street, Agawam, MA(Cleric)
President Johnson — Also to the Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
7. TO-2013-57 - Order granting or renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic
Amusement Device for Ferrentino's Inc.,d/b/a Ferrentino's Pizzeria & Pub,
• 1676 Main Street, Agawam,MA (Cleric)
President Johnson — Also to the Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
8. TR-2013-51 - A Resolution Congratulating the Agawam High School
• Varsity Football Team for their undefeated season and playoff victory in the
fall football season (Bitzas)
President Johnson —That'll go on to our next Agenda.
Item 12. Any other matter that may le,-ally come before the City Council.
President Johnson —Let's start with Councilor Letellier.
Councilor Letellier — Yes, thank you. I want to correct something I stated at the last
meeting when I said the Council wasn't invited to a hearing on that new zone. We were
i invited to a hearing on the new zone. I guess the point I was trying to make is I think
things that are of this big in scope should be part of workshops. That's what we had done
when we wanted definitions updated and I think when you're wming from this where it's
completely from scratch, I think it'd be better to sit down ahead of time and work on
these things. So I apologize I did not mean to misspeak and I want to make sure that I
• put that on the record and I think for next year, whoever is on the Legislative Committee,
I know we talked about I know we want to really work on getting a lot of this zoning
stuff moving forward and I think the best way to do that is through a workshop with the
Planning Board so we can all put our two cents in. Thank you.
President Johnson — Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Did you want nee to handle that last resolution also to my committee?
• President Johnson — Since you're so under worked, no, thank you. Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo —Nothing tonight.
President Johnson —Councilor Magovern?
• Councilor Magovern — I'd just like to make everybody aware that that wonderful
column that's been in the Advertiser for many years, Walter Willard's column, I believe
he just celebrated his 150`' column that he's written and I know the amount of work and
effort that Walt put into writing these columns and it was one of the features of the
Agawam Advertiser which I think was a high point of the paper. Well, he was getting
• reaIly a nominal paycheck for doing it which was $20 per article and I really feel that it's
a shame that the Agawam Advertiser cannot afford to pay $20 an article and there will no
longer be Walter Willard's column in the Agawam Advertiser but I really think that he
did a wonderful job. It was a great column and I'm sorry to see it go.
President Johnson —Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault—Nothing this evening.
President Johnson —Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry --Nothing this evening, thank you.
President Johnson — Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti —Nothing this evening.
President Johnson —Councilor Calabrese?
Councilor Calabrese -- I do have something. I don't know if any of you had seen the
kickoff of the Macy's Day Parade but kids from First Robotics were featured with Al
Roker and some of our friends from Team Buzz were in the parade. So it was pretty
exciting. Also on Saturday, December 14`h, Agawam is once again hosting the First
Leggo League Agawam Regional Qualifier and this is something which we've done I
believe this is our seventh year, it might be sixth or seventh year, ABC40 did a nice news
article about it, everybody is cordially invited to stop by the Agawam Junior High. Most
• of the action is gonna take place between 1 Oam and 3 in the afternoon. I will again be
judging the projects and our Agawam Robotics team does an incredible job as the host
community and I really do encourage you all to come on out and check out the action on
Saturday, December 101 at the Junior High. Thank you.
• President Johnson --Thanks. Councilor-Elect Suffriti?
Councilor-Elect Suffriti—Nothing this evening, thank you.
• President Johnson —Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas —Nothing.
President Johnson — Please note that for the record, second time in two years.
Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo — Yeah, I just wanted to make a comment about last week's
workshop that we had with the Department Heads regarding Games & Lanes. I really
thought that it was well done and that there were quite a few councilors there along with
the regular committee and I think it's, there's not much we can do obviously and I think
• the arguments were presented well and we certainly aren't gonna buy the property, we
don't want to be legally responsible, liable for anything that might happen fifteen or
twenty years down the road but you know, some time in the very near future, which
would be the next ten or fifteen years, I just pray to God that we don't have something
catastrophic happening there and I know I made my point there at the beginning of the
• meeting and when we heard some of the statistics that supposedly all the state has high
standards but it really isn't that bad, you go to Connecticut they do it the right way, you
know, it's almost like, you know it's a crap shoot. It's a serious issue but hopefully we
will not have that kind of a problem down the road and I thank you for giving me the
time to speak.
President Johnson — Just a quick reminder on Employee Evaluations, the Chair will
entertain a Motion to adjourn. Moved and seconded, all in favor say Ay? Opposed?
• Adjournment.