CC MTG MINUTES JANUARY 22 2013• REGULAR MEETING OF THE A GA WAM CITY COUNCIL • Minutes dated January 22, 2013 President Johnson — I'd call the meeting to order. Item 1. Roll Call • President Johnson—I'd ask Barbara to call the roll and then I'll ask everyone to stand. ROLL CALL— 10 PRESENT, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rheault) President Johnson — With ten present, we have a quorum. Councilor Rheault is under the weather this evening and so he sends his regards. Item 2. Moment of Silence and the Pledge o Allegiance. • President Johnson —Now I'd ask everyone to rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance please? Item 3. Citizen's Sneak Time President Johnson —We have several members of the community wishing to address the Council during Citizen's Speak Time. I'd ask when you come up, if you'd state your name and address and your comments will be limited to five minutes. First is Henry Kozloski. Henry Kozloski — Henry Kozloski, 102 Meadow Street, I'm also Chair of the CPA • Committee. It is time now to finish the park. Once the park is done, we then can come together later this, or early this spring we can come up with a five-year plan for CPA to restore the other parks over a period of time so everybody can enjoy them. School Street Park has a number of things which are not in the park now. There will be a spray park for the summer, picnic areas and everything else; it's more for passive recreation than active recreation. So this should be passed so we can finish that and finish the project which has been going on since about 2002 with CPA. Thank you. President Johnson —Thank you. Next is Jill Messick? Jill Messick — Good evening. Jill Messic, 118 Princeton Avenue, Feeding Hills. I'm here also to speak in favor of the park. We've been working on this project for quite a long time and as Henry said, the second phase of the park is substantially different than the first phase of the park. The first phase is focused on playing fields, the ball field and the recreation area for the kids, the jungle gym. The second phase of the park is more for • a community gathering space. It would have tables, picnic tables, it would have nature trails, it would have interesting areas that you could use for education, going through the wetlands areas or near the wetland areas. So all in all as Henry said the spray park which 1 • there isn't one in the area so I'm very much in favor of completing the project and having this be available for our community. It's a beautiful place. It's used constantly, there are constantly people there. There are people using it even in the snow and I think that this Phase 2 would be used just as much as Phase 1 is. Thank you. President Johnson—Thank you. Next is Corinne Wingard? Corinne Wingard — My name is Corinne Wingard. I live at 194 Elm Street in Agawam and similar to Henry and Jill, I'm asking you to please approve the grant and the completion of the School Street Park. I think we are very, very fortunate to be awarded this grant. The competition was fierce and we were one of the towns who was successful in our application. I think that that's important and Phase 2 is, it's got much more for us older, we older resident of the town and I truly hope that you will be in approval of it. i Thank you. President Johnson—Thank you. Next is Doug Reed? Doug Reed — Thank you. Doug Reed, 10 Shelley Lane, Feeding Hills. As a member of the Agawam Cultural Council, we've had discussions about the park and we're very pleased with the initial plans that we've seen and the progress that's going forward so I would ask you to please support this as part of what we do on the Cultural Council, the SummerFest is a big, big thing for us. In conjunction with the DPW, the Lions' Club and The Rotary, it's a great event for the town and the creation of this next phase of the park would give a fantastic place to hold that so we're very excited about that and I just wanted you guys to think about it and continue to put some energy into this and maybe into the sewer project. Thank you. President Johnson—Thank you. Next is Magda Galiatsos? Magda Galiatsos — I'm Magda Galiatsos. I live at 21 Maple Meadows Lane and I'm here also to support the completion of School Street Park. It's a wonderful park right now and with the next phase, it will enhance the activities that Agawam can provide to its citizens, not just families and young children but also teenagers and elderly people. So I hope that the Council will accept the grant and also appropriate the funds needs to complete the park. Thank you. President Johnson —Thank you and the last citizen is Robert Campbell, Robert Campbell — My name is Robert Campbell, 681 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills and I'm here to talk to you tonight about TR-2013-3 which involves funding and equipment for active shooter training for the Agawam Police Department. Just as a way of history, in April in the 1990's we had a shooting at Columbine, 21 students were killed, a teacher was killed and it set the world kind of on fire because it was something that we hadn't seen or heard of before. Some of the tactics that were used by the police were questioned and as the awareness of these types of things evolved, we started to realize that no longer can police departments wait for SWAT teams to show up. People 2 i • are gonna die, people are gonna bleed to death as they did at Columbine and there has to be some method or mechanism to get officers into those schools immediately to stop the threat. Since Columbine to Sandy Hook, there's been thirty-one school shootings in the United States and as I left my home tonight, I was hearing about one in Texas where a community college, there was a shooting at a Community College in Texas and had it not been, according the news, for the quick police response, there would have been more than three injuries. The mode of thinking today again is that we have to get officers in quickly. We have to get officers in safely and the proposal that I have before you tonight • involves both training, it involves simunitions which are basically rounds that when you make a mistake, you know you've been shot, protective gear so it doesn't hurt too bad but we plan on training all of our officers. Back in 2002, this Council, many of you who are sitting on this Council, provided us with monies for training, tactical training, for our officers and we trained people within our department to continue that training through • our Firearms Program. The problem that we're running into now twelve years later is that the personnel changes have been so massive and there's so many new faces that these officers haven't been through the original training, they do not have the wherewithal to have an update when you weren't trained originally and it's reached that point that after Sandy Hook, we've gone over our training practices, our tactics, and we • feel that it's time now to re-train the department with more contemporary and current methods. We have been in consultation with an Agawam resident, Mr. Jim Markowski, he's a retired ATF Agent, he spent, he was with the Boston Field Division, he was the Division Tactical Advisor, he's a Special Response Team member and he does a lot of training in the area in matters such as this and being an Agawam resident, he will do very well by us. We've had discussions with him and you have the budget in front of you, His participation would run into next year where he'll also help us develop some operational plan written and to re-train ten officers next year at the fee that he's quoted us. This is something that we can't overlook. There's a lot of attention paid to this. The thirty-one communities that were hit by active shooters, I'm sure none of them in their wildest dreams ever felt that it would be them. It's like the lottery only this one you don't want to win it and you never know when something's gonna happen, when a person's gonna come in with a gun or a bomb or some weapon of mass destruction and take out one of your schools. We had experience a number of years ago with a kid that built a Napalm bomb about four houses down from the High School and had it not been for information that had gone to our DARE officer and result in a search warrant, this • thing would have probably gone off in the High School cafeteria so we're well aware that Agawam's not immune. We want to be prepared. We have officers in the schools. We have a School Resource Officer at the High School. We have two DARE officers that work the rest of the schools but we need that immediate response by our patrol officers and we want a response without casualties with our officers and that's what we hope this • training will do and we would appreciate your support. Thank you. President Johnson —Thank you Chief. • 3 • • Item 4. Minutes 1. Regular Council Meeting—January 7, 2013 President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Cichetti, seconded by Councilors Magovern and Bitzas. Any questions or discussion about the minutes? Seeing none, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? Please note Councilor Letellier's abstention otherwise unanimous. i Item S. Declaration from Council President None. • Item 6. Presentation of Petitions, Memorials & Remonstrances 1. TR-2012-64 - A Resolution re-authorizing the Application and Acceptance of a Grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs for the • Construction of School Street Park, School Street/River Road, Agawam, MA (Tabled 1/7/13) (Referred to Finance Committee) (Mayor) President Johnson — Is there a Motion to take the item off the table? Motion made by • Councilor Magovern, seconded by Councilor Bitzas. All in favor of taking it off the table say Ay? Any opposed? Is there a Motion to approve TR-2012-64? Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Bitzas. This item was referred to the Finance Committee and I'd refer to Councilor Calabrese for their report. • Councilor Calabrese — Thank you. The Finance Committee met to discuss this item in conjunction with an item later on on the Agenda, TR-2013-5, present at that meeting were fellow Finance Committee members Bob Magovern and Gina Letellier, City Councilor George Bitzas was also in attendance. We had Auditor Cheryl St. John, Chief Campbell and Lt. Eric Gillis was there, Chris Sparks was there, Richard Bennett, and Henry Kozloski from the CPA Committee were there and with the Chair's indulgence what I would like to do is give my report and incorporate the discussion that we had with regard to the item TR-2013-5 since the two dovetail. Cheryl St. John did provide us with CPA reports and the cost for the completion of Phase 2 of the School Street Park from the discussions that we had about a $2.2million starting point was what was discussed. Also, there was going back and forth in follow up to the workshop that we had had a couple • weeks prior, there was some questions as to whether we could spend $1.8million and still satisfy the grant or if that would be putting the grant amount in jeopardy and I don't know that we actually got a response. I hadn't to this date received a response to that. One hundred percent of the funding of this project is estimated to cost approximately $2.5million but we won't have hard figures until this project actually goes out for bid. What is anticipated is the set up of a Special Revenue Fund for this grant and let's see what else, what's also going to be included in paying for this park is part of the gift 4 • • money from the Berkshire Gift Account, that is going to be used. Action on this is going to be required by January 3 1" I think I have that date proper. On item TR-2012-64, Gina . Letellier made a Motion that we send a positive recommendation and that was seconded by Bob Rossi and the Finance Committee is sending a recommendation with a vote of 2-1 as a positive recommendation on TR-2012-64. Thank you. President Johnson —Thank you. Councilor Letellier? Councilor Letellier — Yes, if I may, Councilor Calabrese, maybe you could check your notes. My notes say that the question posed to Chris Sparks was whether if the $1.8million request in 2013-5 was lowered, if we would still get the $400,000 — I think you said something different. • Councilor Calabrese — No, you're right and what I was doing was I was sort of combining my report on TR-2013-5 with my report on TR-2012-64. Councilor Letellier—Okay. Councilor Calabrese—No, you're right. Thank you. Councilor Letellier —And the Council, for the town to get the money, my notes indicate that the Council must pass the Resolution and the town must return the acceptance of the grant to the State by January 31 st . • Councilor Calabrese—That's correct. Councilor Letellier — Okay, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. Thanks. • President Johnson — Point of information. By my conversation with Mr. Sparks, he indicated that the $1.8million that's associated with TR-2013-5 is the minimum that we would need to appropriate to leverage the full amount of this particular grant albeit the park's estimated cost at this point is a little north of$2.5million. That's what he said the minimum we would need to appropriate in order to get the full $400,000 which is the • subject matter of this grant. Councilor Bitzas, you had your light on? Councilor Bitzas — Yes, that's exactly what you said it was because in the paper, there's an article here last week, in last week's Advertiser and according to Bonfiglio without the $1.8million, the CPA funding, the town would lose the grant so this is official. It came • from her too. So as far as I have the mic now, I would like to discuss this item and I believe we should not lose the opportunity to vote for it tonight because otherwise we'd be, our next meeting would be after February, so we're going to lose anyway. We have to act one way or the other and I urge the Council to vote in favor. Thank you. • President Johnson—Councilor Rossi? 5 0 • Councilor Rossi — Yes, thank you. I think getting grant money is always a good idea however I'm a little, I have some concerns and reservations about this $400,000 grant • because it's attached to the City coming up with at least $1.8million on a project as was stated is going to be north of $2.5million. If we vote to approve this 5400,000 grant application and receive this money, it means we're obligated to come up with this money, this S1.8million in order to receive that and I'll speak later on as to the other item on the Agenda here but for the purposes of this grant money, I think that we're losing our focus here a little bit and I don't want to take anything away from the park. I think that the • park is a wonderful park. I think that they did a great job so far but I think we've lost our focus. I think we're losing our way, that there are other priorities in town that must be addressed before we start putting more money into a School Street Park. There's members on this City Council here who argued against or argued for using CPA money for the track in the High School renovations up there, something that this Council and lot • of these members and myself included for years have been fighting the CPA legislation to get this passed so we can use this money for other town properties that we own for rehabilitation and renovations and now that it's been passed, we haven't developed any kind of a long-range plan to put that into effect and I think we need to do that. I think the Coalition has said that the town is obligated to put together a long-range plan, a five year plan. The CPA Commission voted at one of their meetings that they would not authorize any expenditures until a plan was in place and yet they voted to authorize this money to further advance this park without ever going into looking at the other needs that this town has and I think that we're remiss by doing that and I think that we need to sit back a little bit and maybe developing some priorities to put it into some other areas in this town. • Maybe there aren't any but at least I think that the town deserves an opportunity to have us put some thought process into other areas in this town that may need our CPA money. President Johnson — Councilor Letellier, then Councilor Magovern. Councilor Letellier — Thank you. I respectfully disagree with Councilor Rossi. When we were at the sub-committee meeting, we were given a print out of what's in the various accounts for the CPA. Even assuming that the town spends $1.8million without any reimbursement, there'll still be $2.1million in that account plus after July 1" when we move into the next fiscal year, we're gonna get another deposit. We continue to earn interest. There'll be money from the Berkshire Gift Account. As of our meeting, we have an Unreserved Fund Balance of$61,500; a fund balance reserved for Open Space of $638,000; Fund Balance reserved for Historic Resources - $382,000; I'm rounding; fund Balance reserved for Community Housing - $413,000; Reserved Fund balance - $2,023,000; Budgeted Reserve - $332,000. So the money is there to do the park. I think by doing Phase 1, we've committed to the town to do this park. It's a destination park. It's a wonderful park. I think you would agree that the SummerFest is outgrowing its space at the green, there's no parking, there's inadequate restroom facilities. This will allow us to have a concession stand. If we want to, the town can set up a Revolving Fund to charge companies, families, whoever, that want to rent the pavilion space. Additionally as we spend the money on the various parts, we can submit it for reimbursement right away, we don't have to wait until we spend the whole $1.8 to start applying for the reimbursement grant. If we don't accept this grant, we probably have to 6 • • wait two more fiscal years to get into the next grant cycle and if we don't accept this grant as a I'm just trying to make sure I get my notes right here, if we don't qualify for . this grant, if we get a smaller grant, that's going to be $100,000. As Chris Sparks said once we commit to the grant, once we commit to the architectural drawings, we can cut. When Phase 1 was done, cuts were made once the budget came in. Cuts can still be made but I think to say no to $400,000 would be a shame. So I would respectfully request that the Council pass this. Thank you. • President Johnson —Councilor Magovern? Councilor Magovern —A lot of what I was gonna say Gina has said as well as Councilor Rossi, I think the money is in the CPA for the $1.8million. I don't want to see us go much over the $l.Smillion and we would lose the $400,000 if we didn't approve this. I saw the budget figures for the Phase 2 portion of the park. I think there's a lot of fat in there. I don't think it will come anywhere near that $2.5million that they want so I think that there's a lot of areas that could be cut so I'm in favor of the passage of this but what Councilor Rossi said is very, very, very true. We need that five-year plan as to what the future holds for the parks in this town. We're doing something now with Borgatti Field • at our last meeting; I think that was very good. We've got to redo that track. I don't think that's a question of if we have to redo that track, it's a question of how we're going to redo that track so I don't think that that's gonna, this is not gonna impede redoing the track up at the High School because that's a necessity. So I'm in favor of the proposal. I'm in favor of us getting the $400,000. If we don't pass it tonight, we lose that $400,000 which would give us more options when we finally get the budget in for the School Street Park because if we don't get the $400,000 we're gonna have to cut that much more out of the park and I don't want to see it cut down that drastically. So I'm in favor of it. Thank you. President Johnson—Councilor Calabrese then Councilor Mineo. • Councilor Calabrese — Thank you. I think Councilor Rossi and I are on the same page. I look at this as a matter of priority of spending of tax payer dollars. To me it's almost like if somebody has a home that geez you know the roof is leaking, our Town Hall is antiquated; we need new shingles, we need new sidewalks but gee, I really, really want • that coy pond in that back. It seems to me that we have a lot more priority in town that needs to be addressed. I love the park too and I know that the CPA works very hard to administer this money well and effectively and I really applaud them for doing this job because it's a very difficult job and they do it very well. I'm just philosophically opposed to spending this kind of money on a park when we have a Town Hall that's handicap inaccessible, sidewalks that our students can't walk on to go to school, I'm talking about Robinson, I'm talking about Granger, I'm talking about the Jr. High, people, you've seen it, people walking down the street because the sidewalks are all rutted and have roots coming up in them, they're unsafe. I think that we really need to talk about improving our infrastructure before we spend money on some of these niceties • so I am going to be voting no on this grant and on the CPA expenditure. Thank you. 7 • President Johnson —Councilor Mineo then Councilor Cavallo. . Councilor Mineo — I just wanted to say that I agree with Councilor Letellier and Councilor Magovern. I think we started this park, I think we need to finish the park. I think there's some ways we can be creative, I know the track was.mentioned. I think we should pay for the park out of the CPA funds and I think that we should bond out for the track. I think that that is a good plan. I think we can do both. • President Johnson —Councilor Cavallo? Councilor Cavallo — Yeah, I'm glad to hear that $1.8million was brought up tonight because at our last workshop there were even members of the CPA Committee that were concerned about the price, the cost of it, in fact I don't know if they're, I'm gonna vote for it but I don't know if there was unanimity among your council, the CPA people, that were totally in favor of it. I heard some rumblings that it wasn't a but again the point is that it is a large expenditure and we have to keep in mind it's tax payers dollars still no matter which way you look at it, it's on our real estate bill, but it's attached to our real estate bill but also we made quite a few suggestions to the committee about some changes that we hope to see implemented and I'm hoping that in the very near future, we can get together again once this goes forward so we can talk about some of those changes. The other point I wanted to make is that there was a discussion also at the workshop about the other areas of town, in particular the Feeding Hills area has been neglected for quite some time and I think we should focus in a little bit more in the future on taking care in particular that area of town. So I will give it an affirmative vote tonight. First I came in with a little reluctance because I was concerned about the size of the amount of money but again we don't want to lose the $400,000 and by the same token I think we should sharpen our knives a little bit, our pencils rather, and when we get into the final figures I think we should see if we could cut as much as we possibly can because it is a sizeable amount to do the park but I will vote in favor and hopefully in the next two or three months we'll be meeting again and working with you on working on the final plans for the park. Thank you. President Johnson— Councilor Letellier? • Councilor Letellier — Yes, I'll be brief: I'm just concerned that based on the comments of one of the councilors that the public may be misinformed. CPA money cannot be used to fix sidewalks, infrastructures and roads. By its very statutory creation, Community Preservation Act money can be used for only certain categories so to say that by voting no for this grant, you're somehow in favor of money being used to fix sidewalks and • infrastructures, completely apples and oranges and I don't want the public to think that if we don't build this park, we're gonna have this money to fix the sidewalks and the roads because that's just not the case and I'll shut up now. Thank you. President Johnson — Councilor Bitzas? • (inaudib)e—audio difficulties —no sound recorded) 8 • • President Johnson —All right, now we're checking cords. We are on now momentarily • at least. As long as we keep George off, it should work right—is that what you're telling us? (laughter) That wraps up discussion on TR-2012-64. Just so you understand the logistics, the grant is a reimbursement grant so we have to spend the money to get the money back from the state. The $1.8million if you recall from our workshop was a number selected because it's the minimum amount we need to appropriate in order to get the full amount of the grant. If the estimate for the park exceeds the $1.8million, they'll be coming back for an additional appropriation from the Council. I just wanted everyone to be aware of that. So if you're in favor of TR-2012-64; vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please. ROLL CALL — 8 YES, 2 NO (Councilors Calabrese and Rossi), 1 ABSENT • (Councilor Rheault) President Johnson -- With a vote of eight yes, two no, and one absent; you've approved TR-2012-64. 2. TR-2013-1 -A Resolution confirming the reappointment of Karl Steig, 24 Edgewood Lane, Agawam to the Historical Commission to a term expiring January 1, 2016 (Mayor) President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Magovern, seconded by Councilors Bitzas, Letellier and Cavallo. Questions or discussion? Mr. Steig is here if anyone wants to ask any questions? If not, all in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous. Congratulations Karl. 3. TR-2013-2 - A Resolution accepting a grant from Commonwealth of Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 53A to Agawam Emergency Management (Mayor) President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by Councilor Magovern. This item was referred to the Finance Committee. Councilor Calabrese? Councilor Calabrese — Yes. The Finance Committee met on January 17, 2013 and this is money that's gonna be used to purchase a weather station and portable radios. Councilor Magovern made a Motion and seconded by Councilor Letellier to send a • positive recommendation. The Finance Committee send a positive recommendation by a vote of 3-0. President Johnson --Any other questions or discussion on TR-2013-2. The amount of the grant for the public's information is $7,500.00. If you're in favor of TR-2013-2 vote yes, if you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please? 9 • • ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rheault) President Johnson —With a vote of ten yes, one absent, we've approve TR-2013-2. 4. TR-2013-3 -A Resolution accepting a grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 53A for Agawam Fire Department (Mayor) • President Johnson -- Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by Councilor Cavallo. This matter was also referred to the Finance Committee. Councilor Calabrese? • Councilor Calabrese — Yes, the Finance Committee met on January 17th. This is a $20,000 grant for the purchase for a mobile cross banding inter-operability radio system. Motion was made by Councilor Bob Magovern, seconded by Gina Letellier to send a positive recommendation. The Finance Committee sends a positive recommendation by a vote of 3-0. • President Johnson — Questions or discussion? If you're in favor of accepting the grant, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. Barbara? ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rheault) President Johnson —With a vote of ten yes, we've approved TR-2013-3. 5. TR-2013-4 - A Resolution confirming the reappointment of David Chase, 2 Colonial Avenue, Agawam to the Planning.Board to a term • expiring January 1, 2018 (Mayor) President Johnson — Moved by Councilor Magovern, seconded by Councilors Cichetti and Cavallo. Questions or discussion? Mr. Chase is here if anyone has any questions? Seeing none, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous. Again, thank you David and congratulations. • G. TR-2013-5 - A Resolution Appropriating from the Community Preservation Fund and Authorizing the Expenditure of Community Preservation Funds for the Creation, Construction and Preservation of Land as a Park for Recreational Use on Property Owned by the • City of Agawam and Located on School Street (CPA) President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Cavallo. This was also referred to the Finance Committee. I don't know if you want to add to the previous report? • i0 • Councilor Calabrese — I just wanted to add that the recommendation was made by Councilor Magovern to send a positive recommendation, seconded by Councilor Gina ! Letellier. The Finance Committee sends a positive recommendation by a vote of 2-1. President Johnson — For the public's information, this is an appropriation of$l.8million from the Unrestricted Fund of the CPA which is the Community Preservation Act money. If you're in favor of TR-2013-5, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please? • ROLL CALL -- 8 YES, 2 NO (Councilors Calabrese and Rossi), 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rheault) President Johnson--With a vote of eight yes, two no, we've approved TR-2013-5. • Item 7. Rg ort of Council Committees None. Item 8. Elections None. Item 9. Public Hearin es • 1. PH-2013-1 (TR-2012-63) - A Resolution Authorizing the Application and Acceptance of a Massachusetts Community Development Block Grant- Public Hearing Set for January 22, 2013 (Mayor) 0 President Johnson — Prior to opening the public hearing, just for the public's information the town is seeking to file a joint application with the Town of East Longmeadow for Community Development Block Grant. There were papers put out earlier this evening on the table down there that explains the various projects that would be funded if we were successful in receiving that grant. At this point, I'm going to open ! the public hearing and ask if there's anyone here that would like to speak in favor of the town's filing application. So with that (gavel), I would open the public hearing. 1 think we have a representative from Pioneer Valley to give us an explanation. Andrew Loew— Yes. My name is Andrew Locw. I'm from the Pioneer Valley Planning • Commission. I'm here tonight on behalf of my colleague Chris Dunphy who has been working with Agawam and East Longmeadow this year to assemble this grant application. As the Councilor mentioned, there is a hand-out up here if there's anyone in the audience who would like to take a look. It's right here on the table. There's also a sign-in sheet that's going around, both in the audience and up with the Council. So this is ! a public discussion of the CDBG grant application joint with East Longmeadow. The ultimate goal of this is to have a vote by the Council resolving that the Mayor may make 11 • • this grant application with assistance from the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission. A little bit of background here, this CDBG grant is federal money that is given to the state to give to smaller communities to do various community development activities. Generally speaking the projects have to serve low to moderate income people. This is a very competitive grant program. Some of you will remember that this is the second year that we've tried for a very similar grant and the third year that we've tried under this grant program. It's an eighteen month grant if it's awarded. Again this is a regional grant with Agawam as the lead community. East Longmeadow is the other community in our region. We will be looking for about $900,000 which is the maximum that the two towns can apply for. It's approximately a 50/50 split between the two communities, slightly more for the Agawam projects. The application's due February 15 and we'll probably find out in about June or July if it's awarded. The proposed projects in Agawam are the same as last year. This is a regional housing rehab program so this • would be about sixteen homes split evenly between the two communities or it could provide assistance to low and moderate income homeowners to do home repairs. We're also doing a, looking for a regional housing authority improvement project in Agawam. This would be at the Colonial Haven facility to do electrical and window repair. In East Longmeadow, it would be at the Inward Commons facility to do security doors. The * third shared project would be the Regional Americans with Disabilities Act planning project to help evaluate town facilities for compliance with the ADA laws so we can move forward and help disabled folks get around town better. The last piece would be just in Agawam, this would be designing sidewalk improvements on Springfield Street that would be between Franklin and Mill Streets. Again, overall a $900,000 application. So these projects have been put together with guidance from Community Development Advisory Committees in both towns, mostly last year because these are similar projects but we have had media coverage and advertisements this year and this public hearing. So at that point, I would ask the Council to vote on the Resolution or I'll answer any questions. President Johnson — We're not in Committee as a Whole technically but I think the information that was provided was very detailed regarding what the use of the grant would be. Is there anyone in the audience wishing to speak in favor of the grant application? Deborah Dachos — I'm sorry. I was going to introduce Andrew so I'm assuming he's already said everything that I wanted to say but if I'm reiterating please just nod. This third year, third time's a charm. We've attempted to apply for this grant. We will not try again next year. It's a wonderful source of funding for work that Councilor Calabrese was referring to — sidewalks, ADA compliance, housing rehab for some of our needier • residents, also helping out the Housing Authority with some necessary repairs. We've done really well. I really feel that this is the year that we're going to receive the funding and I'd ask for your support. Thank you. President Johnson —Anybody else wishing to speak in favor of the grant application? • 12 • • Corinne Wingard — Hello again. I'm still Corinne Wingard from 194 Elm Street. I'm also a Commissioner of the Agawam Housing Authority which makes this grant very • near and dear to my heart. Housing Authorities have been so sadly underfunded by the state for so many years and our residents have just really we need all the help we can get. These are all excellent projects. I think I really commend our town officials and the Pioneer Valley Planning Authority for making this a regional application which I think will increase our chances and I ask you to please approve this. Thank you. President Johnson—Anyone else? Jill Messick--Hi. Jill Messick, 118 Princeton Avenue, Feeding Hills. I am also in favor of this grant application. I think that the Housing Authority is ready and willing and very able to complete repairs that they have been waiting to complete but they need funding to ! do it and this is a fantastic grant and I hope you approve it. Thanks. President Johnson — Anyone else wishing to speak in favor of the grant? Anyone wishing to be recorded in name only in favor of the grant? If you want to be recorded in name only,just please come to the microphone and state your name. • Magda Galiotsos — Magda Galiotsos, 21 Maple Meadows and I support the grant and I hope you do too. Thank you. President Johnson — Anyone else wishing to speak in name only in favor of the grant? Anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the grant? Anyone wishing to be recorded in name only in opposition to the grant? Seeing none (gavel), I close the public hearing. Is the a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Mineo — (inaudible again....audio difficulties...no sound recorded) • ROLL CALL — 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rheault) (inaudible again....audio difficulties...no sound recorded) Item 10. Old Business • 1. TO-2013-1 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Class 2 Dealer(s)—Elias Auto, 1123 Suffield Street, Agawam, MA (Clerk) • (inaudible again....audio difficulties...no sound recorded) 2. TO-2013-2 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for an Automatic Amusement Device(s) — Alano Club of Springfield, 36 King Street,Agawam,MA (Clerk) • 13 • • President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilor Magovern. This was also referred to the Admin Sub-Committee. Councilor Rossi? Councilor Rossi — The item 2013-2, an Order Granting or Renewing an Automatic Amusement License for the Alano Club was unanimously endorsed by the committee with a positive recommendation to the Council. President Johnson — Just by way of clarification, it's incorrectly stated on our Agenda. It's an Order Granting or Renewing a License for a Weekly Amusement Permit for the Alano Club so it's on the Agenda as Automatic Amusement Device, it's actually an Amusement permit. So at this point I guess I would ask that the make of the Motion, Councilor Rossi, and the second, Councilor Magovern, • just reiterate their Motion and second. Councilor Rossi— Yes, I'll make a move that the item be amended to a weekly license. Councilor Magovern—I'll second that. • President Johnson —Any other questions or discussion? Seeing none, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous. 3. TO-2013-3 - Budgetary Transfer from Line Items-Reserve Fund (16605-57300) - $35,217.00 to Police Department- Training(12102- 52180) $5,000; Overtime (12101-51030) $17,163.00; and Equipment (12103-52410) $13,054.00 (Mayor) President Johnson — Moved by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by Councilors Letellier, Perry and Magovern. This item was referred to the Finance Committee. Councilor Calabrese? Councilor Calabrese —The Finance Committee met on January 17`h. In attendance were Chief Robert Campbell and Lt. Eric Gillis and as the Chief said in Citizen's Speak Time, this is to provide officer training to respond to an active shooter situation in the work place and schools and in a domestic situation as well. The last time our officers have received such training in this regard was in 2002 in response to the shootings at Columbine. There was a Motion made by Councilor Letellier that we send a positive recommendation to pass this budgetary transfer, seconded by Councilor Magovern and the Finance Committee sends a positive recommendation by a vote of 3-0. Thank you. • President Johnson — Thank you. Questions or discussion on the item? Stepping from the Chair, I wanted to thank the Chief and his staff for a very well-written memo. We don't get too many of those with our Agenda items. If you're in favor of TO-2013-3, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. Barbara, I'd ask you to call the roll please? ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Rheault) 14 • • President Johnson — With a vote of ten yes and one absent, we've approved the budgetary transfer of$35,217.00 from the Reserve Fund into the Police Department. 4. TO-2013-4 - An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Class 2 Dealer(s)—Paul J. LaPointe d/b/a The Car Connection, 820 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills, MA (Clerk) President Johnson -- Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilors Perry and Magovern. This item was referred to the Admin Sub-Committee. Councilor Rossi? Councilor Rossi — Thank you. Item 2013-4, Order granting a Class 2 Dealer's License • renewal, Paul LaPointe d/b/a Car Connection, 820 Springfield Street, the Committee sends a positive recommendation to the Council. President Johnson — Any other questions or discussion? All those in favor of the Class 2 Dealer's License, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'll take a voice vote. All those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous. Item 11. New Business 1. TR-2013-6 -A Resolution confirming the reappointment of Gerald • M. Landry, 71 Country Road, Agawam, MA to the Whiting Street and Thomas Pyne Fund for a term expiring December 31, 2015 (Mayor) President Johnson —That'll go on to our next Agenda. • 2. TR-2013-7 - A Resolution to Establish an Ad Hoc Casino Committee of the Agawam City Council (Councilor Rheault) President Johnson — Do we want to refer that to the Community Relations Sub- Committee? So that'll be referred to the Community Relations Sub-Committee, next Agenda. Item 12. Any other matter that may levalL come before the Citv Council President Johnson—Councilor Letellier? i Councilor Letellier—Thank you. Nothing this evening. President Johnson —Councilor Rossi? Councilor Rossi — Yes, thank you. I didn't have an opportunity to speak on the item for the Community Preservation grant, the $1.8million resolution but just to prove a point 15 • • and I don't want to belabor it, we just had one in front of us here now about a grant application for housing, community housing, and that sort of thing and part of our • Community Preservation fund calls for community housing to be spent and I see right in here, we have $412,000 in money for Community Preservation for community housing. The money, that we just appropriated, the $1.8million, most of it came from undesignated funds from the $2,188,000 to go into that School Street Park. The point I was trying to make is that I think we need to prioritize our positions here and see what in fact we need to do. Now I know that the park is a good deal for the Town of Agawam and I'm not talking against the park but I don't think that anyone really believed that the park had to be completed to any particular degree without first moving on to other items in this community that needed to be addressed. Now, Ms. Wingard over here just said that the Housing Authority needs a lot of money, desperately needs money, and they desperately need this grant. Why aren't we sitting down talking about things like that to move our • Community Preservation money into areas like that and using some of this undesignated funds in our Community Preservation Act that is going into this recreational park and to put into our community housing that's so vitally needed. That was the point that I was trying to make people. That was it. Thank you. President Johnson -- CounciIor Mineo? Councilor Mineo —Nothing tonight. President Johnson —Councilor Magovern? • Councilor Magovern — The only thing that I wanted to add was basically building on a little bit of what Councilor Rossi stated which is we've gotta do some more long-range planning. I think that we've started it with our joint meetings that we're holding with the CPA but we need that five-year plan because there is definite needs within the town. I • agree with Councilor Calabrese with the state of our walkways and everything else in this town and again, George Bitzas', Councilor Bitzas' pet project, the track that has to be addressed so that we do have some long range programs that have to be taken care of but I still feel that the park should be completed I'm not necessarily in favor of everything that's on the drawing board for the park but that's another discussion but I just wanted to say that it's gotta be thought out a little bit more thoroughly than we have in the past and • the only thing I would like to add is please stay warm. It's cold out there! President Johnson ---Councilor Perry? Councilor Perry — Yes, thank you Mr. President and while we're on that subject, the • CPA Committee holds I believe at leastannually a public hearing for the public, anyone, to come and speak and give them information and ideas on how any of the monies in each category could be used and I know generally it's probably the same people year after year that show up and they need input, the committee does, from us as leaders and I think we're moving in that direction. We held the joint workshop. We've had a couple • of those. We've talked about the five-year plan. We've got the monetary values in each category. I know we'll move forward through our committees to again hold joint 16 • • sessions with the CPA Committee to put a five-year plan together. I mean I think that was our goal at our last meeting that we talked about and that was in late fall, early winter, and with the holidays and everything else that came up, we haven't had a meeting but I'm sure we will to set forth a plan, Bob, and I agree, I mean we need that direction. We need to be able to see where the other monies in the categories can be utilized but the CPA needs direction from us and from our community so I think we will move in the right direction. As Gina stated earlier on the grant, that the money is there. The park, Phase 1, is being fully utilized. There's no question about it. My granddaughters play soccer down there. It's constantly being used. Phase 2 I feel is going to benefit the community in a different way as was stated this evening, in a more recreational, passive recreation, with the band shell and the pavilion and things of that nature so I think we're moving in the right direction. We have added monies that are going to be going in there, to look at other directions. We talk about other parks, Feeding Hills, things of that • nature, we have to sit down and plan how we're gonna do that and develop those places so Feeding Hills isn't left out of the scene as far as parks and things of that nature so those are just some of the comments I wanted to make. Thank you. President Johnson —Councilor Cichetti? • Councilor Cichetti — Thank you Mr. President. I'd just like to take the opportunity thank Chief Campbell and the Police Department for putting together that resolution to appropriate the funds and to be proactive in the training for an active shooter. Maybe a suggestion for myself, maybe have the media there when you guys are doing the training so we can show something positive that's going on in the communities instead of as Chief Campbell said in his presentation, that always sees the negative stuff of people getting shot by guns and stuff like that. Just again, thank you again and great job. President Johnson —Councilor Calabrese? Councilor Calabrese—Nothing. President Johnson—Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas — Yes, I'm going to touch on a subject that everybody knows but nobody's talked about and I'm surprised I didn't hear anything about the proposed casino next door to us, West Springfield. That's not be for the best interest for the Town of Agawam and I'm surprised that we didn't have any meetings. I'm glad that Councilor Calabrese scheduled to have a meeting with West Springfield but our Safety and Traffic Committee, five members of us, we should be very active, very, very soon. Not only • discuss the issues but we know the issues but we should take a stand against it, early before it be too late. We border the Town of Agawam; I mean the Big E border the Town of Agawam. It be disaster with the Big E, Six Flags and now casino? We have traffic already. I mean we don't need the committees to study the problem we have. We already have the problems. If we have a committee, then it's like indirectly you support • casino to come next door to us and coming a casino next door to us is like having a casino in Agawam without any taxation or any control and as you remember a few years 17 • ago, the Town of Agawam vote overwhelmingly against the casino. I hope we have a meeting soon and I hope, Councilor Calabrese, the Chair of the Safety Committee to have • a committee, or Community Relations, and we have a meeting IN the Town of Agawam. It's our problems and will affect us, affect our businesses, it will affect our schools, infrastructure, it will make the addiction problems a lot worse and you know better, I'm not the one to know, it's very, very clear. A blind man can see it, it's not gonna be good for the Town of Agawam. Thank you but I hope very soon even we have a workshop. We must have a workshop. It's such a huge issue, we should not ignore it. It be too late. # Somebody say well say we have nothing to do with it, we have a big thing to do about it. We have to send a letter to the commission, the Gaming Commission in Massachusetts, also can lobby the people of West Springfield not to support and vote against it so we do have a lot to do and we better do it sooner or later. Thank you. • President Johnson —Councilor Cavallo? Councilor Cavallo — Yeah, I just have a couple of announcements to make. I think, I know not think, the School Facilities Committee will be meeting next, the 281', on Monday and I know our Council President and Robert Rossi, Councilor Rossi, were on that committee and the meeting is 3:00 in the afternoon. I know it's difficult for a lot of people to make but you're surely welcome along with the representatives there, I'm sure and also I believe Barbara it's in this building is it not? In the school cafeteria? That's on the 28`�'? Oh, the High School conference, okay the High School. The other thing that I wanted to mention that I attended a retirement party on Friday night, a very good friend • of mine whom I grew up with drove a bus, a school bus in Agawam for thirty-six years and I told her she deserves a metal of honor and to my knowledge she is the longest serving bus driver in the history of the town. Her name is Sandy Wise and she's been a resident of Agawam for many, many years and she's really a nice, nice person so I thought I'd mention it to the Council tonight that she did have a very nice retirement party and she was an excellent driver and very good with the kids so I just wanted to commend her. Also, we're having a little bit of difficulty trying to get information for the School Budget sub-committee so that you'll know when the School Committee is going to be discussing their budget? So Barbara, have we received any more information? We're kind of getting the run around again. I think I'm going to call Superintendent Sapelli tomorrow and make sure that we get announcement of when that School Budget • is going to be discussed by their members. We have a right to be there even though we can't talk. We can sit in the audience and listen. As I said at the last meeting, I don't think we should wait until the meeting that we have with them after the budget's has been finalized by the School Committee — we should at least know a little bit about it before we sit down with them so I'll try to get that information as soon as possible for members that are on that committee. That's all I have. Thank you. President Johnson —Thank you. I just wanted to extend birthday wishes this month to a couple members of the Council here at that end — Paul and George - also to our, Auditor Cheryl St. John, who's not here and of course our Council Clerk is again turning 39. Barbara, happy birthday! With that, the Chair will entertain a Motion to adjourn. All in favor say Ay? Opposed? We're adjourned. Thank you. Adjournment at 8:05pm. 18 •