• Minutes dated June 3, 2013
President Johnson—I'd call the meeting to order.
Item 1. Roll Call
President Johnson—I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please?
ROLL CALL — 10 PRESENT, I ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese)
President Johnson — With ten present, we have a quorum. It's wonderful to have you at
the meeting tonight, Barbara.
Item Z Moment of Silence and the Pledre ofAlleFiance.
President Johnson — I'd ask everyone to rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of
Allegiance please?
Item 3. Citizen's Speak Time
President Johnson —We have two individuals wishing to address the Council. The first
is Richard Bennett?
Richard Bennett — Richard Bennett, 29 Willowbrook Drive. I just have a couple of
comments about the Capital Improvement Budget. And on the bonding request or
proposed stuff for this fiscal year coming up there's a request for $315,000 for the cart
• replacement at the Golf Course. I don't play golf but I don't have a problem spending tax
money on something like this but I'm wondering if maybe the fees could be addressed
and maybe raised a little bit. I know the school, the sports programs have all increased
fees over the years and stuff, maybe this, we can accommodate the request to replace all
the golf carts but I'm wondering if maybe they could raise the golf cart fees a little bit to
compensate a little bit. And the second item specifics, there's items in here for the fiscal
year — only $10,000 for this year for sidewalks for example. It does increase for the
recommendation of Pioneer Valley Planning, the $30,000 - $50,000 the following years
but we don't know where. There's a little paragraph in here that says sidewalks to
schools and recreational areas. Are we gonna address the Corey Street issue with the
School Street Park on sidewalks? And the same thing with streets, there's a little
paragraph in here about streets but nobody knows what the plan is. So I think if the
public is informed a little bit more, I think they're more understanding and would Iike to
be included in the process. Thank you.
President Johnson —Thank you. Next is David Morin?
David Morin — Good evening. My name is David Morin and I live at 437 South
Westfield Street in Feeding Hills. Tonight I would like to address the question of
whether or not we in the Town of Agawam should increase the terms of our elected
officials from two to four years. Now as we all know, we've been talking about changing
the Charter for a long time and there are different ways to go about this and there are
several different things in there that could be changed. Last year, the Council voted
unanimously to change the Charter, to change the terms of the Mayor, Council and
School Committee from two year terms to four year terms. Neither the Council nor the
State Legislature has the final say however, the decision will ultimately be made by the
voters, by the people of the Town of Agawam. I am here tonight to say that I'm against
these Charter changes and that in regard to these proposed changes, I support keeping
things the way they have been. Now I'm not saying that I think the Charter is perfect the
way it is. I do think we need to look at it thoroughly and make some changes but I just
• don't think that these are the changes that we need to make. Two year terms for Mayor,
Council and School Committee are just fine. I don't have any problem with two year
terms. •What's the problem? Why do we need to go through this whole process? There
are a few different arguments which I would like to discuss. First off we all know that
we would save money from having half as many elections but I think that money is just a
drop in the bucket. We would like to see savings in town but not at the expense of
elections and there's the argument that longer terms would bring about more stability in
town government and that this would be a good thing perhaps with not so much turnover.
I would argue that two year terms do not make the government more unstable but instead
make our government more accountable. It is not as if we have all sorts of different
people getting elected every two years. And this argument that running for reelection
every two years is just such a hassle, who has time for it? This argument is based upon
the premise that running for reelection is a really taxing endeavor for an incumbent
elected official and perhaps that is the case. My response to that would be that it is not
your job to run for reelection, your job is to be a City Councilor. The Mayor's job is to
be the Mayor and not to run for reelection. No one is making anyone run for reelection
so if running for reelection is distracting people from doing their jobs they were elected
to do, I would say don't run for reelection. But that is not the case because in fact it is
not really that big of a deal, I believe, to be an incumbent City Council for example and
to run for reelection. Why is that? Because an incumbent has already been elected, you
know people, you already have the signs and everything, you've done it all before and
you have been successful. I don't see how running for reelection could be such a
distraction but it would be for a hypothetical first term City Councilor or elected city
official. Say this person has never held an elected office and he or she doesn't really
know what being Mayor is all about but still he or she is elected and all of a sudden a
year goes by and now this poor person has to run for reelection already. This is the
r argument that the elected official has not figured out how to do the job before he or she
has to run for reelection. Again, nobody has to run for reelection but if you can't figure
out how to do the job in two years, then just don't run for reelection. People who get
elected typically have an idea of what they're doing beforehand and that's why they get
elected. Where are all these new people? When I look around I don't see so many
t newcomers, so many novices, and even if the whole Council were first term Councilors I
would not say oh well that's a good reason to extend their terms from two to four years.
No I would say if those people don't figure out things real soon, they're getting voted out,
not in four years, but in two years. In two years, I believe, is plenty of time to figure out
• how to do the job. Two years is after all the time we give to a first term U.S. House of
Representative to figure things out. You would think we'd have all manner of
congressmen trying to amend the Constitution in order to extend their terms but we don't
even though being a member of Congress is probably a bit more complex than being an
Agawam City Councilor. My argument is that our elected officials do not need four year
terms. Springfield has just increased their Mayor's term from two to four years.
Springfield is a much larger city than Agawam. Boston's Mayor has a four year term—
Boston much bigger than Agawam. The Governor of Massachusetts has a four year term.
Massachusetts—more complex than the Town of Agawam and of course the President of
the United States—
• Clerk—One minute please.
David Morin — Thank you — has a four year term. Is being an Agawam City Council
being comparable to being President? I don't think so but maybe I don't see the full
picture. Perhaps Agawam has grown exponentially in such a short period of time that we
need to extend our elected officials' terms. I would say that the United States has grown
a great deal since 1787 and that for whatever reason the terms of President and Senators
and Congressmen have all stayed the same. We've actually term limited our President.
You don't see any of that in these proposed Charter changes but I'm actually against term
limits. I think that we need to have the option in town, we should have our choice.
There's one day that people were actually in charge and that day is Election Day. We
leave every other day up to you. Should we really make our elections more infrequent? I
would like to announce my candidacy for the City Council. if elected, I would not be
distracted by running for reelection. If elected, my job would be to be a City Council and
vote for the benefit of the people. I am ready to be a City Council on day one otherwise I
. would not run. If elected, I would be prepared to face the people after two years. I am
ready to be accountable to the voters. If the people think I did a lousy job, then I won't
get reelected and if I cannot balance the responsibility of being a City Councilor with
running for reelection, then I will not run for reelection. I ask the people of Agawam to
join me in opposing this Charter change and join me in holding our town government
accountable through the democratic process every two years and I thank the Council.
President Johnson—Thank you sir.
Item 4. Minutes
• 1. Regular Council Meeting—May 20,2013
President Johnson —I don't believe that our meeting minutes from the last meeting are
ready yet and so we'll hold off until the next Agenda to deal with both the May 61" and
May 20�'meeting minutes.
Item S. Declaration Lim Council President
President Johnson—There are none.
Item 6. Presentation of Petitions Memorials c& Remonstrances
1. TR-2013-30 -A Resolution entering into a Memorandum of
Understanding for Emergency Transportation (Mayor)(Referred to
Community Relations Committee) (Tabled 5/20/13)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to remove the item from the table? Moved by
Councilor Magovern, seconded by Councilor Cavallo. If you're in favor of taking the
item off the table say Ay? Any opposed? The item is off the table. Is there a Motion to
approve TR-2013-30? Moved by Councilor Cavallo, seconded by Councilor Rheault.
Questions or discussion? Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi — Thank you Mr. President. Last Council sub-meeting we had, this
topic came up. It wasn't part of the Agenda but they did bring it up and I asked the
question whether or not the community would be locked in to some fees and they said no.
Well, I'm looking at this Resolution or Understanding of Emergency Transportation and
this says a ten year agreement that they're asking us, the Town of Agawam, to lock into
and reading in it, reading down, I see that the PVTA will provide emergency assistance
according to the resources they have available at the time. The PVTA understands it will
be asked to occasionally, occasionally, participate in emergency evacuation drills and
exercises. It is understood that the PVTA will be reimbursed for costs incurred in
response to an actual emergency or exercise. In the event of an exercise, the PVTA will
provide Agawam with an estimate of costs for advanced budgeting purposes. The PVTA
will also notify Agawam of any changes in available resources, rates and contact persons.
I don't understand why it is that we were told that it wasn't gonna cost us anything. I
don't understand why there isn't anything in here in terms of what it's gonna cost us or
what we're on the hook for for at least the next ten years. I've a lot of trouble with this. I
have trouble with it in terms of were there any other companies that were contacted to
participate in this emergency response transportation. I have a problem with the estimate
of time that it's gonna take for drivers and equipment to respond to these emergency
situations and I look at it here and I see that there is a 35 — 40 foot bus during normal
business hours, the estimated time during an emergency would be 45 minutes before we
could get anybody here and that's just one bus. During times outside normal business
hours, it was an hour and a half before we could get one bus here during an emergency
service. I don't know, and I'm certainly not ready to commit the town to an agreement or
a Memorandum of Understanding for something like this for ten years with so many
things missing here. I just think it's a terrible thing and I don't appreciate the fact when I
asked whether there was going to be any cost, we were told that there wouldn't be any
cost and clearly there is a cost and we have no idea what the cost is and someone is
asking us to approve this and I think it's a ridiculous thing to even be in front of us to be
perfectly honest with you. Thank you.
President Johnson—Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern — I was at that same meeting and I remember distinctly being told
there would be no cost to this service and it was a service provided by the PVTA and in
that contract I mean we're approving a blank slate with a ten year contract without any
calculated costs. I agree with Councilor Rossi that I just don't think it's prudent for us to
agree to a ten year contract without knowing what the costs are. I mean I'm in favor of
doing something along the lines that are being proposed to have some emergency
vehicles available in case they are needed but not at an unknown cost as to what it's
gonna be saddling the town with for ten years. So if they want to come back with an
estimate as to what the cost figures are, the only thing we were told at this meeting was
that there would be training costs involved for training their personnel to come over to
learn the route and the facilities of Agawam and that was it but there was no other cost
mentioned so I'm not in favor of it given this contract.
i President Johnson —Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier—Thank you. My understanding of what was said last week was that
all costs would be part of the PVTA's contract and funding that they get from the federal
government and I think this needs to be amended to reflect that there will be no out-of-
pocket cost to the town. They said the training and the actual emergency costs, there
would be no out-of-pocket cost to the town and in terms of if they contacted other
companies, they said yes they did, they contacted the school bus company and the school
bus company said they would in fact bill us and they'd have to bill us through the School
Department account and they said that's why they didn't go with that other bus company.
So I agree with Councilor Rossi, I don't know that it's ridiculous but I think it needs to be
clarified and put on the record in writing as part of what's signed and agreed to as to the
fact that there will be no cost to the town. Thank you.
President Johnson —Councilor Bitzas?
* Councilor Bitzas —I don't understand. This is an emergency. This happen maybe once,
maybe twice, hopefully never it happens and to come this from the Agawam Emergency
Management Department, we should put these people, give these people some faith and
trust them and what kind of cost to put even a single life that we lost. How we can put a
cost for a destruction and loss of lives? It's no amount to everybody's individual lives so
I don't see any problem here. I don't think it will really really cost much but even if it's
some kind of cost, small cost, isn't it worth it to saves lives? To save our people? I'm in
favor for that. Thank you.
President Johnson —Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern — I don't think this is a situation where we're talking about the
saving of a life or not saving of a life, this is a situation where the PVTA would be
bringing in buses in order to move people from the school to the Senior Center, or from
one facility to another facility, keep them cool in the heat of the summer or get them out
of a snow storm so that I'm in favor of this kind of operation being given to us. I also
believe that it was stated that the federal government has funds available to pick up the
costs of this and that's why it would be done through the town and the Emergency
Services instead of through the school and the contract with the school bus service so
that's all understood but they said there would be no cost. That should be spelled out in
this agreement that the funds would be picked up by the federal government but to sign a
blank slate without knowing exactly what's in there, it should be in the agreement that the
costs would be picked up by the federal government and not by the Town of Agawam.
So I think that it's prudent for us to either get more information as to how this is going to
be paid for or just not vote for a blank slate. So I don't know if you want to table it until
we can hear back from Chet as to how the costs are going to be covered but under the
way that I read the agreement, I agree with Councilor Rossi that it's an open checkbook.
President Johnson—Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas —With all respect to Councilor Magovem, this is a cost. This is a cost
of lives. If you have to transport people over heat, or emergency, you're playing with
people's lives and I think it's not worth it. There is no money, into, we deal with
$78million for the town and a small amount like this, I think it's ridiculous not to support
something like that.
President Johnson — Stepping from the Chair, if my recollection of the meeting that we
all were at is accurate, they indicated to us that there would be, our PVTA representative,
not PVTA, our PVTA representative indicated there would be no cost to the town. That's
not what the agreement before us says, it says that whatever they do, they'll be
• reimbursed. It also says costs will be billed at rates to be mutually agreed upon by the
PVTA and Agawam and attached to this agreement for the initial period of the agreement
and I don't know about your copies but my copy doesn't have any attachment relative to
the cost. I think the concept of the contract is great because I also understood it to be that
it wasn't going to be necessarily that the buses weren't going to be provided necessarily
0 for transportation but for temporary emergency shelter purposes, basically the bus comes
and sits and provides a temporary shelter for those in need but again, to be told that it was
going to be at no cost when that's not what the contract says and the contract references
costs which aren't even attached to it so with that, what's the Council's pleasure? We
have a Motion to table by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Magovern. If
you're in favor of tabling, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call
0 the roll please?
ROLL CALL — 7 YES, 3 NO (Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo and Rossi), 1 ABSENT
(Councilor Calabrese)
0 President Johnson —By a vote of seven yes, three no, the item has been placed back on
the table.
2. TR-2013-34 -A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into a Lease
Agreement between the Town of Agawam and Professional Golf
Management,Inc. (Mayor) (Referred to Finance Committee) (Tabled
• 5/20/13)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to remove the item from the table? Moved by
Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilors Letellier and Magovern. All those in favor
of taking it off the table say Ay? Any opposed? The item is off the table. Is there a
Motion to approve TR 2013-34? Moved by Councilor Magovern, seconded by Councilor
Cichetti. Questions or discussion? Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo — I would be more than happy to give a Finance Committee report.
We debated this for a long time. It was passed 3-0-1 with one abstention to approve it as
• amended at 2 '/z %. In attendance at the meeting was Bob Magovern, Don Rheault, Gina,
myself, Chris Johnson, Laurel, Tony Roberto, Bill Kubinski and Cheryl, our Auditor and
again it was 3-0 with one abstention.
President Johnson—As I understand it the amendment.was to increase the percentage of
the gross to 2 '/Z % and also that the vendor would pick up the utility costs for the second
Councilor Mineo—The utility costs, that is correct.
President Johnson --Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern — I just wanted to repeat what I said in the conference committee
and that is number one I want to give Tony Roberto accolades for the hard work that he's
putting into the golf course if anybody's been up there I think that you'll see that it's been
improved. He's also doing the work of two or three men in there from answering the
• telephone to putting out water to handling the golf sales, to you name it, he's doing it and
he's totally understaffed and we have to do something with the restaurant facilities up
there and for that reason we went out to try to get the contract from somebody that could
come in and handle the restaurant. I am not in favor of the 2 '/z %rent. I think that that is
a low figure. I really feel that we should be getting more for the facility however he did
• come -back and sweeten it up from the original one or half percent that they were
originally gonna offer, so 2 '/2 % is better than what we have but it's still not what it
should be given the amount that the facility has and the potential that it has to offer. He
is gonna pick up all the utilities which is a cost right now and the idea of trying to do
something is to improve the golf course so that we can bring in more rounds of golf. I
• feel that the golf course isn't up to potential as far as what it could be generating in
income because of the fact that there's just limited facilities that we have to offer. So my
comment is that I'm in favor of it, not one hundred percent, but I think that we've gotta
try something to improve the dining facilities up at the golf course.
President Johnson —Other questions or discussion? Councilor Mineo? I didn't see you
with Bob leaning over.
Councilor Mineo —I just wanted to say I am in favor of this. A lot of us who are sitting
up here today, a few of us anyways, were on the City Council when we approved this
• banquet facility. This costs the taxpayers $50,000 - $60,000 a year, $50,000 - $60,000 a
year, we have no parties up there, we have nothing going on up there. This agreement is
for seven months, seven months, whether we're only gonna make $1000 or $2000,
whatever it is, we're not paying the utility bills, there's really no cost there, we're not, it
won't be running a deficit this year. Are we better off with this deal for seven months? I
mean do we really wanna ask the taxpayers to come up with $60,000 for the golf course?
I mean here's a way out. For seven months, for one year, hey if it doesn't work, it
doesn't work but I think you've got Tony Roberto here, he's in his second season and I
think we need to give him a chance. I mean if it doesn't work, it doesn't work, we come
back in January and we gotta figure out what we gotta do up there but I honestly believe
that we need to do something here, something is better than nothing and I've heard all the
! complaints. I've been on this Council for 14 years, I don't know how many years
nothing's going on up at the golf course, nothing's going on up at the golf course, what
do they have up there, when a"teacher retires or a superintendent leaves or they use it two
or three times a year, is that what we passed, all this funding for this facility? I mean I
don't think so, I mean I think''we need to move forward and there's an opportunity to
move forward. I think if you vote against it, I understand, I mean I'm not a businessman
here, I'll admit it, but I think the deal that we have here for seven months is better than
nothing and again I don't know what happened, I mean I don't think it's Mr. Roberto's
fault or Mr. Kubinski 's fault, I don't know what happened, they're operating out of there
already, they're already operating out of there. Mr. Kubinski from what I understood
tonight at this meeting, he's already got flat screens TV's in the clubhouse. He says he's
gonna take everything down. We have no restaurant facilities there, it's gonna go back to
selling hot dogs, hamburgs, potato chips, popcorn, soda and beer. I mean if that's the
direction this Council wants to go, that's fine with me, but it's not the direction I want to
• President Johnson—Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas —Thank you Mr. President. Yes, I am already in agreement and I love
to see better agreement like everybody else see a better agreement but you cannot get
what we want to get, nobody else I think applied or replied for the request to run the
• facilities. I'm not a golfer but I do have many friends that play golf and I heard that the
golf course is in very, very good shape and in the last couple years, improved by far.
Tony's doing a great job and I hope all his crew continues to do so. I will vote in favor
for this. I like to give him a chance. Let us all give him a chance, give it a try and I hope
we succeed and I have faith in him and I believe it will be better for us, for the town.
* Thank you.
President Johnson — I don't know who was first, I think Gina, Councilor Letellier, then
Councilor Cavallo.
Councilor Letellier — Oh, it doesn't make a difference to me who goes first. I was the
one who abstained on the sub-committee vote in the hopes that based on our discussion
Mr. Kubinski would go back, talk to his partners and then between when we adjourned
and now, which I guessed would be 45 minutes, and it was, he could come back with a
• higher percent but apparently he has had to leave for an emergency at another golf course
and so I'm gonna basically say what I said at the sub-committee meeting which is I'm of
two minds—I want the golf course to succeed, I want the restaurant business to succeed,I
think Mr. Roberto's got a lot of energy and if energy alone was enough, that would be
great but you know, President Johnson did some math, I did some math, Mr. Kubinski 's
saying he thinks he could make maybe 40% of last year's gross sales and at 2 '/z %, that
0 would be oh God I forgot the math already, yes, $600.00, $600 — is that enough even to
cover the cost of our liability insurance and the wear and tear and the use on things? I
don't know. So I guess I have to decide which half of my brain is gonna vote. So maybe
we can hear from people that weren't at the sub-committee meeting. Thank you.
• President Johnson --Councilor Cavallo then Rossi.
Councilor Cavallo — Yea, I last week, I listened to a man who came in here with a
proposal, with a lot of this, Gina said, energy but I also listened to a man who should be
given a chance. I wasn't on the Council when the previous professional golfer ran the
golf course but he certainly sounds like he is much more highly motivated to do a good
job. What are we really going to lose? I mean we're talking about a golf course which is
a very small, small part of a $70million budget. I mean is it really, right now, we're
making nothing. He said that last week. So what damage can really be done? It's like
anything else, I'm willing to give the man a chance and if it doesn't go well, like
4 anything else, whether it's public or private enterprise, if you don't do well, then you
don't get a second chance. He's convincing us, at least he's convinced me, he can do it
and as far as I'm concerned, it's not like it's gonna cost us a lot of money and if it doesn't
pay out for him, then we look at, other alternatives. That's the way I'm looking at it and
you know you also want to be very careful, he seems to be a fairly intelligent guy who's
. got a lot of ideas and you really don't want to discourage people like this because
sometimes they may say gee I may look somewhere else if they're not gonna give me a
chance because I came in here at a much lower salary than the gentleman that left and
working probably twice as hard from what I've been told, I think the man should be
given a chance and I am gonna vote yes.
• President Johnson—Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi — Thank you. I was glad, I listened to the, I was at the sub-committee
meeting and I listened to the committee and I was happy to hear the turn of events that
shifted more towards allowing the golf course to try to move forward and I honestly
believe that maybe this isn't perhaps the best contract that maybe we could come up with
but it's certainly a good tool for the golf course in order to try to get more competitive in
the area, to get more events, more leagues, those kinds of things because I looked at this
golf course, I've been following this golf course for many, many years with a great deal
of disappointment over the years with the other manager that we had and we've been
losing money and our Retained Earnings have been steadily going down and now, when
Dan Shay came back as our Maintenance Manager, Greens Keeper, and Tony Roberto
came in here and are generally interested in getting this golf course turned around and
they have turned it around and play is starting to pick up but you have to give them the
tools that they're gonna require in order to keep that thing going, to get people to play
and one thing I know about golfers is they will not go to a golf course where they don't
have the amenities or where the golf course is in terrible condition regardless of the
money so I think we need, this is a very important first step. We put that thing, the
upstairs in place at a great deal of expense and as other councilors have mentioned and
we've never used it, we've never put this thing into practice. In the beginning and I can
remember before I retired, working for the town, that they had a few retirement parties
and stuff up there when President Johnson was the Mayor, they used that thing a little bit,
but after that nothing seemed to happen, everything seemed to just die up there and it was
a shame that we have facilities like that that's going to waste. I know and I'm a member
of the Unico and we used to do functions for the High School up there and we did the
! cooking for the High School tournaments under Mr. Conte and the facilities up there are
wonderful, the kitchen is spectacular equipment up there and it's a shame just to see this
thing not being used. So and the whole point of this whole thing is I think that the best
think we could possibly do is given them to tools to try to get the golf course running and
that's what I really wanna see happen. I wanna see that golf course meet its potential. I
• think we could really make a lot of money and I think over the years maybe this food and
beverage business would pick up to the point where the town will start to realize a few
more bucks but in the meantime we need to start somewhere and we need to start
attracting people and I think this is a very good way of doing it because you're not gonna
get leagues, you're not gonna get people paying for events and outings up there where
there are no food available regardless of how much money we make from the rental
agreements in the beginning, our object is to get 144 golfers on a golf course at an outing
—that's our objective and if we need to get this vendor in there to accomplish that goal, I
think we will succeed. Thank you.
President Johnson—Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault — Yea, excuse me, I don't want to be redundant to the previous
speakers however I think as I look at this issue, it's very simple. We're currently in a
position where we're going down hill and we have an opportunity with new blood and
new direction to take and to make it a success so I would say that we've got one choice—
• that's to given him and opportunity to prove himself. It`s a very short-term contract.
We're not locking ourselves in to a long-term and he seems like he has enough energy
and will and desire to prove us all, prove the town successful and that's what we're
looking for.
President Johnson — Stepping from the Chair, I just wanna correct an inadvertent mis-
statement by Councilor Mineo. The golf course hasn't cost the taxpayers of Agawam a
dime. Golf course is paid as an Enterprise Fund by the people who utilize the golf course
so to say that it's costing the taxpayers money is not accurate and I know it was
inadvertent Joe but you stated it three or four times during your remarks.
Councilor Mineo — Well, that's what I've heard that we're operating under a deficit and
didn't we have to, didn't something come before us last year?
President Johnson -- We had to reduce the budget because what we took in in Fiscal
2012 was less than what our Fiscal 2013 appropriation was so DOR requires that you
can't year over year in an Enterprise Fund appropriate more than what you took in in
actual revenue from the prior year unless you have sufficient reserves to cover the
Councilor Mineo-- So what you're saying is the golf course is making money?
President Johnson — You stated, Councilor Mineo — that it's costing the taxpayers
Councilor Mineo —I understand that. But it does cost the taxpayers money. It cost the
taxpayers money when you're not utilizing that facility up there.
President Johnson—How?
Councilor Mineo —Because it's not in use.
President Johnson — Again, the Golf Course is an Enterprise Fund like the Water
Department and the Sewer Department. To my knowledge and I believe the Auditor
answered it during the sub-committee meeting, that it's an Enterprise Fund and the
taxpayers have never paid a dime towards Agawam Municipal Golf Course so I wanted
to correct the inadvertent misstatement because it's not costing the taxpayers money.
Councilor Mineo—Fine.
President Johnson — And we've all made this assumption that the food and beverage
operation is losing money based upon a piece of paper that was handed to the five
committee members only this evening prepared by the current course manager. There's
absolutely no analysis, there's no information to make sure and he indicated that Laurel
who will return from vacation today hadn't had the opportunity to even look at the
• numbers that he presented. So we're making the assumption that the current food and
beverage operation's losing money based on his assertion. We don't have that
information because no one has bothered to put it together. For that reason, I don't think
that this is a good idea even if they doubled the amount of food and beverage according
to the piece of paper provided today, even if they doubled it, we're gonna make a
whopping two or three thousand dollars a year. That's, I can only attest to the seven or
eight years where I oversaw the operation of the course and during all of those seven or
eight years, we made money in the food and beverage operation. We didn't lose money
in the food and beverage operation. If you're in favor of TR-2013-34, vote yes. If you're
opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the roll.
ROLL CALL — 9 YES, 1 NO (Council President Johnson), 1 ABSENT (Councilor
President Johnson—With a vote of nine yes, one no, we've approved TR-2013-34.
3. TR-2013-36 -A Resolution Authorizing the Reservation and
Appropriation of Funds from the Community Preservation Act Fund(CPA)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Bitzas,
seconded by Councilors Cichetti and Rheault. Questions or discussion? This is the
reservation of funds anticipated for Fiscal Year 2014. Seeing none, all those in favor say
Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
Item 7. Report of Council Committees
Item 8. Elections
Item 9. Public Hearings
1. PH-2013-4(TR-2013-29) -A Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year.
2014-2018 Capital Improvement Program (Mayor)(Tabled) (Referred to the
Finance Committee)
President Johnson — The matter is on the table is there a Motion to remove the item
• from the table? Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Cichetti. All in
favor of taking it off the table say Ay? Any opposed? The item is off the table. At this
point, the Chair would entertain a Motion to approve TR-2013-29. Is there a Motion to
approve? Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Rheault. At this point,
the Chair will open the Public Hearing. If you're in favor of the proposed Fiscal Year
! 2014-2018 Capital Improvement Program, I'd ask you to come forward, identify yourself
by name and address and you may address the Council. The Public Hearing is open.
Anyone wishing to speak on TR-2013-29 in favor?
Richard Bennett — Richard Bennett, Willowbrook Drive. On the golf course issue and
stuff and again let me just be clear I look at that as part of the recreational facilities in
town so I don't have any problem with taxpayers' money being spent but maybe the
Council could in fact clarify the Capital Expense items, as we incur in expenses each year
from $10,000 to $15,000 and the bonding request of$315,000 for carts. Is that gonna be
reimbursed to the town? I think that's an important question that should be answered or
am I missing something?
President Johnson —Not that we generally answer questions during the Public Hearing
but the Capital Improvement Program is broken down into General Fund and then there
• are three other sub-parts. One is Waste Water, next is Water and last is Golf. Those
three are all Enterprise Funds so what's proposed in the Capital Improvement Program
for Water, Waste Water and Golf Course are coming out of the Enterprise Fund —they
are not taxpayer dollars. Only the General Fund expenditures as contained in the Capital
Improvement Program are from tax dollars.
Richard Bennett—Thank you for clarifying that.
President Johnson—Any one else wishing to speak in favor of the Capital Improvement
Program? Seeing none, anyone wishing to be recorded in name only in favor of the
Capital Improvement Program. Seeing none, anyone wishing to speak in opposition to
i the Capital Improvement Program? Seeing none, anyone wishing to be recorded in name
only in opposition to the Capital Improvement Program? Seeing none, the Chair will
close the Public Hearing. We have before us TR-2013-29, Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern — My only comment if anybody's wondering about the golf carts,
take a ride up to the golf course some time you can see half of the golf carts at times are
broken down. It's a seven year old fleet, I believe, which has over lived its useful life by
about two or three years and it does cause a lot of frustration from golfers in tournaments
coming in wanting to go out on the course and they can't because there's no golf carts
available so I really think that this is an expenditure which is long overdue again,to try to
• get the play up. We'll make money back on the golf carts and I appreciate the comment
about increasing the fees for the golf carts. If we get new golf carts up there, I think we
can increase the fees somewhat but again, I think that it's a necessity that has to be done
but I'm in favor of the—
President Johnson — Any others? I don't know which light came on first — Councilor
Letellier then Rossi.
Councilor Letellicr—This is always my dilemma with the Capital Improvement Project.
It's a wish list but it has specifics and my only concern is I think the Council made it
clear last fall that we weren't ready to go forward on sewers but yet every single year of
• the bonding schedule, we have sewers predict for this coming Fiscal Year starting July I"
projected sewer bond $10,700,000 with over a million dollars in debt service. So how do
we approve the Capital Improvement Budget but that's a wish list that has things that
haven't been approved yet? So I never know what to do with these darn things. I know
there are years we've, I've said no many a year. Somebody else can talk.
President Johnson—You're elected Bob. Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Well, I have to agree and I hear this term wish list every year and for
the life of me I don't have any idea what that means — wish list. I mean wishes are
• dreams wishing to come true I guess. That's the only definition I can come up with. Is
that what we're doing here? Maybe we should get a grip on reality here when we present
these things. Isn't this supposed to be a priority list of the things that we need now and in
the future to be planning for? I mean I go through these things and I look at things that
have been on here for a dozen years or more. I looked at street improvements $150,000
for street improvements. You can't do a side street. I mean some of these streets in our
town, they should be poster ads for kidney foundation, it's terrible with the potholes we
have to drive over. $50,000 for sidewalk repairs and I don't get that. We're talking
about air conditioners. Weren't these $240,000 supposed to be included in the last Junior
High School renovation project that we got reimbursement for? I mean why is this here?
I think that we need to get some, I would like to see a Capital Improvement Program that
is a little closer to reality over here and not ask us to approve these things year after year
after year and I understand that these are things that we would like to see happen but we
have to get a little bit more realistic over here and maybe put something together that
maybe we actually plan to do? I'm not gonna approve this the way it sits.
President Johnson—Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern—I agree with both councilors in that this is a Santa Claus list. It's
what we would like to have but you gotta remember that there's not an item in here that is
going to be approved without coming back before the Council again anyway for its
approval so it's nice to have somebody say gee this is what I'd like, this is what I'd like
but it can't be carried out until we approve the expenditures so even though it may be a
candy list of what you'd like to have, it's not gonna happen until it comes back to the
Council and we do have the final say. So I agree wholeheartedly that some of these items
• in here are way out of line and I also agree that some of them should be coming forward
with a priority of one, two, three as to which ones we're going to be voting on but again
that's the Mayor's option as to which ones he's gonna bring before us and I think that I
wish he would listen to our Council on some of these items so that we can get a little bit
more input as to what should be prioritized in this but at least we have a Capital
i Improvement dream here in front of us but we have to vote on them individually so I see
nothing wrong with voting for a dream list.
President Johnson—Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo — Yeah, in fact, I think Councilor Rossi and I face the same dilemma.
We're on the Facility Needs Committee and the locker rooms have been on there for a
while, have they not? And we know, you and I, went up there and saw how decrepit the
condition they're in and yet apparently there's a dilemma here is because is the School
Department responsible for that or should the city pick it up, you know, the repair?
Didn't that come under the school evaluation, the ten year evaluation, where they said
you've gotta clean your act up with the lockers and so forth? So who's responsible? If
that's such an important thing, they should star it. We've gotta get this done and we do
but where is it? Nothing's gonna happen and I agree with you, Councilor Rossi, it's a
wish list but why don't we start saying hey, this is reality. This is what we have to do and
forget about the cream on the top of the ice cream cuz it ain't gonna happen, not now
• anyway.
President Johnson --Stepping from the Chair, I'm, sorry, first time, Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas — Thank you Mr. President. I just agree with Councilor Magovern.
It's a wish list if something comes, we cannot vote for it any money tonight, we vote for
that but if we have to approve money, it would come back in front to us. For example,
Councilor Cavallo he said about the girls' locker room at High School,the girls
Councilor Cavallo —The boys' and girls'.
Councilor Bitzas — Yes, they will come to us pretty soon because I'm on the committee
and we tried to combine this with the track and the tennis courts and I will inform you
more and be more definite news but we're looking to the plans, the architect, pretty soon,
so I'll come to report to you as a member of the committee but we're gonna see that
• bonded, I believe, tracks, the tennis court and the locker rooms so this is nothing anyway
so I vote in favor because it's just a wish list.
President Johnson—Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry — Yes, thank you Mr. President. It is a wish list. It's been a wish list
since I've been on the Council but is it reality? No. But we've ran into issues where
things have been brought forward to us and said well you approved the Capital Budget,
Capital Improvement Plan, why aren't you, you know it was in there, why are you
denying it now? You know we really have to look at this seriously and as other
• councilors have mentioned, prioritized and prioritize reality, okay? You get the
Hampden County land in there every year, the street improvements, the sidewalks, well
those are all in our budget that we're gonna be looking at next month or the next couple
of weeks anyways, that's where these fall into, that's why you see them every year but
it's part of the Capital Improvement that we're projecting to do this year and the
• following year but you get into some of these other line items, you know, you get the Fire
Department Station two electrical service, Fire Department hydraulic extrication
equipment,jaws-of-life, those types of things. I thought we had an Ambulance Fund that
we were supposed to be buying equipment for out of for the Fire Department? No?
Don't we have that? I thought we did. You put things like that in there and you mention
the sewers, I mean, the Mayor's put it in his Capital Improvement Budget but he's
• basically told the Council that he doesn't want any part of it but yet it's in here and he
wants us to vote on it. So I really question the effort that's put into this and what we
really need to start possibly doing in the future to make it a reality to where we can look
at it and say yeah, these things are doable over the next five years. So that's my take on
it. Thanks.
President Johnson —Nobody else? I echo the sentiments of Councilor Perry relative to
the sewer. The Mayor has stated to me on numerous occasions, he doesn't support it but
yet it's here. Not just Phase 2 but also Phase 3 and Phase 4 so and again, I also echo
Councilor Perry's sentiment that if we approve it because it's a wish list and then they
bring the project back, they like to say well you approved it as part of the Capital
Improvement Program and now why aren't you supporting it? I also as someone who
prepared one for a decade, I can't honestly tell the taxpayers of Agawam that the three
most important General Fund expenditures are a new Early Childhood Center, fixing the
High School bathrooms and locker rooms and the track at the High School especially
when the School Committee, of which the Mayor is a part, has voted three years in a row
to build a new High School which I don't know that anyone up here supports but I'm
confused that that's part of the Capital Improvement Program when they keep coming
and asking us to support building a whole new High School and again, understanding the
capital needs of Agawam, I don't see those as the top three priorities at least not in my
book. But I would, I also understand from my tenure of Mayor, the importance of having
an adopted Capital Improvement Program if we were to go to Wall Street to borrow. So
with that I would offer an amendment to this and it's a relatively simple amendment. I
would offer that the biggest thing that I have a problem with is all the sewer projects
referenced in the Plan. We as a Council have decided to put a hold on it and deal with it
• and so I would make the Motion that we strike all of the references in the Capital
Improvement Program to Phase 2, 3 and 4 from the Capital Improvement Program.
That's my Motion. Motion is made by the Chair, seconded by Councilors Letellier and
Cavallo. Questions or discussion on the amendment? Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi—Yes, I guess I agree in the sense that he has been opposed to it and has
it in the Capital Improvement Budget but there are also other things in there and we go
ahead and we take this sewer project out of there, why don't we just take everything else
out of there. I mean why vote for the thing at all? My take on this whole thing is he's
putting this together because he needs to put it together. I don't think it has any rhyme or
reason to it. There's no substance to it. It's not just the Sewer Project that's in there
that's out of whack. I think we all know that he's opposed to it but yet he has it in his
Project, I think there's other things that's out of whack over here so if we're gonna do
that why isolate just one thing? I think just throw the whole thing out and say if you're
gonna come up with a Capital Improvement Program, let's come out with something
that's realistic, something that we can put our teeth into, not just pick and choose on what
we have in here. That's just my take on it. I don't think we should just isolate the Sewer
President Johnson—Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern — I kind of agree with Councilor Rossi in that I don't think we can
pick and choose one item or another item and say this one's in, this one's out. I really
feel that the Council should have some input into the overall establishment of what some
of the major projects should be but as I said before this is a candy list. I mean it's got not
basis in reality and the question's whether or not we have a Capital Improvement
• Program that we vote for period or we just do away with having one but then as one of
the councilors stated I think that it's probably necessary to have basically for our long-
range Wall Street fluff planning. They like to see that we're dealing with long-range
plans and that's the only reason why I think there's any essence whatsoever here to have
a Capital Improvement Budget but I really think to take the Sewer Project out of the
• Capital Improvement would give the Mayor more strength by saying okay you refused it
in my Capital Improvement Budget and now I can lobby against it totally and I really feel
that the Sewer Project should come under our discussion. It's on hold. It's not dead but
this Council has to discuss it and I don't want to see the Sewer Project pulled out only
because I think that it would belay our whole idea of the program of trying to move it
forward or not moving it forward but I think that it's time that we stand up and take a
vote and go on record one way or another that we're either as a Council in favor of the
Sewer Project or not but to take it out of the Program would just give the Mayor more
strength to say see I was right, nobody wants it. So I'm not voting for the amendment.
President Johnson—Any further discussion on the amendment? Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier — Just quickly, I mean I agree with President Johnson that there's
always that part that says you have to adopt because if you don't then DOR doesn't like it
and you have bonding issues but in terms of the amount of money that is in there for the
i various sewer phases, I don't have any problem saying take it out now and let the Council
deal with it with the various things that were discussed in the workshop so I seconded the
amendment and I'm gonna vote for the amendment.
President Johnson — Any discussion on the amendment? If you're in favor of the
amendment, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the roll.
ROLL CALL - 6 YES (Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo, Cichetti, Johnson, Letellier and
Perry), 4 NO (Councilors Magovern, Mineo, Rheault and Rossi), 1 ABSENT
(Councilor Calabrese)
President Johnson—With a vote of six yes and for no, you've approved the amendment.
We're down to the main Motion as amended. Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo — Just that a lot of this stuff is gonna come up anywhere, a lot of
. these things are gonna come up on the Agenda later on, like the sewer or whatever that's
in there now, everyone's just admitted that nothing really becomes a reality, it shows up
in a budget somewhere so I don't see any big harm in going the way we're going with the
President Johnson — Any further discussion on the main Motion as amended? Seeing
i none, if you're in favor of the Capital Improvement Program as amended, vote yes. If
you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please.
ROLL CALL — 7 YES (Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo, Cichetti, Johnson, Letellier,
Magovern and Perry, 3 NO (Councilors Mineo, Rheault and Rossi), 1 ABSENT
(Councilor Calabrese)
President Johnson — By a vote of seven yes, three no, we've approved the Capital
Improvement Program as amended.
2. PH-2013-5 (TR-2013-28) -A Resolution Authorizing the Adoption of
Order of Taking for the Connecticut River Walk Loop under the Authority
of Section 14 of Chapter 40, Chapter 79 and Chapter 84 of the General Laws
for the Construction & Maintenance of the Connecticut River Walk Loop
(Mayor) (Tabled)
President Johnson —The item is on the table. Is there a Motion to remove the item from
the table? Moved by Councilor Bitzas, seconded by Councilor Rheault. All in favor of
taking it off the table say Ay? Any opposed? The item is off the table. The Chair will
accept a Motion to approve TR-2013-28. Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by
Councilors Magovern and Cichetti. At this point, the Chair will open the Public Hearing.
1 These are for two remaining easements relative to the Connecticut River Walk Loop
which is primarily on School Street in Agawam. These were necessitated because the
original owner who had conveyed the easements subsequently sold the property before
the easements were recorded. If you're in favor of TR-2013-29 you may approach the
microphone and speak in favor. Anyone wishing to address the Council in favor?
David Morin — David Morin, 437 South Westfield Street. I'm in favor of this. I think
it's pretty obvious but I just really hope that everything is being done in terms of safety
for anyone who uses the River Walk Loop after it's completed. Thank you.
President Johnson — Anyone else wishing to address the Council in favor of TR-2013-
28? Anyone wishing to be recorded in name only in favor of TR-2013-28?
Richard Bennett—Richard Bennett, in favor.
President Johnson —Anyone else wishing to be recorded in name only?
Johanna Searles --Johanna Searles.
President Johnson — Thank you. Anyone else wishing to be recorded in name only in
favor? Seeing none, anyone wishing to address the Council in opposition to TR-2013-
28? Seeing none, anyone wishing to be recorded in name only in opposition? Seeing
none, I close the Public Hearing. We have before us TR-2013-28, any discussion?
Seeing none, if you're in favor, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to
call the roll please.
• ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, I ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese)
President Johnson—With a vote of ten yes, you've approved TR-2013-28.
3. PH-2013-6(TOR-2013-5) -An Ordinance Amending§180 of the
Agawam Zoning Ordinance Entitled "Article Xt1. Floodplain Zone"
(Planning Board)(Two Readings Required)(Referred to Legislative
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to remove? Moved by Councilor Letellier,
seconded by Councilor Cavallo. All those in favor of removing the item from the table
say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimously off the table. The Chair will now entertain a
Motion to approve the first reading of TR-2013-5. Moved by Councilor Letellier,
seconded by Councilor Cichetti. At this point, prior to getting the Legislative
Committee's report, we'll conduct the Public Hearing. The Chair opens the Public
40 Hearing. Anyone wishing to address the Council in favor of TOR-2013-5 may approach.
Erik Wight — Erik Wight, Building Inspector. I'm filling in for Deb Dachos who's on
vacation, the Director of Planning. I like to talk in bullet points so you'll get used to me
maybe. Essentially when I look at this it's just very simply preserving the property
values of those people that live fortunately or unfortunately next to the river or any of the
0 tributaries Westfield, Connecticut River so for them basically to be insured, we need to
adopt this Ordinance and any programs that relate to that, any catastrophes that may
happen relating to flooding or whatnot, although personally as many of you may, no one
likes having it put down their throat if you will as a federal mandate. But essentially
what we have here is a federal mandate. We really don't have any choice and I don't like
• that, probably no one likes that, no one likes being told what to do and that's just human
nature but unfortunately that's what we have here. I have some information on this. I
was flooded, pardon the pun, if you will, once we got the Sunday Republican came out
with the news, tons of calls, am I in a new zone, not in a new zone, it's a little complex
with this but basically the bottom line is for people to preserve their investments, we need
to adopt this. That's it essentially.
President Johnson —Anyone else wishing to address the Council in favor of TOR-2013-
5? Anyone wishing to be recorded in name only in favor of TOR-2013-5? Anyone
wishing to speak in opposition to TOR-2013-5? Anyone wishing to be recorded in name
only in opposition? Seeing none, I close the Public Hearing. At this point, the Chair
would refer to Councilor Cichetti for the Legislative Sub-Committee report.
Councilor Cichetti—Thank you Mr. President. We did meet tonight before this meeting
and we are sending a positive recommendation as to just what's been stated, basically
. something being mandated by the state and we're just basically putting a rubber stamp on
this so that we follow proper protocol. Thank you.
President Johnson —Any other questions or discussion? Seeing none, if you're in favor
of the first reading of TOR-2013-5 vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. Barbara?
ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese)
President Johnson — With a vote of ten yes, we've approved the first reading of TOR-
2013-5. The second reading will go on to our next Agenda.
4. PH-2013-7(TR-2013-35) -A Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2014
Annual Operating Budget for the Town of Agawam(Mayor) (Public Hearing
Date Set for June 17, 2013)
President Johnson — It has been so advertised. At this point, the Chair will entertain a
Motion to place that item on the table until our next meeting. Moved by Councilor
Magovern, seconded by Councilor Cichetti, All in favor of tabling the item until our next
meeting, say Ay? Any opposed? It's tabled.
5. PH-2013-9(TOR-2013-6) —An Ordinance to Amend the Code of the
Town of Agawam Zoning Ordinances by§180 Article XYI(Residence A-6,
Low Density Multi-Family Community) (Planning Board) (Referred to
Planning Board and Public Hearing Date Set for July 8,2013)
President Johnson — At this point, the Chair would entertain a Motion to place this item
! on the table until our July 8`h meeting. Moved by Councilor Cichetti, seconded by
Councilor Rheault. All in favor of tabling the item until our July 80` meeting, say Ay?
Any opposed? It's unanimous.
6. PH-2013-9(ZC-2013-2) -A Petition for Zone Change for Parcel
! Owned by NWST,LLC located at 26 North Westfield Street(Referred to
Planning Board and Public Hearing Date Set for July 8, 2013)
President Johnson—At this point,the Chair would entertain a collective Motion to place
those three items on the table until our July 8`h meeting. Moved by Councilor Rheault,
seconded by Councilors Rossi and Cichetti. All in favor of placing those three items on
! the table until our July 8t`meeting, say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
7. PH-2013-10(ZC-2013-3) -A Petition for Zone Change for Parcel
Owned by NWST,LLC located at 32 North Westfield Street(Referred to
Planning Board and Public Hearing Date Set for July 8,2013)
President Johnson— See item#6.
8. PH-2013-11 (ZC-2013-4) -A Petition for Zone Change for Parcel
Owned by NWST,LLC located at 38 North Westfield Street(Referred to
Planning Board and Public Hearing Date Set for July 8, 2013)
President Johnson— See item#6
Item 10. Old Business
! 1. TOR-2013-3 -An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 49 of the Code of the
Town of Agawam entitled "Personnel"(2/2 Readings) (Referred to
Legislative Committee) (Mayor)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve the second reading? Moved by
Councilor Magovern, seconded by Councilor Cichetti. Questions or discussion on TOR-
2013-3? Seeing none, if you're in favor TOR-2013-3, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote
no. I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please.
ROLL CALL —5 YES (Councilors Bitzas, Cavallo, Cichetti, Magovern and Mineo),
5 NO (Councilors Johnson, Letellier, Perry, Rheault and Rossi), 1 ABSENT
• (Councilor Calabrese)
President Johnson — By a vote of five yes, five no, one absent, you've defeated the
second reading of TOR-2013-3.
2. TOR-2013-4 -An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 49 of the Code of the
Town of Agawam entitled"Personnel"(212 Readings) (Referred to
Legislative Committee)(Mayor)
President Johnson —Is there a Motion to approve the second reading? Motion made by
• Councilor Mineo, seconded by Councilors Bitzas and Cichetti. Any discussion? Seeing
none, if you're in favor of the second reading of TOR-2013-4, vote yes. If you're
opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please.
ROLL CALL — 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Calabrese)
President Johnson — With a vote of ten yes, one absent, you've approved the second and
final reading of TOR-2013-4.
3. TO-2013-15—An Order Granting or Renewing a Junk Dealer's PERMIT
• for Baki's Fine Jewelry,360 North Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA.
(Clerk) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Rheault,
seconded by Councilor Rossi. I realize the matter was referred to the Admin. Sub-
Committee. With the meeting schedule, I know they were unable to meet but I'd ask
• Councilor Rossi if he has an informal report.
Councilor Rossi — I do and you're correct. We did not but we did informally meet and
discuss this and we all had an opportunity to review it at our own leisure and there is no
problem and sending a positive recommendation for any of my members of the
committee to the Full Council for approval.
President Johnson — Questions or discussion on TO-2013-15? Seeing none, all those in
favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
• 4. TO-2013-16 -A Budgetary Transfer of$4,000.00 from Line Items
Reserve Fund (16605-57300)to the Town Clerk Regular Temporary(11611-
51020) (Mayor)(Referred to Finance Committee)
President Johnson -- Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Magovern,
seconded by Councilor Letellier. The item was referred to the Finance Sub-Committee. I
• guess I'd ask Councilor Mineo since the next three items were all referred if you want to
summarize into one report?
Councilor Mineo —No recommendation was made. Honestly we didn't have time to go
over these items because the first item —the golf course issue — lasted almost 45 minutes
• so the Motion was made to discuss in front of the entire City Council.
President Johnson — Thank you Councilor Mineo. As I understand it, the extra money
is necessary because they had police coverage at the Primary and will again have police
• coverage at the Special Senate Election hence the need for the additional funds at least
during the time that the children are in school. This is before the Council and it's already
been moved and seconded (to Councilor Cavallo). Any other discussion on TO-2013-16?
Seeing none, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
Councilor Letellier—inaudible (microphone not on)
President Johnson — I don't believe so as long as the Chair is not in doubt. It requires
six votes.
5. TO-2013-17 -A Budgetary Transfer of$462.50 from the Health Dept.
Chemical Lab Account(15103-52310) to the Training& Education Account
(15102-52180)(Mayor)(Referred to Finance Committee)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Rheault,
seconded by Councilor Rossi. Questions or discussion? Seeing none, all those in favor
say Ay? Any opposed? Unanimous.
6. TO-2013-18 -A Budgetary Transfer of$10,684.51 from the DPW
Highway Ice Control Material Account(14203-52210)to the DPW Highway
Snow& Ice Overtime(14201-51031 $9,797.01)and Highway Equipment
Rentals—Snow(14202-52071 $890.50) (Mayor) (Referred to Finance
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Magovern,
seconded by Councilor Letellier. Questions or discussion? Seeing none, all those in
favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
Item IL New Business
1. TO-2013-19 -An Order Granting an Application for Abatement,
Redetermination,Extension or Deferral of Sewer Betterment Assessment
Requested by Soldier On,Inc.,for the Property Located at 702 South
Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA.(Council)
President Johnson — I would refer that to the Admin Sub-Committee and ask that if
you're going to schedule the meeting that you have our assistant contact the attorney who
presented the application so that he may be present.
Item 12. Any other matter that may legally come before the C�Council.
President Johnson — I'd ask that we'd be brief since we are fifteen minutes late for our
joint workshop so we'll start with Councilor Cavallo.
Councilor Cavallo—I have nothing this evening.
President Johnson—Councilor Bitzas?
• Councilor Bitzas—Nothing.
President Johnson—Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti—Nothing.
• President Johnson—Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry—Nothing this evening.
President Johnson—Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault—Nothing.
President Johnson—Councilor Magovern?
• Councilor Magovern—Only thing is that we had a wonderful Memorial Day celebration
and I want to thank the groups that worked so hard to put it together. Thank you.
President Johnson—Councilor Mineo?
i Councilor Mineo—Nothing tonight.
President Johnson—Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi — Yes, just quickly, housekeeping, Barbara, would you schedule a
i meeting at the earliest convenience and send a letter to the attorney and all parties that are
necessary to attend? Thank you.
President Johnson—Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier — Yes, I will be unable to attend graduation so congrats and good
• luck to the class of 2013. Thank you.
President Johnson — And I just have three brief announcements reminding the Council
and the general public that the Awards Night at the High School is scheduled for this
Thursday at 7:00pm. The High School graduation is scheduled for this Saturday at
• 11:00am at Symphony Hall in Springfield and Happy Birthday in abstentia to CeCe and
more importantly happy 39'h birthday to Councilor Rossi. With that the Chair would
entertain a Motion to adjourn. Moved and seconded around the house, all in favor of
adjournment say Ay? Any opposed? We are adjourned and we will reconvene shortly in
the cafeteria for our joint workshop with the CPA.
Adiournment at 8:15nm