CC MTG MINUTES MARCH 18 2013 REGULAR MEETING OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL • Minutes dated March 18, 2013 President Johnson —I'd call the meeting to order. Item 1. Roll Call • President Johnson—I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please? ROLL CALL—11 PRESENT, 0 ABSENT President Johnson—With eleven present, we have a quorum. Item Z Moment of Silence and the Pledge ofAlleeiance. President Johnson — I'd ask everyone to rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of 0 Allegiance please. Item 3. Ciken_s Speak Time President Johnson — Next we have Citizen's Speak Time. We have two individuals r wishing to address the Council. The first is Doug Reed. Doug Reed — Doug Reed, 10 Shelley Lane, Feeding Hills. Good evening everybody. I'm always thinking that I'm having attendance as well as any of the councilors up there coming to this meeting but—again about the sewers. A lot of items keep appearing back up. I'd like to see under your Old Business TOR-2012-4 adding the language of • mandatory connection to public sewers; I'd like to see that go through. I think that's the beginning stage of us resolving the issues that we need to resolve so we can get this project to move forward. As I spoke about a gentleman at the last meeting that had suffered a system failure, unfortunately he's in Oklahoma and he was unable to attend tonight. He did express his support, I know that's hearsay but he's going through a • situation now where they've had somebody come in and look at what they have to do to correct it and he's facing having his yard raised three to four feet. So I don't think I need to tell you what that's going to do to his property value. He's not a happy camper and he's not the first person that's gonna go through this nor will he be the last and that I guess is the most unfortunate thing. We've seen 74 failures in five years. Do we want to 0 face another 74 in the next five? I don't think so. So I just want you to keep this in mind with everybody's mind, we just need to get this done. We should expend the energy on finding a solution, not examining the problems. You examine the problems to find the solution, not just cast it to the wayside. Ignoring the citizens on this issue is horrendous, it's horrendous. We've put so much energy in everything in this town yet one of the most basic things, what do you do with what is a normal body function, we can't get rid of it, I mean, I live it, what we watch when we're washing, all this stuff, we've heard testimony from people in the past that are letting water go out, it's not safe, it's not sanitary, it's not 1 • acceptable nor is ignoring this acceptable. So I just urge you to let's get forward, let's get the language in, let's make the corrections we need to do to get this project forward, paid i for, and done. Thank you. President Johnson—Thank you. Next is John Cappuccilli? John Cappuccilli —Good evening. My name is John Cappuccilli. I live on 50 Red Fox Drive in the South West section of Feeding Hills. We have a golden opportunity right now. We've got Phase 1 in. Phase I is in and now we're gonna add Phase 2. Now with Phase 1 came the development of a condominium complex and also the Soldiers On program which are going to be able to tie into the sewer system and help pay for about three-quarters of the cost after everything is said and done. We've gotta move forward with this. We really do. We've been stuck on this dime for fifteen years and before that. • I've been here coming before the Council for at least fifteen years on the same subject just to get a little portion of Phasel done and we've gotta move forward with it. We're looking forward to the workshops that were promised so the citizens can come and learn the real answers and address any concerns they may have so I think that's coming soon. The Mayor—the Mayor he was for TR-12-47 for Phase 2 before he was against it! When Phase 1 was completed, I stood next to the Mayor on the old Police Academy grounds and he was happy as a clam shoveling the first shovel. He supported it then, why doesn't he support it now? He liked the photo op. He wasn't even Mayor then, Mayor Dawson invited him. In fact, the Mayor said this all happened while he was on vacation. Do I have to say any more? The Southwest Section was built in the 70's and 80's; the perk test wasn't done correctly. We all know that. There was a lot of political corruption going on there. Now there's a plan to give us loans and I gave that some consideration last time I was,here but the loan to fix failing septic systems that the houses should never have been built there in the first place, is unacceptable. Right now, we're in the Southwest Section, we're in the bottom of the food chain when it comes to real estate values. We live in a high rate of Title 5 failures and our roads are falling apart out there and the answer I get is that oh no, we're gonna put sewers out there so we don't want to dig them up. Well people are starting to come to me now saying you know I don't think we're ever gonna get sewers here John, can you ask when the heck we're gonna get roads? The plows are digging them up? They're awful. People cannot sell their property for two things —the condition of the roads, that's secondary, but even when they've fixed their systems, people are very educated today, buyers are very educated, they have to put a lot of money into a piece of property, they don't want to buy a piece of property even with the new septic system that's only gonna last fifteen years. That's what Randy White told me —a septic system only lasts fifteen years and the result is that why do we have to put elevated systems in — because we're in a high water table. That's why. That's why when I walk around my neighborhood I shudder when I'm gonna have to put a new one in because it's gonna decrease the property value horrendously. Again, on the topic of mandatory hookups, I've read some of the language, I'm for mandatory hookups. The only way this thing is gonna succeed is if we have mandatory hookups but we've got to take into consideration the people that already have replaced their septic systems within the last five years. They've spent over 510,000 to $20,000. In our gets together, we could formulate a fair and equitable plan moving forward to take care of those people. 2 • Our responsibility is, it goes backwards, we have to make good for the bad decisions that were done in the 70's and 80's. i Clerk—One minute please. John Cappuccilli—Thank you very much. President Johnson —Thank you. i Item 4. Minutes 1. Regular Council Meeting--March 4,2013 • President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilors Cichetti and Cavallo. Questions or corrections on the minutes of March 14''? Seeing none, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? Please note the abstentions of Councilors Magovern, Perry and Letellier but with the other votes, it's approved unanimously. • Item 5. Declaration from Council President President Johnson—We'll reserve that to"Any Other Business". Item 6. Presentation of Petitions,Memorials& Remonstrances 1. TR-2012-47—A Resolution Authorizing a Loan Order in the Amount of $10,469,500.00 for the Construction of Phase II of the Southwest Area Sewer Project(Tabled 3/4113) (Mayor) i President Johnson — The first four items which are all sewer-related items will remain on the table indefinitely and we'll be calling a workshop some time during the month of April to discuss. 2. TR-2012-55 -A Resolution Adopting an Order of Public Notice for the Pending Assessment of a Portion of the Cost of Phase 2 of the Southwest Area Sewer Project to the Abutting Land Owners (Tabled 3/4/13) (Administrative Sub-Committee) President Johnson—See Item#1. • 3. TR-2012-56 -A Resolution Supporting the Creation of a Septic Repair Loan Program in the City of Agawam (Tabled 3/4/13)(Council President Johnson) President Johnson—See Item #1. i 3 4. TR-2012-62 -A Resolution Amending TR-2008-48 as amended by TR- 2010-05 to Authorize the Use of Funds for a Septic Improvement Loan Program (Tabled 3/4/13)(Mayor) President Johnson—See Item#1. 5. TR-2013-12 - A Resolution authorizing the Acceptance of Donations of Temporary and Permanent Easements for the Construction and Maintenance of the Connecticut River Walk Loop Project(Tabled 3/4/13) (Referred to Community Relations Committee) (Mayor) President Johnson --I would recommend that we leave that item on the table until after the Public Hearing is conducted and we'll take it up with its sister item which is TR- 2013-13. Seeing no objections, next - 6. TR-2013-15 -A Resolution authorizing the posting of the warrant for the State Primary Election on April 30,2013 and the State Election on June 25, 2013 (Mayor) • President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Questions or discussion on posting of the warrant? Seeing none, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous. 7. TR-2013-16 -A Resolution authorizing the Town of Agawam to expend funds in excess of available appropriations for snow and ice removal (Mayor) President Johnson -- Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Magovern. Questions or discussion? For the public's information, we're at the end of our snow removal budget in this fiscal and in order to spend beyond that we have to approve this so that we can pay bills for future storms including tonight. Councilor Perry? Councilor Perry—Yes, thank you Mr. President. Definitely we have to make a move on this. I know I've been up here long enough, this has come before us in the past and I know it's come to us in this format but do we want to put a dollar amount to this? President Johnson — In conversation with the Treasurer/Collector and the Mayor, they both indicated that they plan to come back to the Council with the necessary transfers to cover any expenditure so that it won't be added as an excess appropriation directly on to the tax rate for the next fiscal year. In other words, if they don't come back and cover with transfers, anything, snow removal is one of those items, if we spend in excess it automatically goes on to the tax rate for the following fiscal year. They've indicated they'll come back to us once the snow season is over with, with either transfers from the Reserve Fund or give us copies of in-house transfers to cover any monies that they i expend. So, we can add a dollar amount if you want but it seems to me that we're trying to take out our crystal ball and it's difficult to figure out what's gonna be spent between now and hopefully we've got one or maybe two more storms. 4 w 0 Councilor Perry—Hopefully one. 0 President Johnson—Yeah, hopefully tonight's it. Councilor Rossi? Councilor Rossi — Yes, thank you. My only question, well not my only question but I looked at those bills and I think that they're a little bit high and I don't know if there's anybody really monitoring these things but the thing that I question as to why don't we just allow to deficit spend according to the rules of the DOR and when they come back with a figure then we'll know exactly what we're going to be appropriating. The law allows them to do this. They don't really need our approval to do that so why isn't it done that way? • President Johnson—To be honest with you, Councilor Rossi, I asked the same question. In my days when I sat in the Mayor's Office, I always had language that I put into the budget resolution that allowed deficit spending on snow removal accounts with the notion that we always came back if we spent an excess of what was appropriated looking for Council transfers. That similar language hasn't been put in the budget resolutions in * recent years so maybe we could look at adding it to this coming budget resolution because then it makes it easier because when they do come back for transfers, we're dealing with hard and fast dollars. Councilor Rossi—Absolutely. • President Johnson—Any other questions or discussion? Councilor Bitzas? Councilor Bitzas — Right. I will support the Resolution because nobody wants to spend any extra money but we need to spend this money. There was a town that was run out of . money and what happened? The street was unplowed, there was a lot more danger so I don't want to see that happen to our town and I urge you to support it and let's trust those people. I think they are doing a good job and hopefully there'll be one more storm and that's it. Thank you. President Johnson — Any other questions or discussion on TR-2013-16? If you're in • favor, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please? ROLL CALL— 11 YES, 0 NO President Johnson—With a vote of eleven yes, we've approved TR-2013-16. • Item 7. Report of Council Committees None. • 5 • • Item 8. Elections None. Item 9. Public HearinPs L PH-2013-2 (TR-2013-13) -A Resolution authorizing the Adoption of Orders of Taking for the Connecticut River Walk Loop under the Authority • of Section 14 of Chapter 40,and Chapter 79 and Chapter 84 of the Massachusetts General Laws for the Construction and Maintenance of the Connecticut River Walk Loop(Referred to Community Relations Committee) (Tabled 3/4/13) (Mayor) President Johnson—So at this point, the Chair would entertain a Motion to take the item off the table. Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilor Cichetti. All those in favor of taking the item off the table say Ay? Any opposed? The item is off the table. At this point, the Chair would entertain a Motion on the item prior to opening up the Public Hearing. Moved by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by Councilor Rossi. At this point, we're gonna conduct the Public Hearing. This is for the Orders of Taking along • School Street for the Connecticut River Walk Loop. When I open the Public Hearing, I'll ask those who want to speak in favor to come forward, then I'll ask those who want to be recorded in name only in favor, and then I'll ask those who want to speak against and then finally those who want to be recorded in name only against. So at this point, 1 declare the Public Hearing open. Any who want to speak in favor of TR-2013-13, I just • ask that you say your name and address for the record. Deborah Dachos —My name is Deborah Dachos and I'm Planning Director for the Town of Agawam. It seems like a broken record but this is another one of those ten year projects. We started it in 1999. It was actually funded through a grant that was directed to the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission who hired Fuss & O'Neil, can you hear me George, we hired Fuss & O'Neil from West Springfield to do the design work. One of the first things we undertook at that time was an alternatives analysis. We had four different scenarios and the purpose was to create a loop as part of the overall regional bike loop system that we are a part of, the original phase as you are all aware and utilize I'm sure quite frequently is the 1.7 mile portion on River Road and what we were intending to do is create a five mile bike loop, pedestrian-friendly, bicycle-friendly loop to create safe bicycle access in that area of town. We considered going down Corey Street. We considered going along the right of way for Springfield Water Department and we did a very detailed analysis and came up with the alternative to go down School • Street. School Street right-of-way doesn't go in a straight line. It meanders through down the corridor so the project consists of a dedicated bike path on the south side of River Road, down as far as and I should know this but everybody knows where Walt Willard is, down as far as Walt Willard's house. At that point, it will become a four foot wide bike lane on both sides of the roadway. We have submitted the 100% design plans. They've been reviewed and approved by the State. We're in the final phase of the construction PS&E bid documents. We were contacted by the State in the spring and asked to secure all the easements on this project. There are over hundred easements for b • this project. Eighty of them are the town's responsibility, twenty are the state's responsibility because they're on River Road and it's the state's responsibility because River Road is a state highway. Of the, actually there's seventy-five easements that the town's responsible for, sixty temporary and fifteen permanent. We did an extensive outreach to all the property owners as required by federal law. We've received 36 donations of the easements -- eight were town easements —29 easements, the individuals did not want to donate and two easements are still in question so I might be back before you again. I miss you guys so much I have to see you every meeting lately. The sixty temporary easements are construction easements. If this wasn't a federally funded project, what we would probably just get is a right-of-entry on the properties. We are not taking any land on the temporary easements. Most of the temporary easements are to blend the widened road, do some minor grading, seeding, also lots of driveway aprons. When we widen the road, we'll be blending the driveways with the new pavement. There may be specific questions this evening regarding construction on people's property. I have to reiterate, on temporary easements we are not doing any construction on anybody's property, we are not taking property. We are paying approximately or proposing to pay approximately $58,000 to the twenty-nine properties that have decided not to donate easements to this project. I'd be happy to answer questions if you have any * at this point or later? President Johnson—We're in a Public Hearing so— Deborah Dachos—Okay. President Johnson — Anyone else who wishes to speak in favor of TR-2013-13? Anybody wishing to be recorded in name only in favor of TR-2013-13? Anyone wishing to speak in opposition to TR-2013-13? Again, I'd ask as you approach to state your name and address for the record please? Richard Melloni — My name is Richard Melloni Jr. I live at 172 School Street and I believe I'm one of the two properties that we're talking about temporary easements. First of all I am definitely not against doing something with School Street with putting some kind of sidewalk in or bike path in or anything like that. What I am in concern of is the safety. That road is traveled a lot. It's traveled quite a bit. Everybody uses that street as • a cut through — fifty/sixty miles an hour — not "discluding" myself. The kids that are going up and down that street, if the street is widened, that's not protecting our children or the people jogging or bicycling from getting hit by a car. It's something that I think we should re-think, move a larger bike path four feet off the road,just like it is in many other towns. I jokingly keep saying we're not Amherst. I don't know why we're trying to widen the road and make it look like we've got two breakdown lanes going up each side of the road. I think it's gonna create problems for the mail service. I think it's gonna create problems for the trash service, people going up and down that road. I think it's just an unsafe condition. I think we can really re-think that. I've looked at the plans a couple of times. I've lived on that street for fifteen years. I've been living in this town for fifty years. My wife's been living there for fifty years in that house so we know the street and we know the town pretty well. I think it's unsafe and I'll keep saying it over 7 • and over again, unsafe conditions. I think moving it over, I don't have a problem giving up my land if it's giving up the land that people are thinking that I'm fighting this for, it's not it. I don't care about the land. I just care about the safety of the town and the kids and that's it. President Johnson — Thank you. Anyone else wishing to address the Council in opposition to TR-2013-13? Anyone wishing to be recorded in name only in opposition to TR-2013-13? Seeing no one, I declare the Public Hearing closed. We have before us • TR-2013-13, the matter was referred to the Community Relations Committee so I would ask Councilor Calabrese for their report and perhaps consolidate it with TR-2013-12. Councilor Calabrese — Yes, the Community Relations Sub-Committee met regarding this matter on February 27t'. My items of Agenda were TR-2013-12 and TR-2013-13 • and Debbie Dachos did attend the meeting and make substantially similar presentation to us at that time. One of the things that we focused on was the length that this project has been going on, the history and the fact that this is a federally-funded project. This is money that's used specifically for bicycle path use and not for transportation nor highway. Let's see what else. We talked about a number of things including the fact that this project is eventually gonna connect with West Springfield and with Springfield River Walks and we're well ahead of schedule as far as completing those projects. At the time, there were amendments to the Resolutions that needed to be made to include the meets and bounds for each of the properties that were included and I see that we have before us today those meets and bounds. Motion was made by Paul Cavallo that we send a positive • recommendation on both of these items and it was seconded by George Bitzas and the Community Relations Sub-Committee unanimously approved to send a positive recommendation on both of these items by a vote of 4-0. Respectfully submitted Cecilia Calabrese. President Johnson — Thank you. Any other discussion on TR-2013-13? Seeing none, I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please? ROLL CALL— 11 YES, 0 NO President Johnson — With a vote of eleven yes, you've approved TR-2013-13. At this point, the Chair would entertain a Motion to take TR-2013-12 off the table. Moved by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by Councilors Perry and Rossi. All those in favor of taking TR-2013-12 off the table, say Ay? Opposed? The item's off the table. TR-2013-12 - A Resolution authorizing the Acceptance of Donations of Temporary and Permanent Easements for the Construction and Maintenance of the Connecticut River Walk Loop Project(Tabled 314113) (Referred to Community Relations Committee) (Mayor) President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Cavallo, seconded by Councilor Magovern. Questions or discussion? Seeing none, on behalf of the Council before we take the vote, we want to extend our thanks to those residents who donated the easements. It's very generous when you consider the money that was • involved so on behalf of the Council; we thank them for their generous donations. If you're in favor of TR-2013-12, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please? ROLL CALL—11 PRESENT, 0 NO President Johnson —With eleven yes, we've approved TR-2013-12. 2. PH-2013-3 (TOR-2013-1) - (Public Hearing Date Set for April 16,2013) An Ordinance to Amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Zoning Ordinances §180--29 "Article IV Residence A-3 Districts Use Restrictions"(Referred to Legislative Committee)(Planning Board) President Johnson — We have a suggested Public Hearing date of April 16, 2013 so I will set the Public Hearing for that date and I would entertain a Motion to table this item until that date. Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilors Letellier and Calabrese. All those in favor of tabling TOR-2013-1 until our April 16"' meeting say Ay? Any opposed? The item is on the table. Item 10. Old Business 1. TOR-2012-4 -An Ordinance to Amend the Cods of the Town of Agawam Chapter 175 entitled "Water and Sewers"by adding Article XIII entitled "Mandatory Connection to Public Sanitary Sewers"(Tabled 3/4113) (Two readings required) (Council President Johnson) President Johnson — This will remain tabled indefinitely pending the Council Workshop. 2. TO-2013-6 -An Order Granting or Renewing LICENSE for a Class 2 Dealer(s)-Town Motors 11,393 Main Street,Agawam,MA(Tabled 3/4/13) (Referred to Administrative Committee)(Clerk) President Johnson — Is there a Motion to remove the item from the table? Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilor Magovern. All those in favor of taking the item off the table say Ay? Any opposed? The item is off the table. The Chair will entertain a Motion to approve TO-2013-6. Moved by Councilor Letellier, seconded by Councilor Calabrese. The item was referred to the Administrative Sub-Committee, Councilor Rossi? • Councilor Rossi — Thank you. A copy of the committee reports has been submitted to all of the councilors and I would hope that they would have had an opportunity to read them since they were quite lengthy and somewhat complicated. On March 60i, the committee met and after a lengthy discussion between the committee and with the applicants, the applicants were afforded an opportunity to address the committee with any evidence they wanted of support and documentation they wanted to present. At the end of all of that discussion, the committee then deliberated afterwards and it was concluded 9 • that the applicants of Town Motors do not have a legal right to lease the premises located at 393 Main Street for the primary purpose of buying and selling cars and required by . Mass Law 140, 58 and 9 plus our Town Code, 114 -5. So accordingly, the Committee voted to send a negative response to the Full Council recommending that the applicant of TO-2013-6 a license to renew to Town Motors be denied and the recommendation comes with the understanding that this license would fail to exist through attrition and would not be replaced. The vote was unanimous by the Committee. President Johnson — Any other questions or discussion on TO-2013-6? Councilor Letellier? Councilor Letellier—Yes, was Mr. Melloni given or given the option of an extension so that he could in fact provide a lease for this address? • Councilor Rossi—Yes,he was,probably about six months. Councilor Letellier-- Six months prior to the committee meeting? Okay, I thought Mr. Melloni would be here tonight but I don't see him. Councilor Rossi—Well if I might clarify the point that I had spoken to Mr. Melloni and his son who's also a co-owner of the property, both personally and I gave them information concerning the laws regarding the laws that are applicable to obtaining a Class 2 Dealer's license so they were fully aware of what it would take. They lost their right of lease probably somewhere around September I'm guessing and it's approximate so their license actually should have failed to exist at that point because as I stated earlier, the law requires that they have facilities according to Mass law but they were given an opportunity out of consideration that they've had the license and I told them what was necessary to get that license and to maintain that license and at the last Council meeting, they gave me a copy of a lease and that lease appears on its face to be invalid because the ! owner, the tenant who issued the lease, it doesn't appear as though he has standing to issue the lease because he's just a tenant and not the landlord and they couldn't get approval from the landlord that he gave permission for the tenant to give a sub-lease and there was no addendum issued to give documentation to the committee that there was an authorization or given permission for a sub-lease for a car lot and as I noted in my • minutes, I took the time and I contacted Bolduc's office and spoke to him personally and he expressed to me that he was quite emphatic about not leasing his property to have a Class 2, to have a dealership on that property because his plans, his future plans, did not include having it there. So he told me he was not gonna give permission. In view of all the information that was supplied to the Committee, as I said through testimony earlier, documentation and what I was told personally by the person that owns that property, we had no other conclusion but to come to this. It was unfortunately that we had to come to this conclusion but it just fails to qualify under the law so we had to, the Committee had no choice but to send a negative recommendation. • 10 • Councilor Letellier — Is the Committee, I'm sorry, may I continue Mr. Chair? Is the Committee amenable to doing one final tabling to give an opportunity to resolve this matter with their landlord? Councilor Rossi — As I stated, there's nothing to resolve. The person at 393 who owns that property, Mr. Bolduc, does not want that dealership to be at that location. He's not willing to lease the property out for that. Councilor Letellier--Do we have anything in writing from Mr. Bolduc indicating that? Councilor Rossi— He will not supply anything in writing that authorizes that tenant that he has in there to enter into a sub-lease with the Mellonis. • Councilor Letellier — No, what I said was do we have anything from Mr. Bolduc indicating that he does not want the license renewed at that address? Councilor Rossi—Other than his word to me? No. Councilor Letellier—All right. Thank you. President Johnson —Other questions or discussion on TO-2013-6? If you're in favor of granting the license, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please? Councilor Letellier—Charter Object. President Johnson — We have a Charter Objection which means the item will immediately go to our next Agenda without further discussion. 3. TO-2013-9 -An Order Granting or Renewing a LICENSE for a Class 2 Deafer(s)—Zielinski Brothers II, 218 Shoemaker Lane,Agawam,MA (Referred to Administrative Committee)(Clerk) President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilor Magovern. This item was also referred to the Admin Sub- Committee, Councilor Rossi? Councilor Rossi — Yes, thank you. The Committee met concerning Mr. Zielinski's license and voted unanimously to send a positive recommendation for approval. • President Johnson —Any other questions or discussion on TO-2013-9? Seeing none, if you're in favor of granting the Class 2 Dealer's license, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the roll please? ROLL CALL— 11 YES, 0 NO 11 • President Johnson — With a vote of eleven yes, you've granted the Class 2 Dealer's license to Zielinski Brothers, 218 Shoemaker Lane, Agawam. Item 11. New Business 1. TR-2013-17 -A Resolution confirming the re-appointment of Christopher Sanchez,36 Hemlock Ridge,Feeding Hills,MA to the Agawam Veterans' Council to a term expiring April 1,2016(Mayor) President Johnson—That'll go on to our next Agenda. 2. TR-2013-18 -A Resolution confirming the re-appointment of Aldo Mancini,Jr.,482 Southwest Street,Feeding Hills,MA to the Agawam Veterans' Council to a term expiring April 1,2016(Mayor) President Johnson—That'll also go on to our next Agenda. 3. TR 2013-19 -A Resolution confirming the re-appointment of Frank Pignatare,685 Suffield Street,Agawam,MA to the Agawam Veterans' ! Council to a term expiring April 1,2016(Mayor) President Johnson—That'll also go on to our next Agenda. 4. TR-2013-20 -A Resolution confirming the appointment of Sandra Hottin, 12 Rowley Street,Agawam,MA to the Agawam Housing Authority to a term expiring the second Monday in January,2015(Mayor) President Johnson—That'll also go on to our next Agenda. Councilor Calabrese—Mr. Chair? • President Johnson--Yes? Councilor Calabrese — May I make a Motion to suspend the Rules to add a couple of items of Agenda onto New Business? President Johnson—Certainly. If you could state the Motion for the record. Councilor Calabrese—It is, I'd like to make a Motion to suspend the Rules. It has come to my attention that there are a couple of items missing under New Business and therefore in suspending the Rules,that we add those items of Agenda. . President Johnson — I believe the item of Agenda is TR-2013-21 A Resolution authorizing the Preparation of a Statement of Interest for a new Early Childhood Center and High School which is sponsored by the Mayor on behalf of the School Committee. ! So is that a Motion to suspend our Rules to add that as an item of New Business which we will not be called upon to vote. 12 • • Councilor Calabrese—Indeed. President Johnson —We have a Motion to suspend the Rules to add TR-2013-21, made by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by Councilors Cavallo and Rossi. Questions or discussion on suspending the Rules? Councilor Rheault—Just for the record, it's eight votes. • President Johnson — Hearing none, I'd ask Barbara to call the roll. Two-third's vote is required to suspend the Rules to add this as an item of New Business. If you're in favor of suspending the Rules to add this item as an item of New Business, vote yes. If you're opposed,vote no. • ROLL CALL—11 YES, 0 NO President Johnson — With a vote of eleven yes, we've suspended the Rules to add TR- 2013-21 as New Business. At his point, is there a sub-committee that wants to tackle that or just have it on our next Agenda. Councilor Cavallo—I don't mind. I will. President Johnson — Well, no I'm asking if we want to refer it to a sub-committee or whether we want to just let it go on to our next Agenda. Councilor Cavallo—Oh. President Johnson — I think we've voted on this twice already so I think we could just let it go on to our next Agenda. Item 12. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council. President Johnson—We'll start with Councilor Cavallo? Councilor Cavallo —Two items, Mr. President. The first one is a print out or article that I passed out to everyone this evening regarding using Community Preservation Act funds to rehabilitate the town hall, city hall, and I referred a couple weeks ago to where my son lives in Needham, Massachusetts and I did some research because I was told that only $100,000 could be used out of Historical funds to renovate an historical building like the • town hall. Well I don't know how many of you had a chance to read it but Needham put on an addition to their town hall and that amount of money that was used for the addition was $7.5million. That was bonded. The other $7.5million came out of the Historical Preservation funds so they had quite a bit of money in there obviously in their account and it's a very interesting article because a total of$15million was approved in funding - $7.2 being bonded — and if you read it, it's interesting because there's a lot of links here that they provide in the article where if we decided for once trying to look at some of our 13 • buildings that are historical that are town buildings and do something with them and I know Councilor Bitzas and Ray Moreau are really concerned about it. They voiced their • concerns here at the meeting and also in the press that there's something that should be done with the Town Hall. So I thought I'd give you a copy of this to read over at your leisure and it's quite interesting. I was in Needham this weekend and I did get a look at the new town hall, actually it's a city hall cuz Needham's like a city and it's really quite impressive. They put in an auditorium with the addition but again something to look at. I think we should start looking at some of our city buildings especially the historical ones • and do something with them. The next thing I wanted to talk about is the School Budget/Council meeting that we're going to have April 2nd with the School Committee and that's gonna be right in here at 6:00 and I think all of you, Joe Mineo and I were at the last meeting, Council meeting, regarding the School Budget and all of you, I brought back copies of the budget to those of you that could not, everyone has one now? Each ! member? Okay. If you get a chance to go over it before then, the other time that you might be able to find a little bit more information about the School Budget is the School Committee is going to present the budget at their Public Hearing and I gave you information on that on the itinerary, all of the dates there, were listed on the sheet that I gave you. I plan on attending that meeting and that'll give us some idea as to what they're gonna emphasize during their presentation which will give us a heads up here. I think they're looking at about a$1.$million increase in the budget. So that's all I have to say, Mr. President. President Johnson -- Thank you. Councilor Bitzas spoke so much at the last meeting — no sorry, George? Councilor Bitzas—So how many time do you give me? I've got three things tonight and first of all, I'd like to congratulate the hockey team of our town, they make the town very proud, make us all proud and for the first time in the history, they one the state champions for the hockey so congratulations to them. The second item is briefly that I spoke to Councilor Cavallo and Councilor Magovem and a few other councilors about the need for a face lift of our City Hall, to use CPA money. We did some preliminary work. We have some informations up in the Law Department. I spoke with actually briefly in the past with some members of the CPA and one member especially Ray Moreau, he is in strong support. I hope we look forwards. If we can put an elevator to a • farm to go to nowhere, upstairs with nothing to do, the City Hall deserves a face lift and also deserves an elevator for people with disabilities to go upstairs to conduct business with the Mayor's Office. I think priorities come first and City Hall is our home, everybody's home, I know you voted for, most of you for the $300,000 - $400,000 for the elevator to go up to nowhere, I call, I think we deserve, the Town of Agawam deserves a • better City Hall. The other thing I gotta good news for you. If probably you remember, I am a member of the Committee to for the track and the track and field. I'm very pleased to announce that the committee met about three or four times already for many leaders, community leaders and citizens, and we voted unanimously to send requests for proposal. We have ten proposals. Ten different architects from different cities, even as far as Boston, very, very impressive, I went today through it. I was very impressed and you be very happy. We have a sub-committee they are going to look into it and they make that 14 • • recommendations and interview those and after the review, they bring the full information to the full committee for the track and then we go forwards. I think it looks pretty good and I'm trying to tell you down here, we're going to have soon a beautiful athletic fields and I hope some of the money of the CPA money can cover the tennis courts. I don't know about the track we just have to make some studies there but it is a good thing to use CPA money for those things too. Thank you. • President Johnson—Thank you. Councilor Calabrese? Councilor Calabrese— Yes, I also wanted to congratulate the hockey team on their State Championship. It was so much fun to be marching in front of these young men and hearing all the cheers on the sidelines and the chants from the crowd for the hockey team and Senator Warren was gracious enough to, she came over and introduced herself to the • team and extended congratulations and it really meant a lot to the kids to have the Senator come on over and extend her good wishes and just congratulations Agawam! President Johnson —Councilor Cichetti? • Councilor Cichetti—Just would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the Agawam Varsity hockey team on their State Championship in Division IIIA. Thanks. President Johnson—Councilor Perry? • Councilor Perry — Yes, thank you Mr. President. I too would like to congratulate the Agawam hockey team on their State Championship win and I'd also like to congratulate my wife AnnMarie, we celebrated our 340' wedding anniversary yesterday so that's why I wasn't at the parade. I congratulate her so thank you. • President Johnson —I don't know if congratulate is the right word, no sorry. Councilor Rheault? Councilor Rheault — Dittos to the hockey team. It was a fantastic game and we deserved to win. • President Johnson—Councilor Magovern? Councilor Magovern — I think we're gonna make this unanimous as far as the hockey team is concerned. Again, I think that the pride of Agawam is exhibited in our hockey team. To have gone that far, gone through all the trials and tribulations to make the state • finals and they have come home with a victory, I think it is phenomenal but I think it points at something else and that is that we put the energy into the hockey team, yet we have a track in Agawam where we can't even hold a tournament on our track. We have to go out of town if we're gonna have an official track meet here in Agawam. I think this is the most embarrassing thing that Agawam can have. I think that it's a priority to have • a school system with a track where the kids can go out there and perform and do what they have to do so that we can get some state championships maybe for our track team 15 0 • but we can't do it when we don't have a track for them to practice on properly and I've got comments on the proposal that Councilor Bitzas has mentioned about the elevator in the Town Hall. I was down at the Town Hall last week and an elderly lady came in and she walked up the first steps to get up to the foyer and she was huffing and puffing and puffing and huffing and she almost had tears in her eyes because she wanted to go upstairs to see the Mayor. She couldn't make it! She couldn't walk upstairs to see the Mayor because she was on oxygen and she just couldn't make those stairs and I really feel that we have to take a look at updating that Town Hall and do some of the beauty that we have to do. So that's about all that I have to say except I'm sorry that I missed last week's meeting or two week's ago. I had planned to be here but was on vacation in South Carolina and ran into some problems and couldn't make it back and I spoiled my record of not missing a meeting so I apologize for missing the meeting but I did read the minutes and I support George Bitzas for his Resolution that he put through to go to the • State to try to make a note that Agawam is opposed to raising our taxes. So that's all I've got, so thank you. Good night. President Johnson—Councilor Mineo? • Councilor Mineo — I would also like to congratulate the Agawam Hockey Team and congratulations to Dennis on 34 years of marriage. Paul, thank you for arranging the meetings so I can attend, I can't get out of work for 3:00 meetings so I do appreciate that you are working around my schedule. Thank you. President Johnson —Councilor Rossi? Councilor Rossi — Yes, thank you. It sounds redundant but I have to make a comment about that hockey team. I was with Don and Chris, Councilor Johnson, at the game and I'll tell you Agawam played one great game. They showed some real excellence out there on the ice and they beat a worthwhile team. Grafton was no slouch team so I give them a lot of credit and hats off to them for their first ever championship, state championship. As far as the CPA money and the Town Hall and everything else, I would hope that maybe we'd put together some kind of feasibility committee before we start jumping into this whole thing. In terms of, I know that there's some areas of the City Hall that people would like to visit and they really can't get to but I think a lot of that • could be as simple matter of moving some of these offices like the Mayor's Office for example. There's no reason it has to be on the third floor. We could move him to the first floor and then move somebody to the third floor so, but anyway, that aside, I think we, I hope that we have that, and the other thing I hope is that we really get started on that track deal. I really think that that's imperative that we get going on this now. It's • been much too long that we've been talking about this. In fact, we've been talking about it as long as I've been on the City Council and that's a tragedy. We shouldn't have to do that so I hope we get on that soon. Thank you. • 16 • • President Johnson—Councilor Letellier? • Councilor Letellier — Congratulates to the hockey team. Yay! They looked great marching in the parade yesterday. Congratulations to the St. Patrick's Day Committee for putting on a nice float and a good parade. Thank you to Councilor Calabrese for being the lone councilor that marched. I did cheer you on from my couch though and I also want to wish everybody a Happy Easter and a Happy Passover. We have those coming up before our next meeting and I'm glad that Councilor Cavallo did bring Needham Town Hall to our attention because our Town hall needs more than a facelift. We need a new town hall to be frank but whatever we need to do to get it so it is more accessible I think is important but 1 don't think that we need to denigrate the barn to validate the town hall and I'll leave it at that. Thank you. • President Johnson — And I'll finish up with a couple of housekeeping items. I'll be looking to set up a workshop on the sewers in the month of April and I'll also coordinate with the CPA Committee to have a follow-up workshop with them. We promised we'd sit back down and work on the five-year plan. Relative to the Town Hall, when you figure out how to put an elevator in a building that's two stories and has five levels, let me know, I worked there for eleven years. Sorry folks. It's not possible. I'd like to finish with my heartfelt congratulations to the hockey team. Both Jimmy and I have familial connections — his nephew plays on the team, my nephew is one of the assistant coaches — I enjoyed immensely watching the finals with both Don and Bob as they both have indicated and I know Jimmy was there and I apologize to other councilors if they • were there, it was one heck of a game and as Don pointed out very aptly — Agawam deserved to win because those kids hustled and played most importantly like a team. With that, I'd entertain a Motion to adjourn. All in favor of adjournment say Ay? Opposed? We are adjourned. Thank you. Adiournment. • • • 17 •