• Minutes dated May 20, 2013
President Johnson—I'd call the meeting to order.
Item 1. Roll Call
President Johnson—I'd ask the Vice President to call the roll please?
ROLL CALL--10 PRESENT, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)
President Johnson—With ten present, one absent, we have a quorum.
Item 2 Moment of Silence and the Pledge ofAllesiance.
President Johnson — I'd ask everyone to rise for the moment of silence and Pledge of
Allegiance and please keep in your prayers the Bard family and especially our Council
Clerk who is not with us this evening, Barbara, at the time of their loss.
Item 3. Citi en's Speak Time
President Johnson — Citizen's Speak Time is an opportunity for residents and
individuals to address the Council. It's not a give or take so there's not conversation
back and forth. Each speaker is limited to five minutes. As you approach, I'd ask you to
state your name and address and the first person is Henry Kozloski.
Henry Kozloski—Henry Kozloski, 102 Meadow Street, Agawam. I'm also the Chair of
• the CPA Committee. It is now time to have the annual CPA meeting required by the
CPA Act. I urge all elected officials, committee members, boards, commissioners to
attend this meeting which is on May 29t' at the Public Library at 7:00. There's been
major changes in the CPA Act. It is time for us to update our plan and have things so we
can make the community much better. If you cannot attend, you can still send your ideas
• to the CPA Office, 36 Main Street. This is gonna be a big change because there's been
big changes in both recreation, housing and open space. It is important that everybody
comes including the public, it's very important, so we can get things done in all parts of
town. We have neglected Feeding Hills for too long. Thank you very much.
• President Johnson—Thank you. Next is Anthony Roberto.
Anthony Roberto — Good evening Councilors. My name is Anthony Roberto. I reside
in Connecticut at 176 Wood Pond Road, South Windsor, CT. I'm here to speak on behalf
of the Agawam Municipal Golf Course. I've got a handout for each of you. I'm going to
• pass out to Mr. Rossi and have him pass them down. There's gonna be some extras. I'll
pick them up when I'm done. My main reason for being here is I'd like to introduce
myself to all of you that I may not have met but I think I know everybody here. Just to
tell you a little bit about the golf operations. What's going on right now, our golf
operations, we started off the year, opened up April 5`h, we're going quite well right now
but my main focus tonight is to tell you what we'd like to do with the food and beverage
operations because we'll be taking the club over the past year and as we move to strive
forward, there's some areas that I've highlighted which I think will reduce my time here
to less than five minutes. We set out an RFP last year right before year's end and we
were seeking to try to go to bat with what some of the other municipalities in the area are
• doing such as Chicopee Country Club, Veterans and Franconia, The Ledges, Westover
Municipal and a few of the other privately owned places such as Crestview Country Club
and Edgewood Golf Club and there's numerous others to mention. These clubs have
found out as a municipality, it's very difficult to run a food operation successfully and
financially. In our case for example, you would need two more of myself, a chef and an
executive person, an assistant or a marketing person with two salaries in order to run it
• properly. The town, before I got here, has had a beautiful upstairs dining facility which
basically has been underutilized for years. It's basically a beautiful view, probably the
best view of any golf course in the region, and it's underutilized in terms of golf outings,
banquets, post-funeral affairs, bridal showers, weddings, etc. We've looked at it
strategically, the Golf Commission, we've talked about it, when we put the RFP out we
• wanted to see who would be interested. We had people as far away as Hartford,
Connecticut and then a number of local restauranteurs, some with some quality names.
We basically tried to go into the middle of the road for a number that could be attached
for a lease, when we did that, we found out that we didn't get any recipients that wanted
to partake. So we went back to the drawing board, can't put the figure because in the past
• what's happened here, the national average for labor costs in a restaurant is 34%. The
club has been operating at 51% labor costs so when you open the door, you're 17%
behind. In addition to that, purchasing, personnel, things of that nature, they had a full-
time person that was there, it involved retirement, unemployment camp, payroll taxes,
etc. That was never figured in to what the gross sales were. When you put all that into
the bread basket and open up the bread basket, you basically are losing money in your
food and beverage operation. So I've highlighted some areas here, after we put our RFP
out we had some people that did submit and we'd like to move forward with Professional
Golf Management, Mr. Bill Kubinski, he's here tonight. He's on the list to say a few
words. I'm not going to go any further about it and I don't want to steal his thunder.
Food costs and supplies for 2012 was $45,000 with a net profit of $20,000, not taking
into consideration anything that was waste or any of the other costs that was attached to
the full-time employee. The banquet facility was utilized a little bit for golf outing
primarily, we had a couple bridal showers and things of that nature. We think that we'd
have a larger ability to render services such as weddings, banquets, tournaments, post-
funeral and wedding rehearsals. With coordination of our parking lot so it doesn't
• interfere with our daily activity, we believe that we can be successful in doing so. The
leagues at the club, summer leagues, have been there as long as 38 years. They never had
an opportunity to get a hamburger or a hot dog after their round. That's ridiculous. They
shut the grill down at 6:00 before. These leagues, I couldn't hand pick better quality of
leagues, these men or women's leagues, they've stayed there and they haven't been able
S to dine. We've lost diners going to Take Five, to Casa di Lisa, etc. That was the biggest
complaint of anything that I heard last year from the leagues. Tony, we can't get any
food. We'd like to socialize with our partners, have some camaraderie, but we can't do
it,the grill's always closed so that's sort of what got this ball rolling. We have customers
• and we'd like to keep them happy so the golf revenue from carts and greens fees won't
drop. We believe that the increased foot traffic will increase the areas of membership,
junior play, lesson opportunities and free clinics. We believe that, for example, at the
other facilities I've been at, I've exposed women to a complimentary lesson for an hour
and they partnered with my restaurant for a wine tasting afterwards. Right now we can't
do it because of the way we're set up. The golf shop is an area which the budget in the
past was only $14,000 per year. We're up 400% last month, and it looks like—
-One Minute Left—
Anthony Roberto—up 300%, okay. We believe that the golf shop's estimated sales will
• be in the area of$50,000 this year with a $10,000 profit to the town. Last month, we did
$5,400 in golf shop sales because we did some renovations in there and cleaned it up and
expanded it. This month here we're at the same pace. The gross of $65,000 in
membership that we've had in the past will be made up with increased membership sales,
golf shop sales and lessons for the town. The contract with Professional Golf
• Management would be one year and it would be renegotiable after this year. We will not
incur any more labor costs with anything that we're proposing only a reduction in labor
costs. Thank you very much for giving me some time to speak.
President Johnson—Thank you. Next is Bill Kubinski?
Bill Kubinski — Good evening ladies and gentlemen of the Council. My name's Bill
Kupinski, President of Professional Golf Management, Wilbraham, Massachusetts. I do
have a hand out for everyone this evening. I could give it to Councilman Rossi. This
evening I just wanted to appear in front of the Council and answer if you have any
• questions, I've been a PGA member, currently the Director of Golf at Westover Golf
Course in Ludlow, Massachusetts for fifteen years. We operate the entire facility,
grounds and maintenance, food and beverage and golf operations. In addition, we have
Green Hill Municipal Golf Course in Worcester, Massachusetts. We have a food and
beverage operation there, we've been doing that for, this is our second season. Just
basically wanted to introduce myself, answer any questions, I know there's been some
• concerns with the RFP and if you feel that we need to look at it more closely, I know that
we're about a quarter a way into the season now, but if there's anything we can do on our
side to alleviate any concerns, I'd be more than happy to take a look at it. If there's any
questions or—
i President Johnson—Again, it's an opportunity for you to address us, it's not a—
Bill Kubinski—Okay, thank you very much.
President Johnson—The last speaker is Mario Tedeschi?
Bill Kubinski —If it were for the current contract I believe was one half of one percent,
I'm just talking with Tony earlier, we'd like to at Ieast propose 2 1/h % of the gross
receipts for the remainder of the 2013 golf season, if that would appease the committee or
Council. Thank you.
Mario Tedeschi — Hi. My name is Mario Tedeschi, 50 Juniper Ridge Drive, Feeding
Hills, and I'm here only as both as a citizen of the town and as a member of the Golf
Commission and I just want to show my support for Tony, both Tony and Dan, and
• commend them for the fine job that they've been doing to the golf course, the conditions
have improved dramatically. The hours that both of them put in, a lot of people don't
realize it, but these guys are putting in 70 — 80+ a week, seven days a week on a
shoestring budget so I'm just here to commend them and I applaud all their thoughts and
efforts that go into making it a better place for the town. Thank you.
Item 4. Minutes
• Item 5^Declaration from Council President
President Johnson — I just have one very simple sentence because I hope she's not
watching but if she is Barbara, we all miss you.
• Item 6. Presentation o Petitions Memorials& Remonstrances
1. TR-2013-30 -A Resolution entering into a Memorandum of
Understanding for Emergency Transportation(Mayor)(Referred to the
Community Relations Committee)
• President Johnson —Moved by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by Councilors Magovern
and Cavallo. The item was referred to the Community Relations Sub-Committee,
Councilor Calabrese?
Councilor Calabrese — The Community Relations Sub-Committee met and discussed
• this item and we're gonna make a recommendation that we table this item because there
are some open-ended questions that we'd like to have answered before moving forward
and so I would actually like to make a Motion to table?
President Johnson —We have a Motion to table. Is there a second? Made by Councilor
• Calabrese, seconded by Councilor Rossi. Seeing no discussion, all in favor of tabling say
Ay? Any opposed? The item is on the table.
2. TR-2013-31 -A Resolution confirming the Reappointment of Richard
Bennett,29 Willowbrook Drive,Agawam,MA to the Community
Preservation Act Committee to a term expiring April 30,2016(Council)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by
Councilors Bitzas, Magovern and Rheault. Questions or discussion? Seeing none, all
those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
3. TR-2013-32 -A Resolution confirming the appointment of Daniel
Michael,84 Pineview Circle,Agawam, the Agawam Municipal Golf
Commission to a term expiring December 31,2016(Mayor)
• President Johnson —Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Cavallo.
Questions or discussion? Seeing none, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's
4. TR-2013-33 -A Resolution confirming the appointment of Gary
Janulewicz,41 Elm Street,Agawam,MA to the Agawam Veterans Council
to a term expiring April 1,2016(Mayor)
President Johnson — Moved by Councilor Bitzas, seconded by Councilor Cichetti.
Questions or discussion? Seeing none, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's
5. TR-2013-34 -A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into a Lease
Agreement between the Town of Agawam and Professional Golf
Management,Inc. (Mayor) (Referred to Finance Committee)
• President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by
Councilor Bitzas. This was referred to the Finance Sub-Committee, Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo — We did meet however I could not open up the meeting, we did not
have a quorum. So I'm asking the Council to table this. I would like to hold another
• meeting.
President Johnson — The Chair would consider that as a Motion to table made by
Councilor Mineo, seconded by Councilor Cavallo. Questions or discussion on the tabling
motion? Seeing none, all those in favor say Ay? Opposed? The item is tabled.
Item 7. Report of Council Committees
Item 8. Elections
Item 9. Public Hearimes
I. PH-2013-4(TR-2013-29)-A Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2014-2018
Capital Improvement Program(Mayor)(Tabled on May 6,2013)(Public
Hearing Set for June 3,2013) (Referred to the Finance Committee)
President Johnson — It was placed on the table at our last meeting, we have the Public
Hearing advertised and set for our next meeting. The Chair would entertain a Motion to
leave the item on the table until our next meeting. Moved by Councilor Cavallo,
seconded by Councilor Rheault. All in favor of leaving it on the table say Ay? Any
opposed? It's unanimous.
2. PH-2013-5(TR-2013-28)-A Resolution Authorizing the Adoption of Order
of Taking for the Connecticut River Walk Loop under the Authority of
Section 14 of Chapter 40,Chapter 79 and Chapter 84 of the General Laws
for the Construction& Maintenance of the Connecticut River Walk Loop
(Mayor)(Tabled on May 6,2013) (Public Hearing Set for June 3,2013)
! President Johnson —Again, this was placed on the table at our last meeting. The Public
Hearing has been advertised and is set for our next meeting. The Chair will entertain a
Motion to leave the item on the table until our next meeting. Moved by Councilor
Rheault, seconded by Councilor Magovern. All in favor of leaving the item on the table
say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
3. PH-2013-6 (TOR-2013-5)-An Ordinance Amending§180 of the Agawam
Zoning Ordinance Entitled "Article X11. Fioodplain Zone" (Planning
Board) (Two Readings Required) (Public Hearing Date Set for June 3,2013)
(Referred to Legislative Committee)
! President Johnson — This matter is also scheduled for a Public Hearing at our June P
meeting and it has been so advertised so at this point, the Chair would entertain a Motion
to place this item on the table until our next meeting. Moved by Councilor Cavallo,
seconded by Councilor Rheault. All in favor of tabling this item until our June Yd
meeting say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
• Item 10. Qld Business
1. TOR-2013-2 -An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 49 of the Code of the
Town of Agawam entitled "Personnel"(2/2 readings)(Councilors Johnson
and Perry)(Referred to Legislative Committee)
President Johnson—This is the second reading of the item. Is there a Motion to approve
the second reading? Moved by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilors Cichetti and
Bitzas. Questions or discussion on TOR-2013-2? Seeing none, if you're in favor, vote
! yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask the Vice President to call the roll please
ROLL CALL—10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)
President Johnson—With a vote of ten yes and one absent, we've approved TOR-2013-
! 2.
2. TO-2013-10 - An Order Granting or Renewing a PERMIT for an
Automatic Amusement Device(s)for Six Flags New England, 1623 Main
• Street,Agawam,MA. (Clerk)(Referred to the Administrative Committee)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Rossi,
seconded by Councilor Magovern. This item was referred to the Administrative Sub-
Committee. Councilor Rossi?
• Councilor Rossi — Thank you Mr. President. The committee met this evening prior to
this Council meeting and unanimously voted to approve and send a positive
recommendation to the committee.
President Johnson — Any questions or discussion on TO-2013-10? Seeing none, all
those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
3. TOR-2013-3 -An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 49 of the Code of the
Town of Agawam entitled "Personnel"(1/2 Readings) (Referred to
Legislative Committee) (Mayor)
• President Johnson — It's before us for the first reading. Is there a Motion to approve
TOR-2013-3? Moved by Councilor Cichetti, seconded by Councilor Rossi. Questions or
discussion? This was referred to the Legislative Committee. Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti — Thank you. My committee did meet this evening and we did
• discuss this and we are sending a positive recommendation to the Full Council.
President Johnson --Any other questions or discussion? Seeing none, if you're in favor
of the first reading, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. Mr. Vice President?
• ROLL CALL — 8 YES, 2 NO (Councilors Johnson and Perry), 1 ABSENT
(Councilor Letellier)
President Johnson — With a vote of eight yes, two no, one absent, you've approved the
first reading. The second reading will go on to our next Agenda.
4. TOR-2013-4 -An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 49 of the Code of the
Town of Agawam entitled"Personnel" (1/2 Readings) (Referred to
Legislative Committee) (Mayor)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Cichetti,
seconded by Councilor Cavallo. This was also referred to the Legislative Committee,
Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti — Again, our committee met this evening and we are sending a
positive recommendation to the entire Council. Thank you.
President Johnson — Questions or discussion on TOR-2013-4? If you're in favor, vote
yes. If you're opposed, vote no. Mr. Vice President?
ROLL CALL—9 YES, 1 NO (Councilor Johnson), 1 ABSENT (Councilor Letellier)
President Johnson — With a vote of nine yes, one no, one absent, we've approved the
first reading of TOR-2013-4 and the second reading will go on to our next Agenda.
5. TO-2013-13 -An Order Granting or Renewing a Junk Dealer's PERMIT
for John's Trucking of Agawam,Inc.,415 Silver Street,Agawam,MA.
(Clerk) (Referred to the Administrative Committee)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilors Cichetti and
• Magovern, seconded by Councilor Rossi. The item was referred to the Administrative
Sub-Committee, Councilor Rossi.
Councilor Rossi — Thank you. Again, the committee met this evening and took the
unanimous vote to send a positive recommendation to the Committee.
President Johnson — Questions or discussion on TO-2013-13? Seeing none all those in
favor, say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
6. TO-2013-14 - Budgetary Transfer$20,000.00 from Fire Department
Overtime(12201-51030) to Fire Department Protection and Safety(12203-
• 52410) for portable radios equipment purchase(Mayor)(Referred to
Finance Committee)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Cichetti,
seconded by Councilors Bitzas and Magovern. This item was referred to the Finance
• Sub-Committee. Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo — Again, we could not meet on this Agenda item because we did not
have a quorum but as a member of the Council I would just like to say I would support
this and I hope everybody else would. I think this is basically a pretty simple Agenda
item. We're transferring $20,000 and I don't really think —we could have met on it but
to hold it up, I don't think we should do that. So that's my suggestion to the Council.
President Johnson — Any other questions or discussion on TO-2013-14? Councilor
Councilor Calabrese — Yes, I also am going to support this budgetary item. I think it's
important and they've been managing their payroll well and if they could use that money
for safety equipment for our firefighters I think it's an excellent use of the funds.
President Johnson—Any other questions or discussion? Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern —I'm also going to support the measure and I just wanted to give a
little accolade to the Fire Department and our EMTs. I think they're doing a fine job for
i the City of Agawam. I've used them and I have just been impressed with their whole
service so I will support this measure as well.
President Johnson —Any other questions or discussion? All those in favor of TO-2013-
14 say Ay? Any opposed? It's unanimous.
Item 11. New Business
1. TO-2013-15—An Order Granting or Renewing a Junk Dealer's PERMIT
for Baki's Fine Jewelry,360 North Westfield Street,Feeding Hills,MA.
President Johnson —I'd refer that to the Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
2. TR-2013-35-A Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Operating
Budget for the Town of Agawam (Mayor) (Set Public Hearing Date-
i Suggest June 17,2013)
President Johnson —We need to set a Public Hearing date. I would suggest our second
June meeting is what we traditionally do which is June 17, 2013. Without objection, I'll
proceed to have that advertised.
i 3. TR 2013-36-A Resolution Authorizing the Reservation and Appropriation
of Funds from the Community Preservation Fund(CPA)
President Johnson — That'll go on to our next Agenda. I'd like to refer that to the
Finance Sub-Committee.
i 4. TO-2013-16-A Budgetary Transfer of$4,000.00 from Line Items Reserve
Fund (16605-57300)to the Town Clerk Regular Temporary (11611-51020)
President Johnson — That'll go on to our next Agenda and also I would refer that to the
i Finance Sub-Committee.
5. TO-2013-17 A Budgetary Transfer of$462.50 from the Health Dept
Chemical Lab Account(15103-52310)to the Training&Education Account
(15102-52180) (Mayor).
President Johnson — That'll go on to our next Agenda and also be referred to the
Finance Sub-Committee.
6. TO-2013-18-A Budgetary Transfer of$10,684.51 from the DPW Highway
Ice Control Material Account(14203-52210)to the DPW Highway Snow&
i Ice Overtime(14201-51031 -$9,797.01) and Highway Equipment Rentals-
Snow(14202-52071 - $890.50) (Mayor)
President Johnson — That'll go on to our next Agenda and be referred to the Finance
7. TOR-2013-6—An Ordinance to Amend the Code of the Town of Agawam
Zoning Ordinances by§180 Article XVI(Residence A-6; Low Density Multi-
Family Community)(Planning Board)(Refer to Planning Board and Set
Public Hearing Date—Suggest July 8,2013)
President Johnson — That matter also needs to have a Public Hearing set. I would
suggest our July meeting. We traditionally don't like to have another Public Hearing
when we're doing the Operating Budget on the 17`}', so I would suggest July 8, 2013.
That matter will be referred to the Legislative Sub-Committee.
• 1
8. ZC-2013-2-A Petition for Zone Change for Parcel Owned by NWST,LLC
located at 26 North Westfield Street(Refer to Planning Board and Set
Public Hearing Date—Suggest July 8,2013)
President Johnson — The Chair would like to refer that and stepping back also refer the
previous item to the Planning Board, even though they are the sponsor of TOR-2013-6, I
would send it to them for their recommendation. On ZC-2013-2, I will also send that to
the Planning Board for their recommendation, suggest that we also set the Public Hearing
for July 8, 2013 and that matter will also go to the Legislative Sub-Committee, as will
9. ZC-2013-3 -A Petition for Zone Change for Parcel Owned by NWST,LLC
located at 32 North Westfield Street(Refer to Planning Board and Set
Public Hearing Date—Suggest July 8,2013)
• President Johnson — (see Item #8) That'll also get referred to the Planning Board for
their recommendation and the Public Hearing set for July 80' and referred to the
Legislative Sub-Committee.
10. ZC-2013-4-A Petition for Zone Change for Parcel Owned by NWST,LLC
located at 38 North Westfield Street(Refer to Planning Board and Set
• Public Hearing Date—Suggest July 8,2013)
President Johnson—That'll be referred to the Planning Board for their recommendation.
Public Hearing for us set on July 8 h and the matter referred to the Legislative Sub-
Item 12 Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council.
President Johnson—We'll start with Councilor Rossi this evening.
Councilor Rossi — Thank you. Just briefly I don't usually make these kinds of
statements at the end but I'd just like to thank everybody who participated in the Relay
for Life this year. It was an outstanding event. It was a very profitable event. The
workers, the individuals who participated and put this thing together did an awesome job
and it was a huge success this year. We exceeded the projections that we set for this year
and I would especially like to thank everybody who supported our team. We took a few
honors this year and I'm very grateful for those people who participated and contributed
to our cause and this disease, we're hoping to get this thing done with in our century, It's
been around too long and too many people have been affected by it and it's just awesome
when I hear the things that's happening and the results that are coming from as a result of
people like yourselves who donate so generously and give so much of your time that
make all of this possible and I can't thank everybody enough and I just wanted to make
those remarks. Thank you.
President Johnson —Thank you. Next is Councilor Mineo?
• Councilor Mineo — Congratulations to Team Rossi. I did donate to the team but I'm
sorry I could not walk with you this year. I walked with you Iast year. It was my
anniversary so we were, my wife and I, were away and my condolences to the Bard
family. What an awful, awful tragedy. It affects everyone up here. Barbara is such a
nice person, the whole family, and just one other thing. I received this flyer here.
41 George is this the ticket you were selling a couple weeks ago? Okay, I just wanted to
make sure because I have my tickets, I just okay, I just wanted to make sure about that.
Thank you.
President Johnson —Councilor Magovern?
• Councilor Magovern — Again, congratulations to team Rossi for doing such a great job
but I want to repeat what Councilor Mineo said about the Bard family. I mean Barbara
and Todd are such great people and to have this tragedy happen to them is just an
unbelievable occurrence. The weekend was just very sad, attending both the wake and
the funeral but the support that they had, their family members, the friends that came out
from the Town of Agawam and other areas, I'm sure that that will help them through this
crisis but just again, a terrible, terrible tragedy but taking off my Council hat and putting
on my Rotary hat for a minute, again I want to go over and mention again, Wednesday
night, the 22nd an Italian dinner at the Agawam Sportsman's Club, the Italian
Sportsman's Club on Cooper Street, we will be having a fund raiser for Caitlyn Nardi
• who will be our exchange student going to Chile. Rotary does an unbelievable amount of
charity work in town and our exchange students is one of the great items that Rotary
performs. It's all done through volunteers, volunteer money and again I'd like to think
that Agawam can participate by helping the Nardi family by coming and enjoying
yourself with a good Italian dinner and again for those that are not aware, Rotary
• internationally is the largest foundation in the world and we have raised literally hundred
and hundred and millions of dollars to eradicate polio around the world and polio except
for India is totally eradicated and this is due to the benefits and the work of Rotary
International. The Gates Foundation has given over $300million to Rotary to help
eradicate polio so again this all stems from your local Rotary Clubs in Agawam and all
• the other area towns so again I hope to see you all Wednesday at the Italian Sportsman
Club. Thank you.
President Johnson—Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault — Dittos to everything that was previously said. There's not really
much more you can say for that tragedy that we all experienced as well as I did.
President Johnson —Councilor Perry?
Councilor Perry— Yes, and again my family send their prayers and thoughts to the Bard
family. It's a tragedy that no parents should have to endure so I think the family knows
that we're all up here for them. So that's all I have.
President Johnson—Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti—Just echoing the sentiments around the table to the Bard family and
also sending our prayers out to Gina that she's doing better and everything is working out
for her also. Thank you.
• President Johnson,—Councilor Calabrese?
Councilor Calabrese — Yeah, keeping Barbara and her family in my prayers, same with
Gina, also just personally on a personal matter, I'm not gonna be at the June P meeting
because my son is actually graduating from high school that day so I want to send out
early congratulations to the graduates of Agawam High, Class of 2013. 1 know a lot of
you kids, couldn't be prouder and I'll still be up here talking about Rosie Robotics even
though my son is going to be moving on to college in the fall. Thank you.
President Johnson —Councilor Bitzas?
• Councilor Bitzas — Thank you. There is no words. I can find no words to explain my
deepest sympathy to Barbara and her family for their loss of their beautiful daughter.
She, Evan, was a great, great lady and I knew her. Her smile still comes front to me. She
was an angel on earth and she is an angel in heaven. Our prayers to the family. My
deepest sympathy.
President Johnson—Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavailo — Again, to the Bard family, I want to express my deepest sympathy
for your loss. It's tragic when our children of course pass on before we do, that's the real
• tragedy too.
President Johnson — I just have a couple of housekeeping items. First, on the budget,
we're gonna try to set up a couple of meetings over the next couple of weeks to get the
presentation to the entire Council before we break into sub-committees so if there are
• dates that are absolutely bad, please send me an email. I'm going to try to do that over
the next day or two to get two dates set up so that we can make that presentation happen.
For the sub-committee Chairs, if you need meetings posted, please get the information to
me, I can get them posted for you. I'm trying to keep it as seamless as we can and again
• just to echo all of the sentiments, our deepest condolences go out to Barbara and her
family and we miss her deeply, even though threats and everything else couldn't keep her
out of the office, she snuck in early this morning to make sure that we all knew which
day it was for which I thank her and she sent me an email and said don't argue with me,
I'm doing it so that shows you her dedication to us and to the town. So for that I say
thank you and also best wishes to Gina on her recovery. I know shes' had a couple of
• setbacks. Hopefully sht-'ll be with us soon. With that, the Chair will entertain a Motion
to adjourn. Moved and seconded around the house. All in favor of adjournment say Ay?
Any opposed? We are adjourned. Thank you.
• Adiournment.