• Minutes dated May 6, 2013
Vice President Perry—Good evening. Seeing it's 7:00, I'd like to call the Agawam City
Council's meeting for Monday, May 6, 2013 to order. I'll be chairing the meeting this
evening. Council President Johnson informed me last week that he would be unable to
• attend tonight's meeting and as the senior member of the Council, Councilor Rheault will
be serving as acting Vice President.
Item 1. Roll Call
Vice President Perry— With that, Barbara could you please call the roll?
ROLL CALL—10 PRESENT, 1 ABSENT (Council President Johnson)
Vice President Perry—With ten present and one absent, we have a quorum.
Item 2. Moment of Silence and the Pledge ofAlleziance.
Vice President Perry — Would you all rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of
Allegiance, please?
• Item 3. Citizen's Sneak Time
Vice President Perry—There's been no citizens wishing to speak this evening.
Item 4. Minutes
1. Regular Council Meeting—April 16,2013
Vice President Perry — Is there a Motion? So moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded
by Councilor Cichetti. Any discussion, changes, amendments to the minutes? All those
in favor? The Ay's have it. We have two abstentions — Councilor Letellier and
Councilor Calabrese.
Item S Declaration from Council President
Vice President Perry — I have two quick notes. One, we did get some information up
here from the Veterans' Committee in regards to the Memorial Day Parade. So take a
look at it and if you plan on marching get back to Barbara so we can get that information
to them and secondly, it's National Nurses Day today. I just wanted to pass that out and
say thank you to the nurses who really make up our medical system. Without them, it
• wouldn't be what it is so I just wanted to wish all the nurses a happy, well-deserved
Nurses Day.
Item 6. Presentation of Petitions.Memorials & Remonstrances
a 1. TR-2013-27 -A Resolution to Amend Rule 4 of the Rules and Regulations
of the Agawam City Council(Councilors Johnson and Perry)(Referred to
Legislative Committee)
Vice President Perry--Do I have a Motion? Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded by
Councilor Cavallo. That was referred to your Legislative Committee, Jimmy, a report?
Councilor Cichetti — Thank you Councilor Perry. We did meet tonight before our
meeting, at 6:30, present were Councilor Rossi, myself, Councilor Bitzas, Councilor
Cavallo and Councilor Letellier. We did discuss the Resolution and we are sending a
positive recommendation to the Full Council.
Vice President Perry -- Thank you Councilor Cichetti. Any other discussion? Seeing
none, Barbara, would you call the Roll?
ROLL CALL—10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Johnson)
Vice President Perry —With a vote of ten yes and one absent, we have passed TR-2013-
2. TR-2013-28 -A Resolution Authorizing the Adoption of Order of Taking
for the Connecticut River Walk Loop under the Authority of Section 14 of
Chapter 40,Chapter 74 and Chapter 84 of the General Laws for the
Construction & Maintenance of the Connecticut River Walk Loop (Mayor)
Vice President Perry — Do I hear a Motion? Motion by Councilor Letellier, seconded
by Councilor Cavallo. Just to let you know, in talking with Council President Johnson
and Debbie Dachos, this really should have a Public Hearing legally attached to it. I have
talked with Barbara and she could get it posted in time for our June P meeting. So
knowing that, I would make a recommendation that we put it back on the table but what's
the Council's pleasure?
i Councilor Calabrese—Motion to table.
Councilor Magovern —Seconded.
Vice President Perry -All those in favor? Okay.
Item 7. Renort of Council Committees
Item 8. Elections
Item 9. Public Hearings
1. PH-2013-3 (TOR-2013-1) -An Ordinance to Amend the Code of the
Town of Agawam Zoning Ordinances§180-29 "Article IV.Residence A-3
Districts Use Restrictions" (Tabled 4/16/13)(Planning Board)(Referred to
Legislative Committee)
! Vice President Perry--Is there a Motion to take it off the table? Motion's been made by
Councilor Cichetti and seconded by Councilor Letellier. I think we all received from the
Planning Board that the Petitioner is asking to take it off the table and I would ask that we
vote on the Motion to take it off the table. Voice vote? Okay, if you could call the Roll?
ROLL CALL— 10 YES,0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Johnson)
Vice President Perry — With ten yes, zero no, we have withdrawn, no I'm sorry, we
have taken it off the table. Now I'll make a Motion to withdraw? Motion was made by
Councilor Cavallo, seconded by Councilor Mineo and any discussion on the withdrawal?
Hearing none, Barbara, could you call the Roll?
ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Johnson)
Vice President Perry — With a vote of ten yes, zero no's and one absent, we have
withdrawn it from our Agenda.
2. PH-2013-4(TR-2013-29) -A Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2014
2018 Capital Improvement Program(Public Hearing Set for June 3,2013)
(Referred to the Finance Committee)
Vice President Perry—The Public Hearing has been set for June 3, 2013. We'll move it
forward to the June meeting.
Item 10. ON Business
• 1. TOR-2013-2 -An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 49 of the Code of the
Town of Agawam entitled "Personnel"(1/2 readings) (Councilors Johnson
and Perry) (Referred to Legislative Committee)
Vice President Perry — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Cavallo, seconded by
Councilor Letellier. This was referred to the Legislative Committee and do we have a
• report, Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti — Thank you. Again, we met on this item tonight at 6:30. The full
committee was in attendance — that's Councilor Letellier, Councilor Rossi, myself,
Councilor Bitzas and Councilor Cavallo — and we did vote on it 5-0 and sending a
positive recommendation to the Full Council.
Vice President Perry —Thank you for that report. Any other discussion? Seeing none,
Barbara, would you call the Roll?
i ROLL CALL— 10 YES, 0 NO, 1 ABSENT (Councilor Johnson)
Vice President Perry — With a vote of ten yes, zero no and one absent, you have
approved TOR-2013-2 (first reading only).
0 Item]]. New Business
1. TR-2013-30 -A Resolution entering into a Memorandum of
Understanding for Emergency Transportation(Mayor)
• Vice President Perry — Next Agenda and I'll refer that to the Community Relations
2. TR-2013-31 -A Resolution confirming the Reappointment of Richard
Bennett,29 Willowbrook Drive,Agawam,MA to the Community
Preservation Act Committee to a term expiring April 30,2016(Council)
Vice President Perry—Next Agenda.
3. TO-2013-10 -An Order Granting or Renewing a PERMIT for an
Automatic Amusement Device(s)for Six Flags New England, 1623 Main
0 Street,Agawam,MA.(Clerk)
Vice President Perry—Next Agenda and I'll refer that to the Administrative Committee.
4. TOR-2013-3 -An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 49 of the Code of the
Town of Agawam entitled "Personnel" (Two Readings Required)(Mayor)
Vice President Perry--Next Agenda and I'll send that to the Legislative Committee.
S. TOR-20134 -An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 49 of the Code of the
0 Town of Agawam entitled "Personnel"(Two Readings Required)(Mayor)
Vice President Perry—Next Agenda. I'll refer that to the Legislative Committee.
6. TR-2013-32 -A Resolution confirming the appointment of Daniel
Michael,84 Pineview Circle,Agawam,MA. to the Agawam Municipal Golf
Commission to a term expiring December 31,2016(Mayor)
Vice President Perry—Next Agenda.
Councilor Cavallo—Point of Information? In our packet, he has a letter requesting to be
* a member of the Golf Commission. I don't know if you noticed that at all.
Vice President Perry—I did not, no.
Councilor Cavallo—Here it says he's requesting to be a member of the Veterans'?
Vice President Perry — You'll look into it Barbara and let us know before the next
meeting? Okay.
Councilor Cavallo—inaudible...
• Councilor Magovern —Can we reword it?
Vice President Perry—Let me see that.
Councilor Cavallo —I think what could have happened is that this was mistakenly typed
Veterans instead of Golf Commission.
Vice President Perry--Okay, I make a Motion to amend.
Councilor Magovern - Seconded.
Vice President Perry — Okay, to read "A Resolution confirming the appointment of Daniel
Michael, 84 Pineview Circle, Agawam, MA. to the Agawam Municipal Golf Commission to a
term expiring December 31, 2016." Thank you Councilor Cavallo.
• Councilor Cavallo—Thank you.
7. TR-2013-33 -A Resolution confirming the appointment of Gary
Janulewicz,41 Elm Street,Agawam,MA to the Agawam Veterans' Council
to a term expiring April 1,2016 (Mayor)
• Vice President Perry—Next Agenda.
S. TO-2013-13 -An Order Granting or Renewing a Junk Dealer's PERMIT
for John's Trucking of Agawam,Inc.,415 Silver Street,Agawam,MA.
• Vice President Perry —Next Agenda. I'll refer that to the Admin Committee.
9. TO-2013-14 -Budgetary Transfer$20,000.00 from Fire Department
Overtime(12201-51030)to fire Department Protection and Safety(12203-
52410)for portable radios equipment purchase(Mayor)
Vice President Perry —Next Agenda. I'll refer that to the Finance Committee.
10. TR-2013-34 -A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into a Lease
Agreement between the Town of Agawam and Professional Golf
• Management,Inc. (Mayor)
Vice President Perry—Next Agenda. I'll refer that to the Finance Committee.
11. TOR-2013-5 -An Ordinance Amending§180 of the Agawam Zoning
Ordinance Entitled "Article XH. Floodplain Zone"(Suggest a Public
Hearing Date of June 3,2013)(Planning Board)
Vice President Perry—There is a suggested date of June 3, 2013, is everyone good with
that? Okay, Barbara, could you post it? Yes, there will be three that night. I'll refer that
to the Legislative Sub-Committee.
Item 12. Any other matter that may lemally come before the City Council.
Vice President Perry—I'll start to my right, Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo — Yeah, I have two items. Two items, both refer to meetings that
we've had in the past for example with the CPA regarding the School Street Park.
Barbara, would it be possible, or you Dennis, or whoever it may be, to request from Mr.
Sparks a progress report on what the status is on the funding that we approved, that's
number one and number two, the Council also voted on the Barn project, the School
i Street Barn, and that was quite a while ago and again I'm wondering about the status of
that as well because one of the conditions that was set when we approved that was that
they receive the $100,000 as a caveat that they receive it in order to receive the funding to
go ahead with the project. Now I don't know when they anticipated on receiving this
money but and I don't know how far Mr. Sparks has gotten with the project regarding
. School Street so I think that would be good for all of us to digest because we did that
some time ago and we haven't received any feedback at all on either of those two
proposals. That's all I have tonight.
Vice President Perry—Thank you Councilor Cavallo. Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas — Yes, I have an invitation from the Rotary Club. I have two other
members here, Gina and Bob, and to you and the people in the Town, we'd like to invite
you to join us for Italian dinner fundraiser in the Italian Sportsman's Club, 349 Cooper
Street in Agawam, Wednesday, the 22"d, 4:30 — 7:30 for ziti, meatballs, salad, dessert,
coffee and tea. The donations are $10.00, for seniors $7.00 and children under 12 $2.00.
• We have door prizes, 50150 raffle and two Red Sox tickets. That would benefit to
support Caitlin Nardi, an Agawam student. It is the Agawam Rotary Club Youth
Exchange Student 2013-2014 School Year in Chile. Thank you.
Vice President Perry—Thank you Councilor Bitzas. Councilor Calabrese?
Councilor Calabrese—Nothing tonight.
Vice President Perry—Thank you. Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti—Nothing this evening. Thank you.
Vice President Perry—Okay, Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier—Nothing tonight.
Vice President Perry—Thank you and welcome back by the way. Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi — Thank you. Just a reminder with the Admin Committee. I had
Barbara schedule some time prior to the next meeting so we can go over those items that
• we have for the new licenses and also I'd like to remind people out there that the 17t' is
coming up upon us for the Relay for Life up at the High School. We could really use
your support and participation. Joining a team is relatively inexpensive and donations are
always welcome but moreover we'd like to see the people up there coming to participate.
It's a worthwhile event and I think everybody would enjoy taking part in the program.
• Vice President Perry—Thank you Councilor Rossi. Now is that a Saturday?
Councilor Rossi —No that's a Friday evening. It will kickoff about 6pm and kick over
into Saturday night but the event will kickoff—survivors I understand it will be doing it a
little differently this year -- the Survivors are going to have some kind of a buffet or
• dinner and then they're going to have a march, a walk, and then the event will kickoff
and give some preliminary speeches and stuff and then the event will actually kickoff
around 6pm I'm told.
Vice President Perry—Excellent,thank you. Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo — I was just going to say please support Relay for Life. I agree with
you, I walked with you and Gina last year. One other thing, Dennis, could you refer TR-
2013-29 to the Finance Committee too—Capital Improvement Budget—oh you.did?
Vice President Perry—I thought we did.
Councilor Mineo — Oh, okay, I didn't hear that. Can you make sure when I have the
meeting that all three Agenda items are on there? Okay?
• Vice President Perry—Thank you Councilor Mineo. Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern —The only other thing I want to go over is what Councilor Mineo
said about the Relay for Life. I think last year's was a wonderful event and I hope
everybody goes and supports Councilor Rossi and his family for the Relay for Life and
I'd like to reiterate what Councilor Bitzas said about the Agawam Rotary Club. It's one
• of our Agawam charities that are raising money for the Chile visit for Caitlyn Nardi.
This is all done with volunteer work, volunteer money and it's a wonderful experience
for the Agawam individual to go to Chile and study for a year down there so again you
can support it by going and having a wonderful spaghetti dinner, May 22"d so nothing
else. Thank you.
Vice President Perry—Thank you Councilor Magovern? Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault—Yes, I'd like to echo those sentiments and I do have, Barbara if you
• would, draft a letter to the Mayor. I have a question that I'd like some help to understand
why we single out only one department in town to have random drug testing which is the
DPW and I'd like some input on that from the Mayor. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm finished.
Vice President Perry — Okay. Thank you Councilor Rheault. All right, leads us to
Adjournment. Do I hear a Motion? Seconded? All those in favor? We are adjourned.