• Minutes dated October 21, 2013
President Johnson-I'd call the meeting to order.
Item 1. Roll Call
President Johnson -- I'd ask Barbara to call the Roll please?
• President Johnson -With eleven present, we have a quorum.
Item 2. Moment of Silence and the Pled,-e ofAlleziance.
President Johnson - I'd ask everyone to rise for a moment of silence and Pledge of
Allegiance please?
Item 3. Citizen's Speak Time
President Johnson - We have a list of eleven speakers wishing to speak this evening.
• I'd ask as you approach that you please state your name and address and time will be
limited to five minutes. The first is Scott Milliken?
Scott Milliken - Scott Milliken, 25 Melrose Place, Agawam. I'm here tonight to express
my support for the proposed off-leash dog project. In December, 2010 1 attended a CPA
meeting looking for public input on Phase 2 of School Street Park. After having visited
• several area dog parks, I thought the idea of incorporating a dog park at School Street
Park would be a perfect fit. After that meeting, several citizens approached me to create
a group to promote the idea of bringing a dog park somewhere to the Town of Agawam.
From these first meetings, ADOG was formed-the Agawam Dog Owners Group and the
group has been working diligently for 2 '/2 years to promote awareness and raise money
• for this project. Please allow me now to read our original mission statement. The
Agawam Dog Park Mission Statement is to create a fenced in, off-leash dog park where
well behaved canine citizens can exercise in a clean, safe environment without
endangering or annoying people, property and wildlife; to develop a beautiful and well-
maintained space open to dog lovers and friends who are willing to uphold the park's
rules and regulations; to view the park as a community project and partnership with the
Town of Agawam designed to satisfy the needs of dog owners and non-dog owners alike;
and to promote the education, training and recreational activities the facilitate
responsible dog ownership and well-behaved dogs through the use of volunteers with the
support of our community. The group continues to follow this statement to this day.
• From the beginning the aim of the group has been to inclusive and to make this a
community-wide project. The positive support we have received throughout our various
community outreach activities including the annual Earth Day and Harvest Fest Festivals
as well as the Memorial Day and Big E parades has been overwhelming. A survey
conducted last year and taken by 338 citizens showed broad based support for this
project. We have close to 200 members on our email list and over 320 friends of
Facebook. Our regularly updated website sees increased traffic every week. The group
has been raising money since its inception and continues to do so with over $1500 raised
last week alone. The group has been dedicated to seeing this project through to its
completion and beyond. Overall, this project will be a welcomed addition to the Town of
Agawam. It will provide a new, safe recreational space for citizens and their dogs.
Being centrally located at Shea's Field will allow residents of both Agawam and Feeding
Hills to share in its use and benefits. Having secured this grant from the Stanton
Foundation has brought this project so close to becoming a reality.
Clerk—One minute please.
Scott Milliken —The fact that 95% of the money for this project is available from private
funding makes it the proverbial no-brainer in my opinion. The recent CPA meeting
where the additional funding was unanimously appropriated was a huge step forward for
the project. The term "return on investment" was used and resonates with me today.
$14,500 to secure $245,000? I only wish my 401k performed this well! I urge you to
approve the use of these CPA funds tonight so that this project can become the asset to
the Town of Agawam that we know it will be. Thank you for your time, your attention
and your positives votes tonight.
President Johnson —Thank you. Next is Marilyn Kane?
Marilyn Kane — Good evening. My name is Marilyn Kane and I live at 80 Howard
Street. I am a member of the Agawam Dog Owners Group and totally support the
creation of an off-leash recreation area in Agawam. This will be a premier park
monitored by the volunteer members of our group and will enhance the well-being of all
licensed Agawam canines. They deserve a place to play and socialize. Thank you and
please consider a positive vote.
President Johnson —Thank you. Next is Mary Ellen Kennedy?
0 Mary Ellen Kennedy --- Good evening. My name is Mary Ellen Kennedy. I live at 418
Meadow Street which Pm sure you're all aware is a condominium complex. Our little
dogs deserve a place to play off-leash. We can't obviously let them do that on Meadow
Street. I would appreciate your support for the dog park and I'm also a member of the
Agawam Dog Group. Thank you.
President Johnson —Thank you. Next is Anne Beard?
Anna Beard --Hi. I'm Anna Beard, 65 Rising Street, feeding Hills, Mass. I have three
dogs and I do a lot of dog walking and I know would like a dog park. We would like
• your vote. Thank you very much.
President Johnson —Thank you. Next is Paul Lussier?
i Paul Lussier—My name is Paul Lussier. I live at 39 Oriole Drive in Feeding Hills. I'm
here to ask for your support for TR-2013-46 funding for the dog park in Agawam.
Agawam has 4,000 registered licensed dogs in the town and having an off-leash
recreation area would give the owners and dogs a special place to socialize. Agawam has
been awarded a wonderful opportunity from the Stanton Foundation to bring a premier
. dog park to Agawam. I encourage you to pass the funding from the CPA and thank you
for your time.
President Johnson—Thank you. Next is Barbara Lussier?
Barbara Lussier—Barbara Lussier and I live at 39 Oriole Drive in Feeding Hills. I am a
member of the Agawam Dog Owners Group and I also own three licensed and registered
dogs in Agawam. We often travel out of town and out of state to go to dog parks and
really believe in the socialization and training that the dogs get at dog parks and we think
it would be wonderful if we were able to seize this opportunity and take advantage of the
$240,000 grant that is being given to us to get a premier park that won't just be a dog
park but a destination for Agawam. Thank you for your support.
President Johnson —Thank you. Next is Harold Kane?
Harold Kane — Hi. My name is Harold Kane, 80 Howard Street in Agawam. I'm a
member of the dog group and I would appreciate your vote on the dog park. Thank you.
President Johnson—Thank you. Next is Dennis King?
Dennis King — Good evening. My name is Dennis King. I live at 40 Mountainview
Street in Agawam. I'm also a member of the dog group and asking you for your support.
I think it's real important to the community that we have this project funded and we get it
built as soon as we can so thank you.
President Johnson —Thank you. Next is Corinne Wingard?
Corinne Wingard -- Good evening. My name is Corinne Wingard. I live at 194 Elm
Street in Agawam and I'm a member of the Community Preservation Act Committee
which as you know unanimously voted approval of this to send to you to ask for your
approval for the dog park. I've been a supporter of the dog park from the very beginning
and I'm just thrilled and delighted at how successful this amazing group of hardworking,
• terrific people have been and all the work they've done. I know they will run a very,
well-run, responsible dog park that's safe and good and fun for everybody and I think it's
one of the best votes you'll get to take this year. Please approve it. Thank you.
President Johnson —Thank you. Next is Jill Messick?
Jill Messick -- Good evening. Jill Messick, 118 Princeton Ave in Feeding Hills. A
couple things that haven't been mentioned about this particular concept and this
• particular idea with the first thing as Corinne said it's been amazing to watch this group
grow and grow and grow their supporters and fundraise and do all the things they needed
to do to get to this point. The fact that the CPA unanimously approved funding for this
just shows how fiscally responsible they are. The $245,000 grant—thank you very much
to Debbie Dachos--I know she worked very, very hard to secure that—and the dog group
has worked really hard for so long. Two of the things that I want to point out about Shea
Field is we have had security issues in the past there. We've had some problems with
safety, with kids who skate there and I think this is just a wonderful place to put the park.
I think it's a great idea to bring more people there because the more people you bring, the
more dogs you bring, the more security that you're gonna have and I think that that park
can become something really amazing. That's from my perspective on the Open Space
Committee so I urge you to vote in favor of accepting the CPA funding for the park.
Thank you.
President Johnson —Thank you. Next is Deborah Sanchez?
• Deborah Sanchez -- Deborah Sanchez, 36 Hemlock Ridge in Feeding Hills. Good
evening Councilors, my name is Debbie Sanchez and I am the President of the Agawam
Dog Owners Group and I thank you for your time this evening. I've really passionately
and enthusiastically would like your vote in favor of TR-2013-46. I am very proud to be
associated with such a dedicated group of individuals who are committed to establishing
and maintaining an off-leash recreational area in the Town of Agawam. I realize that the
Stanton Foundation has approached the town and it took a little bit of a different turn in
that direction but I want the councilors to know that our group is still committed to
monitoring and working with the town in whatever positive way that we can. We've
established a great relationship with Deb Dachos in Planning and Chris Sparks in Park &
Ree and with the Mayor to get to where we are today. We are just over two years, about
2 V2 years, organized and we've already raised over $13,000. 1 think it just shows the
level of commitment that people in the community and not even in just the Town of
Agawam but people in the community are dedicated to an organization such as ours in
such a short amount of time to raise that kind of money because that is not really a lot of
corporate sponsorships here, that's just folks showing up at our fundraisers and giving $5
here and $15 there and it has added up to over $13,000. The Stanton Foundation grant of
$245,000 combined with the Agawam Dog Owners Group securing $10,000 for its
donation and then the CPA funding of $14,145 will make an off-leash park a premier
gem in our community and we at ADOG, as I said, want to continue our positive
relationship with the town and be part of the process both now and in the future. I am
proud to be a citizen of Agawam. I've lived most of my life in Springfield and moved
here when I got married and am very proud to call Agawam home. Our town is very
diverse. We have levels of recreation for all aspects of our life. I think that the owners of
dogs in our town can have a common place to have an area to socialize and to form a
common friendship and it just so happens that we are dog owners at the same time and I
! believe that with this gem in the community, our town will be the most diverse it can be
and has a lot to offer to all of the citizens of Agawam. A five-acre park is what's being
• 4
considered with two acres being developed with the Stanton Foundation grant. That is
huge. Most parks aren't that size. It's really a gem for the community to be able to have
the establishment of an off-leash recreational area of that size. So thank you for your
time and for your vote in favor of TR-2013-46. Thank you.
President Johnson —Thank you. That concludes Citizen's Speak Time.
Item 4. Minuted
1. Regular Council Meeting—October 9, 2013
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Cichetti,
seconded by Councilor Magovern. Questions or discussion on the minutes? Seeing
• none, all those in favor say Ay? Any opposed? They're unanimously approved.
Item 5. Declaration from Council President
President Johnson —No declarations from Council President.
Item 6. Presentation of Petitions, Memorials & Remonstrance
1. TR-2013-46 - A Resolution Appropriating from the Community
Preservation Fund and Authorizing the Expenditure of Community
• Preservation Funds for the Creation of a Dog Park as a Recreational Use at
Shea Field (Referred to Community Relations Committee) (CPA)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Calabrese, seconded by
Councilor Cavallo. This item was referred to the Community Relations Committee,
Councilor Calabrese?
Councilor Calabrese — Yes, the Community Relations Committee met this evening at
6:00, present were my fellow committee members George Bitzas, Paul CavalIo, Jim
Cichetti, Dennis Perry, also Councilors Joe Mineo and Bob Rossi. We also had on hand
Debbie Dachos, Ray Moreau, Henry Kozloski and Deborah Sanchez. During the meeting
• it was pointed out and highlighted, much of which has already been said during Citizen's
Speak Time, that Agawam was actually approached by the Stanton Foundation to apply
for this grant. Frank Stanton as some of you may or may not know was a television
pioneer and a dog enthusiast and he's the one that established this foundation. There are
already a few dog parks in Massachusetts and I believe there's one in I believe it's
• Arlington that's already been opened and funded by the Stanton Foundation so we have a
great template to follow. Some of the criteria for this particular grant included the
Stanton Foundation will only work with municipalities, must be on public lands,
municipalities must make a commitment to maintain the area and the town needs to fund
ten percent of the cost of construction and this is gonna be a two-phase project. One of
the things that impressed the Council, not only was the design of the facilities but the fact
that it's in the shape of a dog's head. I really liked that. The nose portion represents the
two acres which is going to be funded by the Stanton grant. They are looking for
$14,145 from the Recreational portion of the CPA. The DPW currently does mow and
maintain that area and they're gonna continue to do that once the off-leash recreational
park is constructed assuming that we have a positive vote here tonight. One of the other
things that was discussed is dog waste and they have a plan for a decomposition system
which is gonna be picked up weekly or more frequently as needed and this would be a
line item in the DPW budget. It would be available and open year-round to anyone, not
just Agawam residents. One of the things that, a couple of things that we were talking
about the liability in the case of dog bite and the President of ADOG, Deb Sanchez, did
some advanced legal research on that and what she did find in her research is that
Massachusetts is a strict liability state in the case of dog bites so that the town is not
gonna have a liability exposure. The other thing that they had talked about was the
possibility of a key swipe system and the way this would work is people with dogs that
want to use the park would have to register their dog, would have to prove, provide proof
• of required vaccinations and licensure in order to get this swipe and what that would do is
that would allow the town to keep track of who is in that park and at what time. There
was a Motion made by Paul Cavallo to send a positive recommendation which was
seconded by George and Jim and we voted 5-0 to send a positive recommendation. The
meeting was adjourned at 6.15 this evening. Thank you.
President Johnson—Other questions or discussion? Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas —Thank you, Mr. President. Yeah, as a member of the committee and
also here I will express my full support. I know all of the committee, all of the members
that belong to the committee and they're fantastic people. They did an excellent,
excellent work to raise what they raised but to come with this $250,000 - $245,000 I
believe—this was a give of heavens. Nobody was expecting the money. There is no way
we can build a park like this without this money and that's great. There is no way anyone
of us here can say no to $14,000 which is CPA money, half of this $14,000 is the state,
' comes from the state and the other half comes from us —the one percent surcharge. It is
fantastic; I give it credit and congratulations to the people. I can't wait to bring my dog
there too and the sooner the better. Thank you.
President Johnson —CounciIor Cavallo then Magovern?
Councilor Cavallo—Yes, again, I've been in favor of the park and what really impressed
me and I mentioned at the sub-committee meeting was the preparation that went into both
Debbie Dachos' application for the proposal and also the work that you people put into it
in terms of I think you covered all of your bases. You included common questions that
are asked by people regarding something new and you had answers and responses. You
• did a survey. You had a significant part of the population. I've recently, I do a walk
around where I live at Castle Hill Condominiums and many people there have dogs, big
and small, and I mentioned it to a couple of people that were walking their dogs and they
were elated that wow, we're gonna have this and I said well hopefully we're gonna have
it after the vote tonight and I told them, where is it because a lot of them don't know
Agawam and they wanted to know how far do we have to go and I told them that and I
said don't worry if this passes they'll be some information coming out to you and to the
entire town about this particular event you know and they were so pleased but again, the
nice part about it is this, this was not a competitive grant, we were singled out. We were
chosen as one of the communities to have this and that is some kind of an honor from this
group as well and I have no problem with this because I just, I have not been on the
Council that long but over two or three years, with all the work that you've done, and the
work that you put into these two along with Debbie, these proposals and all of the
information, the pictures and so forth, there's no question on my mind that you deserve
and the Town of Agawam deserves people like you and deserves the park. Thank you.
President Johnson-- Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern -- Paul just stole all my thunder here but I just wanted to say the
same thing that in all the years I've been on the Council, I've seen a lot of volunteer
• groups come in but I really feel that ADOG has really out-performed just about any other
volunteer group I've seen in the sense that you've done your homework, you put the
programs together and I'm proud of Agawam in that we are a town of volunteers and
without the volunteers coming forward, not only for the ADOG program but all the other
volunteer programs that we have in town, we wouldn't be the town we are today and it
• takes the volunteers and if you've got a project, get together the same way that ADOG
has done and bring it forward to the Council because we're here to try to help you and
again I think it's fantastic, you've done a great job and I think it's gonna be a premier
park not only in Western Mass but in the entire State of Massachusetts. So again, thank
you for all of your hard work.
President Johnson —Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi — Thank you. I think probably one of the biggest pleasures of my
voting here tonight was listening to and watching the enthusiasm of the speakers tonight.
• It. would be very difficult to turn something like that down listening to all of that
enthusiasm out there and it also tells me one thing that this isn't just a passing fad or
something that's just a flash in the pan kind of venture. I think it's something that you're
very deeply committed to and your presence here and your presentations here
exemplified that. The other portion of that is when I first learned of the park at Shea's
Field, I did have some bit of a reservation as to the location and I thought maybe some
• place up in Feeding Hills where there's some parks that aren't being utilized up there
might be a pretty good fit but then thinking about it, I realized it as Miss Messick said, I
think it's a good fit for Shea's park. Coming from where I came from in public service, I
know that the problems that have existed up there and I do know in crime prevention the
best part of crime prevention is activity and the more activity you have in an area, less
• crimes you are about to have and that's very, very true Jill. So I think it's a very good fit
and I commend you all for being here and I really enjoyed your presentations and your
dedication to your commitment so you've got my support.
President Johnson — Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo — I'll be voting in favor of this. I've attended a few meetings. I'd like
to thank Debbie Sanchez, I think she's done a great job and the gentleman that's sitting
next to her, I can't remember his name—what's his name?
Councilor Letellier— Scott Milliken.
Councilor Mineo-- Scott Milliken, I met you I think on day one, it was probably two and
a half years ago, but I believe in this project. I have a dog, I don't know if they would
• take him over there, he's a little aggressive so I don't know if he would be allowed over
there but I would try it, maybe leashed but I've been in favor of this project from day one
and I was willing to even sponsor this but I'm just glad it's moving forward and it's
coming to an end and it's a positive result.
• President Johnson —Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier—Thank you. I've seen how hard Deb and Scott and the group have
worked on this and when I saw that the town had gotten that grant, I thought what a better
group of people. They have really worked hard on this. You guys have made your,
• you've done outreach to the whole community. You guys have put your all into it.
You've put your name behind it and I don't have a dog but nonetheless I still think it's a
great idea. I think it's good for passive recreation and we have a lot of stuff for kids to do
in town and I think this allows adults and some seniors to get out there and get some
healthy walking in and get some dogs to maybe be a little more socialized so they might
• be a little less aggressive in the future but I can't say enough about the work that Deb and
Scott and the group have done. So kudos to you guys.
President Johnson —Councilor Rheault?
. Councilor Rheault — Yes, when Debbie called me for a discussion on this, I had mixed
emotions whether this would be a fit for Agawam or not and asked her very specific
questions and quite frankly she was very professional and answered every single one of
them, of my concerns and Iistening to the presentations this evening, I think that it has a
lot of merit and it certainly has my support.
President Johnson — Any other discussion? Seeing none, if you're in favor of the
Resolution, vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the Roll please?
• President Johnson — With a vote of eleven yes, you've approved TR-2013-46.
2. TR-2013-47 -A Resolution Accepting a Grant from the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency pursuant to
Massachusetts General laws Chapter 44, Section 53A to Agawam
Emergency Management(S2,300.00) (Mayor)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Cichetti, seconded by
Councilors Rheault and Magovern. Questions or discussion on the acceptance of the
grant? Seeing none, all those in favor say Ay? Opposed? It's unanimous.
Item 7. Report of Council Committees
Item 8. Elections
Item 9. Public Hearings
1. PH-2013-13 (ZC-2013-5) - A Petition for Zone Change for Parcel
Owned by 194 South Street Limited Partnership located at 194 and 0 South
Street,Agawam,MA (Referred to Legislative Committee)
President Johnson — is there a Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Cichetti,
• seconded by Councilor Magovern. With that, the Chair will open the Public Hearing?
Anyone wishing to speak in favor of the proposed Zone Change may approach?
Mark Benoit — Mr. President and members of the Council, my name is Mark Benoit. I
live at 21 Alexander Drive here in Agawam. I'm also a General Partner of 194 South
Street Partnership along with my partner, Ben Surner, which is the Petition for the Zone
Change. As you know, this project was approved by the town back in 2008 as an over-55
age restricted community. It was approved at that time for sixty residential units. That
was the about the time that the residential market exploded and went into a nosedive and
we elected at that time to place the project on hold until we saw some signs of recovery in
• the residential market. So we've been holding the project for quite some time and we
feel that we're approaching the time in the market when it's an opportune time to develop
and build this project which we think would be good for the Town of Agawam. The
condominium market, the housing market in general, and the condominium market in
particular in Agawam and the surrounding area, has shown some very strong signs of
recovery while the over-55 market hasn't. The concept of an over-55 home was based
upon individuals being able to sell their homes for very high prices and have lots of
equity to invest in theory in an over-55 condominium close to their residence and also
with the tremendous equity that they had in their homes buy a condominium in Florida or
the Carolinas or something like that -- that market has not returned. People just don't
have that type of equity in their homes at this time and the over-55 market has not
• recovered and it's questionable just when and if it will recover. We would like to
continue forward with this project. We think it's a viable project and a good project for
the City of Agawam and we would like to develop the project as a non-age restrictive
community and hence the request for the Zone Change from A-5 age restricted to A-6
• non-age restricted. The A-6 zone is exactly the same as the A-5 zone without the age
restriction and our intention is to develop this project with the same concept in mind as it
was when it was an age-restricted community, same number of units, same number of
parking spaces, same number of garages, same number of bedrooms, the design of the
units hasn't changed. It'll be attractive to the same types of individuals and families as a
non-age restricted community, as an over-55 would but it is more marketable as an over-
55 in light of the current market conditions and an additional concern on the part of
buyers of over-55 homes, is that when they sell the home they're restricted to a sale to an
over-55 so changing this to an A-6 zone enhances the initial marketability but also makes
it easier for individuals to sell the unit when they choose to sell them. We've been
through a number of Public Hearings on this project and some, a number of questions
• have come up. One question is what is the benefit to Agawam in terms of tax revenue
and based upon the projected sale prices of these units, this will bring an additional
$290,000 a year of tax revenue to the town which is significant. Other questions that
have come up given the change from age-restricted to non-age restricted are will all of a
sudden more children move into the community and will families living in this complex
• as opposed to empty-nesters which is the over-55 concept. That is not the case. This
project is not designed to attract families. It doesn't have enough bedrooms.
Condominium declarations won't allow swing sets and the type of recreational things that
families like to have, there's no swimming pool or anything like that so the complex itself
is very unlikely to attract additional families to the community with the expense to the
• school system and we've looked at some of the competitive or comparable complexes
here in Agawam to what ours would be and Castle Hill is one complex which is very
comparable in terms of the occupancy. They have 230 units and six children living in the
complex which is a very low percentage. Mansion Woods is additional comparable.
They have 160 units and five children living in the complex so I think looking at the
• statistics in terms of residency of these complexes, they're just not designed and not
attractive to families. They're attractive to empty-nesters so we don't feel as though
there would be a change, a negative impact, on the town in terms of occupancy of this
property. Other questions came up with regard to traffic whether there would be
additional traffic and as an over-55 this was designed as an active adult community. It
wasn't a retirement community where people stay within their complex and have all the
amenities in their complex and don't have to leave. This was an active adult community
where people were working as well as retired, very active socially in country clubs that
type of thing so there was lots of activity with residents coming in and out. As a non-age
restricted community we feel that the occupancy would be similar perhaps maybe
younger, averaging maybe 50 years old but again the same type of active adults living in
• the complex as would be the case if it were an over-55. So we ask your support for this
Zone Change. We think the complex will be well-received in Agawam. We've received
since the time this was first approved, lots of calls from residents asking when it would
be built — lots of interest — so we think it will be a great asset to the town and a much
better project in terms of likelihood of success and the ability of owners to sell as an A-6
non-age restricted property as opposed to an over-55. So we ask you support of this
Petition to change the zone of the property to A-6. Thank you.
President Johnson — Thank you. Anyone else wishing to speak in favor of the Zone
Change? Anyone wishing to be recorded in name only in favor of the Zone Change?
Anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the Zone Change? Anyone wishing to be
recorded in name only in opposition to the Zone Change? Seeing none, I declare.the
Public Hearing closed. The matter was referred to the Legislative Committee, Councilor
Councilor Cichetti —Thank you Mr. President. We did meet this evening roughly about
6.20. Myself, Councilor Letellier, Councilor Rossi, Councilors Cavallo and Bitzas were
at the meeting from my committee. We did discuss a couple of the issues that came up
from the Planning Board Public Hearing—one being the school there being overcrowded.
We did send a letter to Mr. Sapelli up at the School Department. He did send us back
• something saying that this is the second lowest enrollment of students for the elementary
level. Then we also had a concern of traffic down in that area and we did send for a
study from Lt. Gillis and they did a little bit of extensive work for us also and came back
to there's no traffic issues at this time. They were concerned about the commercial use
coming up and down the street but going back to the Zone Change, it's not gonna be
much commercial. At the end of our meeting we did take a vote to a 5-0 positive
recommendation to the whole Council. Thank you.
President Johnson — Councilor Letellier?
• Councilor Letellier — Yes, thank you. I think most of us on the committee received the
same few phone calls and the three questions that were raised were how is this gonna
impact school population? How is this gonna impact kids having to walk along the road
because there aren't any sidewalks and then speed and traffic and commercial vehicle use
and the Superintendent was very helpful. I also talked to Anthony Bonavita on the
School Committee, Lt. Gillis gave us all the information that we need and I don't have
any concerns with the Zone Change. The traffic report shows that the speeding is not an
issue. There's no worries about weight on the property If there are children and there
aren't sidewalks, the town would bus them from there to the school and as Councilor
Cichetti said Superintendent Sapelli said that there would be no negative impact on the
population at Clark School and so that's why I voted in favor of it at the sub-committee
level. Thank you.
President Johnson —Councilor Calabrese?
Councilor Calabrese — Um yeah,just to echo what Councilor Letellier was saying, part
• of my concerns were those that were raised from the residents along South Street as well
and in light of the information that the Superintendent and Lt. Gillis was able to provide
for us, I'm satisfied that the Zone Change is not gonna be detrimental to South Street and
I'll be voting in favor of it tonight.
President Johnson — Other questions or discussion on ZC-2013-5? Seeing none, if
you're in favor of the Zone Change vote yes. If you're opposed, vote no. Eight votes are
required. I'd ask Barbara to call the Roll please?
President Johnson --With a vote of eleven yes, you've approved the Zone Change.
2. PH-2013-14 (TO-2013-26) - Order granting a LICENSE for Gasoline
Storage Tanks located at 835-841 Suffield Street, Agawam, MA (Referred to
Legislative Committee) (Clerk)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion to approve the Order? Moved by Councilor
• Rossi, seconded by Councilors Cavallo, Bitzas and Cichetti. With that, I'll declare the
Public Hearing open. Anyone wishing to speak in favor of TO-2013-26 may approach.
David Kelley— Good evening, Council. My name is David Kelley with Four States and
this is Paul Wilson with Cumberland Farms. We have been before Planning Board and
before Conservation Commission to do some construction at the existing Cumberland
Farms. We are going to tear down the video store, tear down the existing Cumberland
Farms and leave the existing restaurant. The Parthenon's gonna remain. At the same
time, we will be removing the existing underground tanks, the existing gas pumps and
everything associated with that - canopy, fire suppression system, etc. We will then be
rebuilding a free standing Cumberland Farms store, new gas canopy, new gas dispensers
and installing two new 15,000 gallon double-wall, fiberglass tanks. We will be
dispensing, we will be storing 20,000 of regular gas, 5000 of premium, 5000 of diesel.
Presently on this site, there are three 8000 single-wall tanks dispensing the same product.
We have 16000 gallons of regular and 8000 premium out there. The new tanks, the
piping, fire suppression system etc. all meet federal and state code and regulations.
• We've had discussions with the Fire Marshall and Fire Inspector and he has no issues
with the proposed plans. None of the work associated with the tanks, canopy, etc. are
located within the 100' wetland buffer, everything is located outside of it. I've gotten
Conservation Commission approval for the proposed site work. We've gotten Planning
Board approval for the proposed work and now we seek permission from you folks to
store 30,000 gallons of fuel on the site.
President Johnson — It's not unfortunately two-way dialogue. Anyone else wishing to
speak in favor of the Iicense? Seeing none, anyone wishing to be recorded in name only
in favor of the license? Anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the license? Anyone
wishing to be recorded in name only in opposition to the license? Seeing none—
Councilor Bitzas—Can we ask a question before you close the Public Hearing?
President Johnson — We are in a Public Hearing Councilor Bitzas, if you're gonna ask
• questions, we have to close the Public Hearing and go into Committee as a Whole,
Councilor Bitzas - Okay.
President Johnson — Councilor Rheault says he believe you can ask during a public
• Hearing.
Councilor Bitzas —I think so too.
President Johnson —If you want to ask, ask away.
• Councilor Bitzas — Thank you. Thank you for coming. I'm very glad to see the
Conservation Commission, the Fire Marshall, the Fire Inspector they all approve. My
question is the building be the same as'the one you always built in the new ones, the same
style, can I see it?
• David Kelley — This is a rendering of the proposed Cumberland Farm building very
similar to the one in West Springfield.
Councilor Bitzas — I was at the last meeting at the Planning Board meeting, of course I
attended, you're going to maintain the restaurant next to it?
David Kelley — That is correct. The Parthenon Restaurant will remain, it might have to
close down for a couple of days during construction but that restaurant is remaining as is.
Councilor Bitzas — That's fine. So it be also beautified the outside for, are you going to
• do something about it or to blend nice with the building, are you going to, do you
understand what I say?
David Kelley—Yes.
Paul Wilson - Yes, as part of the process we do have to do some minor structural
renovations to the building but along with the structural we will be doing an aesthetic
overhaul of the building as well.
Councilor Bitzas — That's great because I live right down there, next door, close by, so
I'd like it to be nice and it'd be a lot better so thank you so much.
President Johnson —Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo—Yeah did you, were all abutters notified regarding this project?
• Paul Wilson - Yes.
President Johnson —It's a requirement of the license.
Councilor Cavallo - I live at Castle Hill Condominium Association, we abut your
• property and I don't recall unless someone got a notice regarding it, were Castle Hill
Condominium Association notified because part of our property, Buildings 1 and 2 abut
that property. I'm just asking the question
Paul Wilson - I believe that everyone that was within the radius was notified and all the
green cards had been returned in the proper manner.
Councilor Cavallo —Well, one of the concerns we had and we talked about quite a bit in
. Buildings 1 and 2 which abut the property is that the unsightliness is in the back of the
building presently. I hope that something is gonna be taken care of there and because of
the odor from the restaurant and all that other area there and looking for some kind of a
big fence or abutter with bushes or trees so we don't have to look, those people that live
in Buildings 1 and 2 do not have to look at that property. Is there any plan to put any
kind of bushes or anything that will, because, are we listed as an abutter?
Clerk — There are Castle Hills and their green cards are here, 1 believe, I will look for
them right now.
Councilor Cavallo - Okay, cuz I'm just wondering if Castle Hill Board, the Association,
• actually should be receiving the notices.
President Johnson — The legal answer Councilor Cavallo is no. They're not property
• Clerk—And they are here—
President Johnson -- Just the individual units that fall within the distance required by
statute. The Condominium Association itself is not a property owner.
• Councilor Cavallo —Well, I'll check on that.
President Johnson — The Public Hearing is still open? You have questions Councilor
. Councilor Rossi —I do. I have questions and concerns. It's primarily to the Cumberland
Farms person. I do, at the other Public Hearings that we had the issue came up of not
only the unsightliness of the back of the Parthenon but also the noise that comes from
there and some of the issue of concern were the landlord would probably have more
control if you will to the lessee because he's still gonna be the same lessee, I would
imagine, to try to keep that in wraps and I was assured by the people from Cumberland
• Farms area that they would try to do the best they could to maintain that and it is Castle
Hill #3 that brought to my committee, that raised those concerns so I just want to make
you aware that that could be an issue and I would hope that it would be addressed.
Paul Wilson — It will be addressed. In our current lease agreement with the Parthenon,
we don't have any sort of restrictions such as times of delivery and things of that nature,
but the Planning Board did approve us conditional based upon restricted delivery times.
There was nothing overnight, I believe there was nothing past 10:00pm and nothing
before 7:00am. That goes for all deliveries, trash, and restaurant so with the ability to
• rewrite the lease that we have with the Parthenon, we do have that ability then to include
those types of restrictions with the Parthenon restaurant.
Councilor Rossi —And the other problem that I got, the committee got, was the fact that
the employees do spend their off time, if you will, out in the back, with loud music and
those kinds of things.
Paul Wilson—And we'll do our best to police that as best we can.
Councilor Rossi — And one other thing, the committee also did receive Petitions from
Castle Hills residents and I have 25 signatures here all in favor of the project. That's all I
• have.
President Johnson —Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo —Yeah, are you gonna be having a car wash over there?
Paul Wilson —No the car wash will be removed as part of this proposal.
Councilor Mineo —So there will be no car wash over there anymore.
• Paul Wilson --No car at all.
Councilor Mineo — Okay, that's great because I live in that neighborhood and I don't
know about, I know George lives close by, Paul's right behind, when that dryer goes on,
it sounds like a jet engine going on. I mean I can hear it where I live which is probably a
. half a mile, I can hear that? When that dryer goes on I can hear it. It's like a jet engine
and I'm sure Paul if you're living next door, you must hear the thing if I can hear it where
I live, I mean George you're a street away, you've got to hear it. So that's good. Thank
President Johnson — Any other questions for the applicants? Seeing none, we already
• went through the asking for people speaking in opposition, those who wish to be recorded
in name only in opposition and no one approached. The Public Hearing is closed.
Questions or discussion on TO-2013-26?
Councilor Bitzas —Don't you need the committee report?
President Johnson — Do you want to ask for it or can I? The matter was referred to the
Admin Sub-Committee, Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi— Can I volunteer the report? Would that solve the problem?
President Johnson —I was just waiting for the people on the right to tell me to ask for it.
Councilor Bitzas — If you'd like to speak first, I would have no problem to speak first,
Mr. President, whatever you like.
Councilor Rossi — Well, thank you. The Committee did meet on this issue over here and
with the documentation we received there wasn't anybody from Cumberland Farms or
the Engineering Departments that came to our meeting but the documentation that we
had, the committee actually found no reason why or compelling reason at least why we
shouldn't go forward with the project. The increase in storage that they're asking for is
only 26,000. As the gentleman said, they had three tanks at 8,000 and that was 24,000
gallons of maximum fuel and they're asking for any increase of 6,000 up to 30,000
maximum allowed and we didn't think that that was out of the ordinary for the type of
services that they'd like to provide. So and as I said earlier, I mentioned that we did get
some support from the people at Castle Hills and I have the Petitions in front of me from
the residents of Castle Hill and I also got some from outside of Castle Hill but I got them
as far away as 22 Castle Hill and that's way up on the other side, it's'not even abutting
the property. 22 is I guess those ranches that are up where the car wash used to be or the
car wash was so the committee got no unfavorable reports and it was unanimous by the
• committee to send a positive recommendation for approval of the project and the storage
tanks, expansion of the storage tanks, 30,000 maximum storage.
President Johnson —Councilor Bitzas?
• Councilor Bitzas — Thank you. Yes, I was at the committee, I was not a member but I
was present and I do agree with the committee and also I _have an email here from as
Councilor Rossi said, 25 residents they supporting that storage and I'm a neighbor there,
more close than Councilor Mineo is but I'd like to see the building to be a lot beautified
and be a lot safer and it be good for the community and we like businesses. We like to
have businesses and we have to employ families and I hope the rest of the Council will
take the recommendation of the committee and vote in favor. I will agree with the
committee and I will vote in favor. Thank you.
Councilor Cavallo — Yeah, my concern is hopefully when the construction takes place
that you do respect the concerns of the people that abut that property in terms of the
• Parthenon and any other kinds of abutment, plants or trees or whatever you can build
because those people may have signed that but I've been on the board for six years and
they have come to meetings and expressed their concern about the unsightliness so if that
can be taken care of and appease them I think that would be wonderful. That's my only
President Johnson—Councilor Magovern?
Councilor Magovern —I just want to say that everybody that I've spoken to who is very,
very much in favor of this project, I think that it will do wonders to improve the
Parthenon and the look of Parthenon. It's an old center. 1 think it's gonna improve it
tremendously and my sister lives down around the corner, she's very, very close to it and
she made sure that she wanted me to get her positive viewpoint in for the approval of the
Cumberland Farms so I'm totally in favor of it.
President Johnson — Any other questions or discussion? Hearing none, six votes are
required. If you're in favor of the license for 30,000 gallons of gasoline storage, vote yes.
If you're opposed, vote no. I'd ask Barbara to call the Roll please?
• ROLL CALL — 11 YES, 0 NO
President Johnson — With a vote of eleven yes, you've approved the gasoline storage
tanks. Hopefully they'll be as pretty as the outside of the building.
3. PH-2013-15 (ZC-2013-6) -A Petition for Zone Change for property
• located at Sheri Lane Parcel H13 818, by applicants John Conte and Louis
Conte, 661 Barry Street, Feeding Hills, MA (Public Hearing Date set for
November 18, 2013)
President Johnson — The matter will be officially referred to the Legislative Sub-
Committee for review. I understand the Planning Board is holding their Public Hearing
late this month or early next month — the beginning of November so we referred to the
Planning Board last month and we expect to get their recommendation prior to our
second November meeting. Moving on to Old Business.
Item 10. Old Business
I. TO-2013-24 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Agawam Auto Mall, Inc., 825 Springfield Street, Agawam,MA. (Clerk)
(Tabled 10/9/13) (Referred to Administrative Committee)
President Johnson --What's the Council's wishes?
Councilor Rossi — I'd like to make a Motion to take it off the table because I think
there's some discussion that the Council should be aware of.
• President Johnson — Motion to remove the item from the table made by Councilor
Rossi, seconded by Councilor Rheault, All in favor of taking the item off the table say
Ay? Any opposed? The item is off the table. In order to have discussion is there a
Motion to approve? Moved by Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Rossi. The
matter was referred to the Admin Sub-Committee, Councilor Rossi?
• Councilor Rossi -- Thank you. It came to the committee's attention that this license,
Agawam Auto Mall, at 825 Springfield Street has not been active for quite some time. In
doing a little bit of research, I found out that the thing was up for sale since October of
2012. In addition to that, the owner, Falkowski, owns a dealership in Suffield,
Connecticut and he listed on his website as 825 Springfield Street, Agawam Auto Mall,
• as an overflow for that dealership. As you all know, I don't think I need to tell you that
in order to have a license for Class 2 Dealers in Massachusetts, it has to be a primary
business, it has to be active and current and the business hasn't been. In addition to that,
we got less than accurate information on his application for renewal. So all of these
things came in to question at the time of the sub-committee meeting and the committee
made a Motion to keep this thing on the table to give him an opportunity if he wishes to
maintain that license to get back into an active business and to continue to sell and use
that as a primary source of business. He could not produce any books to show any
records of any activities over the past year. So we decided to give him a chance and so .
the committee is going to ask that we table this until the next meeting and in the
meantime, the sub-committee will get together and hold another hearing and bring the
owner of that property in and then make a recommendation to the Full Council at that
time as to what the fate of that license would be. So it is the committee's
recommendation that we keep this on the table until the next meeting.
• President Johnson — Seeing no lights pop on, I'll take that as a Motion to —
Councilor Mince — I just wanted to mention that i am part of the committee. I wanted
to, we want to be business-friendly, you want to give somebody a chance, give somebody
an opportunity, we were kind enough to give him two weeks to make sure that this
business, somebody is there all the time, there are cars on the lot, it's not an overflow lot
like Councilor Rossi said, again, we don't want to be anti-business but I mean I think he
needs to conform with the laws and if he can't within fourteen days, then the license will
be revoked and that will be the end of, I know Councilor Rossi goal has been to eliminate
some of these car lots and well, hopefully that's not the fate of this car lot and hopefully
he's going to conform but, that's what we all agreed on.
Councilor Rossi— Well, can I —just quickly Mr. President? Let me just qualify that, it's
not the intention of our committee to steal these licenses, we're in the hopes that they
will, we will get them down to a reasonable figure by attrition. When I first took over
. this committee, we -
Councilor Mince -No, no, no I didn't mean that. That was always our goal.
Councilor Rossi— When we first took over this committee, there was over 30 licenses in
this town and that's one car lot for every thousand people that live in this community.
• That's more than the police service that they have so that's what we're trying to do but
we want to give everybody every opportunity that we can that is currently in the business
to keep their business but they can't be going and advertising in another state and expect
to hold a license in Massachusetts to sell cars. That's just something that we question
very seriously so anyway, I just wanted to make that clear that we're not after any car
dealers so thank you.
President Johnson — Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo — Yeah, I agree with this. I mean I think that, I can understand being
business-friendly but at the same time, you have been making many gestures to this
person to produce this or that or whatever to justify the existence of the dealership and I
think we reach a point sometimes with how about that person being Council-friendly,
okay? I mean I hope in the two week period, this person is able to come up with the
i necessary documentation that you have been looking for. If not, I think at that point, we
do something about it.
President Johnson — So we're back to Councilor Rossi's Motion to table the item, is
there a second? Made by Councilor Rossi, seconded by Councilors Rheault, Mineo and
Magovern. All in favor of tabling the item say Ay? Any opposed? The item is back on
the table.
2. TO-2013-27 - Order granting or renewing a License for an Automatic
Amusement Device and Weekly Amusement Permit for American Legion
Post 185 —Wilson Thompson, 478 Springfield Street, Feeding Hills,MA.
(Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
President Johnson — Is there a Motion? Moved by Councilor Cichetti, seconded by
Councilor Perry. In the interest of economy, this along with the next five items were
referred to the Admin Sub-Committee, we'll take each one one at a time to do the votes,
but I'd ask Councilor Rossi to give the report, if he could, on all six?
Councilor Rossi —Thank you Mr. President. The Administrative Committee met on all
six items, items 2 through 7, TO-2013-27, -28, -29, -30, -31 and -32, to all give a positive
recommendation for approval. There is let's see two Amusement and Weekly
i Amusement Permits and four would be for Class 2 Dealer's application and if the
President wants to just read them into the record or if you want me to, okay, I can read
them into the record and for the sake of convenience, you can lump them into one
President Johnson — As long as there's no objection from the Council, the Chair would
i entertain a Motion to expand the original Motion to approve, not only TO-2013-27 but
also TO-2013-28, -29, -30, -31 and -32 which are again the Automatic Amusement
Device and Weekly Amusement Permits for the American Legion, Class 2 Dealer's
License for Bear Auto Sales, Class 2 Dealer's License for Langonet, Inc., Automatic
Amusement Device and Weekly Amusement Permit for the Polish American Club, Class
i 2 Dealer's License for Chris Auto South and Class 2 Dealer's License for Parrotta's Auto
Service, Inc.
Councilor Rossi—Correct.
i President Johnson — So Motion to expand is made by Councilor Rossi, seconded by
Councilors Perry and Rheault. So we're now considering all six of them. We have the
expanded Motion made by Councilor Rheault, seconded by Councilor Rossi. Questions
or discussion on the six licenses and permits that are before us? Seeing none, I'd ask
Barbara to call the Roll. If you're in favor of the licenses and permits vote yes. If you're
opposed, vote no.
President Johnson — With a vote of eleven yes, we've approved the licenses and
3. TO-2013-28 -Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Bear Auto Sales, 517 Springfield Street,Agawam,MA. (Referred to
Committee) (Clerk)
• President Johnson —Item is approved, please see Item#2.
4. TO-2013-29 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Langonet,Inc., 61 Ramah Circle South,Agawam,MA. (Referred to
Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
• President Johnson —Item is approved, please see Item 42.
5. TO-2013-30 - Order granting or renewing a License for an Automatic
Amusement Device and Weekly Amusement Permit for Polish American
Club of Agawam, Inc., 139 Southwick Street, Feeding Hills, MA. (Referred
• to Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
President Johnson —Item is approved, please see Item #2.
G. TO-2013-31 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
• for Chris Auto South,207 Main Street, Agawam,MA. (Referred to
Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
President Johnson —Item is approved, please see Item 42.
7. TO-2013-32 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Parrotta's Auto Service, Inc. d/b/a Parrotta's Auto Sales, 357 Main
Street,Agawam,MA. (Referred to Administrative Committee) (Clerk)
President Johnson —Item is approved, please see Item 42.
Item ]]. New Business
1. TO-2013-33 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Joseph Ploys d/b/a Joe's Truck Repair, 97 Ramah Circle South, Agawam, MA
• President Johnson —That'll be referred to the Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
2. TO-2013-34 - Order granting or renewing a Class I Dealer's LICENSE
for G & T Beaver d/b/a]leaver Camper, 721 Springfield Street,Feeding
Hills, MA(Clerk)
President Johnson —Also to the Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
3. TO-2013-35 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Auto Kraft, 119 Walnut Street,Agawam,MA (Clerk)
President Johnson—Also, to the Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
4. TO-2013-36 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for LaFleur Auto Exchange,374 Main Street,Agawam,MA (Clerk)
President Johnson —Also, to the Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
5. TO-2013-37 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Luigi's Auto Sales, Inc.,371 South Westfield Street,Feeding Hills, MA
• (Clerk)
President Johnson —Also, to the Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda.
6. TO-2013-38 - Order granting or renewing a Class 2 Dealer's LICENSE
for Garden Auto Sales,204 Garden Street,Feeding Hills,MA (Clerk)
President Johnson — Also, to the Admin Sub-Committee, next Agenda. So there's six
more going to the Admin Sub-Committee.
Item 12. Any other matter that may legally come before the City Council.
President Johnson —We'll start tonight with Councilor Letellier?
Councilor Letellier— Thank you. I put this on my facebook so I don't want to repeat it
here. Saturday was just one of those days that made me really proud to live in Agawam.
• We had such a tremendous crowd for the Harvest Festival. I know the Captain Leonard
House had a great crowd and then later that night I went to Rosic Pignatare's cancer
benefit and there was I think 800 tickets sold and probably just as many people were
there. So it's things like that that make you glad to be a part of a community like
Agawam and so I was just really proud to be part of those events. So I guess bravo
• Agawam, I'm not sure how to put it but way to go everybody. And I just want to remind
everybody that our next meeting will be on Wednesday because we have voting on
Tuesday, November 5"'. Thank you.
President Johnson — Councilor Rossi?
Councilor Rossi — Yes, thank you. Last week, we had a letter sent to our Building
Inspector concerning D&J and you all I assume got a copy of the findings that he had.
Well, let me just bring you up to snuff then. They had 25 vehicles on site well within his
limitations and there was two vehicles that were in the required buffer area that the
Inspector had moved and he had the arborvitae that was in place which is a sound and
• sight barrier for the residents of Leonard Street. It appears as though as the time of the
inspection anyway, he is conforming to all applicable zoning and he is within the
confines of his restrictions on his license so and the other one that I just wanted to touch
on was I know a letter was sent back to the City Council concerning that complaint over
• at North Street and I know a letter was sent up and I was, I got the letter back and I'm
sure that everyone else did and it kind of disturbed me a little bit by saying that both the
Building and the Health Departments were aware of this for several weeks but it never
addressed what action they have taken over those weeks and what action they have taken
since this letter and I was just wondering if anyone else was as curious as I am as to why
• some of these Department Heads don't do what they are supposed to do and especially
give us the reports when we ask them. I don't think that we intended to just ask the
question as to what they're doing, what the results of them doing, what happened but we
didn't get that. I was wondering if anybody else had any information concerning this cuz
I certainly don't and I would certainly like to know if they're aware of this situation. I
happen to know the problems up there are not supposed to have happened. What are they
! doing about it and does anybody else have any information?
President Johnson -- I was actually gonna bring that up under my turn under Any Other
Business as to whether the Council wanted to follow up further because I too was
disappointed in the response that we received because it basically didn't address any of
• the concerns that were raised and so I was gonna ask the Council if they wanted me to
again inquire as of, to the Mayor's Office, as to what exactly they're doing because from
a legal standpoint and I don't, with regard to this particular property owner in question,
the town has an Order to remove goats from the property because it's livestock and it's
not zoned for that. Chickens and roosters are also livestock so if goats are not allowed on
the property, chickens and roosters are not allowed on the property but seemingly the
response we got was that the property owner that they sent to us to complain to is on his
own which again is disappointing to me.
Councilor Rossi — Well, I for one, Mr. President, would like a following up on that and
understanding the Zoning Laws, I don't claim to be any kind of an expert, but
understanding the concept of Zoning Laws, I don't think that that's fair to anybody that
lives in that neighborhood. I think a person has a reasonable right to expect that he could
live on that property without having any kind of health issues or other issues concerning
activities that are outside the law. So I would like to have a follow-up on that.
President Johnson — I'll follow up on that if the Council wants. Next are you done?
Councilor Mineo?
Councilor Mineo - Yeah, I just wanted to say that the Harvest Festival was an excellent
event. I attended it and I saw a lot of you there. It seems like it's growing every year,
• getting better every year, more vendors there every year so it's a definitely a homerun for
President Johnson —Councilor Magovern?
• Councilor Mago ern — Again, I just wanted to reiterate what's been said about the
Harvest Festival. As a member of the Agawam Rotary that was a sponsor of the event, I
wanted to thank all those that participated. It was great to see the town's people there. It
was great to see our car exhibit. What people don't realize is that this is not only just for
• the Rotary; it's for the Lion's Club. The Lion's Club sold I don't know how many
hamburgers and hot dogs. They ran out of all the food. They did an excellent job. They
raised money for their charities. Phelps School had a book sale inside where they raised
money for Phelps School for the PTA and I think again I said earlier what Agawam is all
about. It's the citizens of Agawam, the participation of the events so again it was
. wonderful and the showing of support Saturday night for Rosie Pignatare's benefit, I
thought that was again a phenomenal part of Agawam. To look at all those door prizes
up there, I don't know how many were there, there were hundreds of door prizes, it
shows a community support. The community came together to support that event and
again, I thought it was absolutely wonderful and again I just wanted to close by saying
that I hope everybody goes out and votes on November 51h. It's our American duty to go
out there and vote. Please take advantage of it and that's all I have. Thank you.
President Johnson—Councilor Rheault?
Councilor Rheault— Yeah, I'd just like to echo the sentiments expressed and the benefit
• to all of it was I think I put three pounds on between both the afternoon and the evening
President Johnson —Councilor Perry?
! Councilor Perry — Thank you Mr. President. Real quick, again, it's our last meeting
before the election. I just want to wish all my colleagues up there good luck on Election
Day and good luck to all the candidates for School Committee and Council. So go out
and vote, appreciate it. Thank you.
! President Johnson—Councilor Cichetti?
Councilor Cichetti -- I'd just like to take the opportunity to echo the sentiments earlier
from the Harvest Fest and everything else that went on this weekend. It was a great
weekend in the community. I'd also just like to say congratulations to Agawam Football
! for winning again. They are 6-0 and 6-0 for the first time since I can remember, forever
being involved in Agawam. They are ranked third in Western Mass, my hats off up there
to all those guys playing football and up at the High School. Thanks again.
President Johnson —Councilor Calabrese?
! Councilor Calabrese —Thank you. Fin really lucky to be working with a group of such
talented folks up here on City Council. I look at the work that you all do on different
organizations, Gina, Bob, George and I don't know if anybody knows about the mad
cooking skills that Council President has but that man did not take a break on Friday
night over at the Captain Leonard House so I want to really thank everyone for their
• really hard work and just another shameless plug for Rosie Robotics on November I".
You'll have an opportunity to once again commune with the community and come over
for their world famous ziti dinner on November 1" and make sure everyone gets out and
votes on Election Day and if you are home, or if you are away at school, make sure you
vote absentee. There's still time to get your absentee ballots in.
President Johnson —Councilor Bitzas?
Councilor Bitzas --- Thank you. Just two things. Yes the Harvest Festival was very
successful and I'd like to thank you for coming but most important is to get involved in
the community and special thanks going to High School art students they did all day face
painting, the band they came and performed, the cheerleaders, the Rosie Robotics, the
Artistic Performance by Nancy Locke, I don't know if I forgot anybody else but this, and
all the organizations but also I'd like to express the thanks to Sarat Ford and Westfield
Bank the main very, very big sponsors of us so we do it every year better and better so
• thanks to everybody. That's what Agawam is all about. Thank you.
President Johnson —Councilor Cavallo?
Councilor Cavallo — Yeah, I may need some help from Councilor Calabrese on this one.
At the HarvestFest, I believe and I don't want to steal your thunder that's why I'll turn it
over to you, there was a gentleman, a veteran, see? Do you mind if I pick up on what you
have to say because she was there before me and it has to do with all of us remember Ed
Connolly our State Representative and I don't know if any of you talked to this
gentleman, we do have some information so why don't you do it?
Councilor Calabrese - You go right ahead.
Councilor Cavallo — No you do it because you were there first but I just wanted to say
something about it because when I moved into town, back in 1968, many of you know, of
course Bob was there, and a lot of people, Bob Magovern and I wanted just tag on to you
after you, okay? Do you mind Mr. President?
Councilor Calabrese -- Yes, there's going to be a Sponsor a Wreath for the 2013
National Remembrance Ceremony and I've got a form here and what I can do is make
sure that this is available from Council's Office and what there are is they're going to be
• sponsoring individual and family wreaths and small business wreaths as part of the
National Day of Remembrance Ceremony on December 14, 2013 and so what I will do is
I will make this available from Council, Council secretary's office. Maybe we could get
it out in next week's packet and yeah, Wreaths Across America.
• Councilor Cavallo — I wanted to add on to that was as you know Ed Connolly's son was
killed in Vietnam and there's going to be some kind of a ceremony, correct CeCe, for him
on that particular day and I can remember when I was on the job as a Guidance
Counselor at the High School and I got a phone call from Representative Connolly and he
said to me Mr. Cavallo you don't know me very well but I have some job openings for
some students at the High School at the Court and he always was so good about that,
calling Agawam High School and asking are there any kids that would like to work for
the summer at the Court and he was just a very honorable person and when he told me
about this particular event, I thought and he said that you had been there before, I think
it's gonna be a wonderful thing and of course if you go to the Phelps School, Ed's son's
name is on there and I think it would be a great tribute if some of us, I know I would like
to go there for that time and out of respect to his father and maybe some of you may want
to go along too. That's all and oh by the way, you did a wonderful job all of you at the
HarvestFest. I thought it was great. I didn't eat much food but George was trying to
• convince me where to get a cup of coffee, right George, that's a little story we have, right
George? He said save a couple bucks and go get it over at Cumberland Farms. Again,
thank you again.
President Johnson — With that, the Chair will entertain a Motion to adjourn. Moved and
seconded around the house, all in favor of adjournment say Ay? Opposed? We are
Adjournment at 8:16am.