TR-83-19 TR-C6-�5 --1Cl
a -
Order of the Town Council Granting ,.;,
Solid Waste Disposal Financing Powers
to the Agawam IDFA and Approving
Industrial Development Facilities for
Citizens Resources Company and _ .
h2pr2ying Indg L"l RevenLie Doo0ds Therefor
WHEREAS; The acquisition, construction and equipping of certlain real
and personal property comprising solid waste disposal
facilities (the "Project") , including facilities for the
manufacture of electricity or steam primarily from solid
waste, to be owned by Citizens Resources Company (the
"Borrower" ) or a subsidiary or other party related thereto
and used by it for the disposal of refuse, garbage and
waste has been proposed for the Town of Agawam (the
"Town") , consisting generally of:
M construction, on land leased to the Borrower by the
City of Springfield located in the Town of Agawam, of a
building to contain solid waste disposal and energy and
material recovery equipment and other buildings and
ancillary structures to be used in connection therewith;
(ii) the acquisition and installation of solid waste
handling and incineration equipment, energy and material
recovery equipment, pollution control equipment and other
personal property suitable for use by the Borrower in its
business; and
WHEREAS: The Borrower agrees that it will make payments sufficient
to amortize the principal of and pay the interest on
industrial revenue bonds of the Town issued to pay costs of
the project and current expenses, if any, of the Town
incurred in connection therewith; and
WHEREAS: The total estimate cost of the Project is $31,000,000.00,
all of which is to be initially financed by industrial
revenue bonds has contributed to induce the Borrower to
undertake the Project ; and
WHEREAS: The financing of the Project under the provisions of
Chapter 40D of the Massachusetts General Laws (the
"Enabling Act") appears feasible.
WHEREAS: Assisting the Borrower to finance the acquisition,
construction and equipping of the Project in the Town will
alleviate unemployment in the Town and provide security
against future unemployment and will provide a benefit to
the economy of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
WHEREAS: The Council, by adopting the order set forth herein or by
taking other action in connection with the Project or the
related bonds (including the issuance by the Town, acting
by and through its Industrial Development Financing
Authority, of such bonds) does not and cannot provide any
assurance that the Project or the Borrower is financially
viable or sound, that amounts owing on such bonds will be
paid, that any collateral which may be pledged to secure
such bonds would be sufficient to repay holders of such
bonds in the event of a default, or that interest on the
bonds will be exempt from federal or Massachusetts income
taxation; and neither the Borrower nor any prospective
purchaser of such bonds nor any other person shall rely
upon the Town (including without limitation this Council)
with respect to such matters;
WHEREAS: Pursuant to section 21 of the Enabling Act, a city or town
may declare that an authority is needed for the financing
of solid waste disposal facilities, such declaration to be
separate from the declaration that an authority is needed
to finance industrial development facilities: and
WHEREAS: On November 5, 1972, this Town declared that an authority
was needed to finance industrial development facilities and
thereby created the Town of Agawam Industrial Development
Financing Authority (the "Authority" ) .
ORDERED: (1) That the Authority shall be and hereby is granted
solid waste disposal powers pursuant to said section
21 of the Enabling Act.
(2) That the Town Council as the governing body (as
defined in Chapter 40D of the Massachusetts General
Laws) of the Town approves the Project, its estimated
cost and the financing of the Project through the
issuance of Industrial revenue bonds pursuant to said
Chapter 40D. Said bonds shall not pledge the faith
and credit of the Town.
(3) That it is intended that this approval shall
constitute official action toward the issuance of the
aforesaid bonds to the extent, if any, required by the
regulations under Section 103 (b) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954, as amended (the "Code") , and it
is also the intent of this Council that this approval
shall serve as an inducement for the Borrower to
undertake the Project.
Item 6.1 TR-83-17-Resolution (Con't) Page -4-
ROLL CALL - 5 YES (Councilors OeLucchi, Kerr, Lacienski, Rheault and Shaughnessy) ,
President Rheault - You have defeated the resolution.
7 Item 6.2 TR-83-19-Resolution-Ener Recover Project (Pres. Rheault).
President Rheault - That is a resolution that I've discussed. The Vice President
is not in attendance this evening and I would now call on the senior member of the
Council, if he would to take the Chair, Councilor Gallano.
Councilor Rheault - (Reading as follows) : _
WHEREAS, the City of Springfield's sanitary landfill on Bondi's Island has less
than three years remaining capacity, as presently permitted, unless vertical extension
is granted and;
WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam is dependent on this site for disposal of its
municipal solid waste; and
WHEREAS, the City of Springfield is planning and soliciting proposals for
an energy recovery project with proposed location on Bondi's Island which would
serve other participants in its Wastewater Treatment Plant for twenty years or longer;
WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has indicated that the proposed energy recovery
project will assure the Town of Agawam a long term weans of solid waste disposal, at
a reasonable cost, and a host community payment From its location on Bondi's Island;
WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has asked the Town of Agawam to participate in
the project; as the host community for the Energy Resource Facility and Residue
Landfill Facility; and
�,. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Agawam support the City of
Springfield in its solicitation of proposals for an environmental sound, long term
energy recovery project and will consider negotiating a long term agreements to
deliver its municipal solid waste to the project after technical/cost proposals
t' both the Energy are received and reviewed and to seriously consider the siting of bo
Resource Facility and extension of the existing Landfill in the Town of Agawam on the
Properties currently owned by the City in the Town used for the Wastewater Treatment
Plant, City Garage, and Sanitary Landfill.
Seconded by Councilor Lockhart.
Councilor Rheault - As I mentioned to you last week, to the Council that the
Rayor, the Town Manager, myself and four or five other DPW people involved in the
City of Springfield met for about an hour and a half and addressed the very prapblem
Of this resolution. The resolution says one thing. It says that we in Agawam are
concerned about where we are going with the landfill. What our capacity is for the length
Of time left. How we are going to resolve it and it simple states that we are willing
to sit down and negotiate with the City of Springfield the feasibility of a solid waste
Item 6.2 TR-83-19-Resolution (Con't)_ __- _ - Page -5- ^`
Councilor Rheault (Con't)
recovery system jointly, if not with other surrounding communities. All it really does,
is to give them an indication that, yes we are very conscious of the fact that there
is a problem and we are more than willing to 'sit down and try to resolve this. As you
know, tomorrow evening we have a meeting with joint communities in west Springfield
and on Wednesday we have a scheduled bus trip to see this very system in operation in
Pittsfield. I think, without question, that the resolution is solid. It gives them
a strong indication as to our feelings here and our willingness to cooperate.
Councilor Nardi - I heard a lot about these just give us an indication bids before
and then we find ourself involved in whatever they might be. I am for a regional refuse
disposal plant. But, I think that it's high time that we put some of these things
in another town besides Agawam. Longmeadow has a nice meadows over there, lets put it
over there. Lets find a place in Springfield. We've got the water works, we've got the
sewerage disposal, we've got the dump, we've got the dog pound coming in and I think `
it's high time that we put something somewhere else besides Agawam. There is an awful
stench from that sewerage disposal. The dump doesn't really do anything for the
estatic.s of Agawam and I think that we have to look to some. other towns to have them
share some of the burdens of putting these things in their locations.
Councilor DeLucchi - Through the Chair to Mr. Rheault. What I understand now that
after the present site is, where we're dumping now, if we have to take it over to, I
take is in Chicoppe, would cost between $20 and $35 per ton to dispose of the waste
that we have here in Agawam. How Much of a cost per ton would it cost us, if this
proposal will win through the Town of Agawam?
Councilor Rheault - If I may, Mr. Chairman, the exact cost at this point is not
known, because what they will do is first establish a suitable site for project to go.
That has not been established incidentially, Councilor Nardi, They're also looking at
a couple of sites in the City of Springfield at this point. Obviously were we are
located is one of interest, because we could use that energy to reduce that cost of
operation by generating steam for the facility right next door and less than 5% of this
refuse is what remains after it's burned. So, that's why they addressed this that there
would be enough area for better than 20 years. They've told me and I have expressed
that particular feeling to them. that I am not satisfied with the stench and they say
there is some type of a system now that eliminates the moisture or water content from
whatever remaining particles are left and that is the reason why you get that stench.
They've, as I think if you can attend that hearing, they'll address, that they are
sectioning off part of that, they are very cognizant of the fact that we're not too
happy with the end product result, the odor from it and that's a major concern of theirs
as well. They want to satisfy that for one thing. The cross fact that we also discussed
and there is nothing firm because this will go out on a bid basis, ballpark figures
are in the proximity of somewhere in the low 20's or possibly even less a ton instead
Of going over at 30 or may be even better to . . . That has not been established yet,
so I don't want to mislead anyone to belief that it's going to be $20 a ton. They
are doing everything they can and the more communities obviously that join us, the
reduction will be there. As well as you see here in the fourth paragraph, that the Town
Of Agawam, depending on how we negotiate this out, could very well be the host community
Payment from its location. So, we could in fact collect a royalty- from all the towns
Participating for the amount of tonage that's disposed of. So, we would be obviously
at the most advantageous position. Primarily because there is a site, if we're willing
to sit down and negotiate that out. But, as far as a firm price., I don't think anyone
at this point could tell you exactly what it will cost, but it certainly will be
reduced if we are all willing to ,join hands together. r
Councilor. Kerr - Question to Councilor Rheault. Did I hear you directly, the steam
would be used next door in a sewerage plant to process the sewerage properly? Because
item 6.2 TR-83-19-Resolution (Con't) Page _6-
Councilor Kerr (Con t- )
that would be a big asset, Because that piant was intended to• use steam to break the
sewerage bacteria down, which never was applied.
Councilor Shaughnessy - To Councilor Rheault through the Chair. By passing this
resolution are we authorizing negotiations to start a point in time?
Councilor Rheault - If I may, my understanding of this resolution is to say
yes, Agawam is willing to sit down and trying to resolve the differences and to establish
some site and location, whichever may be the most practical.
Councilor Shaughnessy - In other words, we're authorizing negotiations at some point
in time when they're ready, they will come commence.
Councilor Rheault - That's correct.
Councilor Shaughnessy - There will not be any further action by this Council then?
Councilor Rheault -- Not until that point.
Councilor Paleologopoulos - To Councilor Rheault through the Chair. In the
resolution there is reference to the fact that the present landfill has less than three
&. years remaining capacity and at the end, it says that we would consider extending the
existing landfill. I would assume beyond that period of time. Is there any time
indication as to how long this would take?
Councilor Rheault - What, for the construction of this?
Councilor Paleologopoulos - Well, yes, it says that the landfill that we presently
have has less than three years capacity unless vertical extension is granted and
then later on it says that we will consider extenting the existing landfill beyond
that period of time.
Councilor Rheault -- Actually, what would take place hypothetically, if the plant
was located down where the City Garage is located currently, they would utilize the
energy created and steam generating process to reduce the electric bill in one side.
Obviously if there is only 52 of residue left, that's going to extend the landfill
for a long period of time, because there is very minimal amount that would be put
in there compared to what's being put in there now. They anticipate that if we sat
down and got together on this that within about two years this would be in operation,
the constructor is ready to go. So, it would just about balance out the time left on
that landfill, if, that's present dumping taking place.
Mr. Caba - If I may, Mr. Chairman, I would just like to add to what President
Rheault has already said, but, we got a serious problem in that we're looking at
it from a selfish viewpoint, because in the event, right now it's costing us over
200,000 just for the curbside pickup. Here we're looking at probably a couple of
benefits because we've got the sewerage treatment plant here already. The by-product
generated the steam here may be correcting a situation there and then the other thing
that Don did allude to was the fact that being the host community, if they correct
all the odors and everything like that, we would be in a position to get about $1.13
I think a ton and also any residue coming out of that endproduct there will be an
additional 58 Cents a ton for whatever limited landfill that we would have to use.
It's very important, I think for all the Councilors to attend that meeting tomorrow
night, because I am sure a lot of our neighboring communities are going to be there
as well and depending on what the turnout is going to be and the interest is going to
be the moving factor where this is going to go. If, not, we're going to be looking at
item 6.2 TR-83-19-Resolution (Con't) Paae_--7-
?ir Caba (Can't)
some serious charges down the road probably double what we are doing right now.
Chairman Gallano - Any further comments? Lets call the Roll. All in favor yes,
all opposed Lto.
Item 7. Elections
Item 8. Public Hearin&s
I. PH-83-25-(TO-83-183)-Used Car License-Ralph J. Bottaro, Jr. , 28$ Walnut
St. , Agawam (Conduct Public Hearing) .
President Rheault - I now delcare the public hearing opened (8:30 P.M.) . Mr. Bottaro
' or his representative please come to the microphone, if he chooses to. State your name
and address Eor the record, if you would please. Any comments that you would like to
make to the Council at this time would be received.
Ralph Bottaro, 175 Aiaple St. , Agawam.
President Rheault - Do you have anything to say with regards to it or do you
s just want to open?
Mr. Bottaro - Yes, my only intention is I don't want to turn a town house into a .
car lot. Basically f will wholesale cars at an auction. 'There won't be any cars parked
' at the town house, that's it.
President Rheault - Any questions from the Council at this point?
Councilor DeLucchi - Mr. Bottaro, in other words, you're dust looking for an
office space and you want that address as an office.
Mr. Bottaro - Right, just a business address.
Councilor Shaughnessy - Wasn't there cars parked there either this weekend or
the last weekend in the drive?
Mr. Bottaro - Those are from the clinic across the street. They aren't used cars.
In fact, we don't even want the cars parked there..
Councilor Shaughnessy - You don't want any used cars, sir, on the premises?
Mr. Bottaro - No, I really don't. They will go straight to the auction block
either in Town . . . or in Town Windsor.
Councilor Shaughnessy - If the Council then would put down as a restriction that
na car would be, you have no problems with that?
Mr. Bottaro - Ah, yup.
Councilor Shaughnessy - One other question. We have a lay-out plan and it shows a
fifty by looks like one hundred space here and it shows four cars.
Tel. 413.786-0400
�D Mpy
October 11, 1983
The Honorable Michael C. Creedon
House Committee on Ways & Means
State House, Room 237
Boston, MA 02133
Dear Mr. Creedon:
The Agawam Town Council by a unanimous vote on September 6, 1983
supports House Bill 3069 relative to Senior Citizens Bingo.
`-"��,n' t
Ursula Retzler
Clerk of the Council
cc: Senator Linda Malconian
State Rep. Michael Walsh
Town Manager
Town Clerk
Tel. 413-786-0400
October 4, 1983
John Lyons, Director
Department of Public works
1600 E. Columbus Avenue
Springf ield, MA
Dear Mr. Lyons:
Pursuant to your conversation with President Rheault, this is to
confirm the approved unanimous vote of those present regarding the
attached resolution.
Ursula Retzler
Clerk of the Council
cc: Town Manager
Town Clerk
Tel. 413-786-ID400
WHEREAS, the City of Springfield's sanitary landfill on Bondi's
Island has less than three years remaining capacity, as presently
permitted, unless vertical extension is granted and;
WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam is dependent on this site for
disposal of its municipal solid waste; and
WHEREAS, the City of Springfield is planning and soliciting
proposals for an energy recovery project with proposed location on
Bondi's Island which would serve other participants in its Wastewater
Treatment Plant fot twenty years or longer; and
WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has indicated that the
proposed energy recovery project will assure the Town of Agawam
a long term means of solid waste disposal, at a reasonable cost,
and a host community payment from its location on Bondi's
Island; and
WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has asked the Town of
Agawam to participate in the project; as the host community for
the Energy Resource Facility and Residue Landfill Facility; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Agawam '
support the City of Springfield in its solicitation of
proposals for an environmental sound, long term energy
recovery project and will consider negotiating a long term
agreement to deliver its municipal solid waste to the project
after technical/cost proposals are received and reviewed and to
seriously consider the siting of both the Energy Resource
Facility and extension of the existing Landfill in the Town of
Agawam on the properties currently owned by the City in the
Town used for the Wastewater Treatment Plant, City Garage, and
Sanitary Landfill.