TR-83-21 � FA TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 yr ,ram Tel. 413-i 86-0400 �ATEU M�' 1 ' December 9 , 1983 1 . The Honorable ' Edward M. Kennedy United States Senate 362 Russell Senate Office Bldg . Washington , D . C . 20510 1 ' Dear Senator Kennedy: Please be advised that the Agawam Town Council has unanimously IP supported the attached resolution regarding acid rain in Massachusetts . ' As the resolution requests , I would hope that you will give this serious consideration and your prompt attention. 1 Sincerely, � v . ' Donald M. Rheault , President Agawam Town Council DMR/ur 1 i �y AG TOWN OF AGAWAM tit36 NIAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 Tel. 413-786-0400 ATED MPS 1 December 9 , 1983 His Excellency 1 Michael .Dukakis State House Boston, MA Dear Governor Dukakis : Please be advised that the Agawam Town Council has unanimously supported the attached resolution regarding acid rain in Massachusetts . As the resolution requests, I would hope that you will give this serious consideration and your prompt attention. Sincerely, Donald M. Rheault , President - Agawam Town Council DMR/ur � ' -- 3 -- I � F AG�4 3 0 9 TOWN OF AGAWAM %, _ .36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 Tel. 413-9 86.0400 RESOLUTION REGARDING ACID RAIN IN MASSACHUSETTS M' WHEREAS acid precipitation in Massachusetts * is killing fists and other aquatic life in our lakes, ponds, and streams * is associated with rising levels of toxic metals in our drinking water t. is damaging our Commonwealth's monuments and buildings * is suspected of killing forests, de;rading soil quality and damaging crops; AND 'WHEREAS polluting sources within Massachusetts emit significant amounts of sulfur dioxide, and have been estimated to cause between 202 and 30% of the acid deposition within :Massachusetts; z � AND WHEREAS continuing acid depositions at the present levels will cause massive environmental damage to the sensitive water bodies of this Commonwealth: AND WHEREAS the Governor, acting with and through the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, has the authority to provide for the protection and reclamation of our natural resources, pursuant to Mass. General Laws, Chapter 6A, Sections 2-4 and Chapter 21A, Section 2, among other laws: AND WHEREAS a comprehensive solution to the problem of acid rain requires prompt, effective Federal Legislation: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town Council of Agawam hereby: * commends Governor Dukakis for his initiative in proposing national legislation to control acid precipitation, and * calls upon the Governor, acting with and through the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs and its Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, to impose a cap on the allowable amount of sulfur dioxide that may be emitted in Massachusetts and to set this limit at a level equal to the average of Massachusetts' 1981 and 1982 actual emissions; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: E That the Town Council of Agawam hereby: * calls upon Senator Kennedy, Senator Tsongas, and Representative Conte to make it a top priority to pass legislation to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions nationwide.