TR-84-9 FA a, TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 Tel. 413-786-0400 �gTEp M May 22 , 1984 ' His Excellency Michael Dukakis State House ' Boston, MA 02133 ' Dear Governor Dukakis : Please be advised that the Agawam Town Council during their regular meeting on May 21 , 1984 approved the attached resolution by a vote of 13 YES , 2 ABSENT . Sincerely , ' Ursula Retzler Clerk of the Council Enclosure cc : Town Manager , with enclosure Town Clerk , 11 1 Town Council Members 1 1 FAQ TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 yC` Tel. 413-786-0400 D Ma 1 May 22 , 1984 1 Senator Linda Melconian State House Boston, MA 02133 1 ' Dear Senator Melconian : Please be advised that the Agawam Town Council during their 1 regular meeting on May 21 , 1984 approved the attached resolution by a vote of 13 YES , 2 ABSENT . Sincerely , Y Ursula Retzler 1 Clerk of the Council Enclosure 1 cc : Town Manager , with enclosure Town Clerk , " Town Council Members i 1 1 1 1 FA TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 Tel. 413-786-0400 1 � P SATED� 1 1 May 22 , 1984 ' Michael. Walsh State Representative of the 3rd Hampden District 1 State House Boston , MA 02133 Dear Mr . Walsh: ' Please be advised that the Agawam Town Council during their regular meeting on May 21 , 1984 approved the attached resolution by a vote of 13 YES , 2 ABSENT . Sincerely , ' Ursula Retzler Clerk of the Council ' Enclosure cc : Town Manager , with enclosure Town Clerk, 1. " 1 Town Council Members ' FA TOWN OF AGAWAM -�� 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 Tel. 413-186-0400 ��ATED Mpy May 22 , 1984 The Honorable Paul E . Tsongas United States Senate 362 Russell Senate Office Bldg . Washington, D . C . 20510 Dear Senator Tsongas : Please be advised that the Agawam Town Council during their regular meeting on May 21 , 1984 approved the attached resolution by a vote of 13 YES , 2 ABSENT . Sincerely , Ursula Retzler Clerk of the Council ' Enclosure_ cc : Town Manager , with enclosure Town Clerk, it '! ' Town Council Members 1 ' FA TOWN OF AGAWAM ;;* 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 Zt• ,�� Tel. 413-786-WO ATED MP May 22 , 1984 ' The Honorable Edward Kennedy United States Senate ' 362 Russell Senate Office Bldg . Washington , D . C . 20510 Dear Senator Kennedy: ' Please be advised that the Agawam Town Council during their regular meeting on May 21 , 1184 approved the attached resolution by a vote of 13 YES , 2 ABSENT . Sincerely , ' Ursula Retzler Clerk of the Council Enclosure cc : Town Manager, with enclosure 1 'Town Clerk , IT Town Council Members 1 F AG R TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 ' Tel. 413-786-0400 1 aA�ED 1 May 22 , 1984 The Honorable Silvio 0 . Conte 200 High Street Holyoke, MA ' Dear Congressman Conte : Please be advised that the Agawam Town Council during their ' regular meeting on May 21 , 1984 approved the attached resolution by a vote of 13 YES , 2 ABSENT . Sincerely , ' Ursula Retzler Clerk of the Council Enclosure cc : Town Manager , with enclosure Town . Clerk , " '! Town Council Members 1 FA TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 MAIti STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 Tel. 413-786-0400 1 a� ATED M May 22 , 1984 ' The Honorable Edward Boland 2300 Rayburn office Bldg . Washington , D . C . 20515 i Dear Congressman Boland: ' Please be advised that the Agawam Town Council during their regular meeting on May 21 , 1984 approved the attached resolution by a vote of 13 YES , 2 ABSENT . Sincerely , ' Ursula Retzler Clerk of the Council ' Enclosure cc : Town Manager , with enclosure Town Clerk, " 'f Town Council Members TOWN OF AGAWAM � �� � �� � Cw INTER - OFFICE MEMORANDUM A cQ �� I Ra1l CC4 , RD John P. Stonef erupt. G.P. Q. D E September 13, 1984 ' Facilities Plan Update - TO: B� Pi sana� mm. `:bwn tanager SUBJECT. Grant A�lication Aut:lorf- zation p rl Ln ta.ntiir studies of yhe im acr.o oftGt ' aa di��1f vroYes1al a4" fnien lr combined oerlage :iiscrar-es [stormwater ana sanitary sewace) ana Sewage ave:rflows on tie �orzecticut and ;Jestfield ?Users :o -egin to maw cca¢n hies to -aye forward to meet t_.e r�cu=remerms of the 'Iatjonal Pollution Discharge �ir_ion 3y3tem per- mits issued to t le communities. - -Me Town :ad Begun ..work on Teel, rig t Je rdLA_Mi C:me= of hlOse permir.J in '.ate i ry ,rit:; the appro=4 atian of zts share of a fac-:_:ities ni= addreesing the pmblew of combined sewers and suhstandar"_ yu=p ng Stations. -de gad submitted plans of ate = to the .Mate for the facility ian ut could not rrcelve dal hecrose of pe g river studies. 2,4s agxoval is tale first stets in the procesa of obtaining s :step 1 Grant (engineering study). /+y��:iowt _really wee iajve severs aavp C♦aysl c ::gyp f�t�� �spa oin, f�a�Pl= of �s*tU471��.-�� _ -at ess�g bi� comoi=d severs area =us L4� � sta ima �wa be ' eld A Gar{i - SirJper Haln :street Area am portions of oar sewer System tri.'butar7 to the overtliam am pum sT.ati,ans in this area* dith this appmal.-we ham own xed too-AN47-Aw- ::tep 1 Grant =ich wwl d pay f cr 904 of the re=ired of ..he -Picot Dtwe study :!.a eked at 3W,0W of xtdch the ma's show ..s r" P_*' OQ. a 1977 at_prapzia ion covers tze Town's snare and = facer Auxiiag is :ec:uired. Grace the .hate f`urt:ier defLnea what they will allow as overflows a sescom nnase of study will be recuired to determine precisely what action is reauiresd to me t::e stanaarc,Uur warts will be coordinated with the regional study on river im- pacts currently being undertaken by the :state. More precisely cur study will determine the streoath# ffquencg and. dux-&U= of our overflows as well. as :Liaow and Inf'iitration is our severs and their impact as the rece ri.g river. Most imwr,,. ntly the -oossibili ty of eliad-natiug the s bstand$rd ' Main street and Reed Street ejector stations cy the constructing *f a single nooesn facility will be studied, Mis would also eliminate the prc�hleaF is hags road nth an incr eased hydraulic gradient on the 'Westfield River Interceptor sim* the mm #,"at- went plant construction. We are* thereforelp requesting that the: enclosed resolution be placed on the Councills agenda which will authorize the Town to apply for this grant* ft onn P. :.tone♦ apt. D.?.W. JPSIarc AUTHOMTY To FFLF APPLICATTON WHEREAS. Town of \i4awam (Legal yanne of Applicant)' herein called the "Applicant after thorough consideration of the various :sec`s of the ,r^blern and studv of available data, has hereby •ietermined . that the (:onstr;actijn of certain. warks, .required for the treatment of sew- erage .escrloeo as -} ?ian ,.Dadte Ot Ghe: `:ortn-+antral. ,krea (Descript:on of project to be used ;n Section 1 of aaolEcation} - herein called the "Project", is .desirable and in the public interest; and to _rat end :t .s necessary that action prelimmary to the ;construction of sas. Protect etaecea- :rrrrediately; anti WH R�rAS. under Chapter 546 of the Acts of i 973 of the Coa=on- we?aith of Massachusetts General Court, the .Commonwealth of Mas sac^usetts has authorized the making of grants to aid is financing C ie cost of construction of necessary treatment •,xrorks to n_ revert the cischarge of untreated or inadeq atelr treated sewage or other waste into. any waters and for the purpose of reports., glans. and specifications in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has examined and.duly con;sidereci said Chapter of the Acts of the. Commonwealth and related sections, and the Applicant deems it to be in the public interest and to the public benefit to file an application under said Chapter of the Acts ai the Commonwealth and to authorize other action in cvnnectioa therewith; NCW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T Council the governing body of said Applicant, as follows: 1. That the construction of said Project is essential to and is in the best interests. of the Applicant. and to the end that said project may be constructed as promptly as practicable it is desirable that action pre- liminary to the construction thereof be undertaken irnmediately; r - Z. That the Town Manaier (or Temvtrary Tim Cana er be hereby authorized to tiic I..r Deha : of :tie A p p.'i c aa t as application tin the form required 'uy the Commomvealth) for a grant to be made by the Colnniorwcalth to the applica-it to aid in defraying the cost of con truc - tion of the sewerage t.catment works described above; .3. That iS such grant Inc made, the Applicant agrees to pay all the rc.riainin, r:.stz of the app - .^d P:->>-c:, o•rer and above the ar:1G'.ZSt of the -rant us g a,pr opr-.a:c ..nd-z ar-i, z =ceral aid ::I.^.da' a 4- That :f ;Lc:, errant made, the :�.7p.:C3r:L a,"nAs t0 :::s3i e Jr0- ate. r Q ut: ^ V.15I^.. a.i�.ii�C:: `J `":� �:� C. �' rI 'Le ��.5""':'} ::rE"3i:: i�! r Control Divisica :or assur:. � orcoe: and t:' ^t 0a4erat!011 a•^.O .1na:.1.e- nance o: the treatment, works ia:_Y: c f t a constr:a ic,ri ttiere- 5. ' That "he said. "own manager i or _amnorar. Town uiaaer) r is aerez;^ au:.o..zcc :o ;ur tl;s Ift Such inzar"matiozl and .o ,a a Mu-- of er action as May be :ecessa.ry.zo enable the Aopi,icant to C . t_.i j: for bra.:: 5. That t-e said Tawr. "".onager (or Te!nborat-v Town Managers is ea env cesi-nacec as tze au=or izea reores4ZLa- tivc o: :z• _ -=Mc. . ;r._ t::r , _ pose _u_nisrirg to the Com-4--onwe+a.lt:L of Maassac ;:setts suc i...--for.mat;0 n, data and docL'rneras 7ert.a ,-.1 % to the } application 'or a grant as may be required; and other:vise to act as. the 3i:ti:o+:ZE'd r e^.: sC'::L3ti"le Ca the A'J:J :cant in connection with this ap?li- cation; 7. . That cert;i ied conies ol u is resolution be .included as pa;'7 of the application t.c he .o the Carnsnowvealuh of Massachusetts for 'a grant.