TR-85-14 Co ox, - RESOLUTION NO: TR -85-14 YS man A Resolution accepting the Equal Educational Opportunity Grant 99� WHEREAS, it is a benefit to the education of the citizens to accept .the Equal Educational Opportunity.Grant for fiscal year 1986 in €, the amount of-$193, 933. 00 under the provisions of G. L. CH . 74A. S: 5 as inserted by CH. 188 of the Acts of 1985: WHEREAS, the school committee at its meeting, August 28, 1985, has voted acceptance of said grant: WHEREAS, a vote of the Town Council is also necessary in order to accept said grant: ' THEREFORE, the Town Council hereby votes to accept said Equal Educational Opportunity Grant. DATED this nineth day of October 1985. Donald M. Rheault, Town Council President Approved as to For AnthoYBonavita, Esquire Town. itor Io1���sS '1�3. •skc;bo�o� . ■ ■ AGAWAM PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1305 SPRINGFIELD STREET FEEDING HILLS, MA 01030 JAMES V.BRUNO,JR. DONALD J.CHAREST Superintendent of Schools (413) 789-1400 Aaaodate Superintendent/ Business Manager JAMES H.COON,JR. Assoclate Superintendent fo►Susiness i September 11, 1985 C ri Mr. Reid Charles, Manager y Town of Agawam 36 Main Street = Agawam, MA 01001 Dear Mr. Charles: ' The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has authorized the distribution of Equal Educational Opportunity Grants to those communities whose cost of education is less than 85% of the state average,per pupil cost. ' Since Agawam falls within this category, the state has authorized $193,933 for the town. In order to utilize the authorization, both. the School Committee and the Town Council must vote to accept the grant by a majority vote, The School Committee, at its meeting of August 28, 1985 has voted that acceptance. ' The state requires that each community maintain the level of support for direct instructional programs as in the prior year. The budget approved by the School Committee and the Town Council for 1985-86 has sufficient funds for this purpose and no further appropriation is necessary. Another requirement is that money be used to initiate new instructional programs or to expand them, purchase textbooks, supplies & materials, attendance, staffing, and special education. Money may not be used for administration, athletics, student activities, plant operation & maintenance, capital outlay, transportation, or food for the lunch program. The School Committee will expend the money for direct expenditures for students. Priority will be given to those areas that were previously cut as a result of town budget reductions in the areas allowable. To some degree, WHEN the money is actually received will determine where the money will be spent. t Mr. Reid Charles, Manager -2- September 11, 1985 In order to receive an EEO grant, a city or town must accept it by majority vote of both the school committee and the appropriating authority. The deadline for community acceptance has been set for October 15, 1985. The following motion is recommended by the state: 1 To see if the town will vote to accept an equal educational opportunity grant for fiscal year 1986 in the amount of $193,933, under the provisions of G.L. Ch. 70A, S. 5 as in- serted by Ch. 188 of the Acts of 1985. Said grant shall be expended by the school committee for direct service expendi- tures. When rant funds have been exhausted there is no requirement that the g � q community continue those expenditures. Si cerely, mes V. Bruno fir. uperintendent of Schools /dc cc: Agawam School Committee -