TR-85-2 • TOWN OF AGAWAM 01% 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 h Te1. 413-?$6-0400 D July 11, 1985 Michael Walsh State Representative 3rd Hampden District State House Boston, MA 02133 Dear Mr. Walsh: T herewith certify that the Agawam Town Council at a regular council meeting called for and held on June 17, 1985 .iu the Agawam P-ablic Library, voted 8 YES, 1 NO and 6 ABSENT to amend' Chapter 729 of the Acts and Resolves of 1974 by increasing the amount in said Act from Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to Right Thousand Dollars ($8,000) as spelled out in the last sentence of said Act in Section 1. This Act was approved on August 6, 1974 and authorizes the Town of _Agawam to Establish in the Town Treasury a Parr & Recreation Commission Revolving Fund. ' Councilor Paleologopoulos moved the resolution; seconded by Councilor Trehey. Sincerely, Ursula Retzler ' Cleric of the Council July 11, 1985 I herewith certify that at a Regular Council meeting held on June 17, 1985 the above was voted and the minutes filed with the Agawam Town Clerk Office ATTEST: TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 Tel. 413-786-0400 ay pM June 18, 1985 Michael Walsh State Representative 3rd Hampden District State. House Boston, MA 02133 Dear Mr. Walsh: I herewith certify that the Agawam Town Council at a regular council meeting called for and held on June 17, 1985 in the Agawam Public Library, voted 8 YES, 1 NO and 6 ABSENT to amend Chapter 729 of the Acts and Resolves of 1974 by increasing the amount in said Act from Five Thousand ($5,000) Dollars to Eight Thousand ($8,000) Dollars as spelled out in the last sentence of said Act in Section 1. This Act authorizes the Town of Agawam to establish in the Town Treasury a Park & Recreation Commission Revolving Fund. Councilor Paleologopoulos moved the resolution; seconded by Councilor Trehey. 11ft�S Ac - was euryarouecl g . 4-Ae a .�• a , opo Sincerely, Ursula Retzlex Clerk of the Council cc: Town Manager Town Treasurer Town Accountant ' Town Clerk 1 2 6o6$ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS �q In the Year Ont. Thousand Nnt Hundmd and St unt flour ? y � .f.t141.►, * Y f • '� A ACTAET HOXIZING THE TOWN OF ACAWAK To ESTABLISH IN THE TOWN ;e 3 TREASURY A PARK AND RECREATION COKMSSION REVOLVLRC TiND. b -- G be it enacted by the Senate and Howe of Raptesentativa■ in General Court t- AGAwAM 'S C1WA assembled, and by the authority of the same. as foliwss ` l.-�K . S=1OK 1. The town of Agave& slay establish in the twdn treasury a revolving fund in which &hall be deposited all recaipts of the park and recMatim cOmkissim created by the town under the provisions of section one of chapter - twelve of the code of the town of Agau a. Any and all such fun" received by the tors treasurer eh&il be kept separate from any other sonars, funds or property of said tows, and the principal and interest thereof &hall be expended at the discretion of the parka and recreation director and the town %=&$or without r further appropriation in such sower and at ouch tiame as sha 1, 3n this discretion of the parks and racre&tion director and town Nanapar, best serve and promota the purposes and programs for which such receipts very collected by the parka and recreation department. notwithatanding the provisions of section fifty-three of chapter forty-four of tbo General Lora; provided, however, that the town trs4srirar shall submit annually an audit of said revolving fund to the town council of said torn for its approval and a copy of acid audit shall be submitted to the director of the bureau of &coo ; and provided further, that 1 ... said revolving fund &hall not exceed the son of three thawassaud dollars. SSCTIOW 2. This act shall take affect upon its aarsptance by a awafority vote of the tam council. Souse of Representatives, July +Z 5 , 19n. Passed to be enacted, =7 dM. . Speaker. f 46 In Sonata. July Paasad to be enacted, +President. TOWN OF AGAWAM INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ' ` fa, ` • ei FROM: Jack Kunasek Director DATE: �7"M5. Parks & Recreation TO: KUy EiSaMs 'mown ManAge_�_ S U B J E C T: Revol Fund Limit own Council Resolution: Because of the increased use of the Parks and Recreation Revolving Fund, I am requesting that the limit of $5,000.'whi.ch council approved on November 49 1981, be raised not to exceed the sum of eight (8) thousand dollars. The original revolving fund was established by the state legislature on August b, 19741t with a limit of three (3) thou.smid dollars, Since being raised to the present five (5) thousand dollar limit, we have added many new programs including the day. camp at Shea's Field which replaced the old playground system. We take camp saga—ups during the month of May which increases our assets substantually, but every dollar we take in we pay out for transportation, equipment, trips, and many other special events which are covered by the registration fee. An June 30 of every year I must make a financial report to the Town Accountant., If I have a balance over the present five (5) thousand dollar limit, it goes into the town excess account. If I have to turn in the excess maaey, it win cause a very serious problem as I set all program 1 charges on what I anticipate will be the expenses to run each program. OFFICE OF THE TOWN i1iAIIN AGF-R OF ADMINISTATiVE-- DIRECTIVE DATE: April19, 1985 01; ' TO: lack Kunasek, Dir. , Parks & Rec. SUBSECT: Revolving Fund Limit Ma In response to your memo of April 17, 1985 regarding subject, I would suggest that you work with the legal staff to prepare and submit to my office the resolution, if that is themethod Atty. 011ari recommends, for referral to council for its consideration. K. B. Pisano Town Manager KBP/lam i 1 Q - 9 TOWN OF -AGAWAM ir36 MAIN STREET-,J AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 Tel. 413-786-6400 � r CRATED Attorney Lambert R. 011ari ` 1360 Main Street Springfield, Ma. Re: Revolving Fund Dear Bert: ' As discussed on Wednesday, April 241, 1985 (by phone), please find all information pertaining to increasing the limit of said, Recreation Revolving Fund from the present $5,000, to $8,000. I am requesting from you the proper procedures to take in presenting this request to Kay Pisano, Town Manager, for the approval of the Agawam Town Counci le ' Thanking you in advancer U - �Ujnasre'k - Jack Kunasek 1 Director, Parks & Recreation cc.-- Kay Pisano Town Manager ' enclosure JK/ncp Sabi ed u,n�; 1 +n¢ar-�r c +�n a,n FA q � 1y o = = TONA."N OF AGAWAM .36 n1A1N STREET AGAWAM. M.ASSAC1il-'SETTS 01001 "1 d. 41 3-786-0400 May 3, 1985 i Town of Agawam _ - 36 Main Street 77 Agawam, Massachusetts 01001 Attention: Jack Kunasek, Director Parks & Recreation Re: Recreation Revolving Fund Dear Mr . Kunasek: The proper procedure to increase the Recreation Re- volving Fund from the present $5 , 000 .00 to $8, 000 .00 would be to have the Agawam Town Council petition the General Court for said increase. I suggest you present the following petition to the Council : I move that the Agawam Town Council petition the senate and the House of 'Representatives in the General Court to amend Chapter 729 of the Acts and Resolves of 1974 by increasing the amount in said account from Five Thousand ($5, 000 . 00) Dollars to Eight Thousand ($8, 000 . 00) Dollars as spelled out in the last sentence of said Act in Section 1 . Should you have any questions, , please contact me at your earliest convenience . Respectfully submitted, / ( L LAMBERT R. OLLARI LRO/bmb cc: Kay B. Pisano, Town Manager OFFICE OF THE TOWN MANAGER ' + COUNCIL COMMUNICATION #85-51 �l h` DATE: June 13, 1985 c � SUBJECT: TR-85-2-Resolution--Park & Recreation * R evoWing Fund As requested by Council at the June 3, 1985 Town Council meeting, attached herewith you will find copy of "Financial Report - Revolving Fund" dated June 10, 1985 as prepared by the Director of Parks & Recreation for Council's review. i 1 Reid S. Charles ' Town Manager RSC/lam , Atta. a/s abv. (inc. proposed Resolution). ` X R t fig.•+^4.. �.' .,�z x e. .'iee tRESOLUTION'- TR-85-2 -- Park & Recreation Revolving Fund MOVE - that the Agawam Town Council petition the Senate and the House of Representatives in the General. Court to amend Chapter 729 of the Acts and Resolves of 1974 by increasing the amount in the Park & Recreation Revolving ' Fund account from Five Thousand 5 000 Dollars to Eight Thousand 8 000 Dollars as spelled out in the last sentence of said Act in Section 1. A ' Agawam Parks & Recreation Department Revolving Fund Report July 1, 19,84 - May 31, 1985. Csriy over 1983 - 8 47A5.53 Day Camp Registration 9975.00 Ice Skating Woo open PYM 728.00 Open Swim 783.00 Youth Baton 360*00 Adult Learn to Swim 26G.o0 Adult Self--Defense 490600 Women's Fiitne s s/Volleyball ?SD9.00 Dance-Aerobics 1060.00 Men's Volleyball 640.00 Youth Gymnastics 2290.00 Youth Swim 155OoOD Agaw= Soccer Association - reimburse- ment - referees 342.00 Donation to Camp Rainbow - Ames Dept. Store 50.00 Don aticn to Camp Rainbow - Agawam ' Lioness 50.00 Reimbursement of Custodial Fee: Don Nardi Road Race 3541 Cub Scout #78 50.00 Agawam Soccer Association Awards 6s.60 Agawam Little League 33.19 YMCA 462.37 qab Scout #75 50.00 Feeding Mills Baptist Church 37.32 Lire saving Z8.00 ' Cub Scout #77 50.00 Bay Scout #77 50.00 Cub Scout #75 50.00 Agawam Little League 44.24 1 Agawam Soccer Association 49.77 American P`leld Service 50.00 Scuba Diving 146.W ' "over 30" BasIcetball 715.35 Agawam Athletic Association 2153.56 Interest eyed 319 60 29616.03 Outstanding Accounts Receivable YMCA 234,w'-'5 Scuba Diving 242.86 30093.04 i 1 - -2— Day Camp 10055.E ' 0penrGroup Swim Guards 7,44,00 Adult Learn to Swim 256,00 Adult Self—Defense 300.00 Dane—Aerobics 795,00 Women's Fitne ss/'V'olleyban 560.00 Youth Swim 823.00 ' Youth Gymaastics 860.00 Soccer Referees 3"*00 Custodians 6193,74 ' Open Gym 130.00 Youth Baton 360:00 Figure Skating 300,00 Office Coverage 37017 Miscellaneous Camp Rainbow 51-36 Dayga Printing (brochures) 205.00 Stereo (women's fitness) 59.97 Dayga Printing (brochures) 261,00 Sweatshirts (lifeguards) 24"00 Bounced check 4OoO0 Red Gross advanced lifeswdng materials 208,00 2 3157ol+ . ' A3ticipated lue me 30093,04 -- 23157.14 6935.90 balance rWe are asking the revolving Hand cap be increased from $5000 to $8000 because during the =nths of May and June we probably will receive :Large. ' donations from various clubs and organisations in toen. For example; in past years the Lion's Club and =00 have each donated $300. to Camp Rainbows If received before Jane 30tht I fear these donations w= place the revolving fund -over the $5000 cap; and thereforep must be placed in the towns E & D f nd and will not be properly used for what the organization intended• We are using this revolving fund mare and more every year as we are ' getting increased response ;.o our programs, and therefore are shoving a larger balance on June 30the TOWN OF AGAWAM INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM FROM: ?wok 1'=pftCj 4 INr,eetca- _ DATE: Parka & Recreation To. m Mmw Idsmas= _ SUBJECT: ZEN SUMS9, DILSOlutiml Because of this Increased use of the Parks and Reareatian Revolving ' Fun q I am requesting that the limit of $51,00% ktdch come i l approved on November 4, 1981, be raised not to exoeed the mo of eight (S) tksosxsand dollars. The origima revolving fwmd waa eatabliished by the state legi.slatum on August b, 1974t with a limit of tbree (3) thousand dollars. Since being raised to the present five (5) thoumd dollar liu t, we `- have added many new programs incluiing the day camp at Shea's Field which replaced the old PZaVground dam• rWe take camp sigowogs during the maath of Nair wbich increases our assets substentually, but every datlar we tabs in we pair out for transportatim, - equ pumti trips* and mmy other special—events iddcb are- coveted by the regLabratian fee. Cn Jim 30 of every year I must make a financial report to the Tom Accamtente If I have a balmee aver the pwsamt f me (5) tkmsamd dollar l mit, it goes into the town excess acommt. . If I have to turn in the excess maney, it will cause a very serious problem as I set all program charges on uhat I a rtic pate will be the expenses to run each program. _ TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 N1AIN STREET' rk'N FE*P2'. MASSACHUSETTS 01001 Tel, 410400 1 ' r�IJ Dece"r 1, 1981 IlGaerable Edward W. mael-ly �ti GIA ae� W g�Sh State Representative 3xd Hampden District State House Boston, Ma 02333 �Ar. vv o,t SAM Dear s I herewith certify that the Agawam Town Council at a regular council meeting called Sf`ot and elf Ron 4r-369&oss NT in the Agawam Public Library, VOTED oust-1,F to amend Chapter 729 of the ,Acts and Ftve Resolves of 1974 by increasing the amount in said Act from 1hree Thousand Do]lsra to P#nre Thousand Dallars as spelled out in the last sentence of sai Act is Section lw This Act authorizes the Town of Agawam to establish in the Town IP Treasury a Park & Recreation Commisslon Rmmlving Fund& -F�q 1ec . Councilor Rhmnat moved the resolution; seconded by Councilor �r� - ' ATT&STz U� Ri S& Bass Town A Cowna+l Clark cc: - Town Manager Town Treasurer Twm Accountant File/rr r , CHAPTLH 729 THL CO NONW"TH OF MASSACHUSMS IN THE MAR ONE THOUSAND NINE: HUNDRED AND SLVFJM FOUR AN ACT authorizing the Town of Agawam to establish in the Town Treasury a Park and recreation Commission Revolving Fund, Be it enacted by the Senate and House or Re resee a ive in riaggral Court assembled, and by the authority of the same,^ as followas S3C' 09 1, The town of Agawam may establish in the town treasury a re- volving fund in which shall be deposited all receipts of the park and rearea- tion comissfon. created by the town under the provisions of section one of chapter twelve of the code of the town of Agawam. Any and all such funds re- ceived by the town treasurer shall be kept separate from any other, soneyelp funds or property of said t0wn4 and ME glegLM& and intrrM ' ad at the discretion of the ks and recreation director and the town r without further SgroBEI Atign in such manner and at such tines ass in the discretion of the arks and, recreation dire _ MnLt the , `and- for which such receipts was collected by this parks and mweati+on department* notwithstanding the provisions of section fifty- three of chapter forty-tour of the General Laws; provided@ howeverp that the town treaaurer skull submit annually an audit of said rev Iving fund to the torn counci], of said town for its approval and a copy of said audit shn11 be submitted to the director of the bureau of accounts; and provided Surtherp that said re- volving fund shall not exceed the sum of.three-tbousand dollars. T1 f f" �r f►���f IDN�wna� SZMM)i 2, This act aha11 take effect upon its acceptanoe by a majority vote of the town couocile ' douse of Representatives July 259 1974 Passed to be enacted, . David Mj BW:WW._! Bps Passed to be eaactede NEC n %__li=inrrton President Approved _AtueLust G,_ 197, Francis We Sargent* Governor