TR-85-21 � I�" 1 cam'!��„i ��✓ '�]"j �..� ,.r F%,..
Regulations Governing Class II Dealers' Licenses
WHEREAS it is in the interests of the citizens of Agawam for the Town of
Agawam to adopt additional Regulations governing Class II
Dealers' Licenses;
THEREFORE, the Town Council hereby votes to adopt the attached Regula-
tions (Exhibit A) which are hereby added to the Town Council
Rules and Regulations "Regulation #1 Class II Dealers' License".
mended 12/2/85: That upon passage of the propgl #d new regulations that it also be sent to the
ordinance co e+e to put it into ordinance��t .
Dated this 9th day of December,._, 1985.
Donald K. Rheault, President
Agawam Town Council
Appr ved is to Form
Town Solicitor
Tel. 4 13-7 86-0400
TO: Council
�0__. wleS 3llu S C 'al;tlCns ^O .�t�G^ _
LJ r'ir�: .CCOw H:7 efi 1,ecalation uOVO�'". in�, tv: .^,t,.�i y.L �'.�:" LJvL,
1 . Iny person filing an application for a license shall file a, certified plot
' plan of all the premises on i•:hfch this license hill be exersised. Such
planes shall be drawn to scale, shop: the north a:.ra:•r as well as the actual
ui�:.ension , ra';ii, and all anL;les ofy all the promiues, showing the specific
area to be used for the car lot, display area, and all permanent buildings.
The plat plan shall also include buffer aa.eas, suns, driveirayz, and all
abutters to the property.
e� i
2. :every licensee .�ha,ll provide a suitable s b�e place.:to conduct h� business which
shall include a plan to provide services and storage for not less than one
motor vehicle. A storage area shall be exclusive of any office space. It
shall be required that an area of display of vehicles offered fo- sale shall
acco modate a r.:ini.m= of 5 cans.
`-'he issuance of said licence does not allow for Ito repairs, or auto body
' repairs.fax the E;eneral public, but is restxicted to repairs only on cars
t o be ozzered for sale by the dealer. -;Il such repairs must be dame zndoaxs.
4. Be-'ore a seco--ad class dealer can sta t a, business ete_ a, license is .'1..ssued
to Sly My1c,� he nn'/aut Obtain in �ealeyry Plebes lZ'�om the Regisytz-j,[ Nlo-L 1_ieTk:.?�' (pla:bos;
and time 11u:1Jera must be recorded i'.'111h tilN l3CenSe aV M Ci4-y Ller'ZIS trfj Ce♦
This rust be done tr_in thirty days of the applicants license will be revoked. .
5. 10 person shall be licensed to buy urd Nell second hand rotor vehicles. unless
.' ^r r �-� h r1 to �r 7 �- w 'business
he has 1�leu u ;,h his epplica 11- .trc^ ��TMe.`1t�� _31� .lc � such
-ill be the applicants prixnci;�l business and to be conducted on the licensed
Prer-ise s.
�i. Ico car for sale shall be pazr:.ed within wee buffer area which shall be .
rini:zur. of fire feet fror,: the property line, public u-ayp buildirk" or
' side-walk.. Lunpe:r guards shall be placed, along any u T e ? e , a
t�e..t gin_ used a..
a display cxer_ The llccnae a:athori.- nz7y renuire tacic':itiorul buffer
that the?, deer necessary a2 1. applies ua safety* of each i.ndivic:ua.l S""e&.
7. 1,o teziporary office space mill be allotred such as craill, building without
proper sanit-ary facilities, or trailers on wheels or bloc'_--.
8. Failure of licensee to conform with� &;ny- of these� �reculatioe. or zon4nc
by--lawn shall be deemed cause to suwp .na, rcv a o,, m to sue the
a. These regulations shall not apply to present licensees who remain under
the sane ownership and on the sane premises, however, all licensees,
whether present licensee, completely new licensees, or request for trans—
fer of present licenses shall all be treated as new licensees after January
It 1988 and all sections of these regulations shall apply.
10. All signs shall conform with the sign ordinance.
11. The hours of operation to be restricted be-h-zeen the hours of 8 a.m. to 9
p.m. No sales or promotional activity on Sundays or holidays writh the
exception of 1ashington's Birthday.
12. Lighting shall be a condition of the license to be approved by the puild—
ing Inspector subject to final inspection and approval.
13. Subject to any other safety precautions deemed necessary by the License
14. The License Authority can approve an application for a Class II dealers
license with the stipulation that all t'he above regulations must be ;.yet
-off for to the issuance of that license.