TR-86-26 ' 001 Resolution No. TR-86-26 002 A Resolution Authorizing the Town of Agawam to Accept the 003 Provisions of M.G.L. , Chapter 32B, Section 11A, Extending 004 Optional Life Insurance Coverage to Active Employees 005 WHEREAS, The Town of Agawam provides basic life insurance coverage 006 for active town employees as required by law; and 007 WHEREAS, The Town of Agawam is desirous of providing additional life 008 insurance benefits to active employees on an optional basis, with the 009 employees paying 100% of the cost of the premiums; and 010 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council of the Town of 011 Agawam hereby accepts the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, ' 012 Chapter 32B, Section 11A, extending optional life insurance coverage to 013 active employees, without cost to the Town. ' 014 DATED THIS 2nd DAY OF October , 1986. 015 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL ' 016 Andrew Gallano, silent 017 Agawam Town Cou cil 018 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY CQ 019 Town Solicitor RA/smr 1 1