TR-86-30 Sponsored By; Councillor Saracino 001 Resolution No. TR-86-30 (TO-86-109) ' 002 A Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Apply For 003 Urban Systems Funding For the Signalization of the 004 Suffield Street and Mill Street Intersection 005 WHEREAS, The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission has conducted an 006 analysis of the traffic conditions at the intersection of Suffield Street 007 and Mill Street; and 008 WHEREAS, The results of the analysis indicate that a warrant for the 009 justification of the installation of traffic signals is met; and 010 WHEREAS, The high traffic volume and speed on Suffield Street makes 011 it difficult and dangerous for motorists on Mill Street to enter or cross 012 Suffield Street; and 013 WHEREAS, The installation of traffic signals will improve traffic 014 flow and safety through this intersection; 015 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Town Council of the Town of Agawam 016 hereby authorizes the Town Manager to apply to the Massachusetts Depart- 017 ment of Public Works for approval of the installation of traffic signals 018 at the intersection of Suffield Street and Mill Street under the Urban 019 System Program. 019 DATED THIS 30th DAY OF September , 1986. ' 020 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL 1 l 021 Andrew Galla , resident 022 Agawam Town CbCmcil b s c6, ,�.1. - 023 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND•LEGALITY (c A All, ' 024 Associate Town Solicitor JPS/RSC/smr