TR-86-33 sponsored by: Councillor Lockhart Councillor Saracino Councillor Skolnick ' 001 Resolution No. TR-86-33 002 A Resolution fog a Loan Order Authorizing $485,000 003 In Bonds for the Junior High School Roof 004 WHEREAS, Following an inspection, it was determined that the Junior 005 High School required reroofing; and 006 WHEREAS, The bonding for this reroofing project was included in the 007 Fiscal Year 1986--1987 Capital Budget; and 008 WHEREAS, The schematic design phase of the Agawam Junior High School 009 reroofing project has been completed and the Town of Agawam now wishes to 010 proceed with the project; and 011 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE TOWN COUNCIL of the Town of 012 Agawam votes to adopt the order that $485,000 is appropriated for 013 reconstructing and making extraordinary repairs to the ;junior High School 014 Roof, and that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer with the approval 015 of the Town Manager is authorized to borrow $485,000 under Chapter 645 016 of the Acts of 1948 as amended or G.L. Chapter 44, Sub-Section 7 0A) . 017 DATED 'PHIS 14t-h DAY OF , 1986. ' 018 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM 'TOWN COUNCIL 019 Andrew Gallano sident ' 020 Agawam Town Council 021 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY - ' 022 Town solicitor /smr