TR-87-2 001 R R E S0L UT,10N.
002 A Resolution authorizing the Town Manager to submit a grant applica-ion
03 under the Feasibility Study Grant Program to the Executive Office of
04 Communities and Development for a $30,000 grant to study the Silver ,
005 Shoemaker, Suffield Street Industrial area and authorizing the Town
006 manager to receive and expend Small Cities Block Grant Funds .
' 007 WHEREAS, there exists in Agawam an area of industrially zoned
008 land containing 650 acres bound by Silver Street , Suffield Street,
009 and Shoemaker Lanes ; and ,
010 WHEREAS, since the 1957 zone change , a multitude of land uses
Oil have evolved in the area including : residential , commercial , agricultural
012 and industrial ; and ,
' 013 WHEREAS , the vacant land contained in the Industrial Area is
014 a mix of wetland , woodlands and cultivated fields ; and ,
t015 WHEREAS , the Industrial Area contains over 54 parcels of land
016 owned by 37 separate individuals ; and ,
017 WHEREAS , the area can be classified as a "Blighted Open Area"
018 as defined in the Massachusetts General Laws , Chapter 121 A because
019 it is "unduly costly to develop it soundly through ordinary operation
020 of private enterprise by reason of the evidence of ledge, rock,
21 unsuitable soil , or other physical conditions . . . " , and ,
022 WHEREAS , the AEDIC wishes to have prepared a physical feasibility
023 study which will address the provision of sewer, water , roadways, and
024 other utilities to this area to ensure an integrated and comprehensive
025 approach to development ; and ,
026 NOW THEREFORE, the Town Council of the Town of Agawam hereby
027 votes to approve said submission and authorizes the Town Manager to
028 submit a Grant Application under the Feasibility Study Program to the
029 Executive Office of Communities and Development for a $30, 000 grant
030 to study the Silver, Shoemaker , and Suffield Street Industrial Area,
031 authorizes the Town Manager to receive and expend Feasibility Study
032 funds.
033 DATED THIS 18th DAY OF February , 1987.
034 ald M. Rheault
035 Town Council President
f6 Approvied as to legal`"form
37 Town Solicitor