TR-87-21 RESOL[;---ON TR-8'-21 bool A Resolution Authorir ng the --:,wn Manager to Execute an Agreement 002 Between the Town of Agar;am and Genesis Health Ventures (Heritage Hall) 003 Fcr an Adul- Day Care Program 004 Sponsors: Councillors Saracino, -crgatti, De ucchi, Shaughnessy, Nardi, 005 Lockhart, DeForge, Caba. Oallanc, Skolnick, Trehey, and Herd 006 WHER.'AS, The Town of _=_gawam has investigated the need for 007 an Adult Day Care Program; a n_:, 008 WHEREAS, Due to insuf-ficient space has determined that the 009 Town of Agawam is not able t: provide such a program at this time; and, 010 WHEREAS, The Council �n Aging has worked in conjunction with 0.11 Genesis Health Ventures (Her_7age Hall) to develop a program whereby 012 the Town would commit funds ,, ile Genesis Health Ventures (Heritage 013 Hall) would provide all other aspects of the program; o14 NOW, THEREFORE, THE Oi,N COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AGAWAM hereby 015 votes to authorize the Town '•:inager to execute an agreement between the ' o16 Town of Agawarr. and Genesis Health Ventrres (Heritage Hall) for an 017 Adult Day Care Program. Ol8 DATED THIS tWVnty-second DAY OF October 1987. 019 PER ORDER OF TJ AGAWAM TOWN :OTJNCXL 020 Donald M. Rheault, President 021 Agawam Town Council 022 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 023 Ralph L. Atkins, Town Solicitor /lam r r