TR-87-22 001 RESOLUTION TP-87-22 002 A Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to File a Grant 003 Application with the Department of Environmental Management 1 004 for Matching Grant Funds for a household Hazardous Waste 003 Collection Day 006 Sponsor: President Rheault 00'/ W-HEREAS, The improper disposal of household hazardous 008 waste presents a danger to the environment and the residents of 009 Agawam; and, ' 010 WHEREAS, Such household hazardous waste can not be Oil safely disposed of with normal household refuse; and, 1 012 WHEREAS, It is in the _.st interests of public health to 013 provide residents of Agawam wit an opportunity to dispose of 014 such materials in a safe and environmentally sound manner; 1 013 NOW, THEREFORE, THE TOk7d COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AGAWAM 016 hereby votes to authorize the Town Manager to file a grant application 1 027 with the Department of Environmental Management for matching grant 018 funds for a household hazardous waste collection day. 019 DATED THIS tvxntv-second DAY OF fh,tnher 1987. 020 PER ORDER OFLE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL 021 Donald M. Rheault, President 022 Agawam Town Council 023 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 024 Ralph L. Atkins, Town Solicitor 1 lam 1