TR-87-3 w v U,F f\LSL13L�1`JV lit-CI-!-J 002 A resolution requesting that U.S. Postal Service to reconsider the 003 siting of the new post office on Suffield Street and requesting that 004 U.S. Postal Department officials work with the Town Council and Town 005 Administration to address current and projected locational issues. SPONSOR: COUNCILLOR SHAUGHNESSY 006 WHEREAS, The U. S. Postal Service intends to construct a new (107 costa] facility within t-he Town of Agawam and has iden+ iFier' 506- Uu'v _Lt-Ld �A__t= 'i az, t:1C .LuCdi._il.:rl UL L_rllzl flew *c1'. 1.ii'.--Y ' 009 WHEREAS, Residents have raised significant concerns as to the 010 suitability or this site due to possible traffic congestion and lack 011 of accessibility from other areas of Town; and, 012 WHEREAS, Residents prefer two neighborhood facilities over the 013 one community-wide facility from the perspective of accessibility;. and, 014 WHEREAS, The loss of the Feeding Hills Post Office will repre- 015 sent the potential loss of a historical landmark in the Town of ' 016 Agawam; and, , 017 WHEREAS, Alternate sites may be identified which will provide 018 greater accessibility and less traffic congestion than the Suffield 019 Street site; 020 NOW, THEREFORE, The Town Council of the Town of Agawam hereby 021 votes to request the U. S. Postal Service to reconsider the siting of 022 the new post office on Suffield Street and request that the U. S. 023' Postal Service officials work with the Town Council and Town Admin-- t0-)4 istration to address current and projected locational issues. 025 D7—TED THIS th DAY OF February , 1987, 026 Donald M. Rheault, President 027 Agawam Town Council 028 Ralph , Atkins, Town Solicitor 029 Approved as to Legal Form /lam