TR-87-4 4AN
00 A Resolution Adopting a Home Rule Petition for State Legislation
0 Authorizing the Transfer of 17.126 Acres of Robinson State Park on
0 the West Side of North Westfield Street to the Town of Agawam.
0 WHEREAS, The Phase IV Sewer Project is necessary for the public
fl health of the residents of northwestern Agawam; and,
0 WHEREAS, The implementation and operation of this project requires
0 a wastewater pumping station in the low area of North Westfield Street
009 at May Hollow; and,
0 WHEREAS, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts holds title to land on
fl both sides of North Westfield Street in this location;
0 NOW, THEREFORE, The Town Council of the Town of Agawam hereby
0 votes to adopt the following home rule petition that:
01 SECTION I. The Deputy Commissioner of Capital Planning and
0 Operations, acting for and on behalf of the Commonwealth, in
016 consultation with the Department of Environmental Management, is
Of hereby authorized to convey the fee simple interest in the following
0 parcel of land located in the Town of Agawam which is presently part
0 of Robinson State Forest being used for conservation and recreation
020 purposes to the Town of Agawam for use as the site of a sewage pumping
010 station and. sewers. Said parcel is more particularly described as
0 follows:
0 Beginning at a point in the southeasterly corner of said parcel
fl in the westerly line of North Westfield Street and the northeasterly
025 corner of land now or formerly belonging to Paul G. and Sandra L.
0 Reiprich,
0 Thence, N 82 - 01' - 10" W five hundred forty-eight and seventy
028 hundredths (548.70) feet along the northerly line of said land of
01 Reiprich to a point;
030 Thence, N 73 - 02' - 50" W two hundred twenty-five and sixty-
five hundredths (225.65) feet along other land now or formerly of
said Reiprich to a point on the easterly line of land now or formerly -043 of Mary Biergel, Ida Biergel and Sohn Biergel; _
Thence, N 12 - 59' - 23" E four hundred sixty-six and eighty-
0� eight hundredths (466.88) feet along said easterly line of Biergel
036 to a concrete bound;
0� Thence, N 17 - 40' - 53" E two hundred eighty-eight and sixty
038 eight hundredths (288.68) feet along said easterly line of Biergel
0t and land now or formerly of Arthur M. and ,lean M. Deforge to a point;
)4 Thence, N 21 - 491 - 13" E three hundred twelve and ten hundredths
34, (312.10) feet along the southeasterly lines of land of said Deforge and
)42 land now or formerly of Richard E. and Patricia A. Averill to a point;
Al Thence, N 34 - 21' - 03" E two hundred fifty-four and three
)4 hundredths (254.03) feet along the southeasterly lines of land of said
34 Averill and land now or formerly of Jean M. and Charles H. Stowers to
34 a point in the westerly line of said North Westfield Street;
347 Thence, S 56 - 30' - 29" E one hundred nineteen and ninety-five
)41 hundredths (119.95) along said westerly line of North Westfield Street
34 to a point;
35 Thence, S 34 - 21' - 03" E two hundred twenty-eight and fifteen
35 hundredths (228.15) feet along said westerly line of North Westfield
35 Street to a bound;
05 Thence, southerly two hundred thirty-nine and two hundredths
)51 (239.02) feet along a curve in said westerly line of North Westfield
355 Street to the right with a radius of four hundred (400.00) feet to a
35 bound;
35 Thence, S 00 - 11' - 38" W two hundred thirteen and sixty-three
)51 hundredths (213.63) feet along said westerly line of North Westfield
)5 Street to a point;
)60 Thence, S 06 - 56' -- 38" E three hundred forty-four and eleven
361 hundredths (344.11) feet along said westerly line of North Westfield
)6 Street to a bound;
36 Thence, southerly three hundred forty--three and eighty-six
36 hundredths (343.86) feet along a curve in said westerly line of North
)6 Westfield Street to the right with a radius of seven hundred (700.00)
)6 feet to the point of beginning;
)6 Containing 17.126 acres of land, more or less, and being shown
)68 on a plan of land entitled, "Plan of Land acquired by the Town of
)6 Agawam, Massachusetts, Tighe & Bond Consulting Engineers, Easthampton,
)7 Massachusetts, Scale 1"=1001, January 20, 1987".
l7 SECTION 2. in consideration for said conveyance of the above-
l7 described parcel, the Town of Agawam shall provide sewer service to
l7 the existing Agawam state swimming pool located on Maynard Street,
l74 Agawam at no charge for a period of 50 years and shall provide sewer
37 1 service, up to 50,000 cubic feet annually for any new facilities
7 developed within Robinson State Park during the same 50 year period.
�7 The land to be conveyed to the Town of Agawam shall be subject
8 to a conservation restriction, held by the Department of Environmental
079 Management, providing that no development, other than the sewage
0 ,pumping station and sewers and any future widening of North Westfield
1 Street shall be allowed.
DATED THIS 3rd DAY OF March ► 1987.
0 3 Donald M. Rheault, president
Agawam Town Council
0 5 Ralph Atkins, own Solicitor
Approved as to Legal Form _ --