TR-87-9 y , 001 RESOLUTION NO. TR-87--9 002 A Resolution Adopting the Proposed Annual Operating, Capital b003 And Revenue Sharing Budgets for Fiscal Year 1988 004 WHEREAS, Under the provisions of Chapter 44, Section 32 of the 005 Massachusetts General Laws and Section 5-1 of Article 5 of the Town ' 006 Charter of the Town of Aqawam, a proposed annual budget was submitted 007 on May 1, 1987; and, 008 WHEREAS, Under the provisions of Section 5-2 (a) of Article 5 of 009 the Town Charter, a public hearinq on the proposed budget was held on 010 June 1, 1987, notice thereof having been published in one issue of Oil The Aqawam Advertiser/Dews, a newspaper published and of general circu- 012 lation in the Town more than fourteen days before such hearing; and, 013 WHEREAS, All necessary changes have been made as to revenue 014 estimates and appropriation items, 015 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN 016 OF AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS: ' 017 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Article 5 of the Town 9 018 Charter of the Town of Aqawam, the budget for the fiscal year beginninq 019 July 1, 1987, a copy of which is hereto attached and made part of this 020 resolution as fully as if set forth verbatim herein, is hereby adopted, 121 and the several sums therein set forth to be raised by the levy of a 022 tax upon all taxable property within the corporate limits of the Town 023 of Aqawam, Massachusetts, all other -unds and receipts are hereby 024 appropriated for the several purposes therein stated. ' 025 2. There is hereby appropriated in the Line Item - Contributory 026 Retirement Account an appropriation to the credit of the Hampden County 027 Retirement Board to satisfy the Town of Agawam's share of the Pension 028 and Expense Credit Funds. 029 3. Consideration has been given for anticipated receipt of funds ' 030 from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for street reconstruction 031 purposes as set forth in the Highway portion of the budget attached 032 hereto. ' 033 4. There is hereby appropriated all Federal Revenue Sharing Trust 034 Funds as set forth in schedule attached hereto. ' 035 5. In addition to any specific appropriation, all money received 036 to the credit of any revolving fund now or heretofore created is 037 hereby appropriated for the purposes indicated an said revolving or q0031 wort ng capital fund. 039 6. There is herebv appropriated all money from the Commonwealth 040 of Massachusetts, the United States, as well as from any grants or 041 donations received for public purposes. 042 7. There is hereby appropriated all money received from the 043 interest income on short term investments including the interest 044 0o earned on funds in interest-bearing bank accounts. 045 8. Consideration has been given to carry-forward the Salary 046 00 Reserve Appropriation to satisfy those Union Contracts not completed 047 q at close of the fiscal year, h 048 9. To allow the Assessor to use jj� 14t4l I*W $1.245,933 of 049 v "Certified Free Cash" to reduce the 1988 Tax Rate to stay within the 050 5 quidelines of Proposition 2 V2. 051 10. There is hereby adopted a Capital Improvement Proqram for 052 fiscal years July L 1987 through June 30, 1992. 053 1L The FY88 Town of Aqawam Operatinq Budqet is herebv adopted ' 054 as follows: Town Operating Budget - Personnel Services - $6,067,437; 055 Supplies - $694,003; Other Services and Charges - $2,896,774; Capital 056 Outlay - $643,815: Line Items - $5,071,032; for a total of $15,373,06L• 057 and the School Operatinq Budget - Operating Expense - $10,801.907; 058 for a grand total. of $26,174,968. Accept the Water Budget - Personnel 059 Services - $277,869; Supplies -- $170,082, Other Services and Charges - 060 $847.008; CaTItal outlay - $26,500; for a total of $L32L459. 061 12. There is hereby appropriated $100,000 from Overlay Surplus 062 to the Reserve Fund. 063 13. There is hereby levied upon all taxable vroperty within the 064 corporate limits of the Town of Aqawam, Massachusetts upon each dollar ' 065 assessed value thereof, taxes in the amount to be determined. 066 DATED THIS Ten DAY OF June 1987. I�1 067 Donald M. Rheault, President 068 A TowCouncil 069 Approv as to Vorm and Legality 070 Ralph L. Atkins, Town Solicitor ' 071 Ai�proved by:-'Town A,%ountant, Carol J. Taylor �U�GICv[ c)a16 072 Staff Review Completed 073 Executive Assistant to the Town Manager /lam Public Hearinq June L 1987 Adopted June 8, 1987 lobsb = 4r4r TOWN OF AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1981 Schedule 2 Budget 1987-1988 .;eneral Fund Spent ' Total Budget Capital Total 1985--1986 1986-1987 Operating Improvements Appropriation ,ENERAL FUND: Town Council 53,769 55,385 52,965 `0- 52,965 Town Manager 110,268 108,964 142,347 -0- 142,347 Town Accountant 65,211 71,281 72,251 -0- 72,251 Town Clerk 74,434 79,041 75,506 -0- 75,506 Town Treasurer 811-1072 106,786 102,270 -0- 102,270 Town Collector 59,902 40,635 46,615 -0- 46,615 ` Town Assessor 79,574 92,472 399,045 -0- 399,045 Law 87,904 67►000 75,000 -0- 75,000 Elections & Registrations 10,047 .13,537 23,763 -0- 23,763 Administration Building 152,333 183,830 208,045 -0-- 208,045 Community Development 44,423 60,880 54,014 -0- 54,014 Council on Aging 148505 140,513 170,498 --0- 170,498 Board of Appeals 1r338 6,665 6,490 -0- 6,490 Data Processing 79,622 80,526 84,040 -0- 84,040 TOTAL 1;.048,402 1,107,515 1,512,849 -0- 1►512,849 'UBLIC SAFETY Fire 1,34h,90.7 1,538,165 1,681,600 -0- 1,681,600 Police 1.,378,041 1,597',421 1,728,200 -0- 1,728,200 Weights &Measures 39;167 47,060 43,440 -0- 43,440 Building Inspector 138,040 154,630 134,835 -0- 134,835 Forestry 30,089 37,000 37,000 -0- 37,000 Civil Defense 4,016 8,000 8,000 -0- 8,000 Dog Law 24,311 27,038 27,980 --0- 27,980 TOTAL 2,962,571 3,410,114 3,661,055 `0- 3,661,055 ]riginal Budget as Adopted, not Including Supplemental or Transfers -1- abo M M 4r Schedule 2 Budget 1987-1988 SPENT TOTAL BUDGET CAPITAL TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: 1985-1986_ 1986-1987 OPERATING IMPROWIEITS APPROPRIATION Administration 53,012 49,012 49,345 -0- 49,345 Highway & Grounds Maintenance' 743,732 859,310 1,016,071 -0- 1,016,071 Engineering 94,209 96,257 93,225 -0- 93,225 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 114,021 111,012 116,705 116,705 Sanitation 553,400 953,349 999,865 -0- 999,865 Waste Collection 2244032 -0- 387,330 -0- 387,330 TOTAL: 1,782,,406 2,068,940 _2,662,541 -0- 2,662,541 RECREATION/LIBRARY Parks & Recreation 80,671,_ 116,011 180,825 -0- 180,825 Library 252,292 298,723 320,575 -0- 320,575 TOTAL, 332,963 414,734 501,400 -0- 501,400 EDUCATION: School Operating 8,6301624 9,944,828 10,801,907 -0- 10,801,907 School Maintenance 1,226,221 1,495,605 1,5671084 -0- 1,567,084 TOTAL: . ,9,856,845 11,440,433 12,368,991 -0- 12,368,991 CAPITAL BUDGET 103,640 400,000 -0- 224,000 224,000 HEALTH 143,296 155,440 173,100 -0- 173,100 UNCLASSIFIED (LINE ITEMS) 4,636,035 4,661►237 4,921,032 -0- 4,921,032 GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND 20,866►158 23,658,413 25,800,968 224,000 26,024,968 PUBLIC SERVICE ENTERPRISE: -998,720 1,282,004 1,321,459 - -0- 1,321►459 Water TOTAL: 998,720 1,282,004 1,321,459 -0- 1,321,459 *Original Budget as Adopted, Not Including Supplemental or Transfers loblf Sched BUDGET 1987-1988 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING; Spent *Total Budget 0 ratin Capital Total 1985-1986 1986-1987 Improvements Appropriation Highway - Road Construction 2,220 -0- -0- -0- highway - Snow & Ice Control 55,845 81,500 -0- -0- -0- Police Cruisers 59,879 60,000 -0- -0- -0- Waste Collection -- Rubbish Collection 224,032 245,310 -'0- -0- -0- Street Lights 257,540 213,190 150,000 -0- 150,000 Youth Counseling 22,000 -0- -0- -0- _0- Capital Budget - Aerial Mapping 16,575 -0- -0- -0- -0- Capital Budget - Sweeper vac 5,000 -0- -0-- -0- -0- TOTAL 643,091 600,000 150,000 -0- 1.50,000 * Original Budget as Adopted, Not Including Supplemental or Transfers -3- Mb r r r r rr ■r M I r r r r MPRINCIPAL ANDREST BUDGET FY 87 Current Year Fiscal 88 Fiscal 88 Total Estimated Expenditures Budget Budget Budget PRINCIPAL INTEREST PRINCIPAL INTEREST COMBINED ',IDE DEBT LIMIT face drain 15,000 4,125 15,000 3,375 18,375 pool remodeling 65,000 1,625 -0- -0- entine Terrace drain 15,000 10,275 15,000 8,700 23,700 iicipai purpose 50,000 38,000 50,000 34,000 84,000 Total inside debt 14 ,000 54,025 80,000 46,075 126,075 _'SIDE DEBT LIMIT :ding Hills Junior High 240,000 61,200 240,000 48,960 288,960 ierage System Disposal Facility 70,000 4,935 70,000 1,645 71,645 iior Citizen Center 10,000 21750 10,000 2,250 12,250 _ingfi.eld Treatment Plant (sewer) 20,000 5,500 20,000 4,500 24,500 le Street Industrial Water Main 50,000 13,500 50,000 11,000 61,000 Ih School Modification 350,000 239,750 350,000 203,000 553,000 -ding Hills Sewer System(Phase 1) 25,000 17,125 25,000 14,500 39,500 Jh School Modification Phase II 50,000 28,000 50,000 24,000 74,000 . Westfield St. Silver St. 75,0W 42,000 75,000 36,000 111,000 dater Main (water.) .ding hills Sewer Phase It 175,000 98,000 175,000 64,000 259,000 Iver Street Water Main (water) 161000 12,160 16,000 10,880 26,880 ith West St. Water Main (water) 43,000 32,680 43,000 29,240 72,240 =iicipal Purpose 71,000 51,960 71,000 46,280 117,280 Dior High School Reroofing 101000 10,000 TOTAL OUTSTDE DEBT 1,195,000 609,560 1,195,000 5261255 1,721,255 TOTAL TOWN BUDGET 1,340,000 663,B 1,275,000 572,330 1,847�30 WATER FUND 184,000 100,340 1B4,000 87,120 271,12& SEWER FUND 20,000 5,500 20,000 4,500 24,500 GENERA, FUND 1,136,000 557,745 1,071,000 480,710 1,551,710 TOTAL DEBT BUDGET 1,34U,D00 663,785 1,275,000 572,330 1,847,330 I • ub g .. BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1988 ESTIMATED REVENUE & LEVY SUMMARY ESTIMATED AMOUNTS TO BE RAISED FSTIMATF,D RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE FUNDS: General Operating Budget 25,203,069.00 Estimated receipts (State) 14.,236,346.00 Sanitation department 999,865.00 Prior Year over estimates (State) 10,919.00 Overlay reserved for abatement 449,176.35 Local estimated receipts 1,415,500.00 State and Local assessment Sanitation offset receipts 947,423.00 State Assessments (Cherry Sheet) 55,096.UU Available funds: Under Estimates (Cherry Sheet) 4,070.00 Revenue Sharing 150,000.00 County Tax (Cherry Sheet) 601,037.00 "Free Cash" 1,245,933.00 Offsets (Cherry Sheet) 819,617.00 Lower Pioneer Valley Planning Com. 3,940.65 Western fiampden District Veterans 30,369.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE FUNDS 14,006,121.00 Amount raised by levy . 14,160,121.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT TO BE RAISED 2$,166,242.00 Total estimated available funds 28,166,242.00 II more MM MM M stumm 1987-1988 BUDGET WATER REVENUES CLASSIFICATION PROPOSED ESTIMATED 1987-1988 Water Rate Income 1,160,500 Water Meter Charge 17,000 Water Connection 25,000 Water Renewals 11000 Miscellaneous Water Charges 8,000 Water Capital Improvement Fund 109,959 TMAL 1,321,459 �V 1 RE'VENLT' SRARING LINE ITEM SIRES'!` LIGHTS $150,000 $150,D00D00 1 , . V