TR-89-30 111IIIIII TR-89- 30 A RESOLUTION GOWIRNHO THE APPOINQI OVT OF IAURA B. EWAN AS 1iMMER OF HOUSING AU7EMI7Y 70 A TERM EXPIRING THE 2ND MONDAY,JANEARY 1995 WM?FAS, a vacancy exists on the Housing Authority for repiacernt of Theodore Therrien, term expiring 2nd Monday, January 1990; SEAS, as the Mayor is requesting appointment of Laura B. Dugan, 55 IMeadowbrook Mwwr, Agawm+i, MA as replacement for W. Therrien; AM, 71DW RM, the Agawvn Council resolves to confirmation of the Mayor's appointment of Laura B. Dugan as a nuonber of the Housing Authority to a term expiring 2nd Monday, January 1995. DATED THIS Eleventh DAY OF December 1989. PER ORDER OF THE AGAW CITY OOMIL Donald M. Mea- it, President r- clz�.L Agawa►n City Counci IQ APPROVED As TO FORM AND LtsGArrTY cc - CCA cc - � a � ke, city SO tcitor /Ium i MAYORAL ACTION eceived this Seventh day of December 1989 *rom Council 1 APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION f P. the wens vested i, i„ pursuant t1 Article . Section - c trr Ac7awam [.Ficti'" !' n as aR1ildCig �l�'re�'�`y �3�lrOVt' tfil �3cyce C+T tf'1 a�]C1V l5�'s=ric.tiC�i� CJ�i t s ' l h W a ❑f December 19 LSJ u r stop er hnson , Mayor D I SAf r-ROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the Powers `jested in ma pUrsuant to Article ':, Section .--o o* tne Agawarr rCh= -ter„ as amended , I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation can 4his day, of h 19 far the fcl Yowincl rea- monts . L,hristooher C. Johnson :, Mayor R7.TURN 0 LEG ISL~. TIf_J\! :"C.j COUNCIL_ rCL ER;:.: Ret4"-nad Lo CoUn-4 _ Clerk this Eleventh day of December s I 89