TR-90-13 n77 ZS-90-13 r A RESOLUTION COWIRMIAG BE APFOINl1AM OF RON ASHLIAK, 237 HIGH M REltiT,. AGANW, MA, Tb 7M ARTS-& H AVWITIFS (OEWIL TO A 7ERU EXPIRING MAY 1, 1992 r • NOWAS, -a vacancy exists on the Arts & H marn i t i es Council; and, NiifREM, the Mayor has appointed Ruth Ashline, 237 High Street, Agawam, MA, to said Council to a term expiring May 1, 1992; and, AM, ARE, the Agawam Council resolves confirmation of the Mayor's appointmreant of Ruth Ashl ine, 237 High Street, Agawam, MA, to the Arts & Hamanities Council to a term expiring May I, 1992. DAM THIS Eleventh DAY OF May 1990. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWW COUWZL 1 ca c� v ' Agawam City Council Jessie D. Fuller, Vice President APPROVE? AS Tb FOW AND LEGALITY �tz�-b s . Lochs, City Solicitor C Ut /bam 1 1 MAYORAL ACTION ReceivedReceivedthis Tenth day of May 1'i' rom Council_-5 90 16- prk: . APPROVAL OF LEG I SLAT ON Pr the powers vested in me pursuant tc= Article L.. Section --M o f tMs- Agawam Gl-.?.r-ter amended , a here'-- ' approve the r)assaae a . the anow leq sic•.tic,�? Or t`tis of 19 90. .3ztorher John o a Mayor Q =C T SL_AT I rJN B%Y. the mower= Ye_te in mP pUrSLIan- to A►`ti.cle SeCtlOr'e _-b a* the Auawam C-h=:-tel a= ane.-zaed , I hereby vetw the pasaage pf the s,bovE- legislation on whis dav of ly for the `Ullowinq rea- wort ( S ) „ C:hrz.s Camber C: ., :'c?hnsor; :; Mayor 'C v 1 I C:I P?1:. f-l'"`L ^T T{"'s t'.tCOUNCIL �'� r..Ctl)--� _. O i t-. t-,,1_. Fnur Pe nth- --_ day of _..Mqx . ? 90r