TR-90-16 r , i7R-90-16 A RESOLUTION Ca1WTRMIM THE' REAPPIINlMUC OF JOIN J. ONISCIOIA, JR., 41 QIAMM nRIVE, AGAR 70 771E LIQUM LICENSIM CCIWWSSION TO A TERM EXPIRIAG JUAF 1993 i MEREAS, Mr. John Chriscoia 's term on the Liquor Licensing Commission expires on June 1990; and, WEHREAS, the Mayor has reappointed John J. Chriscola, Jr. , to said cotrinission with a tem expiring June 1993; and, NOW, THEREFORE, the Agawam Council resolves confirmation of the Mayor f s reappointment of Mr. John J. Chriscola, Jr. , 41 Channel Drive, Agawam to the Liquor Licensing ' Commission to a term expiring ,Tune 1993. DATED THIS Twenty-third DAY OF May 1990. ' PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM COUNCIL - t Richard S. rindle, President Agawam City Council iAPPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY c �b C� C� as City Solicitor - /bam u' V MAYORAL ACT I Obi Received this twenty-third day of .__ May 1990 from Council 1 ' APPROVAL OP� LEGISLATION, B,: the Qo rs vested in mE pursuant to Article Z., 'Section 7-6 of thy., Agawam Charter , a amEs ed ; I hereb•Y approve the passage t the abOve legIsizIt.0? or 1 th f d? f `MaX 19 90. l ' istoohe C. J. nson , _Kayor L I U-APrr ROVAL Q=' LEGISLATION By the growers v -tied in me pursuant to At-ticle 7 , Section -_�--6 of the Agawa.r Charter„ as amended , I hereby veto the passage of the above lopislation on this day of , 19 for the following rea- s.nn (s+ . Christopher C. Johrsore ., Mayor ,T� rs:i i k C�. LEC I ELA T C 1 QUUNC"�_ ER 1 Retu!-ne-d t0 Council Cler tniis _ - _ day of M$V__ —, 19 90, 1 . 1 i i i 1 i OFFICE OF THE MAYOR COUNCIL COMMUNICATION #90-5 DATE: September 27, 1990 ' 11p SUBJECT: Liquor License Appointment - 7R-90-16 1 ' Please be advised that Resolution 7R-90-16 conffirming the reappointment of John J. Chriscola, Jr. to the Liquor License Coamission contained a typographical error in that Mr. Chriscoia's appointment should have read a five-year. term expiring June 1995 not June 1993. 6ri op er John Mayor CCJ/bam' cc: Tour Clerk 1 1 t i r ou R L'- u�c.. �.. V s/¢d e7.r 190 . G��p�O - r , TR-90-16 ' A RES1D1.[WaV COWIRMING THE REAPPOIAdMW OF JOFRV J. CHRISCOLA, JR., 41 C fANNEL DRIVE, ArGAWW 70 THE LIQUOR LIC�WING CO WSSIOlN TO A TERM EVIRIA G J(11♦1E 1993 WHEREAS, Mr. John Chriscoials tern on the Liquor Licensing Commission expires on June 1990; and, WEHREAS, the Mayor has reappointed John J. Chriscola, Jr. , to said a mmission with a term expiring June 1993; and, ADW, THEREFORE, the Agawam Council resolves confir oration of the Mayor's reappointment of Mr. John J. Chriscoia, Jr. , 41 Channel Drive., Agaumi to the Liquor Licensing Commission to a term expiring June 1993. DATED THIS Twenty-third DAY OF May 1990. ' PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM GOWIL r7 ' Richard S. rindle, President Agawam City Council APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 1 as City Solicitor ' /bam MAYORAL ArTION ' Received this _twenty-third day of May , 1990 *rom Gcuncil Cler�: . APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION Rf, thepo rs vested i^ me pursuantt � Article Section .,--6 cf the Agawam ' Char-ter a ' ame ed . 11 herebyapprove the massage of the aDove 1e�ia� �titia�-� on th ' da Y f May 1990. i atophet C n J ' nson . Mayor 'LEGISLATION Bv the cowers v_=ted in me pursuant tc Article C1 Section; -n of the AawdM Cha.;-ter- am ended..mended.. I hereby veto the passage of the m n ove legislation can this dal of a 19 for the fcllowing rea- scn ( s) . 1 ChristoQher C. ,.3ohnson .. Mayor Fi_7!JRI:I_ Qt-' _LEG.S„i.A , aC?l•.i , i_, COUNCIL C1,ERk. Fintu.t-ne ounW- - C1er tr,Js _ _ dad of May 1 . 90 1 RESOLUTION TR-90-1 i S A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE PROPOSED : NNUAL'OPER.ATI:vG BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991 �. WHEREAS, Under the provisions of Chapter 44, Section' 32 of i. the }Massachusetts General Laws and Section 5-1 of article :1 of the Charter of the Town of Agawam, a proposed budget was submitted on May 2, 1990; and, ' WHEREAS, Under the provisions of Section 3--2 (a) of article of the Charter, a public hearing on the proposed budget was held on June 4, 1990, notice thereof having, been published in one issue of. the Y Agawam Advertiser News, a newspaper published and o.f general circulation in the Town more than fourteen days before such hearing., and, �. WHEREAS, .All necessary- changes have been made as to revenue estimates and appropriation .items, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ;IESOLVEU B1 THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 1 . That pursuant to the provisions of :article ;i of the � Charter of the Town of .Agawam, the budget for the fiscal year beginning r. July 1, 1990, a copy of which .is hereto attached and Made part of this . resolution as fully as if set forth verbatim herein, is hereby ado stied, and the several sums therein set forth to be raised by the levy of a tax upon all taxable property within the corporate limits of the Town of Agawam, Massachusetts, all other funds and receipts are hereby-. appropriates] for the several purposes therein stated. 2. The budget which is attached hereto is adopted.accordi.ng ' to the following departmental categories: ( 1) Personnel; (2) Purchased Services; (3) Supplies; and ( 4) Capital Outlay. Said. adoption allowing, administrative transfer of line items of departmental t ;:undin,' within categories. Said administrative transfers are limited to only transfers within a department, 3. There is hereby appropriated in .the Line Item - Contributory Retirement :Account an appropriation to the credit of. the Hampden County Retirement Board to satisfy the Towfiof Agawam's share of the Pension and Expense Credit Funds. ' 1• Consideration has been !given for anticipated receipt of : funds from the. Commonwealth of 'Massachusetts for•atreet recons"p.ction purposes as set; forth in the Highway portion of the budge: attached hereto. s ' In addition to any specific •appropriation, all moneR; CIP received to the credit of any revolving fund now or heretofore cr.eatest is bereby appropriated for the � p purposes indicated in said ret-ol�•ing or 3 working capital fund. Act -n rn 1 M There is hereby :appropriated all money from the "ammonwea.ith of Massachusetts, the !:.cited States. as. well as from .any Zrants or donations received for public purposes, T. There is herehr appropriated all money received from the interest income on short term investments includin; the interest earned' nn hinds in interest-bearing hand; accounts. i S. To allow the assessor to use not more than $1,450.000 of "Certified Free Cash" to reduce the 1991 Tax Rate to stay within the guidelines of Proposition 2' 1/2. 9. The FY91 Town of Agawam Operating Budget is hereby adopted as follows: TOWN OPERATING BUDGET ' Personnel Services $ 7,686,887 Supplies $ 812,800 Other Services & Chases $ 3,797,6704 Capital Outlay S 233,670 Line Items S 6,164,949 FOR A TOTAL OF: r18,695,`180 SCHOOL OPERATING BUDGET , Operating Expense S13,508,500 i FOR A GRAND TOTAL OF: $32,204,480 ACCEPT THE WATER BUDGET Personnel Services S 315,932 Supplies. S 171,315 Other Services & Charges $ 1,041,761 Capital Outlay S 23,945 ' FOR A TOTAL OF: S 1,612,953 10. There is hereby- levied upon all taxable property within the corporate limits of the Town of Agawam, Massachusetts upon each ' dollar assessed value thereof, taxes in the amount to be determined. 11. That. pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 59, Section 20B, Western Hampden. District Veterans' Service is autborized to exceed assessment limitation by $5,700 as Agawa.m's share. 1.2. Consideration of -.arrOng-over the Salary- Reserve Find balance to satisfy those. Union Contracts not completed .it the close of the f iscal �-ear. 13. Transfer kinds as available funds to reduce the '1991 tax rate to star within the guidelines of .PrcopoEition 2 1/2.,: Perry Lane Park Reimbursement 105 000 Annex Heat/Cool Carry-Over S 90,(100 !Mayor-Professional 'Consult.>>arry-Over S 1.281 C OA-:adult Day Care Carry-Over S 10,000 - Cite- Council - Temp.Salary � 2,500 14. Transfer S70,000 from Overlay Surplus to reduce the 1991 tars rate to stay within the guidelines of Proposition 2 1/2. 15. appropriate $161,516 from Stabilization Fund to purchase the followin, equipment: Police - Cruisers 5 ?0,000 Fire - Hose & Rescue Truck S 37,645 Library - Computer S 1,575 Mot.Veh.Maint. C=arage Tools Eq. $ 18, I50 Paris k Rec - Playground Eq. S 2,000 .t Bldg.Maint. - 1 Man Lift -k CuCt. Eq. S 9,400 Schools - Computers i Gen. Eq. S 55,110 4 Line Items - Office Equipment S '7,336 16. Transfer S100,600 from the Fiscal 1990 Reserve Fund to. the following accounts: DPW administration. Vehicles 5,600 Highway - Equipment S 95,000 17. Transfer $175,867 from Sanitation Sewer & Water Carry- Over Reserved as available Funds to Sanitation "Offset Receipts" to stabilize the sewer use rates. DATED THIS TWENTIETH DAY OF :DULY 1990. DER OF THE G W-AM TOWN COUNCIL Richard rind e, Pre Id` enti " Agawam Town Council C7AS TO FORM XD LEGALITY 0mas . Locke, Solicitor MAYORAL ACTIO Received this day of , 1990 by the Mayor's office from Council Clerk. NOT RECEIVED FROM COUNCIL CLERK . By the pow-exs vested in me pursuant to article 2, 4.ect.inn "-6 of the Agawam Cl rte , as : nded, I herehY arprove r,,assa.ae Of the .ahove legis on n thi NTfET d �' rf .DULY I99t}• ristapher Johns , Major IS:IPPROITAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers rested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of. the Agawam Charter, as amended. i hereby r Ito Hie passaire of the :�txove legislation on this day f , 1990 for the following reason{cl : m i - 4 Christopher C. Johnson. "Jivor RETURN OF I,I'_GTS ATION 1'O COUNCIL CLERK Returned by Mayor's Office to Council Clerk this TwFiNTY-THWa` of JULY 1990. /lam 1 A 5 �h UWA � E TT,199� FISCAL YEAR 1991 BUDGET - TOWN OF AGAWAM Pamsonnel Purchased Capital DEPARTMENT Services Services Supplies Ouelay TOTAL Council $36,540 $4,663 $150 $100 $41,455 Mayor $140,851 $1,000 $0 $0 $141,851 CAuditor lack $10S,819 $1,250 $0 $0 $107,069 $09,178. $5$0 $0 $0 $89,756 Treasurer Collector $106,531 $44,145 $0 $0 $150,676 $55,031 $340 $0 $0 $55,371 Assessm $119,375 $66,325 $0 $0 $195,700 Data Processing $64.273 $600 $0 $0 $64,873 Else. A Reg• $20,000 $500 $0, $0 $201500 Law -Admin. Bide. $40,1110 $1 8,975 $0 $15599,005 Police $1,895,895 $23A75 $44,1 $30,000 $1,993,370 Fire $1,662,272 $39,176 $ AGO $11YA45 $1.77?.393 Weighs A Moos. �'623 $275 $300 $0 $",1" Animal Control $24,171 $5.700 $475 $0 $30.346 Civil Dehnse $0 VAN $2.000 .$0 PAN BHealth Dept. eard of $181,631 $2,125 $303 $0 $187,431 Health Community boy. MA" $890 $2 0 $$00 $74� Bldg. inspeetoe $146." $300 $223 $0 $146,954 Bd. of Appeals $IDA" $200 $100 $0 $11,020 Library $311,2" $24AQ $70,100 $1,575 $407,392 Council on Aging $169,005 $60� $3 3% $3 0 $232,,5 55 DPW Admin. Engieeering $$89� $2,560 $3AS5 $0 $95.223 Highway& Grads $55511" $116,090 $307,890 $".M $1.Oo74,138 Wastewater $207,779 $1,541,563 $37,190 $33,900 $1.90 A22 Water $3751932 $1,041,761 $171,315 $33,%S $1,612,953 Motor Veh. Maine. $123,937 $01260 $189,?,50 $18,4.i'0 $v4,891 Solid Waste $0 $$41177,413 $0 $0 $B17AIS P rhs i Roe. $10SAn $41.9/0 $6AN � $2AN $136 Banding Mak*. $1,027,192 $784.840 $110AN $9A00 $13.508,500 Line items $6,164,949 CAPITAL BUDGET $0 $0 TOTAL $9,062,919 $4,834.433 113 13 $33AIZdIL., Water Fund $3731932 $1,041,761 $171,315 $23,%S $1,612,953 Sewer Puad $297,779 $1,3+L1,563 $37,1110 $33,900 .904A General Fund $7,$99,108 $2,236.111 $77SA20 $199a70 . TOTAL $8,06$819 $4,i39. '4Js ;9A4.113 SW AS $33,817,483