TR-90-23 5f 3 90 ee : %jn, �ovkccL CLP9AA)&L 4111g1j. 013L RESOLUTION TR-90-23 lb A Resolution Endorsing the Filing of Special Legislation Pertaining to Special Police Officers in the Town of Agawam MWHEREAS, The Town has studied the function and role of its Auxiliary Police Officers; and, WHEREAS, It is necessary that the duties of said Officers be modified to that of Special Police Officer; and, WHEREAS, In order to effectuate the changeover to Special Police Officer from that of Auxiliary Police Officer it is required that the Town file special legislation; NOW, THEREFORE, THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AGAWAM hereby votes to endorse the filing of special legislation pertaining to Special Police Officers in the Town of Agawam, DATED THIS DAY OF 71Snp _^, 1990. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL �. Richard S. Brindle, President -- -_ Agawam Town Council AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 90 home Locke, Solicitor czpd MAYORAL. ACTION eceived this day of Jima_ . - a 1990 from Council Jerk 10 APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION E� " the powers vested i;� Me pursuant t,� Article Section�.4 e _ ' the Agawam S ?--�s o Cho,rtes amended , 1 hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on th , bay f 1990 . i5tOc er C J. nson . Mayor pySAPOROVA' O= LEGISLATION Bv the powers vested in me pursuant to A-tic l££ _, Section 3-6 off' tns Agawam Charter , as amonded , l hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 19 for the following rea- sonfsi 10 -- 10 IFrh t.stopher G . J ohns❑n { Mayor- Ru "L'.RN OF LEG-l SL-47 I ON '>ru COUNCIL 01.ERt'.. Retu--ned to Counci I Clergy this Tjjrutipth _ day of _^ 7unp_ —. __• 1� 90