TR-90-26/ Q 1 -q o TOWN CLERK OFFICE b UAW�k- � . WO JUL 12 AN 15 �- 7R-90-26 t _ A RE.SOI.i1TION CU11F'IRMIIIiG THE APPOINTIEITT OF PATRICIA U"A N, 811 AMW STREET, FEEDIAG HILLS, MA, TO THE BEAUTIFICATION CQII WTTEE TO A TERM EXPIRM JAN[IARY 30, 1993 MOMS, a vacancy exists on the Beautification Committee; arid, WIEREAS, the Mayor has appointed Patricia Uschmann, 811 North Street, Feeding Hills, MA, to said committee with a term expiring January 30, 1993; and, AIUW, ARE, the Agawam Council resolves confirmation of the Mayor's appointment of Patricia Uschmann, 811 North Street, Feeding Hits, A144, to the Beautification Committee to a term expiring January 30, 1993. DATED THIS Ninth DAY OF July 1990. PER ORDER OF THE AGAMM COUNCIL 40 Richard S. Brindle. President Agawam City Council r r _y r r= APPROilEO AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY ~' ' S ke, City Solicitor /bun I MAYORAL AO'T I ON ceived this Ninth day of _ - July 1y90 *roam Councii Jerk ' APPROVAL OF LEG I FLAT I ON 1_,'y the ca rs vested in T,R pursuant to Article �� Section '-6 C" the Agawam a B --liYlei} d F ` pJLiL Y' cZ�]�1^�V the nessac3e c? the i b©V� le�-�ric.CIon C11�e t`i-E Nt ;� o y 90 hri aoher C R o ., son , ,Savor- ' Q I SAPF`ROVA'_ Q L G I SLAT I OAR B,s, the Dowers vested in me Pursuant- to Ai^ticle 3. Section ?-6 of the Agawam C h;-= +per. as amer;ded , I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation anthis da.Y of 19 for the following rea-- hr?.Ttooher C. ,Inhnsc)r,, 111avar F.ETUF`r I nw.. AEG:SL.A� I nt,_ CCtLtt�IC^I O' ER,:.. 1-� ..C1L1:r'�� _ Cler'i:' tti3z day O� s