TR-90-38 1 TR-9i?rj$ A RFSWfflON 0QIIF'IRUBC THE APPOIN7MW OF RUTH E. ZUCCO, 52 RONLEY SIREET, AGAYM, MA, TO THE H ihlIS7MICAL C WSSION 10 A TTM EXPIRIAG JANI UARY 1, 1993 1 WHEREAS, a vacancy exits on the Historical Commission; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor has appointed Ruth E. Zucco, 52 Rowley Street, Agawam, MA , to said committee with a term expiring January I, 1993; and, NOW, THEREFORE, the Agawam Council resolves confirmation of the Mayor's appointment of Ruth E.. Zucco, 52 Rowley Street, Agawam, Ma, to the Historical Commission to a term expiring January 1, 1993. DATED THIS FIFTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1990., PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM COUINCIL Richard rind e President �'� ��yy�, A . Agawam City Counci i C.0 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Mmk7homalt, S. , Solicitor qW7b= MAYORAL ACTION beceived this day of r 19 from Council J erk . ' APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article Z, Section 3-6 cif the Agawam ' Char n r as amendea .. I hereby approve the pa, sage Of the above legislation on thi day f SEPTEI 19 . ris,toph r C. J neon , Mayor DISAPPROVAL O= LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article =, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended , I hereby vets the passage of the above legislation an this day of , 19 for the fcllowing rea- sonfs? : hristopher C. Johnson , Mayor R 'T. URA! Cc LEG-I SLAT I DKI TO COUNCIL ICL EP#=..RLmt=ned to Council Clerk tray 'SFVFNTH day of 1''J{] 0 v 1