TR-91-24 Sj 119t cc: Jw)c)C�roGZ 1 C91-11- RESOLUTION #TR-91-24 �[� l A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF FRANK MEAGHER, 34 SUNSET TERRACE, FEEDING HILLS, MA TO THE ARTS & HUMANITIES COUNCIL TO COMPLETE AN UNEXPIRED TERM EXPIRING MAY 1 , 1992 . 1 ' WHEREAS, A vacancy currently exists on the Arts & Humanities Council; and ' WHEREAS, The Mayor has appointed Frank Meagher, 34 Sunset Terrace , Feeding Hills, MA to said Council to complete an unexpired term expiring May 1 , 1992 ; NOW THEREFORE , THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL resolves confirmation of the Mayor' s appointment of Frank Meagher, 34 Sunset Terrace, Feeding Hills, MA to the Arts & Humanities ' Council to complete an unexpired term expiring May 1 , 1992. DATED THIS Third DAY OF June 1991. ' PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL t Edward A. Caba, President Agawam Town Council APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Thomas S. Locke , Solicitor (n a r:l MAYORAL ACTION Received this 'twenty-third day of May 1991 ' from Town Council Clerk. ' APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3. Section 3- 6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this Fourth day of J e 1991 . ' Chr opher C. J on. Mayor DI APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3. Section 3- 6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended. I hereby veto the ' passage of the above legislation on this day of 1991 for the following reason( s) : Christopher C. Johnson, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLA ION TO COUNCIL CLERK ' Returned to Council Clerk this F,.,,rj-h day Of Jiinc- __ 1991 . ' /ID A