TR-91-33 0 - L) C LL AUG CO - o ti, 00 ;+ ,-S nr, r: In norm WE _1-In Ot r 'own l',runc'. . . has r_^ns ,; 0n r;� s ci Sew .cue u l l�.rla - , �oa anc ;,;HF(EIiW , .:c-2iS n a C C f a. e Ir t3'n _.=1i'' TG EdSet!en#.fi `O (ln'• l_ 1„i7 - ` rifAl: "5 K �laxec�_ }; ia�rc• . .. %�, ,__ r .. - . ..c .�r nr .,,�,.0 ��. , _cul'arly escrined as fallows: r.f -aing fray, Cr.,ncrc ' _ oun . - , the northwest rnrne oC and PdjF Dt Aqr `,,ark Inc. sale. T)oint being located in the norther_�_y sideline of Main Street . thence, ' . S ,9 3_ *o er f l*y-S=X (256.00) feet along northe2l-7 °iLe' ine of ._$?.i1 S rC�` to a "]o2n�. P11Cfri 1'i �� - rj� �],� N sight ai`lndred seven.y two and t-hi-ty-nine : undreciths (8721.39) f~'et zo the ' ;zoint of heginnina on soli c)ler=y s-a--line of s7:'c narc�,l to _ scr-..a0C..: 1 3211cP, Ti 39 - { ?" ! = ry-t :mac^ and. ` v8nty-«- cnr :1L]rrdreclt115 (53.78) z,_et to a aoin Thence, S 75 7, two fifty-nne Tic: t is=y-rwo :� ly undredths (25i.32) feet ro a point, sale din._- being alone the southe'. sideline of an existing =6-foot wire sanitary sewer �tasemerifi,•' ' "hence, > 49 -59`00" V on !,undre6. forty--sever', ;ana eighty hundredths Px 39 ' - Vf one llune.r;.cd fifty-one and `=fey hundredths �nc� contain nq .3,120.3 square f1 er of _,end. —,,-Arc>at �, ,d. .._ . n. ' A ` 3�JO' ' " C'7T1S_ "?lr* ^,1,- - c;vne�; s =, *17rrs g��a G,} OI► ,eu ��r n�j Sub-sta izia1 Crx,,' v -or r7t 'ynst_ .c..!,or, on the Westf_c .._:Ter _'-'1.rn? 4'ac7C'n Z�.. -.Ie so,,- ti_m.11.."OSe t Storl_ncr r.-IlcI",orl a.si'CFSS to i.?'' 'Testa geld -LVi: ''l'm S-ar, --'OBE ?J& 1 i C 1 i:r t;eSCr I J C kp5 i0 E 10515 1 �r0C,.`'r na Y r)a a:nt nr .-4 :Lnnang as --n ParceY No. a.,iove (,.n )ZOT.zbe 'ir r';3_ :i= ter SaI -safC2i '4 .be e`eScr_."eC; t hence, one un(:r� fifty-one and f if ty hundred-1 as :'.t.nC r2C _ c'�n anc� 2? -it ,-JU riE :.v:hS .y, ..ri1 tL'l1Crli1,7— Xi —rltn6 :11}I1L7 fI.L:IS feet -n thence, S 75 -.33" f Lf fou): nd ninet11_5I.X "auridiZedths (Sg.961��: feet to a point, said vane heinq along the southerly side'llinc of an exis'--_nq 1-6-foot wide san�_tary ,sewer easement;, thence, S 39 -14'-35" 7, fifty.-three and seventy-eight huhdredthz (53.781 feet to =_.e -point of :ieginninq; . and conta.ininq 28,044.3 sauar feet of 1 A permanent easement for drains, sanitary sewer,., water Train ana Marled. Utilities and driveway passage of vphicies and foal traffic J.n onion frith the Grantor and :)eing more artirularly described as follows: Froceedinq front a concrete bound y_n z} a northwest corner;of 11-ands of Agri-dark,. Inc. as descrahed in Parcel No. 1, thence, S 39'-1V- -3" , two: hundred and seventeen (217.00) feet to the point of .beginning. Said point of beainninq 'being on the northerly sideline of -.n Street. �+ thence, N 50 -t,5 1 y one hundred (100.00) feet to a. faint; ' ,leucc Pl 55 7 throe hundred ten and ninety-three hvnc zdtns (310.93) feet to a'point; thence, S 50 -4.5'-27" W four hundred ten (41f) 00) feet to:'a . ointr y thence, Id .39 -14'-33)" W twenty-four (24.00) feet to the point of )eginninq, said course being Mona the lorther?y sideline. of said =. in Street: and containing 6,120.0 square feet. of land. Parcel Nn. 4 A wernan[ent emen, tof dr'_-. :ewav nr7nos?5 I]G Tor =side of vehicles and foot traffic in f"fl;;'mon with me i= orator 'ne be'1.na more n arr- [''.:_-cri v Aescr bed S r -lows: . roceeding, from a cone"'"~ oaund 'n the nar 0wes vorner•%f land N ' if kg i "f 0 tic. ?S described in Parcel c No 1 a cr ` 39 114'- 13" f two : indred fifty - x 1256.60) i "cr r7 a ?Qnt onCf the norrherly sideline of Hain Vreer , thence, 1 00 Y-27ec 1 Six hundrefl twenty and ninety-one hundredths 020.91) V r to a 3oinz, thence S 39 -7' 9" 14ifteen e .115.001 i.c_ `f. 71c v-inr ,i. i=ACT iS: =afr Vence N 50 - &' - 7" 1 sixty K0.00) feet to a ioint- ' thenc ., 31 -17' .a" ;venT (10.00) feet to a uoint; ' Vence, 50 7` -37" +st}ty-''" `Fe (95 .00) f- ' "Na ' A Dermanent . asement thirzy feet . in width fear sanitary sewer, water pains and other buried utilities and a is-foot wide right of way for dirt way purposes and for vassa;e of -F,hinles and foot ..traffis in common vi?th the Grantor being; ,nnre particularly eescribed as follows: Proceedinq from a concrete 'pound in .the norKwest corner of lands of iN/F Agri- `ark, Tnc. as described in Parcel No 1, S 39 -W-33". E two ■ iond..red fifty-six (256.00) .feet to `:za Doint of -:,g nninn. Sain point of eginninC; beind in the norther .y sideline of Main Street. ' thc2nrp ; H 50 -45'-27" T nine ?undreh thilt-een (173.) feat `S r or less to the northeasterly and of ` e existing 30-foot sanitary sewer o sement, . said course being along Lhe center --'one of _at-existing 30-foot drain and common Sewer easement; and containing 27, 390.0 square feet of land. DATED THIS SIXTH DAY OF 1991 PER ORDER 0- THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCI Edgard A. Cana, ?resident .Agawam "own Council AP OVF, AS FORD AN LEGALITY 1 ' '!`homas S Loci Town Solicitor _ 1 ?MAYORAL ACTION Received this NIA day of 1991 1 from Town Council Clerk. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION 1 By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3 , Section 3-- 6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended , I hereby approve the passag � f the above legislation on this Seventh day of Au ust , 1991 . Christophe C . 3 ns n, Mayor 1 DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3- 6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the 1 passage of the above legislation on this day of 1991 for the following reason ( s) : 1 1 Christopher C . Johnson, Mayor LRETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK ' Returned to Council Clerk this Seventh day of August 1991 . i 1