TR-91-42 OIL �' Vrw V �iXrL�l1C ?ESOL. TICN. OPP � +1 Ic" '; ' ution Aaonc-.na -n Order of Public Notice nor the � :^er_dina assessment of t1._. cost o� th,e aiswell -Hill' Water ?U4 zCj StW-�on 'Project benefi ting property owners within the servic� I3 �. d arW-a -A I A, --�:;E4 .-:is pressure improvement pro ject . • whereas the Pla_nninq Board has approved de.velovment -.lans Tor oropertiWs on Liswell i1�; .and, ' Whereas , portions of these cevel'oDmerts are . 1pg�ated above he elevat'on of 27.0 feet above mean sea level ;. end,, . Whereas : -unic ordinance ~equsres a oressure" _.,� )roverent system :7rcv-.ded -e= .. and above elevation 270 -�V -_,P r:j,a_r_r system; and, r Whereas , the ordinance r--t +er provides that the full: _csts of a vressure _ _)rovement system including construction, �ngineerinc, =nspecLion, admin4stration, operation., maintenance and depreciation be assesseii against pendfiting property; and, Whereas , the Town Council has appropriated a sum of $318 , 500 for the design and construction. of the Liswell Hill - Water Pumping Station; Now, therefore, the Town Council of the Town_ of Agawam ereby votes to adopt the following order: M Ordered, that, it being necessary* for ubl c -^onvenwence' public health and public welfare , a water numni-ng station be constructed to serve the Liswell Hill Pressure improvement Service Area, as shown on a map (cansisti.tq of sheets) entitled: CNI " Town of, Agawam Massachuseit.s Department of Public Works Liswell Hill Pressure Improvement Service Area Scale: 1" = 1000 ' Date: June 1991 That said water pumping station be designed and . constructed in a manner acceptable to the Agawam Department of Public Works; That the Department of Public ...Works is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of the Liswell Hill Water Pumping Station; 'Mat proport�ona= art :._ -ae cost of "esaa~ .<q and constructing rhe water pumping .station a.s we = as the r,_,ture cost of ^oerat:�ro and maintaininq --e-dater pumpi rg staty om and depreciation. �e assessed 'upon owners of serviced ro'ae.:w., Taytnir t o service area..-�=suart to and by �,_rtue -44 e,e,i,^a::ces o€ *_he T'ow f Agawam: That t^e est_mated .ssessment on each individual dwelling or business or notential +.anit is Four Thousand Niner.y Sever Dollars and _ irty Seven Cents (4 , 097 . 57) . That within t^irts• t 3N days after the adoption .of this Order, the Torn is 'nereby. ordered to 4ertity. and record a copy nereot together with the aforementior;ed olar_ ;_n t he .-amnden ( ounty Registry of Deeds. DATED THIS ELEVENTH DAY OF OCTOBER ri 1 r PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Edward A. Caba, President APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY - c omas ake, Sa7i MAYORAL ACTION Received this Seventeenth day of October 1991 from Town Council Clerk. ' APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3- 6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this Seventewth day of 09toper 1991 . ristoph f C. nson, Mayor IISAPPROVAId OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3. Section 3- 6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended. I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 1991 for the following reason(s) t Christopher C . Johnson, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK ' Returned to Council Clerk this Seventeenth day of October 1991 . ' Im 1 Islar■lassos ��.?itt•.""��-t•_tlt. rya ■ �+ "NMI JSUES1111■�11/ JOT.WAS MEN `4gpgx-i4�111 ��re■ lied Ems oil IN r_r ZgAiJA Lfo All s ,E ;* to Ewa am r� r1� cif .■■■■ WI. � � *ram ■•��ft11�M't���! man f� rir����■rrrrR • ��