TR-93-6 TR-93-6 � 151 6 A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE CONTI UED OPERATION OF WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS HO PITAL Sponsors : Councilors Nancy E. Gravel , R.N . & Joanne H . Willis & Gary C, Suffriti WHEREAS, Western Massachusetts Hospital has provided significant health care to people from across the Commonwealth since, n the hospital ' s inception in 1911 as a tuberculosis .0 w sanatorium; and = ' WHEREAS, Western Massachusetts Hospital q provides unique and � :�- appropriate care for populations unable to be served in t either the acute, long term or home care sectors; and WHEREAS , Western Massachusetts Hospital provides programs dedicat�eP to palliative care, Alzheimer 's disease, long term coma patients, chronic illness care, and neuromuscular Zn degenerative disease; and ' WHEREAS, These services are currently provided to seventy-eight patients by a staff of 181 full-time health professionals ' and 102 part-time employees; and WHEREAS, Western Massachusetts Hospital is fiscally sound in its operation and posted 1992 net earnings of $358, 045; and IPWHEREAS, The Department of Public Health has an obligation to maintain the dignity of its patients and to provide a stable ' environment for their care. NOW, THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council does hereby resolve to ' support the continued operation of Western Massachusetts Hospital at its current level of service, to oppose its closing on June 30, 1993, and to inform the governor, its state senator, its state representative, and the Commissioner of ' Public Health of said resolve. DATED THIS SIXTH DAY OF APRIL , 1993. PER ORDER OF THE AG AM CITY COUNCIL 9A70 3 .lames 'fay lor resident J8 �, OkoYL rp APPR S O FORM AND LEGALITY �c _ o 7 C3? e!�2 C Q - 001 D �� mas S. e, Solicitor �r, ti Dofx rr� co . �`- MAYORAL ACTION N/A Received this day of , 1993 from Town Council Clerk. (SIGNED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT APRIL 6, 1993) APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this SIXIH. day of ARIL —► 1993 . risto her—A. John Mayor I PROVAL OF LEG SLAT ON ' By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage 'of the above legislation on this day of 1993 for the following reason(s) : 1 ' Christopher C. Johnson, Mayor RETURN OF !ZGISLATIOPI TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this SEVENTH day of APRIL ► 1993 . L FA AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET L. ;f. AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 1 f. April 8, 1993 i PERSONALIZED FETTERS SENT TO: PRESIDENT Southwick Board of Selectmen Jaws D.Taylor West Springfield Board of Selectmen Westfield City Council VICE-PRESIDENT Springfield City Council George Bitzas Holyoke Board of Aldermen Northampton City Council. COUNCILORS Walter A.Balboni Richard S.Brindle Dear Mr . Chairman : Edward A.Caba Thomas J.Ennis,Jr, Western Massachusetts Hospital has provided JessieD.Fuller vital health care services to people throughout the NancyE. Gravel Commonwealth and, in particular, to the people of Louis J.Russo Western Massachusetts . We must inform the Weld ' Gary E.Su}J-riti administration that to close this facility is not Joanne H. Willis in the best interests of the citizens of Western Massachusetts . COUNCIL CLERK Ursula Retzler Enclosed is a copy of a resolution in support of the continued operation of Western Massachusetts TELEPHONE Hospital . This resolution was adopted unanimously (4I3) 786-0400 by the Agawam City Council at its regular meeting Extension233 of April 5, 1993 . It is our hope that your city council or board of selectmen will also consider ' passing a similar resolution. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 1 ' ,lames D. Taylor City Council President CC: For Agawam Council ' FA TOWN OF AGAWAM AS 01% 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 Ted. 413-786-0400 � spy �4TFU arm,. l¢�c z.A,` ' April 8, 1993 A d , The Honorable Argeo Paul Cellucci State House Boston, MA 02133 Dear Lieutenant Governor Cellucci : Western Massachusetts Hospital has provided vital health care services to people throughout the Commonwealth and, in particular, to the people of western Massachusetts . To close this facility is not in the best interests of the citizens of western Massachusetts or the rest of the Commonwealth. ' Enclosed is a copy of a resolution in support of the continued operation of Western Massachusetts Hospital . This resolution was adopted unanimously by the Agawam City Council at its regular meeting of April 5, 1993. ' Thank you for your consideration. 1 Sincerely, tJames D. Taylor Christop er C. hnson Council President Mayor L :61 S i UAV wK! C' �-4 L/,l-J G L '` t'�1 V FA AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET Jt AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 ... ... A7'EQ MP April 15, 1993 ' PRESIDENT Dear Fellow Councilors: JamesD. Taylor As you are aware, the Weld administration has announced today that VICE-PRESIDENT Western Massachusetts Hospital will remain open and continue George Bitzas operation. I would again like to thank each of you for your support of TR-93-6.As a legislative body the Agawam City Council took a COUNCILORS leadership role in resolving to support the continued operation of Walter A.Balboni Western Massachusetts Hospital. Richard S.Brindle Edward A. Cuba A Weld administration source stated that arca legislators were Thomas J.Ennis,Jr. instrumental, in convincing Weld and Cellucci that the hospital Jessie D.Fuller plays a unique role in serving the Western Massachusetts region. NancyE. Gravel The Agawam City Council was the only municipal legislative body Louis J.Russo to initiate and pass a resolution supporting Western Mass. Gary E.Suffriti Hospital. The Council's comitment to the health care needs of Joanne H.Willis Western Massachusetts is one to make us all feel proud. Thank you again. COUNCIL CLERK Ursula Retzler TELEPHONE Sincerely, Extension 233 I E. Gravel, M.S., R.N. Councilor 1 C0MMON\NF—ALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS S MASSAGHUSET75 SENATE o STATE HOUSE, BOST0N 02133-1053 svB SENATOR UNDA J. MELCONIAN COMMITTEES: l ST HAMPDLt1 DISTR}CT SENATE WAYS AND MEANS ROOM 213E3, STATE HOUSE (ASST. VICE CHAIR) TEL (617)722-1660 INSURANCE(CHAIR) ---- Ju DICIARY(VICE CHAIR) 1 DISTRICT 0mcc STATE AUM)NISTRAT)ON (VICE CHAIR) 375 WALNUT STREET EXT. POST AUDIT AND OVERSIGHT AGAWAM,MA 0 100 1 TEL-. (413)756-6033 April 13, 1993 James D. Taylor, Council President ' Town of Agawam 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 `Dear Mr. T or: This i to acknow dge the receipt of your letter and a copy of the resolution in support of the continued operation of Western Massachusetts Hospital. I am committed to keeping the Western Massachusetts Hospital open. I am well aware of the excellent work the hospital staff provides and the importance of maintaining this facility to service the needs of citizens of Western Mass. I have expressed my deepest concerns to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor as well as working with all my colleagues to prevent the closing of Western Massachusetts Hospital. Finally, Senator Shannon O'Brien and I sponsored legislation to stop the closure or consolidation of this facility. Please be assured that I will work with the other members of the Western Massachusetts Delegation to do whatever is necessary to keep the hospital open now and in the future. With best wishes, sincer , 1 } L A J. MELCONIAN State Senator LJM/gd 1 4cc ; c c�AlvC!L� ' FA TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 Tel. 413-786-0400 ' p�p�ATEO MP�1 April 22, 1993 The Honorable Linda J . Melconian State House Room 21.3B Bostort, MA 02133 Dear Senator MelGoniall. rThe citizens and public officials of the 'Town of Agawam would like to extend our sincerest appreciation for your assistance in influencing the governor ' s decision to keep the Western Mas:sachusetl.s Pospital open. This facility has provider] vital health care services to people khroughout the Commonwealth and, in particular, to the people of western Massachusetts . Thank ywt again for your help. ' Sincerely, amps D . Taylor it istaph X C. Soh ison ' Council President Mayor ' CC: A awant City Council OF AG,q TOWN 4F AGAWAM 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHusE rs mom Tel. 413-786-0400 April 22 1993 i The Honorable Michael P . Walsh State House Room 472 Boston, MA 02133 Dear Representative Walsh : 'fife citizens and public officials of the Town of Agawam would like to extend our sincerest appreciation for your assistance in influencing the governor 's decision to keep Lhe Western lassachusetts Ho:3p!tal open. This facility has provided vital health care services to people throughout ' the Corn1110nwnalth MIJ, in par.ticctlar, to the people of western Massachusetts . Thank you again for your help . Sincerely, amps D. Taylor JMayor h 'rC. J hnson Council President CC: Agawam City Council pF A� At TOWN OF AGAWAM i' T. 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACIIUSET I"S m01 Tel. 413-786-0400 0,���ATED MPS, April 22, 1993 The Honorable Argeo Paul cellucc.i State House Boston, MA 02133 Dear bjeutenaK Governor Cnllucc_i : The citivens and public officials of the Town of Agawam would like to extend onr sincerest appreciation for your and the governor ' s decision to keep the Western Massachusetts Hospital open . This facility has provided vital health care services to people throughout the Commonwualth onO, in particular, to the people of western ' Massachusetts . Thank you again for your consideration . ' Sincerely, James D. Taylor Chr. istoph .r C. J hnson Council President Mayor CC: Agawam City Council FA TOWN OF AGAWAM it. 36 MAIN STIIEET AGAWAM, MASSACI-IUSETTS 01001 q' Tel. 413-786-0400 April 22, 1993 His Excellency William F . Weld Executive Chamber State }}ouse Heaton, MA 02133 Dear Governor Wald ; The citizens and public officials of the Town of Agawam would like to extend our sincerest appreciation for your decision to keep L-he Western Massachusetts Hospital open . This facility Has provider] vital health care services to people throughout the Commonwealth and, in ' particular, to the people of western Massachusetts . Thank you again for your consideration . Sincerely, James D. Taylor iristophe C . ohi son Council president Mayor ' CC: Agawam City Council MICHAEL P. WALSH Chairman 3RD HAMPDEN DISTRICT Committee on P.O. BOX 160 Government Regulations AGAWAM, MA 01001 TEL. 768-4545 ROOM 472, STATE HOUSE TEL.722.21 20 April 26 , 1993 ' Mr. ,James D. Taylor, President Agawam City Council 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 Dear Councilor Taylor, I am writing to acknowledge the resolution sent to my office by the City Council regarding Western Massachusetts Hospital . As you know, on April 15 the Weld Administration reversed its previous proposal to close the hospital . I believe that this reversal came about as a result of an intelligent, comprehensive, and united effort of hospital supporters, workers, local community leaders, and the Western Massachusetts legislative delegation. We can all take great pride in changing Governor Weld' s mind and maintaining Western Massachusetts Hospital which is so vital to the delivery of quality health care in our area. ' Please thank the Council for voicing this concern to me relative to this matter. Sincerely, i ' MICHAEL P . WALSH State Representative ' MPW/cf GI . t `'-;, �' I' THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS " EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT 0 STATE HOUSE • BOSTON 02133 WILLIAM F. WELD GOVERNOR ARGEO PAUL CELLUCCI LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR May 4, 1993 . James D. Taylor, President Agawam City Council Town of Agawam 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 Dear City Council President Taylor: Thank you for your letter and the copy of the recent resolution passed by the Agawam City Council concerning the proposal to close Western Massachusetts Hospital. Since the announcement of the proposal to close Western Massachusetts Hospital in January, Lieutenant Governor Cellucci and I have received hundreds of telephone calls and letters concerning this matter. After visiting the hospital in early April, and carefully reviewing the issues, I have decided that the hospital should remain open and its focus be redirected to meet preventive care objectives. This decision was based, in part, on a recognition of the significance of the hospital to Western Massachusetts residents and the importance of the role it continues to play in the region. Again, thank you for writing to convey the thoughts and concerns of the people you represent. Sincerely, William F. Weld