TR-94-20 Of U co CLL Cc - iL A9 Ce - O-L�f r� �SULUTION AUTHORIZING A LOAN ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $1.1)650,000 FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY ON MAIN STREET; THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW FIRE HEADQUARTERS; AND c.a THE ACQUISITION OF A NEW FIRE PUMP TRUCK WHEREAS, Fire Station No. 3 which is located at 35 Elm Street in Agave# Ois constructed in 1917 to house fire apparatus which were drawn by horses; and a% _, WHEREAS, Fire Station No. 3 was constructed utilizing balloon construction which causes the building to sway and shake on windy days; and WHEREAS, Fire Station No. 3 lacks adequate space to store modern fire apparatus and 1 equipment; and WHEREAS, Fire Station No. 3 lacks adequate ventilation, kitchen facilities and bathroom facilities; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Fire Department is also in need of a newer more modem fire pump truck to provide adequate fire protection for the residents of Agawam and Feeding Hills; and WHEREAS, the newest fire pump truck that is employed by the Agawam Fire Department was acquired in 1983, and the oldest was acquired in 1965; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to acquire property on Main Street to build a new fire headquarters and to acquire a new modern fire pump truck; and NOW THEREFORE, the AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL hereby resolves to authorize the following: That One Million Six Hundred FiftyThousand $1650,000.00 Dollars is hereby { ) Y appropriated for the following municipal purposes: l The acquisition of the land with buildings thereon known as the following: ( � �1 g g Parcell: Land with buildings thereon located at 792 Main Street in Agawam (Assessor's Map K9-2-1-7:).which is more particularly described on Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and further described as PARCEL ONE in a deed dated December 12, 1989 and recorded in the Hampden County Registry of' Deeds at Book 7346, Page 285(See also PARCEL ONE in a deed dated November 26, 1983 and recorded in the Hampden County Registry of Deeds at Book 5538, Page 514). Parcel- : Land with buildings thereon located on Main Street in Agawam (Assessor's Map K9-2-15)which is more particularly described on Exhibit B which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and further described as PARCEL TWO in a deed dated December 12, 1989 and recorded in the Hampden County Registry of Deeds at look 7346,Page 285 (See also PARCEL TWO in a deed dated November 26, 1983 and recorded in the Hampden County Registry of Deeds at Book 5538, Page 514). Parr&L3: Land with buildings thereon located at 798 Main Street in Agawam (Assessor's Map K9-2-16) which is more particularly described on Exhibit C. which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and further described in a deed dated July 20, 1993 and recorded in the Hampden County Registry of Deeds at Book 8498,Page 272(See also deed dated December 10, 105 and recorded in,the Hampden County Registry ' of Deeds at Book 4211, Page 376).; and (2) The design; construction and equipping of a new fire headquarters on said property; and 3 The acquisition of a new fire um truck. ( ) � pump Further that pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 7, Subsections(3) and (9), the Treasurer with the approval of the Mayor is hereby authorized to incur debt in the amount of One Million Six Hundred Fifty Thousand ($1,650,000.00) Dollars to meet said appropriation, Dated this 2 n d day of August 1994. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL ' a . Taylor, President Agawam Town Council APPROVED AS TO FORM.AND LEGALITY - Thom m "Solicitor, i APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Home Rule Charter, as amended, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation (TR-94-24) on this second day of August, 1994. r Christopher . Joh so Mayor r ' EXHIBIT A ��i..1.I.'I Pf6 111Y1� VJ r KNOW ALI, HAN UY 'IIIrSY f'RUMNTS, That f, RICHARD prA(:I[ of flan+pde+, County,lt(nsmaclrttaotta, for conoWernUmi held, IrtthenxtaUntof Niltr'TT-TtIRErs T110)SANU mitt= IIUNIU I7 TUIRTY-TflttrC',ond oulloo Uollore irrantto R. 71ALCOLlr Wif,CUX, of 2+1 Lirvellyss Oviva, Wes, flelJ; 11nmpJan County,- :slid H. SCOTT WiLCUX, of Cedar Late, Werts-f[eld, liumpdeu, County, liBsavchusetts, ns tersrrnta In coto,Baa, (Ills„+y r•Irl,t, title and interest ' 1 �ll4t quitclstSm Covenant,, PARCEL UNC the Isu+d Its ACAWAN, 11111iq,t)et, Comity, IFrsnnchu,etts, hotrrided and described a$ rat 1pM61 - Ifeglotr,Iits lit Is pal„t In tftc Ucstrrly I lac OF 7Aslit ntreat do-scribed no isenrtnr S. Ili° ii' }U w. sin ld pit lstt belt+, tlrrea louridreJ twenty-f[ve and 1011UU (3I5.ID) teat 5o lit I,crIy tncrr.,uretl l,y sultl line from sr drill hole marking the Northerly tertBlnus of said coarse, salt,- potrit of beelristing belnr, also the 5vtsthentiterly corner of moat slow or lors,tarly of.one Cnrdorse Brij ruooaing thence 5. lit" I I(1" W. nlorig tlse Westrrly line of Ilnln Street fifty (50) feet to the Wertl+eneterly currier of l«rnl now or n tuttnetly of vile Wel,nter,- thence 0. 71U 1+2' 30" W. by Inat nnntetl Itiod otte W bVisdred twenty-neve,o (t27) feet to tale Nurthwent corker or InttJ ndw o'r•Is , n (ormarty of said Webster; thetrce 5. Ili 17, 30" W. rtlo►tg th,- rlesterly .n ll,+e of Innd now or rors+,erly of anld Webster 11110) lButl stew or rorooerly .91 y one fond two Inu,drcJ twe++t•y-nlac nrid 711/1Ut) (729.711) rent to Int,d now br rqi (vro,erly of or the Arnwom Cc+„ctery Assoc lntlonf theme S. 04" 12'- Ju" 11- Z along Innd now or lonnerly of snit Agowout (:c+netery Assoelotron vote . 6tntdred rorty-five and 03/1UO (Ii,5•U3) featl thence N. 3° 35' 30" B. to BIB,% Innd now or iorr,serly of gold Agnwo,n Cemetery Assoclatlon (rso) w feet to a brown stoste bound; thence N. lit° 17' 30" it. nlong Innd °c conveyed to the trl.rst asoptist Church or Agawnm. Nnsavclsusetts by deed , dated July 2, 1937, recorded In Miftq,drn County Registry or ueeds lit 69ok tell 2553. I'(1ge 781, three hundred thirty-one And WIN (331.+12) feet to on 4 fruit plri; thence N. 73° 60, C. nlnrr}; snitl lost uamej Innd all, huujreJ rn seventy-three stood WIN (173.7(E) feet to lre+sj now of (armerly at ; c Natereao L. Cnrdone et el , tJ+eotce 5. 100 17' AP W. vlong land slow or a (orr+serly of, said Cartlone, one hunilred tl+irty (130 feat,- and thence S. 71° 62" 311" C. along said Innd slow or ror+nerly of Cartlone one hundred twenty-seven (127) feel to the place of lic;;i+onlrig• h . I'ARCE1, TWO Certolri real estate situated [u Agawput, ttawl+tttts County, lb6sacl,vsette, bounded Bud described its follows, ' Ile lsu+lng lit a stone bol+„ n d o the Westerly glile or Ratio Street at On g Nortltgvsterly corner of land now or formerly of the Aeawam Cemetery Assoclntion anj runBtnp, thence S. oa° 12' 30" W. vlong sold lost noased lurid one hundred thirty-alne.prtJ I M UO (139.11) Ieetl thence running 15, 17' 30" C. along Innd now or forn,frly of Clifford V- fond et al vile huadrad tiolrty-six stood 76/I00 (13f,.76) (eet to iat+d nou or formerly of George_Webster, Jr. formerly of Agriwnm ruterprine+ Inc. I thence runnlnbs 5:"11'V lr2' JU" last anme,l Inn) uric fsus,drad twenty-severs (III) (eet to !Into+ Street; the++ce_"tti,is1118% S. Ill o 11' Jul' W. nlong snlJ #'falls Street eighty (00) feet to Elm .Irldce or ItcPlrr+tlug. 1 RFMC the susne premlaes miveyeJ to the grnootvra l+ereln by Jeed of Curroflu u. i'UNU nosd CllltiSTiNr w. l'ONf7 dated November 26, 1403 and recorded Is, Itnsnpdea county itegtstry or beans I,, hook 5530, enga Sill, ��► r'I ri , • )( Hat 06 x N ,` a W _ e �xr311 PAR 2a6 ' witness,..my....band and seal this....... Sidned,scaled and delivered In the LrescncQ of N 4:14M1k43 U. IWAVIt ......................... ........................ ....................................... .+....... ............................................ .... .................................I................ ................... ........................ . 1...... .. ... ..... .... ..........•.........4.............�. , ............................................. ................ ....................... ................... .............................. ......................... ...... ................. TIM, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSAMUSLTTS I lantl:dctt,ss. 'b(amo A 19$Q " Z�hettpersartnlir npptarc{1 the aUovc nnukcd Iticlmrd U.. 14eoeh and lick no:ricdced like fntcgohig Inslnu eoll Io be tots tree act end deed,Wore Ins RECEIVED UGC ��19a9 LP " I u61k nt .Q M Comnlsun" n et Icts 73 ar�,4���I�t fIlfE 4%J;CI.gA� T c p4),51 We, CLIFFORD U. NOV and C111kl!,T1NF; W. i'ONIi, htraband and wife, both of .Lnkel.ancl, folic County, deride , t•lx 61DtroFn ilnssesclutftrli� IV rpnp{,{crnilnn paid. - - . Iali.lno.a,u.inl r1F1'y-rivr 1'110USAri11 and 001100 3SS.000.001 ,DOLLARS nrnntin R. MALCOLM WILCOX of 29 Llowellyn Urlve, W¢stEleld, 11omPJen I County, NifniicltiiiretCs; N. SCUTT WL4COR of Cedar Lone, WestfLelld, s Ila,pden County, Q.,-BEACH of 26 Jo+eph Menue, Westfield, FiampJen Cotrirty,'ilnzsncliusatt9, no tenmtCs In ' 1 conmron } hlih Wn,rnrdy Corenenln J PARCEL ONE: like land lit A�awnm, Ilntnptlen County, Massncicv"ettb, bounded sod described as Dhows! Begintitng at a pp tnt' in the Westerly ltne of Hain Street denerlbed as beartng S. 18 17' 30" W., Slott; point being three ItundreJ . I twenty-five and 18/100 (375.10) feet Southerly maa*ured by said line from a drill hole ,nprktrrg the Hortl,ariy teraslous of sold course, said point of beginning, belna otoo the Southeasterly caper ' Of land now or taro-arly of one COKdOsle and running trenee(�S.) 18 11' 301• W. along 'tile Weste lin rly e of llatn'Str Q eet fifty """' feet I to the Horths;sterly corner of land now oT (orinorly of one•Wtf ebster;- 1 thence H. 71 42' 30" W. by last nmmerl land one hundred twenty- seven t1271 feet to the Norvtltwest career of land slow or formerly of said Uersterl thence S. 18 17' 30" la. along the Westar,ly Line of r ' tend now formed at sald Webster and land tie., Of formerly of u ona Pond two hundred twenty-rune loud 7BI100 C l2 T6)• (tat to lent I e now or formerly of the Agnwnn Cemetery AasoCL�on, thence 5. 84 12' 30" W. along land now or (ortnerly' )f geld A swam Gesaetery y Asso�latlon lone hundCnd forty-five anti 07l100 tSa.O]) fret' thence H H. 3 35, 301, E. alon land now or formerly of call Agawam &metgry n Association forty (4 feet to a brown stone bound; thewve H. 18 y_ 17' 30" E. nlong land eanveyed to the rlrst Bappclot CbuSxlt of Agawam, N .o cltvsetts by deed dated Jnlrr 2, 193T, retarded la r Ilampden County Registry of 1)ceJs In Boah 1553, rage 257, three 3 hvttdr8d thirty-one and 421100 1))JL bzj feet ti an Iron pin; thence ,. ' a H. 73 60' r olong said lent iimoed lnntl one huudrel seventy-Chrea .z sod 901100 (kLl�3IN feet to land now or Formerly of NarerQno I— Cardona et at; thence S. LSo 11' 30" W. start; load now or formerly u of Sold Ca Hope, one i,undreti Lhlrty (130) tedt•LL and that+ce S. 7L u, JO" 1s• Diengg 9ald land now or formerly of Gardone one hundred I u twenty-Seven I1Z71 feet to the place of beginning. . .r � 86SlIC site seta¢ premlasn conveyed to the grsuCors herein by deed of ' +1 •E. Esther Ball doted June 5, 17G1 os+J recorded In the llampden xs County Regtatry of Dopds 111 Iloolt 2B11, Cage 400. �f PARCEL, tea! Certain Coal aatate sLt%tstcd In Agnwnm, Ilampden County, Plaoseeltu- aetts, boutu)ed and described as follows: 1loglnntng at n stone bound an the Westerly side of fialn Street tit the Nprthensterty corner of land now or Eormgly 91 the ngawsm Cemetery AssocltttLon and rkinningg thence S. 8rr 12 10" W. alvvg ; said loot named land one 110811dred thtxty^nine nod 111100 (139.11) feet' thence rvnnLng N. IS 11' 30" 1. along land now oC formerly of CC Word D. rand at at one hundred thirty-alx slid 761100 (136.76) feat to land pow or formerly of Coot Webster 8r. formerly of Agawam Enterprise, Inc.; tl.eace tunnLo S. fl 42' 30" . t. along lost nnmed land oar, l,untiSed twenty-•seven S. feat to + c' Hain Street; thence runttlul; S. 18 11, 30" V. along said Main . Street eighty 100) feet to the pinee Of beginning. U6iNG the same premisas convvyed to tht grantors heroin by deed of ' t• Anoa C. Poetd clateJ !larch 8, 1963 and caeorded in the llampden County Re6Letry of Deeds In Book 1938, Cage 306. 4 I