TR-2009-13 WATER CONNECTION AND SERVICE CHARGES a4. CI"F--S CLk Luc,w-- - RESOLUTION TR-2009- A RESOLUTION APPROVING WATER CONNECTION AND SERVICE CHARGES FIXED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS, the City Ordinances require that income fTom water be used to defray all operating expenses; and WHEREAS, the costs of materials, labor and energy have increased since Water Division charges were last adjusted; and WHEREAS, the Code of the City of Agawam provides that the schedules of charges and fees shall be determined by the Department of Public Works with the approval of the City Council; and WHEREAS, it is important that those requiring new connections repairs or special services bear the true cost of such work to avoid adverse impacts to the water rate; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City Council of the Town of Agawam in accordance with §175-9, 32, 33 & 76 of the City Code�of Agawam hereby approves the following fees and charges for services: Effective July 1, 2009 A. A fee of$320.00 for a 5/8" water meter for new accounts only. B A fee of$350.00 for a 3/4" water meter for new accounts only. C A fee of$395.00 for a I" water meter for new accounts only. C" 11COUPF, tr D A fee of$7 10.00 for a 1 1/2" water meter for new accounts only. > E A fee of$890.00 for a 2" water meter for new accounts only. a- F A charge of$75.00 for the replacement of interior valves on 3/4" service 'g? connections. -C=) G. A minimum charge payable at time of application of$1,315.00 for a 3/4" tyR K copper water service connection. H. A minimum charge payable at time of application of$1,3 85.00 for a V type K copper water service connection. 1. A minimum charge payable at time of application of$1,620,00 for a 1.5" copper water connection. J. A minimum charge payable at time of application of$1,890.00 for a 2" copper water connection. K. A minimum charge at time of application of$5,270.00 for water connections larger than 2" in diameter. L. A deposit at time of application of$720.00 for the renewal/replacement of a 3/4" water service connection with the actual charge to be at the rate of$23.90 per foot for each foot of connection replaced. M. A minimum charge of$107.00 for the installation of a tee and valve to accommodate an irrigation system. N. A charge of$300.00 each for drilling and tapping a 3/4" service connection in ductile iron main not performed as part of the installation or renewal of a service connection. 0. A fee of$60 for application review and pen-nitting of backflow prevention devices. P, A fee of$35.00 for the required testing of a backflow prevention device. DATED THIS DAY OF 2009 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL (�6". LetelliJ,-*resident APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY ox�v� Christopher J�Json, Solicitor MAYORAL ACTION Received this --- dayof-Naj 2009 from Town Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this —dayof 2009. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Aga ,W Charter, as amended, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this j day of 2009. Susan R. Dawson, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISL By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2009 for the following.reason(s): Susan R. Dawson, Mayor RETU�N OF LEGISLATION TO CQLjNLCJL CLERK ( val Returned to Council Clerk this C day of 2009. To; Mayor Susan R. Dawson From: John P. Stone, Supt. of Public Works 25 Re: Water Fees Date: April 13, 2009 The fees charged for the numerous construction related services provided by the Water Division of the Department of Public Works were last adjusted in 2006 . The economic conditions during this time, particularly the past years have had varying influence on our costs to provide services . Labor is up some 10%- some materials have stabilized while others have risen dependent on the energy market . In any event in a year that we need to address our water rate structure to bring down per capita consumption and insure adequate income to fund this critical service in the face of reduced sales we need to make sure that the rates need not 'subsidize the special services the water division is asked to provide . I Water division income is derived not only, from the sale of water and the account service charge, but from the installation of meters for new accounts, the installation of new connections, and miscellaneous charges such as irrigation tees, accident damage repair, connection renewals and required testing of backflow prevention devices where cross-connection contamination is possible. Our review indicates that the following fee adjustments are warranted: ITEM CURRENT FEE PROPOSED FEE 5/811 WATER METER $315 . 00 $320 . 00 3/411 WATER METER $340 . 00 $350 . 00 ill WATER METER $375 . 00 $395 . 00 1 1/211 WATER METER $550 . 00 $710 . 00 211 WATER METER $670 . 00 $890 .00 5/811 METER VALVE $73 . 00 $75 . 00 3/411 WATER CONNECTION $1, 150 . 00 $1, 315 . 00 MINIMUM CHARGE Ill WATER CONNECTION MINIMUM $1, 200 . 00 $1, 385 . 00 CHARGE 1 . 51, WATER CONNECTION NOT OFFERED $1, 620 . 00 MINIMUM CHARGE 211 WATER CONNECTION MINIMUM $1, 760 . 00 $1, 890 . 00 CHARGE OVER 21' CONNECTION $2, 400 . 00 DEPOSIT $5, 270 . 00 Minimum Charge 3/4 " WATER RENEWAL $685 deposit - $720 deposit $22 . 85/FT $23 . 90/FT IRRIGATION TEE $83 . 00 $107 . 00 DRILLING AND TAPPING $150 . 00 $300 . 00 BACKFLOW DEVICE REVIEW AND PERMITTING $45 . 00 (SINCE $60 . 00 1999) BACKFLOW DEVICE TEST $25 . 00 (SINCE $35 . 00 1 1999) A charge above the minimum would occur when police traf f ic duty is required for work on a major road and on the over two inch connection when the connection requires multiple valves and/or police . The Town Code (Section 175-9; Section 175-32 ; Section 175-33 ; & Section 175-76) provides that the Superintendent of Public Works establish fees and charges which must then be approved by a majority of the Town Council . I have therefore prepared the attached resolution for Council approval which would fulfill this requirement . To summarize and assist in the review of the proposed fee adjustments we have prepared the enclosed two work sheets that show how the charges were developed. It is the same methodology utilized in the past, updated to current costs for labor, material and equipment . It should be noted that these charges mainly impact new construction and services and not existing customers . The major exception is the valve replacement; renewal of service, although we rarely do a renewal as all iron service lines have already been replaced; and the State mandated testing of backflow prevention devices . We have not prepared a comparison chart with 'other communities because of the great diversity in methodology and level of service each provides which makes a direct comparison impossible . RESOLUTION TR-2009- 1 A RESOLUTION APPROVING WATER CONNECTION AND SERVICE CHARGES FIXED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS,the City Ordinances require that income from water be used to defray all operating expenses; and WHEREAS, the costs of materials, labor and energy have increased since Water Division charges were last adjusted; and WHEREAS, the Code of the City of Agawam provides that the schedules of charges and fees shall be determined by the Department of Public Works with the approval of the City Council; and WHEREAS, it is important that those requiring new connections repairs or special services bear the true cost of such work to avoid adverse impacts to the water rate; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City Council of the Town of Agawam in accordance with §175-9, 32, 33 & 76 of the City Code of Agawam hereby approves the following fees and charges for services: Effective July 1, 2009 A, A fee of$320.00 for a 5/8" water meter for new accounts only. B A fee of$350.00 for a 3/4" water meter for new accounts only. C A fee of$395.00 for a I" water meter for new accounts only. D A fee of$710.00 for a 1 1/2" water meter for new accounts only. E A fee of$890.00 for a 2" water meter for new accounts only. F A charge of$75.00 for the replacement of interior valves on 3/4" service connections. G. A minimum charge payable at time of application of$1,315.00 for a 3/4" type K copper water service connection. H. A minimum charge payable at time of application of$1,3 85.00 for a V type K copper water service connection. 1. A minimum charge payable at time of application of$1,620.00 for a 1.5" copper water connection. J. A minimum charge payable at time of application of$1,890.00 for a 2" copper water connection. K. A minimum charge at time of application of$5,270.00 for water connections larger than 2" in diameter. L. A deposit at time of application of$720.00 for the renewal/replacement of a 3/4" water service connection with the actual charge to be at the rate of$23.90 per foot for each foot of connection replaced. M. A minimum charge of$107.00 for the installation of a tee and valve to accommodate an irrigation system. N. A charge of$300.00 each for drilling and tapping a 3/4" service connection in ductile iron main not performed as part of the installation or renewal of a service connection. 0. A fee of$60 for application review and permitting of backflovV prevention devices. P. A fee of$35.00 for the required testing of a backflow prevention device. DATED THIS DAY OF 32009 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Gina M. Letellier, President APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 0A Christopher Jk9­so—n,­So1icitor Fiscal Year 2010 Water Meter and Services Fee Adjustment Water Meters 518 inch 3/4 inch I inch 1.5 inch 2 inch Materials quantity unit pdce total unit price total unit price total unit price total unit price total meter 1 $ 234.65 $ 23445 $ 265,47 $ 265,47 $ 302,66 $ 302,66 $ 578.36 $ 578.36 $ 743.44 $ 743.44 meter connectors(set) 1 $ 15.22 S 15.22 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 22,70 $ 22.70 $ 61.85 $ 61.85 $ 77.64 $ 77.64 wire(feet) 30 $ 0.12 $ 3,60 $ 0.12 $ 3.60 $ 0,12 $ 3.60 $ 0.12 $ 3.60 $ 0.12 $ 3.60 $ 253,47 $ 285.07 $ 328.96 $ 643.81 $ 824.68 Labor hours rate(incl O.H.) Total total total total tota I Maint.Craftsman 1 $28.13 $ 28-13 $ 28.13 $ 28-13 $ 28.13 $ 28.13 Maint.Man 1 $24.98 $ 24�98 $ 24,98 $ 24.98 $ 24.98 $ 24.98 $ 53.12 $ 53.12 $ 53.12 $ 53.12 $ 53-12 Equipment hours unit price tota I meter truck 1 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 14,CO Total Cost $ 320.59 $ 352.19 $ 396.08 $ 710.93 $ 891.8D SAY $ 320-00 $ 350.00 $ 395.00 $ 710.00 $ 890.01) Valve Replacement Materials quantity unit price total Backflow devices 5/8"ball Valve 1 $ 8.08 $ 8.08 Service 1999 Price CP1 1999 CPI 2009 2009 Price $ 8.08 Application review and permitting $ 45.00 171 230 $ 60,53 Labor hours rate(ind O.H.) Total say$60.00 Maint.Craftsman 1 $28.13 $ 28-13 Required device tests $25.00 171 230 $ 33.63 Maint.Man 1 $24.98 S 24.98 say$35.00 $ 53.12 Equipment Hours unit price Total meter truck 1 S 14.00 $ 14.00 $ 14.00 Total Cost $ 75.20 Say$75.00 Irrigation Tee and Valve Materials quantity unit erice total 314"tee 1 $ 7.50 $ 7.50 3/4x4'nipple 1 11.85 $ 11.85 3/4'elbow 1 5.50 $ 5.50 3/4x3"nipple 1 10.20 $ 10.20 3/4'close nipple 1 $ 5.39 $ 5�39 3/4"coupling 1 $ 4.45 $ 4,45 3/4'ball valve 1 $ 8.08 $ 8.08 $ 52.97 Labor hours rate(incl O.H,) Total Maint,Craftsman 1 $2813 $ 28.13 Maint,Man 1 $24.98 $ 24.98 $ 53.12 Total Cost $ 106.09 Say$107.00 Fiscal year 2010 Water Connection Fee Adjustments Water Connections 314 Inch 314 Inch 1 inch I Inch 1.5 1.5 2 inch 2 inch OVER 2" Materials quantity unit cost Total unit cost Total unit cost Total unit cost Total Materials quantily unit cost Tota I copper tubing 25 $3.37 $84.25 $4,40 $110.00 $7,34 $183.50 $11.82 $295.50 8"pipe 30 $ 20.30 $ 609.00 corporation 1 S42.79 $42.79 $56.28 $56.28 $115,31 $115,31 $192.66 $192.66 tapping sleeve 1 $ 855.00 $ 855.00 curb stop 1 $58,58 $58.58 SM.07 $88.07 $192,66 $192.66 $270.87 $270.87 valve 1 $1.184.00 $ 1.1114.00 curb box 1 $28.66 $28.66 $28,66 $28.66 $28,66 $28.66 $28.66 $28.66 Megalugs 1 $ 57.16 $ 57.16 service saddle 0 $0.00 $0-DO $0.00 S0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.00 $0.00 gate box 1 S 143.00 $ 143,00 boot 0 $0.00 SO.00 $19.45 $0.00 $19.45 $0.00 19.45 $0.00 Total Material $214.28 $283.01 $520.13 $787.69 $ 2.w,16 Labor Hours Rate(incl.01-1) Total Total Total Total Hours foreman 3 $35.45 $106.35 $106,3$ $106.35 $106.35 7 $248.16 WF/Malint.Craftsmar 3 $29.79 $89.38 $89.38 $89.38 $89,38 7 $208.56 Equip.Oper-fMaint a 3 $28.13 $84.40 $84.40 $84.40 $84,40 2 men 14 $393.88 Truck Driver 3 $26.51 $79.53 $7953 $79.53 $79,53 7 $185.58 MalnL Man 3 $24.98 $74.95 $74.95 $74.95 $74.95 7 S 174.88 $434.62 S4,34.62 $434.62 $434.62 $1,211,06 Equipment Hours Rate Total Total Total Total Hours Total -5ackhoei'loader 3 $48.00 $144.W $144.00 $144,00 $144.00 7 $33f 00 Utility truck 3 $36.00 $108.00 $108.00 $108.00 $108.00 7 $252�00 Dump Truck 3 $12-00 $36.00 SM.130 $36M $36.00 7 $84,00 $288.00 $288.00 $288,00 $288.00 $672,00 Trench Re2air Sq.Yds. Rate Total Total Total Total Sq.Yds. Total Gravel&BO.Conc.in 7 $54.00 $378,00 $378.00 $378.00 $378.00 10 $540.00 Total Cost $1,314.90 $1,383.63 $1,620.75 $1,888.31 $5,271.22 Say $1,315.00 $1,385.00 $1,620.00 $1,890.00 $5,270.00 Water Renewal'3/4" Materials quantity unit cost Total copper tubing 60 $3.31 $20F2-0- Ball Volvo I S8.08 $8.08 curb stop 1 $58,58 $58.58 curb box 1 $28,68 $28.66 loam(ton) 3.5 $13,00 $45.50 $343.02 Labor Hours Rate(incl.01-1) Total foreman 4 $35,47 $141.88 Maint.Craftsman 4 $29.52 $118.08 Equip.Oper. 4 $28.80 $11520 Truck Driver 4 $2B.04 $112.16 Laborer 4 $23.62 $94.48 $581.80 Equipment Hours Rate Total Backhoelloader 4 M.130 $192.66- ublity truck 4 $36.130 $144.00 Dump Truck 4 $12.130 $48.00 $384.01) Trench Repair Sq.Yds, Rate Total Zravel&Bit Conc;in 2.3 $54.130 $124-25- Total Cost $1,433.02 Say S 1,435.00 Say $ 1,435.00 Deposit 5 717.60 Cost per it $23.88 Say 60 Say $23.92 per foot