TR-2009-23 APPROP FROM STABILIZATION FUND . II �I AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS '01001 August 3 1, 2009 PRESIDDENT Gina M.Letellier VICE PRESEDENT Mr. Richard Knight Cecilia R Calabrese 65 Northwood Street COUNCELORS Feeding Hills, MA. 01030 George Bitzas Paul C. Cavallo Dear Mr. Knight: Jill& Adessick Joseph Mineo I have received a copy of your letter to the Mayor regarding your concerns about Dennis J.Perry sidewalk improvements. I arn enclosed a copy of the draft minutes from the meeting Donald M.Rheault which discussed the issue and includes the votes. The minutes will be voted on for Robert E. Rossi approval at the next City Council meeting on Tuesday, September 8ffi. Jill P. Simpson Robert M. Young Please contact the City Council office if you have any further questions. Thank you, ADMINISTRATIVF, ASSISTANT Sincerely, Barbara A. Bard Gina M. Letellier, PresiAnt Agawam City Council GML/bb Cc: Full Council Mayor Dawson TELEPHONE (413) 786-0400 Ext. 233 FAX (413) 786-9927 Item 6. Presentation of Petitions, Memorials & Remonstrances 1. TR-2009-23 - A Resolution Appropriating Four Hundred Eighty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Fifteen ($489,815.00) Dollars from the Stabilization Fund to Various Accounts (Mayor) (Tabled on 7/27/09) (Referred to the Finance Committee) (213 Majority of those Present and Voting) President Letellier—Tonight because we have nine members present, six votes will be needed to pass the item. Do we have a motion to remove it from the table? Moved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Perry. Could we hav6 a report from the Finance Committee? I'm sorry, Barbara, could you call the roll on rem—oving the item from the table? 4111.�` 1,,. ROLL CALL—9 YES, 0 NO, 2 ABSENT (Council6rs Bitzas and'Mineo) President Letellier—With nine yes, two absent,,-'you've removed the item from the table and Councilor Young, can we have the Finance C.ornmitteereport? Councilor Young—Sure. The Finance Committee m6von this matter on last Wednesday, August 12th, at 6:30 at the-library. In atten-d'ai-n-'ce were four of the five Finance Committee members—myself,,V%�hcilors Rossi,I C'dl Abrese and Perry. so Councilor Mineo was on vacation, Al in Aie%&nce were th;�,Mayor, Treasurer Laurel Placzek, our City Auditor, Cheryl St. Johh'.and mb'�f:6,f the.D'dpartment Heads— from Building Maintenance, Emergency Manag6ncfi�t, DPW',,-..,ff-, Planning, the Police i:6&Department,`611 who had,- Department and the Re;cr"eai---i ine items in the, that were either impacted or not by<-tQ::transfef."%:,So, the matter�:at hand was TR-2009-23, transfer of $489,815.00 out of t�eVtabilizaifbn Fund whic�i�4a previous Finance meeting we had voted 4-0 to reco.mmend nbt appro7vin.g. - Again, we were asked to reconsider it. We had a good mecting�last�,,�Wednesda'y..,night and w,e­nt through item by item and I think we had I-k.m-,", almost unanimous appidyal by 4e.committee as well as if anyone read the paper today, the Mayor and her admin"i§tration t6i tehiove several items and those items were in no si particuldf,�rder here there�:�::W�-"as a d6walk, adding more money to the sidewalk fund ,;sx, ".-` which was $3D;000.00; DPW equipment which was $150,000,00; and a school floor for ' K" one of the elementary schools for $48,765.00. Our reason being for those items that they weren't survivaNfitical and that if come through the course of the year they actually absolutely positive]y�fieeded those items or had to have them, needed a new piece of equipment so on an&so forth, they can certainly come back to the Council as a one off item and make their case for those items and then we assured for instance our new DPW Director that if he needed the money we could certainly work with him on that. So the recommendation by a 3-1 vote of those present at the Finance Committee was to reduce the amount of the transfer from the stated, originally requested amount of$489,815.00 to the new amount of$261,050.00. And that was the end of that. President Letellier—Are you making a motion to amend the amount and to delete the items? 5 Councilor Young— Sure I would on behalf of the Finance Committee make the motion to amend the amount to $261,050.00 and replace the original amount on the resolution. President Letellier—Second by Councilor Cavallo. I want to make sure that we are doing this very clearly. So do you just want to change the amount or do you want to actually delete the items that are in Exhibit A as well? What is the -? Councilor Young—Well I think we'd like to do both if that can be done. President Lctellier—I think that's what I'm trying to suggest that-me do. So, why don't �Wm you, do you want to take your second back on the motion to amend'"ind he can further amend? Okay, so we're taking back the second and why dom'A�you give us as detailed an amendment as you'd like to. So is it Exhibit A— Departmdnt of.-Public Works Equipment, Code 16610 is coming off(16610-52450) aV<'$_'J50 That's coming off. And then the next item—sidewalk rehab and exte�fi�'on,Code 16 14? Councilor Young—Correct. President Letellier—And School Account— el 5S., gym replacement (16610- 58933). Councilor Young—That's it. You gotlit-<-%Q�,. A�V % '%XIN11 President Letellier—So the motion on JA,floovis'01 ftdTR-2009-23 by deleting three sub accounts—Depaffie-nt,of Public W6rks Equipj'nfent for $150,000.00; Sidewalk Rehab and Extension§f6r$30,000:00; and Ph�lp's School gym floor replacement for M0 $48,765.00, thus aifi&nding the MaIto $261,0�b.00. Is that your motion? Nk-lbkln Councilor )�qung- Yes, ma� �7 Presid t Letellier— -,en y, do'we have a second? Second by Councilor Cavallo. Any d Isc U§§iM Councilor Siffi"Pson. Councilor S Thahk you very much. Through the Chair to Councilor Young, if you are able tolpri er this�'question for me. I have one concern with the elimination on the sidewalk reha�iiiiation'�and extension. I just wondered if you could give me a brief on your discussion on t s.-one because I know it �;eems like we're constantly upset and complaining about tKe conditions of sidewalks and I also see here that it's providing extensions to schools which means obviously children are probably in a walking district that need that to get to the schools and I remember in the winter everyone was upset because one of the sidewalks wasn't plowed where the children had to walk, so what was the rationale behind that one, cuz this is the one that bothers me that I would not be in favor of cutting which I would not vote for this amendment basically due to that because I know for years we're always yelling and screaming about sidewalks? So, can you update me a little? 6 Councilor Young— I will ask Councilor Ross] to give you an update. Councilor Rossi —Thank you, Councilor Young. The motion to eliminate some of these things really came in large part from my recommendation and that $30,000.00 was to be scratched only to be replaced under the street improvement program so thereby we're not really eliminating the $30,000.00 we're actually increasing that amount by $45,000.00, because I too am very concerned about the sidewalks in the community and we were supposed to couple that street improvement program with the sidewalk rehab extension to $75,000.00 each and with the understanding that if the Superintendent now Superintendent, Mr. Sylvia, has any other expenditures that he may come back to the Committee and we'll take it on a case by case basis. So I don't khSw.how you want to handle it as the Council in slicing this up, but the original inteAt.,was not to eliminate the $30,000.00 but to include it in the $150,000.00 at $75,000,6611ell'ch. President Letellier—Does that help you Councilor Simpson? Councilor Simpson —No, not really. Through4he Chair toJ guess I'll go-back to Councilor Rossi or Councilor Young if you Eav6�A'&thing.�lsejo add, so I g�u�ess if you're saying we're gonna add it to the other account, then Why�db we need to cut it from here? Why don't we just let it be here and 90 ht into the sidewalk that's here? I guess I'm missing the, it seems like you're just Niggling numbers. fl'I hot sure why then we have to, if we're really not eliminating per se,,'-.-ih6.-`��,brk to be don�;��.�.hdt's wrong with leaving ify that for me. it here? I guess that's the point I'm missing. S�4,' yqu.could.c ar Councilor Rossi—WeIV-1.'"giiess there rcall�Jisn't any ppinit of doing it either way. 1 w%x-..%,. :�p guess it's six of one Q half ddien of the other. As long as the money was earmarked for sidewalk exten§ionsj I don't,think anybodythought beyond that point. But if it serves the Council's pleasure t"O"�gdd $0,;Q00.00 and deduct it from the $150,000.00 from street improvements,;�tguess we could dolt�tliat.w`dy`too. But the original intent was to increase the arnodriQ �,§30,00'0.,`00 by taking it from the Street Improvements, eliminating WO % % the eqwpment and we'f6lt�as though:the�gym floor could be absorbed through the school syst6m&--'­,-We: felt as though-they ha .'plenty of money in their budget in areas th t they could tap iri tb for that. So't�qt was"really the rational behind the sub-committee. I don't know if thai`��I�s make your'— Councilor Simps dnk you for your answers. I'll just go on, we're in discussion mode, right? I'd j s i e to go on record that I just don't personally agree with the changing around thig money and I think it's fine to leave it where" it is, so I would be opposed to voting yes to this as it has been amended. Thank you. President Letellier—Thank you. Councilor Calabrese? Councilor Calabrese—Um, yea, I just wanted to add on to what Councilor Rossi was saying. That night what we had also discussed is as street improvements are made, the town ends up being on the hook to also roll those sidewalk improvements in, to abide by the ADA under the Chapter 90 funding so that was part of the rationale of rolling that 7 sidewalk rehab and extension into the street improvement program because those sidewalks rehabilitation programs and extension would necessarily have to occur in order for us to comply with the ADA requirements. I President Letellier—Thank you. Yes, Councilor Cavallo? Councilor Cavallo —Yea, if you recall, Councilor Young, at the public hearing I questioned Jeff Hulbert regarding an account in which money was being spent on computers and software and I asked him if it would be possible for that to be funded by the Cable Account and he more or less acquiesced and said that that-could be possible. The cable money naturally is designated or ean-narked for the scK �ls�.but also could be used and he mentioned this on the town side as well. Did tha o e up in your discussion at all because I don't know if you recall when I asked 1 t? a.. Councilor Young—Yes, I remember that but that di& eu id,not. Councilor Cavallo —Because the reason why,IS.asking,"Councilor Youn`g', is�that that, we could have used some of that money 'in th& CA16,:,Account,to fund that. H& even said that it was possible to use that money but no one dlscu.ssdd'it? % Councilor Young—And we still can use,it. Councilor Cavallo — Right, exactly. I w��a`s th'ihk"Titb t woul S�0;11 g-i d.. ve the problem, whatever amount it was. I think the Fire D�partment was looking for some software and a couple of other departments.,Were and corfi�.&rs or whatever. I'm not criticizing what you did, don't get me� rong, ll-ffi�l ust wonde'Ang if that ever came to light and it didn't. K�Z Councilor Young—It d0not..,::� d,again, it s Zt"that it can't now. Councilot�eavaII6";�---.%,W.elI I �W&ld like to see, I don't mean to interrupt you, I would like toig�e if we c td ':kme of.the money out of the Cable Account and subsidize and finanEe"4hat part. That s intluded'hiAhe amount. �-.A �X �NO. Nlft� '1'1�` N-1 President Letellier—What-part.? Councilor Cava 1116 the part I believe was, are you covering that amount, the part that was going to fun-d the Fire Department I believe and also, I believe Councilor Young, was the Fire Departm" ent which was in need of some equipment, okay, data processing equipment and in the Data Processing Department, let's see and that was basically it, I think there were two or three in that. That was presented in her budget remember the supplemental budget that we got that night and that's why I tabled it because I was concerned about that. Is there any way? Councilor Young—Well, I'm sure there is, it's just a matter of wherever they're gonna fund those items from, right? Now I personally don't have a problem again, I up til now even including the other night, the Mayor had dealt in good faith with us on our 8 recommendations. She was I thought highly receptive to the motions we made and agreeable and again I don't mind, I have no problem personally voting for the reduced amount transferred and then going back again to her and saying instead of taking that, whatever it was for the IT, saying could you take it out of here instead. If mean if they don't take it, it stays there, right? Councilor Cavallo—Yes. Councilor Young— So I certainly will commit to you in going back and suggesting that to her as you could yourself. I don't mind doing it. It's not a bad,,-idea. It just didn't come up that night and we certainly didn't discuss that with therfi1;-%',,1'hate to hold it up any further. A-. Councilor Cavallo — I do too but maybe down the line we could �isit the Cable Account and you were just saying you're gonna revisit.ma�be DPW f(there's a need. Right and I think we should revisit that because wAertai,nly take care �qlhe school side. There's no question about it but I think we also�'�hould beTair to the toVV1n's�iae,,.:::1 Councilor Young—Sure, absolutely. Councilor Cavallo —Thank you Coundilor. "16endment? I'm sorry, President Letellier—Thank you. Any other discus'-sio'n on the- Councilor Young did you want to add sorri't'thing.?, "K.. reme Councilor Young ell,jusi..&W I nAeT the words but my notes don't recall that W agreement about sw"it6h'i t e money. Do yowhave that? Councilor Calabrese—lftmEi`y,� is combining the sidewalk rehab extension�.Wfth t e' s"'e"et t provement program. I had combine the $150,000.00 with the $30,000-:00 and th n ciii: 30,000.'00..,That's what my notes reflect which the dollars 1A0 shake oiffito the s e W a'y"'.I at Councilor Rossi was discussing, Council 4ag— So what,do we have for the new total? President Letellie S e total. Councilor Young_J,�§o, you, I don't know, Council President, do you want to ? President Letellier— Well, I'm gonna ask if there's any more discussion and if not, I will ask for a vote on the motion, but I see Councilor Rossi's light on. Councilor Rossi —I just wanted to clarify that, that you might have missed it but I know that I mentioned it at the sub-committee meeting about combining those things. I was very adamant about not striking the $30,000.00 for the sidewalk repair because I felt it really wasn't adequate anyway. It seems to be the magic number that we appropriate 9 every year and it's never enough so I didn't want to short change that. To be perfectly honest with you, I wasn't particularly happy about taking any of this out of the Stabilization Account, I think I made my position perfectly clear a long time ago and a lot of these items in here I feel that we kind of got backdoored a little bit because they're ongoing programs that really needed to be funded. I thought that the lesser of the evils was to vote for the appropriation and therefore I was willing to make the compromise on my stance in using this Stabilization Fund. But I did not, and I'll make it perfectly clear here, I did not want to eliminate $30,000.00 from this sidewalk and my intent at the sub- committee meeting was to combine the $150,000.00 street improvement with the sidewalk thing and as Councilor Calabrese had mentioned earlier the reason for that was the Chapter 90 money would come into play and in order for us to"get.that Chapter 90 money, it would give us more of a kick if you will when wewent to go and make those improvements and when we later on down the road, when�.Mr.'Sylvia came back to us, we probably wouldn't get hit as hard. That was really what the thdii ht process was. 91.,_ President Letellier—Thank you- Any further disciussioO Councilor Cavallo —Yes,just one last comm/enf.-'. President Letellier— Let's give Councilor Young a c ce,to respond. 'he describes the, I Councilor Young—Again, I agree withC6iin6iIor R s i an remember the conversation I just didn't nb,t.ate it:' utafid the number is the same. That's fine. The other choice again for th�;'Co fif and the public's, the other choice we had was either-inMad of transfier�nng from th'Stabilization was appropriate it as part of the 2010 budget in wffi�h case we all,would have been paying through the tax X-:�_-% V.Ml T- rate. So again, I thodght�ye did�dur best to spDt,,the difference here and provide those most immediately requifed.funds.and,then if they delay some of the other expenditures We and save that.,,,Sol; President Letellier—'Thank yo��', 'Councilor Cavallo, did you wish to comment? MW CounciloFGavallo— ea%just WAnt to say we all read in the paper about the Cable -T -being proactive in trying to get a studio going and so forth. Commissio ,�,;h .cy're reall. in the paper. But I think by the same token, I think we as I think we al I read-the icle Councilors should%kind,df get an update on that account. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the a co "t but if there's money there, let's start using it and maybe we can help subsidize our expenses. Thank you. President Letellier—Thank you. Any other discussion on the amendment? Barbara, could you call the roll? The amendment will need five votes. ROLL CALL —7 YES, 2 NO (Councilors Calabrese and Simpson), 2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas and Mineo) 10 President Letellier— With seven yes, two no, two absent, you have amended TR-2009- 23 from the original amount of S489,815.00 to $261,050.00. Now is there any discussion on now the item as it's been amended? Any further discussion? No? Barbara, could you I'm sorry, Councilor Perry? I didn't see your light. Councilor Perry—No, thank you Madam President. I just wanted to point out as Councilor Young stated that and as I had stated when we tabled this in our last meeting, the Stabilization Fund is there. It's an account that was there to put money aside for times like this. Financially communities are hurting—the whole economy is bad, We had much discussion in our sub-committee meeting in regards to should we use this money. My question at that point in time was that's what it's thefd'for. When should we use it? Because as Councilor Young stated that these items.t.h9rwe're'going.to be paying out of this fund, if we did not, would come back to us in a.Supplemental budget and be added to the tax levy. So what we're approving tonight is not addfrig,to the tax burden of the town. It's being taken out of this Stabilization Edind:,,,yhich is mo66y that we've asked them to put in o�er the years to get it up to the I b I dlieve $3.8million is in.:.there at this point in time? So we're gonna bring it down b;.�d'bout $250,000.00 - S266�bbmo so there's still plenty of money in there but I just waht�d,to cfi�ify to the full Co6ncil and to the public in regards to the thought process that I ha'S?and'w'hat_.we debated in the sub- in" *;" committee meeting and going back and forth in corn '!ifp' with the cuts that we did and 9. E,., to move for-ward with it and I just want�t,o.-.say that I will S'Up'�ort this this evening. Thank you. Ile President Letellier—Thank you Councilor Perry. An her discussion? No? Barbara, could you calltfie f'p'll? Six votes are' needed o e Stabilization Fund transfer. ROLL CALL -7 YES2 NO (C6uncilors Calabrese and Simpson), 2 ABSENT (Councilors Bitzas andMineo)-t.,�,3s.,,._ President' se`-v`& yes, two no, two absent, you have approved the item. TR-2009-�6,*,' A Wig6lution Appropriating from the Community Preservati�%nFund ind Authorizing the Expenditure of Community funds for the Preservation,Rehabilitation and Restoration of Wservatio& the Xhomas,§'inith House(Mayor) (Referred to the Ad Hoe CPA In"t:i�, �y Co mittee) (Majority of those present and voting) President Letellier oved by Councilor Simpson, seconded by Councilor Perry. Do we have a report from the Committee, Councilor Simpson? Councilor Simpson —Yes, thank you. The committee met this evening when we actually at 7:00 tonight here in the Middle School. At the time that the meeting was to begin only two members of the committee were present—myself and Councilor Cavallo so we were no able at that point to hold an official meeting because we did not have a quorum. Councilor Bitzas is on vacation and Councilor Mineo is on vacation and at the time, Councilor Messick was not here yet. So we made the decision that we may not be able to give a formal report but fortunately Councilor Messick showed up a little bit later � � -- _~-_--_--_-___--__-'__-~-___--------_-_---__------_-__'----' r ---------------------'-------------�-- I-01 |--------- --�----�--------'--------�q---------- ------------�----'�-------'---'- ------------=----'---�--------r'-�-'--- ----------'--'-----------''-----'�- J --A -0jJ ---------������-��^------'- -------------- ---- / . i ----------------'--- ---- --------------'----'--------- ----'' -_---_ '__'---_'- - __'�-_---__-_---'_--__--__--_-_�_-_-_----_'---- . - ---_--__--_�� -- i.w--- ' - --------- '---�----�-'-(�------ -'-�---� ' �- - -- ' � � -710 TR-2009�Z3 V_�Y" (3 A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATINGTCOtR-PrUNTYRED-ETGH,i,y7ZTtE LARS4S4W,1t_"t-N) FROM THE STABILIZATION FUND TO VARIOUS ACqOUNTS -D 6 1, (�'SL__aLcz WHEREAS, the Mayor has submitted the Proposed Fiscal Year 2010 Annual Operating Budget to the City Council; and WHEREAS, due to severe reductions in local aid from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, it is necessary to appropriate ftLnds from the Stabilization Fund for the purchase of equipment and completion of various capital projects; and WHEREAS, the attached Exhibit A outlines the capital projects and equipment purchases proposed to be funded through an appropriation from the Stabilization Fund; and WHEREAS, a two-thirds vote (of those members present and voting) of the City Council is required to approve an appropriation of funds from the Stabilization Fund; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam that the Agawam City Council appropriate funding from the Stabilization Fund as outlined on Exhibit A,- NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council does hereby resolve pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40, Section 5B to appropriate the sum of rlg4p liars from the Stabilization Fund to the accounts as described on Exhibit A which is attached hemto d= and incorporated herein by re'ference. > Dated this 113A^�_dayof Cw�k�(� 52009. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL > 4 )w4a "'GeinaM. Letelli r, esiderit Cq �ident 0 JL>1 aak� APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY C 0 aca— CLQ4, Christopher C. J h son, Solicitor S .011"V r.- I �""J 60 it uLQ- u EX-MBIT A TOWN OF AGAWAM - FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET STABILIZATION FUND Org Object Fiscal 2010 Fiscal 2010 Account Description Code Code Recommended Adopted TO WN A CCO UNTS Hampden County Land Acquisition 16610 58913 $ 9,500 Street Improvement Program 16610 52460 $ 150,000 A f-^ M------r5-0- -1,4,-rav s ow 166+6 5�9H $ Dept. Public Works Boiler Replacement 16610 58931 $ 24,800 SCHOOL A CCO UNTS 12hr,Ipg SChool DEPARTMENTAL ACCObWTS Data Processing--Equipment 11544 52040 $ 13,000 Treasurer- Capital butlay 11384 52040 $ 4,800 Police -Motor Vehicle 12104 58500 $ 25,500 Fire- Computer Upgrade 12204 52050 $ 3,000 Parks &Rec.-Recr.Eqpt.Repr.&Replcmt. 16204 52050 $ 5,200 Bidg.Maintenance-Janitorial.Equipment 11924 58310 $ 3,000 Bldg. Maintenance-Maintenance&Equip. 11924 58320 $ 3,250 Bldg. Maintenance-Motor Vehicle 11924 58500 $ 6,000 Emergency Management-Connect City 16604 52190 $ 13,000 STABILIZATION FUND TOTAL $ 489,815 TOWNOFAGAWAM FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET STABILIZATION FUND TOWNACCO 1. Hampden County Land Acguisition: ($9,500.00) Agawam acquired most of the holdings of the Hampden County government that were within its boundaries when the County dissolved. The Town must reimburse the other county communities for their share of these assets over the years ahead. The funds included in the Capital Budget meet the payment required in Fiscal Year 2010. 2. Stm et Improvement Program: ($150,000.00) Funding is continued for the improvement and maintenance of our local roadways. - Improvements include the construction, reconstruction, widening and resurfacing of roads and the installation and repair of drainage structures and systems. Funds will be utilized in combination with state Chapter 90 funding to meet routine maintenance and improvement requirements. 3. Department-oL Public orks Equ!�2men ($150,000.00) An annual capital __W appropriation is included toprovide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large Department of Public Works trucks and other capital equipment. 4. Sidewalk Rehabilitation andExtension: ($30,000.00) The DPW Highway Divisions' sidewalk construction and repair team will continue rehabilitation work on sidewalks throughout the community. Funds will be used to extend walks.to provide connections to schools and recreation facilities. 5. Departnient of Public Works Boiler Rgplacemenl: ($24,800.00) Funds are requested to replace the existing boiler in the Department of Public Works facility. The new Weil-McLain boiler is rated at 93% efficiency. The existing boiler is rated at only 45- 55% efficiency. This project has been submitted to the state for possible funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus funds. SCHOOL A CCOUN L. Phelas School QjLm Figor ftlacement: ($48,765.00) Various school repairs projects will continue to be funded through annual appropriation. This year it is proposed to install a new gym floor at the Benjamin Phelps School. DEPA R!M-ENTA L A CCO UA 1. Data Processing--Equipment. ($13,000-00) Funds have been included to STABILIZATION FUND - Page Two provide for equipment, software, supplies, replacement parts and repair. 2. Ireasurer- Capital OuLla . ($4,800.00) Funds are included for training costs and y programming and equipment upgrades. 3. Police-Motor Vehicle: ($25,500.00) Replacement of one marked cruiser and related equipment. 4. Fire- Computer U p grade: ($3,000.00) Replacement of various computer equipment. 5. Parks &-Recreation -Recreation Equipment RWair& Rw1acement: ($5,200.00) Replace baseball/softball pitcher rubbers, bases and home plate, and replace mulch at park and school playgrounds. 6. Building Maintenance-Janitorial Equipment. ($3,000.00) Replacement of cleaning equipment, vacuums and buffers for school and town buildings. 7. Building Maintenance-Maintenance& Equj�pmew. ($3,250.00) Purchase of small hand tools and special equipment. 8. Building Maintenance-Motor Vehicle: ($6,000.00) Lease payment of replacement vehicle. 9. Emergena Managgment- Connect A: ($13,000.00) Yearly fee for Connect CTY and other updates to the web site and data input to our database to keep the latest telephone numbers available in an emergency. MAYORAL ACTION Received this day of )a 1 2009 from Town Council Clerk. I - Signed by Councii President this day of 2009. AEI!ROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawa , �Charter, as $T amended, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this 15 day of 2009. LiZa Susan R. Dawson, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended,I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2009 for the following reason(s): Susan R. Dawson, Mayor' RETURN OE LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL Cd Un A+ Returned to Council Clerk this day of LA.& 2009. 0 TR-2009Q,3 A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($489,815.00) FROM THE STABILIZATION FUND TO VARIOUS ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, the Mayor has submitted the Proposed Fiscal Year 2010 Annual Operating Budget to the City Council; and WHEREAS, due to severe reductions in local aid from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, it is necessary to appropriate funds from the Stabilization Fund for the purchase of equipment and completion of various capital projects; and WHEREAS, the attached Exhibit A outlines the capital projects and equipment purchases proposed to be funded through an appropriation from the Stabilization Fund; and WHEREAS, a two-thirds vote (of those members present and voting) of the City Council isrequired to approve an appropriation of funds from the Stabilization Fund; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam that the Agawam City Council appropriate funding from the Stabilization Fund as outlined on Exhibit A; NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council does hereby resolve pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40, Section 5B to appropriate the sum of Four Hundred Eighty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifteen ($489,815.00) Dollars from the Stabilization Fund to the accounts as described on Exhibit A which 'is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Dated this day of 2009. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Gina M. Letellier, President APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Christopher C. J�)son, Solicitor SZ EXIMIT A TOWN OF AGAWAM - FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET STABILIZATION FUND Org Object Fiscal 2010 Fiscal 2010 Account Description Code Code Recommended Adopted TOWNACCOUNTS Hampden County Land Acquisition 16610 58913 $ 9,500 Street.improvement Program 16610 52460 $ 150,000 Dept. Public Works Equipment 16610 52450 $ 150,000 S.idewalk-Rehab &Extension 16610 58914 $ 30,000 Dept. Public Works Boiler Replacement 16610 58931 $ 24,800 SCHOOL A CCO UNTS Phelps School Gyrn Floor Replacement 16610 58933 48,765� DEPAR TMENTA L A CCO UNTS Data Processing-Equipment 11544 52040 $ 13,000 Treasurer- Capital butlay 11384 52040 $ 4,800 Police-Motor Vehicle 12104 - 58500 $ 25,500 Fire- Computer Upgrade . 12204 52050 S 3,000 Parks &Rec,Recr.Eqpt.Repr.&Replcmt. 16204 52050 $ 5,200 Bidg.Maintenance-Janitorial Equipment 11924 58310 $ 3,000 1�ldg. Maintenance-Maintenance &Equip- 11924 58320 $ 3,250 Bldg. Maintenance-Motor Vehicle 11924 58500 $ 6,000 Emergency Management-Connect City 16604 52190 $ 13,000 STABILIZA TION FUND TOTAL $ 489,815 TOWNOFAGAWAM FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET STABILIZATION FUND TOWNACC-QUATS 1. Hampden Count X Land Acquisition: ($9,500.00) Agawam acquired most of the holdings of the Hampden County government that were within its boundaries when the County dissolved. The Town must reimburse the other county communities for their share of these assets over the years ahead. The funds included in the Capital Budget meet the payment required in Fiscal Year 2010. 2. Street Im-provement Program: ($ISO,000.00) Funding is continued for the improvement and maintenance of our local roadways. Improvements include the construction, reconstruction, widening and resurfacing of roads and the installation and repair of drainage structures and systems. Funds will be utilized in combination with state Chapter 90 funding to meet routine maintenance and improvement requirements. 3. DgRartment of PUblic W arks Equj:pmen ($150,000.00) An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large Department of Public Works trucks and other capital equipment. 4. Sidemalk RehabilitatLon and Extension: ($30,000.00) The DPW Highway Divisions' sidewalk construction and repair team will continue rehabilitation work on sidewalks throughout the community. Funds will be used to extend walks to provide connections to schools and recreation facilities. 5. ftartment of Public ToLks Boiler ftlacement., ($24,800.00) Funds are requested to replace the existing boiler in the Department of Public Works facility. The new Weil-McLain boiler is rated at 93% efficiency. The existing boiler is rated at only 45- 55% efficiency. This project has been submitted to the state for possible funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus funds. SCHOOLACCQUNTS I.- Ph"Is School gym FLoor Rgplacement: ($48,765.00) Various school repairs projects will continue to be funded through annual appropriation. This year it is proposed to install a new gym floor at the Benjamin Phelps School. DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUA 1. DaLa frocessiag--Equipment. ($13,000.00) Funds have been included to STABILIZATION FUND - Page Two provide for equipment, software, supplies, replacement parts and repair. 2. Treasurer- Qapital Outky.. ($4,800.00) Funds are included for training costs and programming and equipment upgrades. 3. Police-Motor Vehicle. ($25,500.00) Replacement of one marked cruiser and related equipment. 4. Fire- Computer Upgrade: ($3,000.00) Replacement of various computer equipment. 5. PaLk I & Recreation -Recreation Equipment RepaLr& ftlacement: ($S,200.00) Replace baseball/softbaB pitcher rubbers, bases and home plate, and replace mulch at park and school playgrounds. 6. Building MaLntenance-Janitorial Eguipment: ($3,000-00) Replacement of cleaning equipment, vacuums and buffers for school and town buildings. 7. Building MaLntemance-Maintenance&-Equ!]Vment: ($3,250.00) Purchase of small hand tools and special equipment. 8. Building Maintenance-Motor Vehicle: ($6,000.00) Lease payment of replacement vehicle. 9. Eme&genCEManaggment- Connect-CQy: ($13,000.00) Yearly fee for Connect CTY and other updates to the web site and data input to our database to keep the latest telephone numbers available in an emergency. TR-2009a3 A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($489,815.00) FROM THE STABILIZATION FUND TO VARIOUS ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, the Mayor has submitted the Proposed Fiscal Year 2010 Annual Operating Budget to the City Council; and WHEREAS, due to severe reductions in local aid from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, it is necessary to appropriate funds from the Stabilization Fund for the purchase of equipment and completion of various capital projects; and WHEREAS, the attached Exhibit A outlines the capital projects and equipment purchases proposed to be funded through an appropriation from the Stabilization Fund-, and WHEREAS, a two-thirds vote (of those members present and voting) of the City Council isrequired to approve an appropriation of funds from the Stabilization Fund; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam that the Agawam City Council appropriate funding from the Stabilization Fund as outlined on Exhibit A; NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council does hereby resolve pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40, Section 5B to appropriate the sum of Four Hundred Eighty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifteen ($489,815.00) Dollars from the Stabilization Fund to the accounts as described on Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Dated this day of 2009.­ . PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Gina M. Letellier, President APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY (A01-11 Christopher C. J(�son, Solicitor bA EXMBIT A TOWN OF AGAWAM - FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET STABILIZATION FUND Org Object Fiscal 2010 Fiscal 2010 Account Description Code Code Recommended Adopted TOWIVACCOUNTS Hampden County Land Acquisition 16610 589-13 $ 9,500 Street.Improvement Program 16610 52460 $ 150,000 Dept. Public Works Equipment 16610 52456 $ 150,000 Sidewalk-Rehab & Extension 16610 58914 $ 30,000 Dept. Public Works Boiler Replacement 16610 58931 $ 24,800 SCHOOL A CCO UNTS Phelps School Gym Floor Replacement 16610 58933 48,765. DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTS Data Processing-Equipment 11544 52040 13,000 Treasurer- Capital Outlay 11384 52040 $ 4,800 Police-Motor Vehicle 12104 58500 $ 25,500 Fire- Computer Upgrade 52050 S 3,000 Parks &Rec.-Recr.Eqpt.Repr.&Replcmt. 16204: 52050 S 5,200 Bldg.Maintenance-Janitorial Equipment 11924 58310 $ 3,000 Bldg.Maintenance-Maintenance &Equip. 11924 58320 $ 3,250 Bldg. Maintenance-Motor Vehicle 11924 58500 $ 6,000 Emergency Management-Connect City 16604 52190 $ 13,000 STABILIZA TION FLWD TOTAL $ 489,815 TOWNOFAGAWAM FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET STABILIZATION- TO WN A CCO I Ham-i2den County Land Acquisition, ($9,500.00) Agawam acquired most of the holdings of the Hampden County government that were within 'Its boundaries when the County dissolved. The Town must reimburse the other county communities for their share of these assets over the years ahead. The funds included in the Capital Budget meet the payment required in Fiscal Year 2010. 2. Street "mrovement Program ($150,000.00) Funding is continued for the improvement and maintenance of our local roadways. Improvements include the construction, reconstruction, widening and resurfacing of roads and the installation and repair of drainage structures and systems. Funds will be utilized in combination with state Chapter 90 funding to meet routine maintenance and improvement requirements. 3. Dgpartment of Public Works &u!)2 ($150,000.00) An annual capital appropriation is included to provide for the ongoing replacement of equipment on a scheduled maintenance program. Funds may be carried from one fiscal year to the next in order to provide funding for high value, large Department of Public Works trucks and other capital equipment. 4. Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Lx1ension: ($30,000.00) TheDPWHighway Divisions' sidewalk construction and repair team will continue rehabilitation work on sidewalks throughout the community. Funds will be used to extend walks to provide connections to schools and recreation facilities. 5. DMartment offublic Works Boiler ftlacement: ($24,800.00) Funds are requested to replace the exis'ting boiler in the Department of Public Works facility. The new Weil-McLain boiler is rated at 93% efficiency. The existing boiler is rated at only 45- 55% efficiency. This project has been submitted to the state for possible funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus funds. SCLL(20L A CCO 1. Phelps School Gym Floor ftlacement: ($48,765.00) Various school repairs projects will continue to be funded through annual appropriation. This year it is proposed to install a new gym floor at the Benjamin Phelps School. REPARL AfENLAL A CCO #1. Data Processtag=_Equ�pment: .00 ($13,000 ) Funds have been included to STABILIZATION FUND - Page Two provide for equipment, software, supplies, replacement parts and repair. #2. Treasurer- Capital QuLIU. ($4,800.00) Funds are included for training costs and programming and equipment upgrades. #3. Police-MotorYeh ($25,500.00) Replacement of one marked cruiser and related equipment. #4- fire-Computer Ugg—rayde: ($3,000.00) Replacement of various computer equipment. #5. Parks & Recreation -Recreation Eguipment RWair& Rgplace ($5,200.00) Replace baseball/softball pitcher rubbers, bases and home plate, and replace mulch at park and school playgrounds. #6. BuildingMaintenance-Janitorial&uipment.- ($3,000.00) Replacement of cleaning equipment, vacuums and buffers for school and town buildings. #7. Building Maintenance-Maintenance& Equj)ztnent. ($3j,250.00) Purchase of small hand tools and special equipment. #8. Building Maintenance-Motor Vehicle: ($6,000.00) Lease payment of replacement vehicle. #9. EmergenCE Managament- Connect i --jCA ($13,000.00) Yearly fee for Connect CTY and other updates to the web site and data input to our database to keep the latest telephone numbers available in an emergency.