TR-2009-38 KENO TO GO SOUTHBRIDGE CONV. ■ p `7U j 1 TR-2009-38 C1.J QC5 A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE EXTENSION OF < KENO TO GO C1_J tPonsored by City Council President Gina M. Letellier and Councilor Robert E. Rossi) WHEREAS, the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission has offered KENO To Go to Southbridge Convenience Store, I South Bridge Road, Agawam, MA.; and WHEREAS, the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission has notified the Town of Agawam that it has the right to object to the extension of KENO To Go; and WHEREAS, the License Sub-Committee of the Agawam City Council has reviewed the extension of KENO To Go for said business and taken into consideration any traffic or other relevant concerns; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Agawam City Council votes to notify the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission that it objects to the extension of KENO To Go at Southbridge Convenience Store, I South Bridge Street, Agawam, MA. Dated this -day of 2009. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL /06� ckj etel6��i,A7gawarn City Council C6 CLA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Christopher Joh t)I City Solicitor MAYOFAL ACTION Received this ' day of 6-OA-) , 2009 from Town Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this day of � 2009, APPROVAL-QFLEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawan4�harter, as amended, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this=�?, �- day of 2009. Susan R. Dawson, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATI By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2009 for the following reason(s): Susan R. Dawson, Mayor RETURN OF LECIISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this day of 3=Le 2009. F A AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL -)6 N/IAIN S'rREET AGAWAM, N4ASSACHUSE17S 01001 TED October 2 1, 2009 PRESIDENT Gina Af Letellier Mr. Charles mcliltyre VICE PRESIDENT General Counsel Cerilia P. Calabrese Massachusetts State Lottery Commission Braintree, MA. 02184 COUNCILORS George Bitzas Re: Letter of June 12, 2009 KENO To Go License Paul C caval/o Jill& Messick Dear Attorney Mclillyre: Joseph Mineo Dennis J Perry I am writing oil behalf of the Agawarn City CDUIlCil regarding KENO To Go being Z� Donald M, Rheault offered to Southbridge Convemence Store, located at I South Bridge Road, Agawarn, Robert E. Rossi MA 0 100 1 Jill P. Simpson Robert IV. Young I respecifully do NoT object to KENO To Go being offered 10 Southbridge ,%.DMrNISTRATIVE Convenience Store, I South Bridge Road, Agawam, MA. 01001: however, ASSISTANT respectfully request the folloNving conditions: Barbara A, Bard I. There be no tables and chairs 2. Any KENO monitoring be limited to counter space wit ha MaNinlLIM of six (6) stools Thank N'011 fOr VOL11' attC110011 and assistance in this regard. Sincerely, Gina M. Lctellier, President Agawam City Council GML/bb TELEPHONE cc: City Council (413) 786-0400 Ext. 233 FAX (413) 786-992 7 Town of Agawam 36 Main Street Agawam, Massachusetts 01001-1.837 Tel. 41.3-786-0400 Fax 413-786-9927 FAX COVER SHEET Fax Number (413) 786-992 7 Date: Originating Dept. TO: Uwjes FROM: I 9LP O-q OD X Number of Pages Including Cover Sheet.- COMMENTS: tk Fax transmissions are solelyfor in nicipa purposes. Any perso al or pol al use prohibited by law. TR-2009-38 A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE EXTENSION OF KENO TO GO (Sponsored by City Council President Gina M. Letellier and Councilor Robert E. Rossi) WHEREAS, the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission has offered KENO To Go to Southbridge Convenience Store, I South Bridge Road, Agawam, MA.; and WHEREAS, the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission has notified the Town of Agawam that it has the right to object to the extension of KENO To Go; and WHEREAS, the License Sub-Committee of the Agawam City Council has reviewed the extension of KENO To Go for said business and taken into consideration any traffic or other relevant concern.s; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Agawam City Council votes to notify the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission that it objects to the extension of KENO To Go at Southbridge Convenience Store, I South Bridge Street, Agawam, MA. Dated this day of 2009. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Gina A Letellier, President,Agawam City Council APPROVED AS TOFORM AND LEGALITY Christopher Johnson,City Solicitor -777P- AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACffUSETTS 0 100 1 October 20, 2009 PRESIDENT Gina M Letellier Mr. Charles McIntyre VICE PRESIDENT General Counsel Cecilia P. Calabrese Massachusetts State Lottery Commission Braintrec, MA. 02184 COUNCrLORS George Bitzas Re: Letter of June 12, 2009 KENO To Go License Paul C. Cavallo Jill S. Messick Dear Attorney McIntyre: Joseph Mineo Dennis J.Perry I arn writing on behalf of the Agawam City Council to object to KENO To Go being Donald M.Rheaull offered to Southbridge Convenience Store, located at I South Bridge Road, Agawam, Robert E Rossi MA 01001. Jill P. Simpson Robert M Young On behalf of the Agawani City Council, I respectfully do NOT object to KENO To ADMINISTRATIVE Go being offered to Southbridge Convenience Store, I South Bridge Road, Agawarn, ASSISTANT MA. 01001. 1 thank you for your consideration in this regard. Barbara A. Bard Sincerely, 0 L 0 Gina M. Letellier, President Agawam City Council GML/bb cc: City Council TELEPHONE (413) 786-0400 Ext. 233 PAX (413) 786-9927 Untitled Document Page I of I barbara. bard From: Gina Letellier[ginalet@verizon.net) Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 3:06 PM To: Robert Rossi; barbara bard: Gina Letellier Subject: Southbridge Convenience Keno to go Hi Bob I got a call from the guy that leases Southbridge Convenience Store. His name, as best as I could get, is Tha Ayaz. He has been leasing the store since May 1, 2009. He said the prior lessee, Jim, has been trying to sell the beer and wine license but the landlord is not trying to sell the building and he would like his license. Could you give him a call or talk to the landlord and clear up whatever question you had about ownership of the building? Thanks Gina Letellier Law bffices, P.C. Attorney Gina M. Letellier 200 Silver Street, Suite 212 Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Voice Phone: 413-786-5300 Fax Phone: 413-786-7077 E-mail: ginalet@verizon.net Website: www.letellierlaw.com 9/30/2009 FA AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET '01001 AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS I ED September 23, 2009 PRESIDENT Gina Al. Letellier Mr. Charles McIntyre NITCE PICi SIDENT General COLInSel Cecilia P, Calabrese Massachusetts State Lottery Commission Braintree, MA. 02184 COUNCILORS George Bilzas Re: Letter of June 12, 2009 KENO To Go License Paul C Cavallo Jill S. Messick Dear Attorney McIntyre: Joseph Mineo Dennis J. Perry I arn writing on behalt'of the Agawarn City Council to object to KENO To Go being Donald A1 Rheaull offered to SOLIthbridge Convenience Store, located at I South Bridge Road, Agawam, Robert L'. Rossi MA 01001. During a discussion at our September 21, 2009 City Council inecting, Jill P. Simpson the License Committee reported that this store is changing ownership and Roberi M. Young recommended that we object to the issuance of the KENO To Go at this time. 'File ADMrNISTRATIVE City Council may revisit this issue at SLIch time as the ownership has been settled. ASSISTANT Barbara A. Bard Therefore oil behalf of the Agawain City Council, I respectfully object to KEINO To Go being offered to Southbridge Convenience Store, I South Bridge Road, Agawain, MA. 01001. 1 thank you for your consideration in this regard. Sincerely, Gina M. Letellier, Preisid ti�LLL Agawam City COUncil GML/bb C c'. City Council TELEPHONE (413) 786-0400 Ext. 233 FAX (413) 7,56-9927 TR-2009-38 A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE EXTENSION OF KENO TO GO (Sponsored by City Council President Gina M. Letellier and Councilor Robert E. Rossi) WHEREAS, the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission has offered KENO To Go to Southbridge Convenience Store, I South Bridge Road, Agawam, MA.; and WHEREAS, the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission has notified the Town of Agawam that it has the right to object to the extension of KENO To Go; and WHEREAS, the License Sub-Committee of the Agawam City Council has reviewed the extension of KENO To Go for said business and taken into consideration any traffic or other relevant concerns; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Agawam City Council votes to notify the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission that it objects to the extension of KENO To Go at Southbridge Convenience Store, I South Bridge Street, Agawam, MA. Dated this day of 2009. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Gina M. Letellier, President,Agawam City Council APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Christopher Johnson,City Solicitor AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 0 100 1 ED June 17, 2009 PR.ESI]DENT Mr. Charles McIntyre Gina M,Letellier General Counsel VICE PRESEDENT Massachusetts State Lottery Commission Cecilia P. Calabrese Braintree, MA. 02184 COUNCILORS Re: Letter of June 12, 2009 KENO To Go License George Bitzas Paul C. Cavallo Dear Attorney McIntyre: Jill S.Messick Joseph Mineo I am writing to again request an extension regarding your initial letter for KENO To Dennis J.Perry Go being offered to Southbridge Convenience Store, located at I South Bridge Road, Donald M. Rheault Agawam, MA 0 100 1, Due to the delay in budget numbers from the state, our local Robert E Rossi operating budget was not voted upon until July 27th. Therefore, with the summer Jill P. Simpson meeting schedule already altered as well as us having only one meeting a month, this Robert M. Young item never appeared under New Business. ADMINISTRATIVE I am requesting another extension if possible in order to allow it to appear under New ASSISTANT Barbara A-Bard Business as well as Old Business enabling it to be put to a vote. Your response would be greatly appreciated so I would know whether or not this is feasible. Sincerely, Gina M. Letellier, President Agawam City Council GML/bb Cc: Elizabeth Day, Associate General Counsel via facsimile TELEPHONE (413) 786-0400 Ext. 233 FAX (413) 786-9927 Massachusetts State. Lottery Commission 6o cohanbian smet Braintrez, Massadwetts 02184-1738 Lia�Fwv (781)849-5656 TIMOTHY P. CAHILL MARK J. CA VANA GH Thas=r andP,�Wiver Genend E4cutive Dimaor June 12, 2009 L Town of Agawam �1: Licensing Commission :pmc.� CE 0�1r- 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 Dear Sir/Madam: un The Massachusetts State Lottery Commission is offering existing non-pouring agents our exciting new product KENO To Go, a transaction which is identical to the already existing on-line games, such as Megabucks and Mass Cash. The Lottery is not providing agents with Keno monitors as part of this progra.m. In accordance with M.G.L. c 10, section 27A, as amended, you are hereby notified that there are existing agents in your community that are qualified to apply for KENO To Go as listed below: SOUTHBRIDGE CONVENIENCE I SOUTHBRIDGE RD AGAWAM, MA 01001 If you object to these agents selling KENO To Go, you must do so, in writing, within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of this letter. Please address your written objection to Charles McIntyre, General Counsel, Massachusetts State Lottery Commission, 60 Columbian Street, Braintree, MA 02184. Should yo6 have any questions regardingthis program or any other issue relative to the Lottery, please call me at 781-849-5555. 1 look forward to working with you as the Lottery continues its' efforts to support the 351 cities and towns of the Commonwealth. C-)Z Sincerely, -Z cr, k v agh Exec Dir tor zo� Cz Certified Mail —Return Receipt Requested: 7006 3450 0003 0192 7773 (3-09) Supponling dtz 351 Citia andTowns of MassacAusetts Town of Agawam 36 Main Street Agawam, INI'assachusetts 01001-1,837 FED Tel. 413-786-0400 Fax. 413-786-9927 FAX COVER SHEET Fax Number (413) 786-9927 Date: Originating Dept. TO: V 5Sr79 FROM: Offum ) A-auit Number ofPages Induding Cover Sheet.- COMMENTS: Fax transmissions are solelyfor municipalpurposes. Any personal or political use prohibited by law. AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 0 100 1 ED June 17,2009 PRESIDENT Mr. Charles McIntyre Gina M Letellier General Counsel' VICE PRESIDENT Massachusetts State Lottery Commission Cecilia P. Calabres'e Braintree, MA. 02184 COUNCILORS Re: Letter of June 12,2009 KENO To Go License George Bitzas ,.Pau.1 C. Cavallo Dear Attorney McIntyre: Jill S.Messick .Joseph Mine'o I a m- writing in response to the enclosed letter regarding KIENO To Go being offered DennisJ. Perry to Southbridge Convenience Store, I South Bridge Road, Agawam, MA. 01001. The Donald M. Rheault Agawam City Council has meetings once a month during the summer. Our next Robert E. Rossi City Council meeting is Monday, July 27,.2009. At that meeting, this item will Jill P. Simpson appear as New Business and will be referred to our Licensing Committee. At the Robert M. Young next meeting on August 17, 2009, the Licensing Committee will give its ADMINISTRATIVE recommendation and the City Council will vote on whether or not to object to the ASSISTANT KENO To Go. Barbara A. Bard Therefore, I respectfully request an extension until August 3 1, 2009 to give the City Council an opportunity to review the matter pursuant to our Rules and Regulations and respond. Please advise. Thank you. Sincerely, Gina M. Leteilier, President Agawam City Council GML/bb Cc: Full Council TELEPHONE (413) 786-0400 Ext. 233 FAX (413) 786-9927 Massachusetts State Lottery Commission 6o columbian stwt Braintm4, Massadwetts 02184-1738 Licenstv Fax (781)849-5656 TIMOTHY P. CAHILL MARK J. CAVANAGH Treasurer andPpceiver Genend Executive Director June 12, 2009 Town of Agawam C;* Licensing Commission 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 Dear Sir/Madam: Gn 0% The Massachusetts State Lottery Commission is offering existing non-pouring agents our exciting new product KENO To Go, a transaction which is identical to the already existing on-line games, such as Megabucks and Mass Cash. The Lottery is not providing agents with Keno monitors as part of this progra.m. In accordance with M.G.L. c 10, section 27A, as amended, you are hereby notified that there are existing agents in your community that are qualified to apply for KENO To Go as listed below: SOUTHBRIDGE CONVENIENCE I SOUTH BRIDGE RD AGAWAM, MA 01001 If you object to these agents selling KENO To Go, you must do so, in writing, within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of this letter. Please address your written objection to Charles McIntyre, General Counsel, Massachusetts State Lottery Commission, 60 Columbian Street, Braintree, MA 02184. Should yolu have any questions regarding this program or any other issue relative to the Lottery, please call me at 781-849-5555, 1 look forward to working with you as the Lottery continues its' efforts to support the 351 cities and towns of the Commonwealth. Sincerely, ZE k C6vanagh Exec e Director Cn Certified Mail—Return Receipt Requested: 7006 3450 0003 0192 7773 (3-09) Supporting the 351 Cities andTowns of Massachusetts A AGAWAM. CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET TS '01001 AGAWAM, MASSACHUSET June 17, 2009 PRESIDENT Mr. Charles McIntyre Gina M Letellier General Counsel VICE PRESIDENT Massachusetts State Lottery Commission Cecilia P. Calabrese Braintree, MA. 02184 Re: 'Letter of June 12, 2009 KENO To Go License COUNCYLORS George Bitzas Paul C Cavallo Dear Attorney McIntyre: Jill S. Messick Joseph Mineo I am writing to again request an extension regarding your initial letter for KENO To Dennis J. Perry Go being offered to Southbridge Convenience Store, located at I South Bridge Road, bonaldM. Rheault Agawam, MA 01001. Due to the delay in budget numbers from the state, our local Robert E. Rossi operating budget was not voted upon until July 27th. Therefore, with the summer Jill P. Simpson meeting schedule already altered as well as us having only one meeting a month, this Robert M. Young item never appeared under New Business. ADMINISTRATIVE I am requesting another extension if possible in order to allow it to appear under New ASSISTANT Business as well as Old Business enabling it to be put to a vote. Your response Barbara A. Bard would be greatly appreciated so I would know whether or not this is feasible, Sincerely, LA Gina M. Leteilier, President Agawam City Council GML/bb Cc: Elizabeth Day, Associate General Counsel via facsimile TELEPHONE (413) 786-0400 Ext. 233 FAX (413) 786-9927