TOR-2011-3 OUTDOOR DINING AMENDMENT / � \ 1 TOR 2011-3 ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE OUTDOOR DINING AMENDMENT TO THE CODE OFTHE TOWN OF AGAWAM (Sponsored by Councilor George Bitzas) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam seeks to inspire a vibrant, unique, and friendly streetscape which would stimulate the economy 4nd benefit surroUnding arels; and WHEREAS, outdoor dining at existing and future restaurants would be an asset to tile Town as such facilities would contribute to the attractiveness of the streetscape and contribute to the stimulation of local businesses; and WHEREAS, the Code ofthe Town of Agawam does not expressly allow for Outdoor dining, and WHEREAS, adoption of a provision within the Code of theTown of AgaNvaill Would allow local restaurants to establish outdoor dining areas-, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Agawam City Council hereby adopts an arneridnient to tile Cdde of theTown of Agawarn to expressly allow for outdoor dining areas. Chapter ISO §I 80-44(H) shall be amended as follows: 3. Outdoor dining areas shall be allowed as a use to a restaurant, subject to the issuance of a permit by tile Building Inspector and subject to tile following conditions: a) Compliance with the Code of the Town of Agawam, including the Zoning Ordinances, the Building C.ode of tile Commonwealth ofMassachuscus, the Fire Code of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and all applicable state and federal statutes is mandatory. b) Compliance with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health State Sanitary Code for Food Establishment(105 CM 1� 590.) shall be mandatory. C) Alcohol may be served to and consumed by patrons ill Outdoor dining areas, provided that all. necessary licenses are acquired.These licenses are to be gathered through the Liquor Commission. the Building Department and the Board of Health. d) The hours of operation ofoutdoor dining areas may be equal to or less than the hours of'operation of the main restaurant. Dining areas which abut residential areas and residential zones must end Outdoor dining and seating activities by I I pin. e) The outdoor dining area shall not encroach upon the front, side and rear yard setback areas or public ways. Outdoor diningareas shall niect all Architectural Access Board, state and federal ADA requirements and be in compliance with the MaSSaChLlsetts Plumbing Code. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: COUNCIL PRESIDENT DON RHEAULT FROM: COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS SUBJECT: OUTDOOR DINING TOR-2011-3 DATE: AUGUST 31, 2011 After last everting's Zoning & Ordinance Workshop regarding the outdoor dining ordinance currently tabled before the City Council, I am hereby requesting that the current legislation that I sponsored (TOR-2011-3) be withdrawn from the City Council Agenda. I am directing our Law Department to begin drafting a new ordinance based on the input received from members of boards, commissions and councilors present at this workshop. I wiU continue to do my best to help our restaurants in Agawam with respect to outdoor dining while looking out for the best interests of our residents. Thank you. cc: Full Council Mayor solicitor Planning Health Director Building Inspector Fire Chief Police Chief INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS SUBJECT: OUTDOOR DINING TOR-2011-3 DATE: SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 I wanted to cla.6fy the reasons why I withdrew my Outdoor Dining Ordinance. I met with the City Solicitor the morning after the Zoning & Ordinance Workshop to discuss amending the above-referenced ordinance to ensure that proper language was utilized. Accordingly, I was told that by law this ordinance should not be amended and should be withdrawn. He suggested starting from the beginning and re-writing a new ordinance. I requested that he put this 'in writing and I am attaching that information for your convenience. His email should provide an explanation of his legal opinion. If you have any questions regarding tf�s issue, please call the City Solicitor or as always you can contact me. cc: Mayor Solicitor Planning Health Director Building Inspector Fire Chief Police Cliief Withdrawl.of Zoning Plroposal From - Vince Gios6a<--,olicitor@agawaMmauS> Wed,Aug 31, 201106:53 PM Subject Withdrawl of Zoning Proposal To <GEP50@CoMcaSLUet> Councilor Bitzas: The item should be withdrawn so that.there is sufficient time to draft the new ordinance.The new ordinance may be substantially different from the ordinance currently on the council docket,as such it would require resubmission to the Planning Board. The process for drafting an ordinance requires various town departments to review and have sufficient time to comment upon the ordinance. Also,the council must hold a public hearing within 65.days after the zoning proposal has been submitted to the Planning Board. The drafUng and reviewpirocess may take longer than that Furthermore,the new ordinance would have to be submittL-d to the Planning Board for review as the "changes'would fundamentally after the ordinance enough to warrant a new hearing and review by the Planning Board. Amending the current ordinance would not allow for the needed public hearings to be held by the Planning Board to seek comment from interest parties before the Planning Board. Therefore,because of the nature of the.requested changes involved in redrailting the ordinance the amendment process is insufficient""If the identity-6f the zoning proposal is utterly changed by an attempted amendment by Town Wideting,the Planning Board must hold a new public hearing and submit a new reporL Fish v. Canton,322 Mass.219(1948). In my opinion any amendment to address the concerns of the working group that met on August 30,2011 would radically and fundamentally depart from the original'proposal. Therefore, it is my opinion that the matter be withdrawn and a new ordinance submitted for consideration after the drafting -process is complete. WKent F.Gkncia, Esq., City Solicitor,Town of Agawam 36 Main Street Agaiom, MA 01001 413-786-0400 Ext. 281 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: COUNCIL PRESIDENT DON RHEAULT FROM: COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS SUBJECT: OUTDOOR DINING TOR-2011-3 DATE: AUGUST 31, 2011 After last evening's Zoning & Ordinance Workshop regarding the outdoor dining ordinance currently tabled before the City Council, I am hereby requesting that the current legislation that I sponsored (TOR-2011-3) be withdrawn from the City Council Agenda. I am directing our Law Department to begin drafting a new ordinance based on the-input received from members of boards, comn1lissions and councilors present at this workshop. I will continue to do my best to help our restaurants in Agawam with respect to outdoor dining while looking out for the best interests of our residents. Thank you. cc: Full Council Mayor Solicitor Planning Health Director Building Inspector Fire Chief Police Cl­�ief INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR RICHARD COHEN, VINCE GIOSCIA, LT. ERIC GILLIS, NICK URBINATI, RANDY WHITE, DEBBIE DACHOS FROM: COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS SUBJECT: OUTDOOR DINING DATE: AUGUST 15, 2011 On Tuesday, August 30, 2011, the Zonmig Review and Ordinance Committees are holding a workshop with members of the Planning Board regarding the Outdoor Diming Ordinance. As sponsor of this Ordinance, I am respectfully requesting your attendance at this workshop as your miput would be gready appreciated. For your convenience, I am 'including a copy of the meeting notice as well as a copy of a recent memo sent to the Planming Board with respect to this workshop. FA AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL oil 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 NOTICE OF MEETING PRESIDENT PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THERE Donald M. Rheault WILL ' BE A JOINT ZONING & ORDINANCE S'UB-COMMITTEE WORKSHOP WITH VICE PRESIDENT THE PLANNING BOARDI ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2011, AT Robert E Rossi 6:00pm, IN THE COMMUNITY ROOM AT THE AGAWAM COUNCILORS PUBLIC LIBRARY, 750 COOPER STREET, AGAWAM, MA.' George Bizzas James P. cichetli AGENDA Gina M. Letellier Robert A. Magovern Discussion of TOR-2011-3 - An Ordinance to Adopting the Outdoor Jill S. Messick Dining Amendment to the Code of the Town of Agawam, Joseph Mineo Dennis i Perry 2. Any other business that may legally come before the Committee. Jill P. Simpson John F. Walsh ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Barbara A Bar d I S.4Mssic hair Ch i Rd ert A. Magovern, Ch CC: Comminee Members Bitzas, Rossi, Cichetti and Letellier Full Council Mayor City Solicitor Planning Board Nick Urbinati Debbie Dachos -C n, c') rn TELEPHONE 'is:X (413) 786-0400 Ext. 233 V-) FAX (413).786-9927 EMAIL bbard@agawam.ma.us INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING BOARD FROM: COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS SUBJECT: OUTDOOR DINING DATE: AUGUST 11, 2011 Attached please find copies of emails ftom some of the surrounding communities -,vith respect to their outdoor dining process. For your convenience, I have also included a copy of the eleven restrictions within the proposed outdoor dining ordinance which are there to protect the neighborhoods as well as the safety of its residents. This information may help to answer some of your questions or concerns during our August 30" workshop. I encourage you to contact area communities regarding their process of allowing outdoor dining. As always, I am avaiiable to answer any additional questions you may have. Thank you. cc: Zoning Review & Ordinance Sub-Committces Full Council Mayor Solicitor Debbie Dachos Nick Urbinati Barbara—Our DPW has a permit for outdoor tables and chairs, If the licensee has a liquor license and wants to serve alcohol at the outdoor tables and chairs', they must appl" for Alteration of Premises with me to put the application before the Northampton License Commission and ABCC. No, DPW does the outdoor tables and chairs permits, I facilitate the application of the licensee if they wish to serve their alcohol (assuming they already have a liquor license on premise). Mary L. Midura.. ExeCUtive Secretary Noi-thampion, A,1.4 Cii),Council & License Commission 2 10 Main Street Northampton', MA NOR 413-587-1210 4 1')-587-1264 fax From: barbara bard [mailto:BBard@agawam.ma.us] Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 2:28 PM To: Pettazzoni, Susan Subject: outside dining Barbara, Here is the information that you asked for....I hope this will help! Our Zoning Ordinance does not restrict outdoor dining. There is no difference between outdoor seating and outdoor dining. The License Commission issues the permit-, however, the requests follow a procedure that goes through the Planning Board. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me. And please give my regards to Councilor Bitzas. Thank you Suse The Health Dept. does not issue permits for outside dining. The licensing dept. would issue a special permit on a case by case basis, primarily if there is any alcohol serving/consumption. If it is held at a food establishment, there need not be a permit. Hope that helps. Marie Graves Project Director City of Springfield Department of Health and Human Services 95 State Street, Suite 201 Springfield, MA 01103 PH: 413-787-6718 C-) Chapter 180 §I 80-44(H) shall be amended as follows: 3. Outdoor dining areas shall be allowed as a use to a restaurant, subject to the issuance of a permit by the Building Inspector and subject to the following conditions: a) Compliance with the Code of the Town of Agawam, including the Zoning Ordinances, the Building Code of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Fire Code of the Commonw, ealth of Massachusetts, and all applicable state and federal statutes is mandatory. b) Compliance with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health State Sanitary Code for Food Establishment(105 CMR 590.) shall be mandatory. C) Alcohol may be served to and consumed by patrons in outdoor dining areas, provided that all necessary licenses are acquired. These licenses are to be gathered through the Liquor Commission, the Building Department and the Board of Health. d) The hours of operation of outdoor dining areas may be equal to or less than the hours of operation of the main restaurant. Dining areas which abut residential areas and residential zones must end outdoor dining and seating activities by I 1pm. e) The outdoor dining area shall not encroach upon the front, side and rear yard setback areas or public ways. f) Outdoor dining areas shall meet all Architectural Access Board, state and federal ADA requirements and be in compliance with the Massachusetts Plumbing Code. 9) Any heater3 used outside must be positioned and approved by the Agawam Fire Chief and/or their designee. These beaters will be inspected annually to ensure the),are functioning within proper Parameters. When tanks are installed in areas subject to vehicular impact, physical barriers shall be provided. These physical barriers shall consist of lally columns, substantial pipes, bollards or similar barriers. h) Public address systems or other systems intended to convey verbal messages through the use of conformance with ea I e amplified sound shall be prohibited; however, music may be allowed at a r sonable vo um and required; Agawam Code Chapter 121 §12 1-1 and M.G.L. Chapter 40 §21 cl. 22 is i) Animals shall not be permitted within outdoor dining areas, except for service animals. D A site plan in conformance with Chapter 180-13 must be submitted for approval prior to issuance Of a Permit by the Building Inspector. k) All outdoor areas shall have a Protective barrier against potential vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Physical barriers shall consist of]ally columns, substantial Pipes, bollards or similar barriers. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO- MAYOR RICHARD COHEN, VTNCE GIOSCIA, LT. ER1C GILLIS, NICK URBINATI, RANDY WHITE, DEBBIE DACHOS FROM: COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS SUBJECT: OUTDOOR DINING DATE: AUGUST 15, 2011 On Tuesday, August 30, 2011, the Zoning Review and Ordinance Conunittees are holding a workshop with members of the Planning Board regarding the Outdoor Dining Ordinance. As sponsor of this Ordinance, 1 am respectfully requesting your attendance at this workshop as your input would be greatly appreciated, For your convenience, I am 'including a copy of the meeting notice as well as a copy of a recent memo sent to the Planning Board with respect to this workshop. F A AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36N, /IAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 ED NOTICE OF MEETING PRESIDEN'r PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THERE WILL BE A JOINT Donald M Rheault ZONING & ORDINANCE SUB-COMMITTEE WORKSHOP WITH VICF PRESIDENT THE PLANNING BOARD, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2011, AT Robert E. Rossi 6:00pm, IN THE COMMUNITY ROOM AT THE AGAWAM COUNCILORS PUBLIC LIBRARY, 750 COOPER STREET, AGAWAM, MA. George Biizas James P. Cichetti AGENDA Gina M. Letelliar Robert A. Magovern DiSCLISSiOB Of TOR-201 1-3) - An Ordinance to Adopting the 'Outdoor Jill S. Messick Dining Amendment to Ihe Code of the Town of Agawam. Joseph klineo Denn is J. Perry 2. Any other business that may legally come before the Committee. Jill P, Simpson John P, I'Valsh ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Barbara A. Bard 1JL qPv ic , hair ern, Ch ii� & N1 ssic , hair Rol 4ert A. —Magovern, Ch ir Cc: C011inlittee Members Bitzas, Ross], Cichettl and Letellier FUJI COL11161 Mayor City solicitol, C= Planning Board Nick Urbinati Debbie Dacho�; GO> Cn C) n TELEPHONIE (413) 786-0400 Ext 233 FAX (413) 786-9927 EMAiL bbard@agemain.ma.us 6 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM . ................ TO: PLANNING BOARD FROM: COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS SUBJECT: OUTDOOR DINING DATE: AUGUST 11, 2011 Attached please find copies of emails from some of the surrounding communities with respect to their outdoor dining process. For your convenience, I have also included a copy of the eleven restrictions within the proposed outdoor dining ordinance which are there to protect the neighborhoods as well as the safety of its residents. This information may help to answer some of your questions or concerns during our August 30" workshop. I encourage you to contact area communities regarding their process of allowing outdoor dinling. As always, I am available to answer any additional questions you may have. Thank you. cc: Zonling Review& Ordinance Sub-Cornnuittees Full Council Mayor Sohcitor Debbie Dachos Nick Urbinati Barbara—OUr DPW has a permit for outdoor tables and chairs. Irthelicenseehasa liquor license and wants to serve alcohol at the outdoor tables and chairs, they Must Ipply for Alteration of Premises with me to put the application before the Northampton License Commission and ABCC. No, DPW does the Outdoor tables and chairs permits. I facilitate the application of the licensee if thev Nvish to serve their alcohol (assuming they already have a liquor license on premise). Mary L. Midura, ExeCUtive Secretary Norlhanil)ion. Abl City Councit& License Coininission 210 Main Street Northanipton, M A 0 1060 413-587-1210 413-587-1264 fax From: barbara bard [mailto:BBard@agawam.ma.us] Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 20112:28 PM To: Pettazzoni, Susan Subject: outside dining Barbara, Here is the infori-nation that you asked for....1 hope this will help! Our Zoning Ordinance does not restrict outdoor dining. There is no difference between outdoor seating and outdoor dining. The License Commission issues the permit; however, the requests follow a procedure that goes through the Planning Board. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me. And please give my regards to Councilor Bitzas. Thank you Suse The Health Dept. does not issue permits for outside dining. The licensing dept. would issue a special permit on a case by case basis, primarily if there is any alcohol serving/consumption. If it is held at a food establishment, there need not be a permit. Hope that helps. Marie Graves Project Director City of Springfield Department of Health and Human Services 95 State Street, Suite 201 Springfield, MA 01103 PH: 413-787-6718 Cr r- Chapter 180 §I 80-44(H) shall be ainended as follows: 3. Outdoor dining areas shall be allowed as a use to a restaurant, subject to the issuance of a permit by the Building Inspector and subject to the following conditions: a) C(ornpliance with the Code of the Town of Agawam, including the Zoning Ordinances,the Building Code of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,the Fire Code of the Commonwealth of Ma-ssachusetts, and all applicable state and federal statutes is mandatory. b) Compliance with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health State Sanitary Code for Food Establishment(105 CMR 590.) shall be mandatory. C) Alcohol may be served to and consumed by patrons in outdoor dining areas, provided that all necessary licenses are acquired. These licenses are to be gathered through the Liquor Commission, the Building Department and the Board of Health. d) The hours of operation of outdoor dining areas may be equal to or less than the hours of operation of the main restaurant. Dining areas which abut residential areas and residential zones must end outdoor dining and seating activities by I I pm. e) The outdoor dining area shall not encroach upon the front, side and rear yard setback areas or public ways. f) Outdoor dining areas shall meet all Architectural Access Board, state and federal ADA requirements and be in compliance with the Massachusetts Plumbing, Code. g) Any heaters used outside must be Positioned and approved by the Agawa Fire Chi f d/or their designee, These heaters will In e an be inspected annually to ensure they are functioning within proper Parameters. When tanks are installed in areas subject to vehicular impact, physical barriers shall be provided. These physical barriers shall consist of lally columns, substantial Pipes, bollards or similar barriers. h) Public address systems or other systems intended to convey verbal messages through the use of amplified sound shall be prohibited; however, music may be allowed at a reasonable volume and conformance with Agawam Code Chapter 121 §12 1-1 and M.G.L. Chapter 40 §21 cl, 22 is required; i) Animals shall not be Permitted within outdoor dining areas, except for service animals. of a permit by the Building Inspector. r i) A site Plan in conformance with Chapter 180-13 must be submitted for approval prio to issuance k) All outdoor areas shall have a protective barrier against Potential vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Physical barriers shall consist of]ally columns, substantial Pipes, bollards Or similar barriers. Page I of 2 barbara bard From: Mary Midura [mmidura@northamptonma.gov) Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 8:09 AM To: barbara bard Subject: RE: outdoor dining Attachments: Updated BPW Tables& Chairs Policy July 201 1.pdf; ABCC Guidelines for Ext of Premise.pdf, Alteration of Premises.doc Barbara—Our DPW has a permit for Outdoor tables and chairs. If the licensee has a liquor license and wants to serve alcohol at the outdoor tables and chairs, they must apply for Alteration of Premises with nic to PLIt the application before the Northampton License Commission and ABCC. Mary L. Midura', Executive Secretary Alorlhumloon, AV CitY Council& License Commission 2 10 Main Street Northampton` MA 0 1060 4 13-5 87-1210 413-587-1264 flax office hours: Monday- Thursday 8.30 ani-4:30 I)m Friday 8:30 am - 12:00 pin From: barbara bard [mai Ito:1313a rd@agawam.ma.us] Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 20112:35 PM To: Mary Midura Subject: outdoor dining Hi! Agawam City Councilor George Bitzas would like to know what the City of Northampton has regarding Outside Dining. Who gives the special permit? Board of Appeals? Building Inspector? Anyone? What restrictions does the town have? Anything you could send me would be greatly appreciated. Barbara A. Bard Administrative Assistant to the City Council 36 Main Street Atyawarn, MA. 0 100 1 (413.) 786-0400 x233 (413) 786-9927 fax bbard@agawam.rna.us 8/11/2011 Page I of I barbara bard From: Graves, Marie [mgraves@spdngfieldcityhall.com) Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 2:44 PM To: barbara bard Subject: RE: Outdoor Dining The Health Dept. does not issue permits for outside dining. The licensing dept. would issue a special permit on a case by case bases, primarily if there is any alcohol serving/consumption. If it is held at a food establishment, there need not be a permit. Hope that helps. Marie Graves Project Director Springfield Coalition for Opioid Overdose Prevention City of Springfield Department of Health and Human Services 95 State Street, Suite 201 Springfield, MA 01103 PH: 413-787-6718 FX: 413-787-6458 From: barbara bard [BBard@agawam.ma.us] Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 20112:30 PM To: Graves, Marie Subject: Outdoor Dining Hi! Agawam City Councilor George Bitzas would like to know what the City of Springfield has regarding Outside Dining. Who gives the special permit? Board of Appeals? Building Inspector? Anyone? What restrictions does the town have? Anything you could send me would be greatly appreciated Barbara A. Bard Administrative Assistant lo the City Council 36 Main Street Agawam. MA. OtOOl (413) 786-0400 x233 (413) 786-9927 fax bbard@agawani.ma.us Confidentiality staiement This Town of Agawam electronic message along with any corresponding attachments may contain privileged or confidential information. This information is for the use of the intended recipient�s)only,Any disclosure.copying.distribution,or use of the contents of this message in any manner is strictly prohibited by anyone other than the intended recipient(s).If you have received this email in error,notify the sender ii nmediately by ema il and delete a 11 copies from your network. 8/10/2011 Page I of I barbara bard From: Pettazzoni, Susan [spettazzoni@west-springfield.ma.us] Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 8:35 AM To: barbara bard Subject: RE: outside dining Barbara, Here is the information that you asked for....I hope this will help! Our Zoning Ordinance does not restrict outdoor dining. There is no difference between outdoor seating and outdoor dining. The License Commission issues the permit, however, the requests follow a procedure that goes through the Planning Board. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me. And please give my regards to Councilor Bitzas. Thank you Suse From: barbara bard [ma!Ito:6 Bard @agawam.ma.us] Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 20112:28 PM To: Pettazzoni, Susan Subject: outside dining Hi! Hope all is well! Councilor Bitzas would like to know what West Springfield has regarding Outside Dining. Who gives the special permit? Board of Appeals? Building Inspector? Anyone? What restrictions does the town have? Anything you could send me would be greatly appreciated. Barbara A. Bard Administrative Assistant 10 the City COLInCil 36 Main Street Agawam, MA, 0 100 1 (413) 786-0400 x23J (4 13) 786-9927 fax bbard(@,a&awam.ma.us Confidentiality Statement This Town of Agawam electronic message along with any corfesponding attachments may contain privileged or confidential information,This information is for the use of the intended recipienl(s)only,Any disclosure,copying.distribution,or use of the contents of this message in any manner 15 strictly prohibited by anyone other than the intended recipient(s),If you have received this emai I in a rror,notify the sender immediately by email and delete all copies from your network. 8/10/2011 Permit No.. CITY OF NORTHAMTTON, MA TABLES AND CHAIRS PERNUT Fee: $200.00 per table - $25.00 per chair maximuifi of$300-.0ffpeFP�iinit-- Date: THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS The undersigned respectfully petitions your honorable body for:pennission to place Tables and Chairs: 1. The granting of this permit shall be in accordance with Code of Ordinance Section 285-9 and the regulations for placing table and chairs on public ways approved by the Board of Public Works (Regulations are attached to Permit). 2. Me agree to save the City of Northampton harmless from.,all claims for damage whatsoever arising from the occupation of said public ways under this permit. Certificate of Insurance shall be required in the amount of$100,000/$300,000. This permit shall be available at the requested location for'inspection during the time period exercised to any enforcing officer of the City. By: Address: Telephone: Signature: Approved and adopted by the Board of Public Works on October 14,' 1992. Amended July 20, 2011 Police Dept, Concurrence Yes No Signature License Commission Notified Do you currently have an Extension of Premises to serve alcohol on City sidewalk (s) as part of this application? Or, do you plan to apply in the future for one? Yes No THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS voted that petition be granted. Edward S. Huntley, P.E. Director of Public Works Cc: Police Department ........... REGULATIONS FOR PLACING TABLES & CHAIRS ON PUBLIC WAYS City of Northampton Department of Public Works 125 Locust St. 413-587-1570 A. Application L The application shall give the name of the business applying for the tables and' chairs location, the owner or manager of same, and the proposed location for said tables and chairs. 2. The application shall include a photograph or graphic design and a detailed sketch of the tables and chairs indicating all dimensions and locations relative to the sidewalk. B. Location Criteria Pedestrian and vehicular traffic shall not be impeded or obstructed. 2. The sidewalk width (including concrete and brick pavers) adjacent to the location of the proposed tables and chairs must be sufficient to allow the designated minimum clearance for pedestrian and wheelchair traffic. The standard minimum clearance citywide is 5 feet, except for the busier pedestrian locations in the downtown business district. These exceptions are listed below with the corresponding minimum clearance widths. Street Side Segment Minimum clearance Main North State to Masonic 5.5 ft Masonic to Cracker Barrel 6.0 ft Cracker Barrel to Center 8.0 ft Center to King 8.0 ft King to RR Bridge 7.0 ft South Crafts to Old South 7.0 ft Old South to King 9.0 ft King to RR Bridge 7.0 ft King East Main to Edwards Sq. 8.0 ft West Main to Allen Place 8.0 ft Pleasant Both Main to Holyoke St. 8.0 ft Masonic Both AJ 1 5.5 ft Bridge Both _J_All 8.0 ft Page I of 3 .......... Measurement of the minimum clearance is as follows: In-cases where end seating(chairs backing into the pedestrian-traffic)-is-_ allowed, and there is no barricaded enclosure, the distance is marked from 2 feet beyond the outermost edge of the table' to the inside edge of the curb or the closest obstacle(e.g., trash receptacle, light pole,bicycle rack, fire hydrant,newspaper box),whichever is most restrictive. In cases where end seating isn't allowed and there is not a barricaded enclosure, the distance is measured from 0.5 ft beyond the table to the inside edge of the obstacle. In cases where there is a barricaded enclosure,the distance is marked from the barricade to the inside edge of the obstacle. In cases where there is a split level sidewalk(e.g., southeast end of Main St.), the minimum clearance may be met by adding the individual clearances for each level. However,under no circumstances can the single-level clearance be reduced to below 4 feet. Tables and chairs must be placed so that there is at least I foot of setback from the ' adjacent property lines. There must also be I foot of clearance between table.and chairs and any exterior doorways. 3. The tables and chairs must be placed against the existing building 4. Final site location shall be approved by the Board of Public Works. C. Size and Materials 1. When required2, the permit holder shall be allowed to place a temporary barricade for the purpose of enclosing the tables and chairs. 2. The permit holder shall be responsible for assuring cleanliness-and removal of trash arisi�g from the use of the permit. D. Fee,Permit Duration I. $200.00 Per Table $25.00 Per Chair Maximum of$300.00 ver permit 2. The fee schedule for the location of tables and chairs shall be reviewed by the Board of Public Works on a periodic basis. If the fee is not paid, the permit shall 1 Additional 2 feet is to allow for pedestrian clearance around tables and chairs 2 e.g.,as required by the Massachusetts ABCC Page 2 of 3 not be issued. If the tables and chairs are placed on the street, the Board shall order the tables and chairs removed and a pick-up fee assessed in the amount of $200.00. -------Perniits shall be-issued.and-in full.effect-from-April-4--to,October 31 of each year. An insurance certificate in the amount of$100,000/$300,000 shall be required. 4. A permit-shall be:valid only during the year it is issued or defined as April I to October 31 of each year. A-new application-must be filed for each season. The permittee holding a permit for a particular location in subsequent seasons shall have a priority status for that location. the pen-nittee must renew their application and file it with the DPW between December I and December 31 of each year. Permits are issued in accordance with City Ordinance Sections 19-11. 5. Violation of the conditions and terms of the permit shall result in a termination and forfeiture of the permit. 6. Each respective business shall have their own table and chairs permit. , The permits do not apply to block ownership. Approved and Adopted by the Board of Public Works on April 24, 1991. Amended by the Board of Public Works on June, 13, 2007. Amended by the Board of Public Works on July 20,2011. City of Northampton Code of Ordinance Sec.19-11. Permit required for fixtures or structures on sidewalk or street. No person shall place, erect or cause to be placed or erected within any sidewalk of street any fixture-or structure unless a permit, issued by the-Board of Public Works, in the case of the. city ways or by the Department of Public Works' of the Commonwealth-of Massachusetts, in the case of state highways, authorizing such placing or erection, has been granted and is in effect. Any fixture, structure or property in violation of this section may be moved by or under the direction of an officer and at the owner's expense. (Rev. Ords. 1959, Ch. 33, Sec.6) Page 3 of 3 ....... ...... GUIDELINES FOR EXTENSION OF PRFMISES TO PATIO AND OUTDOOR AREAS 1. Alcoholic beverages cannot be served outside a licensed establishment unless and until an application to extend the licensed premises has been approved. 2. An application to extend the premises must describe the area in detail: for example, dimensions,number of tables and chairs, occupancy figures for inside area and outside area,bars*if any. 3. It is essential that the licensee have control of the area in order to precl-dde service to underage persons,to intoxicated persons, and other violations. The premises must be enclosed by a fence, rope or other means to prevent patrons or members of the public from wandering in and out. 4. The outdoor area must be contiguous to the licensed premises and the licensee should have a view of the outside premises from inside. Egress from the inside to the outside must be clearly established. This will assure safe,uninterrupted service of alcoholic beverages. 5. The outdoor area must have adequate exits in case of emergency.. 6. The licensing authorities should consider the type of neighborhood and the . potential for noise in the environs. 7. Preferred are outdoor areas where alcohol is served to patrons who are seated at tables and'where food is also available. ALTERATION OF PREMISES Questions—Please contact Mary L. Midura, Executive Secretary- License Commission (413) 587-12 10 or email: mmidura@northamptonma.gov From A.B.C.C. website www.mass.�-yov/abcc/ Alteration of Premises Forms $200.00 Certified Check or Money Order payable to "A. B. C. C." $25.00 check payable to the City of Northampton Plan of Alteration of Premises*, with Building Commissioner approval Corporate Vote of Corporation (Authorizes Alteration of Premises) Copy of Legal Advertisement—License Commission will complete legal ad, it is your responsibility to pay for the ad Form 43—License Commission will complete Abutter Notification (green card certified return receipts)(any abutter who directly touches your property and any Church, School, Synagogue or Hospital within 500 ft) See memo below Lease(if applicable) Certificate of Inspection signed by the Fire Chief and Building Inspector, required to issue the license with alteration of premises 16C Finding(LICENSE COMMISSION WILL COMPLETE AT HEARING) *If placement of tables and chairs on the City sidewalk is desired, please first contact the Department of Public Works to file an application for sidewalk use. The sidewalk description must be included on your liquor license application to allow service of alcohol outside. Documents must be riled at least 17 Days before a meeting. City of Northampton, Massachusetts License Commission City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 0 1060 (413) 587-1210 Fax: (413) 587-1264 Brad A. Shimel, Chair Mary L. Midura, Executive Secretary NOTIFICATION TO ABUTTERS!!!! When required to notify abutters... > The only abutters that the ABCC requires that you notify are the property owners who directly touch the property lines where the Liquor License will be placed; > And any Church, School, Synagogue or Hospital within 500 feet. The legal notice that is published in the Newspaper can be used to notify the abutters of the public hearing on your liquor license application. Notice to abutters need to be mailed via certified mail within 3 days of the publication of the legal notice. The certified green return receipt cards need to be filed with the License Commission on or before the date of the hearing. Any questions please contact the License Commission office at the number listed above. Agawam City Council sends outdoor dining proposal back to committees Page I of 2 live.com Agawam City Council sends outdoor dining proposal back to committees Published: Tuesday, August 09, 2011, 9:22 AM iiiiiiiriiiiiiiii Sandra Constantine, The Republican LIBy AGAWAM - Agawam city councilors favor allowing restaurants to have wait service outdoors, but have tabled a proposed ordinance until they can implement strong controls to protect abutters. Councilors voted 7-2 recently to send a proposal by City Councilor George Bitzas back to the board's zoning and ordinance committees. They want those committees to take a closer look at the proposal in concert with the Planning Board. File photo George Bitzas Planning Board members share the sentiments of councilors, having rejected Bitzas' proposal even though members said they favor outdoor restaurant service. They expressed concerns that allowing outdoor restaurant service by right might cause problems and prefer it be allowed by special permit instead. ."We need more ability to control this sort of thing," City Councilor Jill S. Messick said. "I think special permit might be a good idea from a legal standpoint." City councilors Robert E, Rossi and Gina M. Letellier echoed those views. "No one is opposed to outdoor dining," Rossi said, expressing concern that music may be played outdoors until as late as 2 a.m. "We don't live in this community all by ourselves." "You have to be careful about how our neighbors are treated," Letellier said, advocating for the special permit process. Letellier went on to say that she was "really disappointed" no one from the Planning Board came to the City Council's public hearing and its subsequent discussion Monday. No one from the public commented on the proposal. http://bIog.mass]ive.com/breakingnews/print.htmi?entry=/2011/08/agawam—city_council—se... 8/9/2011 Agawam City Council sends outdoor dining proposal back to committees Page 2 of 2 For his part, Bitzas expressed frustration, arguing that his proposal is fine as written and does not allow outdoor entertainment after 11 p.m. Bitzas comp(ained that the Planning Board wants to issue the special permit. "You are going to have another board tell us how to do our job," Bitzas said. "We've had months to review this,"said City Councilor Robert A. Magovern. He, along with Bitzas, cast the two votes opposed to tabling the matter. "We're all in favor of it, George. There is no question," City Councilor Dennis I Perry said, 2011 masslive.com. All rights reserved. http:/Iblog.masslive.com/breakingnews/print.html?entry��/2011/08/agawam_city_council_se... 8/9/2011 Town of Agawam 36 Main Street Agawam, Massachusetts 01001-1837 Tel. 413-786-0400 Fax 413-786-0927 July 22, 2011 r C):r A) ->C--, - rM Donald M. Rheault, President Agawam Town Council MCA 36 Main Street In Agawam, MA 01001 W In Dear Councilor Rheault: At its duly called meeting held on July 21, 2011, the Agawam Planning Board voted 4-0 to send a negative recommendation to the Town Council concerning TOR-2011-3, a proposed amendment to the Agawam Zoning Ordinance allowing outdoor dining. The Planning Board is fully in favor of outdoor dining in Agawam. The Board, however, is concerned that by allowing the use by right it will not fully protect abutters to such uses. In conducting research, the Board has found that other communities that allow outdoor diningdo so through the Special Permit process. The Special Permit process will not only provide more flexibility when reviewing outdoor dining proposals, but will also provide the permit granting authority with a more legally defensible position. Since each restaurant has its own specific set of conditions (i.e., size, location, and available space� they should be evaluated individually and permits should be tailored to each individual location. A,gain, the Board wishes to emphasize that it supports effort's to promote outdoor dining in Agawam. The Board only recommends that by using the Special Permit process, the Town will be better able to ensure that each unique situation can be more adequately addressed. Sincerely, -7-,L &-4-4-4 -(-OeQ�ox- bS6 Travis P. Ward, Chairman Agawam Planning Board LEGAL NOTICE TOWNOFAGAWAM PLANNING BOARD The Agawam Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday, June 30, 2011 at 7:00 PM in the Agawam Public Library, 750 Cooper Street, Agawam, MA. The purpose of this hearing will be to hear the petition of the Agawam Town Council on a proposed zoning amendment to Section 180-44H of the Agawam Zoning Ordinance regarding outdoor dining. A copy of the proposal can be obtained from the Agawam Planning Office between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM. in the Agawam Town Hall, 36 Main Street, Agawam, MA. BY ORDER OF: Travis Ward, Chairman Agawam Planning Board (Ad to be run 6/16/11 & 6/23/11) cc: Planning Boards in: Westfield West Springfield Suffield Southwick Springfield Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Department of Housing& Community Development, Boston > CD C-) . FA AGAWAM CITY CO'UNCIL . . 3'6 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 0 100 1 K, LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT Donald M. Rheaull VICE PRESIDENT Robert E. Rossi The Agawam City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, COUNCILORS July 5, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. at the'Roberta G. Doering S(;hool, 68 Main George Bitzas Street, Agawam, MA. The purpose of this hearing will be to hear the James P. Cichetti proposed Ordinance (TOR-2011-3) adoptin'g the 'Outdoor Dining Gina M Leteliter amendment to the Code of the Town of Agawam. A copy of the Robert A. Magovern Ordinance can be obtained from the Agawam Clerk's Office between Jill S. Messick the hours of 8:30am and 4.30pm in the Agawam Town Hall, 36 Main Joseph Mineo Dennis J Perry Street, Agawam, MA. Jill P.Simpson John F Walsh BY ORDER OF: ADMINISTRATIVE Donald M. Rheault ASSISTANT Barbara A. Bard City Council President TO BE ADVERTISED ON 6/16/11 AND 6/23/11 > 3> C-1 co j*r- >M Co n Ln -n TELEP14ONE (413) 786-0400 Ext, 233 FAX (413)-786-9927 EMAIL bbard@agawam.maus INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING BOARD FROM: COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS SUBJECT: TOR-2011-3 (OUTDOOR DINING ORDINANCE) DATE: 6/28/2011 1 am unable to attend Thursday's Planning Board.public hearing on the Outdoor Dining Amendment due to a work conflict. I would like to reiterate that this ordinance is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam and it benefits businesses.and future businesses interested in coming to our town. Attached please find copies of the minutes from recent Zoning & Ordinance meetings regarding tl-�s item. As you can see, both sub-conunittees recommended sending a positive recommendation to the Full Council for passage of this Ordinance. I'd like to thank all the members of the Planning Board for holding this special meeting, it is greatly appreciated. I truly believe this ordinance will benefit the residents of our town. If you need additional information from me prior to your meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you again. cc: Full Council, Mayor, Solicitor, Debbie Dachos MINUTES OF THE ORDINANCE SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 16, 2011 Present: Robert Magovern—Chair James Cichetti Gina Letellier Also in attendance; Louis Russo and Henry Kozloski Called to Order: 4:05pm in the Peirce Room at the Agawam Public Library Item 1. TOR-2011-3 - An Ordinance Adopting the Outdoor Dining Amendment to the Code of the Town of Agawam. Discussion was had and a motion was made and seconded to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council. Item 2. TOR-2011-4 - An Ordinance To Amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Article XIV, Chapter 180 §94 Entitled "Personal Wireless Services, Facilities and Towers" The petitioner has requested a continuance of the public hearing until the first meeting in September, therefore we tabled this matter until August. Item 3. TR-2011-35 - A Resolution to Revoke Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44B, Sections 3 through and including 7 of the Community Preservation Act Chairman Magovem read the Agenda item. Councilor Letellier spoke against this as did Councilor Magovem. Councilor Cichetti stated that after doing more research that he was against this item moving for-ward. Henry Kozloski spoke regarding a reimbursement. The life of the program is $3.1 million. The interest we receive from this money is unused too. The open classroom is at 50/50 because it was put in motion prior to the reduction of the percentage reimbursement. The bill HB765/HB 1841 will allow use of rehabilitation and an increase to 75%. We were never guaranteed one hundred percent. A Motion was made to send a negative recommendation to the Full Council. The vote was 3-0 in favor of sending a negative recommendation to the Full Council. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 4:22pm. MINUTES OF THE ZONING REVIEW SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 16, 2011 Present: Jill Messick—Chair Robert Rossi George Bitzas CalledtoOrder- 10:10am in the Auditor's Conference Room in the Town Hall Item 1. TOR-2011-3 - An Ordinance Adopting the Outdoor Dining Amendment to the Code of the Town of Agawam. Councilor Bitzas explained what brought this ordinance about and that there were a number of restaurants in town who would like to provide outdoor dining to their customers but cannot under the current zoning. The motion was made by Councilor Bitzas and seconded by Councilor Rossi to send a positive recommendation to the Full Council. The vote was 3 —0 in favor of sending a positive recommendation to the Full Council. Item 2. TOR-2011-4 - An Ordinance To Amend the Code of the Town of Agawam Article XIV, Chapter 180 §94 Entitled "Personal Wireless Services, Facilities and Towers" Discussion that the Planning Board has not had their public hearing as of yet and that the sub-committee would prefer to hear their recommendations before making a decision on this article. Motion was made by Councilor Messick and seconded by Councilor Rossi to table this item until the Planning Board has met on the issue and held their public hearing on or about August 5, 2011. The vote was 3-0 in favor of tabling. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at i 0:30am. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: ROBERT MAGOVERN, CHAIR OF ORDINANCE SUB- COMMITTEE FROM: COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS SUBJECT: TOR-2011-3 (OUTDOOR DINING ORDINANCE) DATE: 6/16/2011 Due to a business conflict, 1 am unable to attend your Ordinance Sub- Commi'ttee this afternoon. However, I wanted to inform you that this ordinance (TOR-2011-3) adopting the Outdoor Dining amendment was written with the cooperation of the following departments — Law, Health, Fire, Police, Debbie Dachos and the Planning Board, the Building Inspector and the Mayor. They all had input in the wording of this amendment. This item was discussed during today's Zoruing Review Sub-Cornmittee of which T am a member. The committee voted 3-0 in favor of sending a positive recommendation to the Full Council without any changes. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Thank you. cc: Committee members AGAWAM FIRE DEPARTMENT 800 MAIN STREET, AGAWAM, MA 01001 TELEPHONE (413) 786-0657 FAX (413) 786-1241 ALAN SIROIS,INTERIM CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT asirois@agawam.ma.us SCOTT MITCHELL,FIRE INSPECTOR afdinsp@agawam.ma.us BRIAN KEEFE,DRILL INSTRUCTOR afdtraining@agawam.ma.us d June 3' 2011 To Whom It May Concern: The Agawam Fire Department has reviewed the proposed "Ordinance Adopting the Outdoor Dining Amendment to the Code of the Town of Agawam". The Agawam Fire Department and the Office of the Fire Chief believe the proposed ordinance meets all state, federal and local requirements. Further, the proposed ordinance ensures safe and pleasant outdoor dining conditions. Questions regarding this communication may be directed to the Office of the Fire Chief. 7 yo S, Alan Sirois, Interim Fire Chief Agawam Fire Department �j r- 2 U.. L.L. . ::. CD04K — < Lam: _j< -0 =JC2 =3 TOR 2011-3 ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE OUTDOOR DINING AMEENDMENT TO THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF AGAWAM (Sponsored by Councilor George Bitzas) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam seeks to inspire a vibrant, unique, and friendly streetscape which would stimulate the economy and benefit surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, outdoor dining at existing and future restaurants would be an asset to the Town as such facilities would contribute to the attractiveness of the streetscape and contribute to the stimulation of local businesses; and cz M WHEREAS,the Code of the Town of Agawam does not expressly allow for outdoor dining; an&L >F) 4-- C) .21 r— WHEREAS, adoption of a provision within the Code of the Town of Agawam would allow loc211 P- restaurants to establish outdoor dining areas; NJ ?:M::o > X:X NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the Agawam City Council hereby adopts an aMndil eg to the Code of the Town of Agawam to expressly allow for outdoor dining areas. i� C-) Chapter 180 §I 80-44(H) shall be amended as follows: 3. Outdoor dining areas shall be allowed as a use to a restaurant, subject to the issuance of a permit by the Building Inspector and subject to the following conditions: a) Compliance with the Code of the Town of Agawam, including the Zoning Ordinances,the Building Code of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Fire Code of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,and all applicable state and federal statutes is mandatory. b) Compliance with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health State Sanitary Code for Food Establishment(105 CMR 590.) shall be mandatory. C) Alcohol may be served to and consumed by patrons in outdoor dining areas, provided that all necessary licenses are acquired. These licenses are to be gathered through the Liquor Commission, the Building Department and the Board of Health, d) The hours of operation of outdoor dining areas may be equal to or less than the hours of operation of the main restaurant. Dining areas which abut residential areas and residential zones must end outdoor dining and seating activities by I I pm. e) The outdoor dining area shall not encroach upon the front, side and rear yard setback areas or public ways. f) Outdoor dining areas shall meet all Architectural Access Board, state and federal ADA requirements And be in compliance with the Massachusetts Plumbing Code. g) Any heaters used outside must be positioned and approved by the Agawam Fire Chief and/or their designee. These heaters will be inspected annually to ensure they are functioning within proper parameters. When tanks are installed in areas subject to vehicular impact, physical barriers shall be provided. These physical barriers shall consist of]ally columns, substantial pipes, bollards or similar barriers. h) Public address systems or other systems intended to convey verbal messages through the use of amplified sound shall be prohibited; however,music may be allowed at a reasonable volume and conformance with Agawam Code Chapter 121 §12 1-1 and M.G.L. Chapter 40 §21 cl, 22 is required; i) Animals shall not be permitted within outdoor dining areas, except for service animals. j) A site plan in conformance with Chapter 180-13 must be submitted for approval prior to issuance of a permit by the Building Inspector. k) All outdoor areas shall have a protective barrier against potential vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Physical barriers shall consist of]ally columns, substantial pipes, bollards or similar barriers. Dated this day of 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Donald M. Rheault President, Agawam City Council A ROVED A 0 FORM AND LEGALITY N4jtoscia,City Solicitor