TOR-2011-4 CELL TOWER ON MILL ST. (WD) Page I of I barbara. bard From: Pare, Edward D. (EPare@brownrudnick.com) Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 1�22 PM To: barbara bard; Pamela Kerr �Ou Cc: Deborah Dachos; rhowse@verizon.net; Roger Laperna; Susan Feurzeig Subject: FW: Agawam/Lts. to City Council and Planning Board re'. 459 Mill Street Attachments. Document.pdf; Document.pdf Hi Barbara and Pam. Attached are letters to the Agawam City Council and the Agawam Planning Board requesting that the pending petition to add the church parcels into Agawam's wireless telecommunications overlay district be withdrawn, without prejudice. New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC/AT&T which was the lead FCC licensed carrier for the facility has made the corporate decision not to pursue the site at this time. Thank you for your cooperation in processing this petition. The originals of these letters will be sent via federal express. Best regards, Ed V iOWNRUDNICK Edward D.Pare,Jr. Counselor at Law Brown Rudnick LLP ID Memorial Boulevard Providence,R1 02903 T:401-276.2639 F;617.289,0568 epare@brownnidnick.com www.brownrudnick.com Please consider the environment before printing this e-rnail IRS Circular 230 Disclosure:To ensure compliance with U.S.Treasury Regulations governing tax practice,we inform you that: Any U.S.tax advice contained in this communication(including afta&ments)was not written to be used for and cannot be used for (i)purposes of avoiding any tax related penalties that may be imposed under Federal tax laws,or(ii)the promotion,marketing or recommending to another party of any transaction or matter addressed herein. The information contained in this electronic message may be legally privileged and confidential under applicable law,and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above.if the recipient of this message is not the above-named intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any dissemination,copy or disclosure of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,please notify Brown Rudnick ILILP. (617)856-8200(if dialing from outside the US,001-(617)- 856-8200)and purge the communication immediately without making any copy or distribution. 8/1/2011 Edwori D.Pwa.En OW WU D N I C K .&ad�*1V1,n&2= '"Veoxwman Boulevard July 20,2011 Providence Rhode 10ind 029.03 VIA EMAIL An FXDERAL EXPRFSS APWAin City Ccnmdil c6 Ms. Barbara Bard City Co'uncil Administrative Assistant 36 Main SbVet Agawarn, MA 01001 n: Pedflon.to Add Parcels Into the Wirelm Telecommunications Overlay District-459 NW Street,Agawam,Massachusetts (Parcel I& H10-2-15, H10-2-16 and RIO-2-17)(the"SkO) Dear Honorable Membcit of the Agawam City Council: On behalf of Florida Tower Partners and the Agawam Mdthodigt Churth,.we respedtfWly request that our-pending petition to add the above referenced parce)s of land int'o the wireles.s tclecommuhkati6hs overlay district be withdrawn,without prejudice. New Cingular Wiftless PCS,LLC has made the corpomte decision not to pursue the install4on of a wircicss tkility at the Site at.this time. If there are any que4ions,please do not hesitate to contact me at(401)276;,2.639. Sincerely, BROWN RUDNICK LLP EdwarV4f,Jr.,-8sq. cc: Painela Kerr Deboxab S'. Dachos Pastor Susan'Feurzoig 5015MG.0-PAREED-62k*0=07 Brown Rudeiick LLP dn inlerborlonel Im firm Bascon I Dublin I Hartford I London [Now'York Pr9vidence VVishinStort Eftard D.P60,ES% OWWUDNICK !f0*44-,404752W 10 Memorial BaMloyard July 2D,.2011 Prbildence Rhode.III Ind 01901 tel 401.276..2600 tbF 401.276.2601 VIA EMAIL AND FEDERAL.EXPRESS Agawam Planning Board clo Pamela Kett Administrative Cierk Aga*=Office of Planning�and'Conimunity-Developrfient 36 Main Street Agawam,MA 01001 RE: Petition to Add Paicels into the Wireless Telecommunications Overlay r District-459 Mill Street,Agawam,N-psonchusetts(ParceA 11): H10-1-ts, H10-2-16 and H10-2-17)(flie"Site"). d Dear Honor0le Members of the-Agawam Planning Boarl:l: n f On behalf o Florida Tower Paftcrs and the Agawam Methodist Church. we respectfidly request that our pending.petition to add the above referenced parcels-of hmd-into the wireless telecommunications overlaydistrict be.withdrawn,without pr9judice; New iCingular Wireless PCS, LLC has made the corporate decision not to pursue the installation of a Vin"reless facility at the Site at this time. If there are any questions,please do not hesitate to contact ftic at(401)276-2639, Sincerely, BROWN RUDNICK LLP By: (:�; Edward��,Jr. Cc: Barbara Bard Deborah S.Dachos Pastor Susan Feurzeig 0 W451 00 V3-:PAREE15-02MM07 Brl*wn RuinIck LLP an 11pternational tow PrM upstorl I Dublin I Hart(drd I London I New York I Provl&nee I WiehjT!St*nL TOR-2011-4 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF AGAWAM ARTICLE XIV, CHAPTER 180 § 94 ENTITLED "PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICES FACILITIES AND TOWERS" (Sponsored by the Agawam City Council) WHEREAS, Article XIV, Chapter 180 of the Town Code of Agawam, an ordinance entitled Personal Wireless Services Facilities and Towers, was enacted by the Town of Agawam in 1998 to "protect the scenic, historic, natural and other resources of the Town of Agawam while allowing adequate Personal Wireless Telecommunications to be developed"; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Methodist Church owns three parcels identified as Assessor's Map H10-2-15, HIO-2-16 and H10-2-17-, and WHEREAS, the Agawam Methodist Church located at 495 Mill Street, Agawam, is located within a split zone, the front third of 459 Mill Street, Agawam, (HIO-2-15) is located within a residential zone district and the rear two thirds (H10-2-16) of which is located in a Business B zone district; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Methodist Church property located at 491 Mill Street, Agawam, (H10-2-17) is located within a split zone, the front third is located within a residential zone district and the rear two thirds of which is located in a Business B zone district; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Methodist Church desires to locate a tower within the Business B district; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Methodist Church desires to have parcels identified on Assessor's Map H10, Block 2, Parcel 15, Map H10, Block 2, Parcel 16 and Map H10, Block 2, Parcel 17 added to the list identified in Town Code Chapter 180 § 180-94; and WHEREAS, the Agawam Fire Department supports said designation as they desire to utilize space on said proposed tower; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Town of Agawam to add said parcels to the Wireless Telecommunications Overlay District; NOW THEREFORE, the Agawam City Council hereby changes and amends the Code of the Town of Agawam Article XIV, Chapter 180 §94 to include the parcels as follows: Assessor's Parcel ID: Map H 10, Block 2, Parcel 15 Map H 10, Block 2, Parcel 16 Map H 10, Block 2, Parcel 17 DATED THIS DAY OF 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Don d Rhea t President 0 OM tRO E jASO'*FO AN D LEGALITY Vincent Gioscia, Solicitor Page I of I A2 0 kis 13A lot W 10 z— I!;— Ll HIO 2 17 BB JO AG 03 http://projects.tighebond.com/imsoutput/agawam—tbmap299213448253250.jpg 5/16/2011 Page I of I ZONXMG tridustrial B Residence A-1 Residence A-2 F-I Residence A-3 EJResIdence A-4 IZIII Residence A-5 Residence 5 Agricultural Business A Business 6 Industrial A STREET NAMES ROAD EDGE BRxDGES POOLS bUnDINGS HYDRDGRAPHV EASEMENTS PARCELS http://projects.tighebond.com/imsoutput/agawam_tbmap29921344825325 I.jpg 5/16/2011