TR-2011-15 SUPPORT CPA (COUNC BITZAS) C C-ouvt c..PJ r�-zcc.s _ _ � _- - - - _ _ � ! , _ _ INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FULL COUNCIL FROM: COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS SUBJECT: TR-2011-15 (RESOLUTION TO SUSTAIN COMMUNITY PRESERVATION) DATE: 4/13/2011 Please see the attached email that was sent by me in support of Senate docket 82 and House Docket 474 an "Act to Sustain Community Preservation". I asked our legislative representatives to continue to work hard to makc sure this becomes law. Your support as co-sponsors of this resolution was greatly appreciated and will hopefully make a difference. This is in the best interests of all the surrounding cities and towns. Thank you for your continued interest and support. cc: Mayor, Sohcitor, Community Preservation lla-e I o!'4 barbara bard From: barbara bard Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:46 AM To: 'Stephanie.Keller@mahouse.qov'� 'James.Welch@ nia senate.gov'; 'Boldyga, Nicholas - Rep (HOU)' Cc: Stephanie,Elson@comcnunitypreservation.org; Mayor Richard Cohen� (Rjmagia@verjzon.net)� (tierthomas@aol.com); Christina Thompson-, Corinne Wtngard,- Louis Russo (lrusso123@aol,com).- Ray Moreau (MNR1947@conicast,net); Richard Senneti (masspatriot@comcast.net); vedany@comcast.net: Vi Baldwin (eden2l4@aoi.coni) Subject: RE: An Act to Sustain Community Preservation (SB 1841/H8 765) Attachments, Resolution for Support CPA.doc I have been an Agawam City Councilor for many years and am also the Chairperson of the Parks & Recreation Committee. Several weeks ago. I sponsored (along with the Council as my co-sponsors) a ReSOILItion to Support Senate Docket 82 and House Docket 474 an "Act to Susta4i Community Preservation"which was unanimously passed by the City Council and signed by Mayor Cohen on February 23. 2011. I hope you continue in your efforts to support this and do your best to ensure that it becornes law, This would be very helpful for every city and town and is in everyone's best interest to do so. Gcorgc C� 16 .M�IIJI NlIvel XIA. 0100i 1.3) -1,S6-01100 x-2.13) -1 I.V1 7S6-9t)2 7 From. Jennifer Bonfigho Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 1:57 PM To: Stephanie.Keller@mahiDuse.gov; James,Welch@masenate.gov; nicholas.boldyga@mahouse.gov Cc-. Stephanie-Elson@comMLinitypreservation.org; Mayor Richard Cohen; barbara bard; (Rjnlagia@verizon.net); (tierthomas@aol,com); Christina Thompson; Corinne Wingard; Louis Russo (IrussoI2II,@aol.com); Ray Moreau (MNR19,l7@comcast.neQ; Richard Bennett (masspatriot@conicast.net); vedany@comcast.net; Vi Baldwin (eden2l4@aol.com) Subject: An Act to Sustain Community Preservation (SB 18,41/HB 765) Since An Act to SLIstain Coniniunity Preserwll.lion (SB 184 1/1-113 765) has been gn-1-intecl an early hearing date of Wednesday, April 1301, it is diff-ICLII( IlOr 111MIN' Ol'OLII- commillee nicnibcrs to attend. Please accept this %vi'lltell testinionv. SHICCI-CIV kn]INIT Bonfitdjo; ALiwani CPIN Administraior 4/13/2011 Page I of 4 barbara bard From: barbara bard Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:46 AM To: 'Stephanie.Keller@ ma house.gov'; 'James.Welch @masenate.gov'; 'Boldyga, Nicholas - Rep (HOU)' Cc: Stephanie.Elson@communitypreserlvation.org; Mayor Richard Cohen; (Rjmagia@verizon.net); (tierthomas@aol.com); Christina Thompson; Corinne Wingard; Louis Russo (Irusso123@aol.com); Ray Moreau (IVINR1947@comcast.net)� Richard Bennett (masspatriot@comcast.net); vedany@comcast.net; Vi Baldwin (eden2l4@aol.com) Subject: RE: An Act to Sustain Community Preservation (SB 1841/HB 765) Attachments: Resolution for Support CPA.doc I have been an Agawam City Councilor for many years and am also the Chairperson of the Parks & Recreation Committee. Several weeks ago, I sponsored (along with the Council as my co-sponsors) a Resolution to Support Senate Docket 82 and House Docket 474 an "Act to Sustain Community Preservation"which was unanimously passed by the City Council and signed by Mayor Cohen on February 23, 2011, I hope you continue in your efforts to support this and do your best to ensure that it becomes law. This would be very helpful for every city and town and is in everyone's best interest to do so. Gcoq�e llilza.� Agawam Cily Councilor COLHICil 01-t-Ice 36 Nlain Streci Apnwam� NIA. 01001 (4 11) 786-0400 ,\233 1413) 786-9927 fti,\ From: Jennifer Bonfiglio Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 1.57 PM To: Stephanie.Keller@mahouse.gov; James.Welch@masenate.gov; nicholas.boidyga@mahouse.gov Cc: Stephanie.Elson@communitypreservation.org; Mayor Richard Cohen; barbara bard; (Rjmagia@verizon.net); (tie rthomas@ aol.co m); Christina Thompson; Corinne Wingard; Louis Russo (frusso123@aol.com); Ray Moreau (MNR1947@comcast.net); Richard Bennett (masspa triot@com cast.net); vedany@comcast.net; Vi Baldwin (eden2l4@aol.com) Subject: An Act to Sustain Community Preservation (SB 1841/HB 765) Since An Act to Sustain Co mmunity Preservation (S B 184 1/H B 765) has been granted all Carl)' hearing date of Wednesday, April l3th, it is difficult for many ofour committee men.ibers to attend. Please accept this written testimony. Sincerely, Jennifer Bonfigho; Agawam CPA Administrator 4/13/2011 Page I of 4 barbara bard From: barbara bard Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:46 AM To: 'Stephanie.Keller@ mahouse.gov'; 'James.Welch@masenate.gov'; 'Boldyga, Nicholas- Rep (HOU)' Cc: Stephanie.Elson@communitypreservation.org; Mayor Richard Cohen; (Rjmag ia@verizon.net); (tierthomas@aol.com); Christina Thompson; Corinne Wingard; Louis Russo (Irusso123@aol.com); Ray Moreau (MNRI947@comcast.net); Richard Bennett (mass pa triot@com cast,net); vedany@comcast.net; Vi Baldwin (eden2l4@aol.com) Subject: RE: An Act to Sustain Community Preservation (SB 1841/HB 765) Attachments: Resolution for Support CPA.doc I have been an Agawam City Councilor for many years and am also the Chairperson of the Parks & Recreation Committee. Several weeks ago, I sponsored (along with the Council as my co-sponsors) a Resolution to Support Senate Docket 82 and House Docket 474 an "Act to Sustain Community Preservation"which was unanimously passed by the City Council and signed by Mayor Cohen on February 23, 2011. I hope you continue in your efforts to support this and do your best to ensure that it becomes law. This would be very helpful for every city and town and is in everyone's best interest to do so. George Bitzas Agawam City Cotincilor Council Office 36 Main Street Anawam, MA. 01001 0 (4 13) 786-0400 x233 (4131) 786-9927 fax From: Jennifer Bonfiglio Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 1:57 PM To: Stephanie.Keller@mahouse.gov; James.Welch@masenate.gov; nicholas.boldyga@mahouse.gov Cc: Stephanie.Elson@communitypreservation.org; Mayor Richard Cohen; barbara bard; (Rimagia@verizon.net); (tie rthomas@aol.co m); Christina Thompson; Corinne Wingard; Louis Russo (Irussol23@aol.com); Ray Moreau (MN R1947@comcast.net); Richard Bennett (masspatriot@comcast,net); vedany@comcast.net; Vi Baldwin (eden2l4@aol.com) Subject: An Act to Sustain Community Preservation (SB 1841/HB 765) Since An Act to Sustain Community Preservation (SB 1841/HB 765) has been granted an early hearing date of Wednesday, April 13th, it is difficult for many of our committee members to attend. Please accept this written testimony. Sincerely, Jennifer Bonfiglio; Agawam CPA Administrator 4/13/2011 Page 2 of 4 40 Town of Agawam 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Community Preservation Committee April 6,2011 The Joint Committee on Community Development and Small Business House Committee Chair Linda Dorcena Forry Senate Committee Chair Sal DiDomenico State House, Boston MA 02133 Dear Representative Forry and Senator DiDomenico I write to respectfully ask you to report favorably on An Act to Sustain Community Preservation(SB 184 I/HB 765)which strengthens the Community Preservation Act(CPA). The passage of the Community Preservation Act by the Town of Agawam in 2004 has allowed us to do projects that otherwise would have never been done. The first project completed in Agawam using CPA funds was the replacement of the George Washington plaque which had been missing for 30 years. This plaque honors the travels of George Washington through our town. Another successful project was funding to the Agawam Housing Authority to replace the windows and doors in a number of their facilities. This made the units more accessible,energy efficient,and eliminated drafts in the winter. The largest project was our new School Street Park. This Park has become a focal point of the community. On any given Saturday or Sunday you may see activities including soccer, lacrosse, softball, bike riding and people walking along the bike path. We also are very proud of the addition of a new fully handicap accessible playscape which includes a poured in place rubber surface. 4/1 3/2011 Page 3 of 4 �Tt The Agawam CPA has recommended many other open space,historical preservation,affordable housing and recreation projects. A notable historic preservation project was funding to restore the Thomas Smith House. The Thomas Smith House was built in the mid 1700's and is now used as a museum. The Agawam Historical Association uses this house for tours and seminars on the history of Agawam in the 1700's. A favorable report on An Act to Sustain Community Preservation will also allow communities to rehabilitate older recreational facilities. There are many older playgrounds in Agawam and other communities which are in great need of rehabilitation and handicap accessible improvements. These improvements would allow handicap children the opportunity to fully enjoy many activities. In addition,when a playground becomes fully accessible, it allows parents or grandparents who also have disabilities to participate with the child whether the child is handicapped or not. Since being signed into law in late 2000,CPA has been adopted by 147 communities,representing 42%of the Commonwealth's cities and towns. Using CPA funds, municipalities have preserved more than 13,300 acres of open space; created or rehabilitated more than 4,200 affordable housing units and developed hundreds of innovative affordable housing programs;and approved funding for more than 2,000 historic preservation projects and over 600 recreation projects. But the ability of Agawam to fund important CPA projects is threatened by the steep decline in funding from the statewide CPA Trust Fund.An Act to Sustain Community Preservation will ensure that our community can continue to preserve historic resources, protect open space,build community housing and expand recreational opportunities. Please report favorably on An Act to Sustain Community Preservation and help preserve the Town of Agawam and all of Massachusetts for generations to come. Sincerely, Henry Kozioski-,Chairman Agawam CPA Committee Cc: State Senator James T. Welch State Representative Nicholas Boldyga Mayor Richard Cohen City Council 4/13/2011 Page 4 of 4 CPA Committee CPA Coalition 4/13/201 l 4W(Dv�Lt TR-2011-15 A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT SENATE DOCKET 82 AND HOUSE DOCKET 474 AN "ACT TO SUSTAIN COMMUNITY PRESERVATION" (SPONSORED BY COUNCILORS GEORGE BITZAS, GINA M. LETELLIER,JILL S. MESSICK, DENNIS J. PERRY ROBERT E. ROSSI,JOHN F. WALSH,JAMES P CICHETTI, ROBERT A. MACGOVERN,JOSEPH MINEO, DONALD M. RHEAULT,JILL P. SIMPSON) WHEREAS,the Town of Agawam has accepted Massachusetts General Laws c.44B, "Community Preservation Act" (hereinafter"Act"); and WHEREAS,the Bill isindented to encourage and enable communities to develop new parks, playgrounds, and recreational fields, protect open space, preserve historic buildings and resources, and support affordable housing; and WHEREAS,Senate Docket 82 and House Docket 474, "An Act to Sustain Community Preservation," (hereinafter"Bill") would increase the annual minimum Community Preservation Act Trust Fund match by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to seventy-five (75) percent;and WHEREAS, the Bill would clarify allowable uses for the Community Preservation Act funds so that communities may rehabilitate existing outdoor parks and other recreational resources; and WHEREAS, passage of the Bill would allow forthe repair and maintenance of existing assets such as the High School Tennis Courts and Construction of a new Track; and WHEREAS,the Agawam City Council Supported a the act in the 2009-2010 legislative year pursuant to TR-2010-8; WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Town of Agawam that the Bill be approved and made law; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL that the Agawam City Council shows support for the Bill and urges Senator James Welch and Representative Nicholas Boldyga, and Governor Deval Patrick to work in support of the Bill. -J DATgTHIS DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2011. C 01 R CI&DER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL C s cr_ 547 I IdV. R eault, President d*.J�l A I)OVED A TO FORM AND LEGALITY -Fn OJ)4 t r'�T� Vincen . cia, City Solicitor MAYORAL ACTION Received this dayof 2011 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this a? dayof -kbn-af 2011. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Aga�5am a�ter, as 4 �y TIM"y approve the passage of the above legislation on this ok �2 day of 2011. Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2011 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this d dayof bruo-o� , 20H. TR-2011-15 A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT SENATE DOCKET 82 AND HOUSE DOCKET 474 AN "ACT TO SUSTAIN COMMUNITY PRESERVATION" (SPONSORED BY COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam has accepted Massachusetts General Laws c.44B, "Community Preservation Act" (hereinafter"Act"); and WHEREAS,the Bill is indented to encourage and enable communities to develop new parks, playgrounds, and recreational fields, protect open space, preserve historic buildings and resources, and support affordable housing; and WHEREAS,Senate Docket 82 and House Docket 474, "An Act to Sustain Community Preservation," (hereinafter"Bill") would increase the annual minimum Community Preservation Act Trust Fund match by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to seventy-five (75) percent; and WHEREAS, the Bill would clarify allowable uses for the Community Preservation Act funds so that communities may rehabilitate existing outdoor parks and other recreational resources; and WHEREAS, passage of the Bill would allow for the repair and maintenance of existing assets such as the High School Tennis Courts and Construction of a new Track; and WHEREAS,the Agawam City Council Supported a the act in the 2009-2010 legislative year pursuant to TR-2010-8; WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Town of Agawam that the Bill be approved and made law; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL that the Agawam City Council shows support for the Bill and urges Senator James Welch and Representative Nicholas Boldyga , and Governor Deval Patrick to work in support of the Bill. DATED THIS DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2011, PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Donald M. Rheault, President APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Vincent F. Gioscia, City Solicitor INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FULL COUNCIL FROM: COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS SUBJECT: TR-2011-15 DATE: 2/3/2011 Please see the attached email with respect to TR-2011-15. If any of you would like to be a co-sponsor, please let me know during our next Council Meeting under New Business. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Hi - I received a call from Kathy Roth from the CPA Coalition. The new legislative session began last week, and State Senator Cynthia Stone Creem and Representative Stephen Kulik have re-filed An Act to Sustain Community Preservation, the CPA legislation that seeks to stabilize the statewide CPA Trust Fund and make other improvements to the Act. (Please see below) Jennifer Bonfiglio From: Katherine Roth [mal Ito:Katherine.Roth@comm unitypreservation.orgl Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:46 PM To: jen bonfig @corn cast,net Cc: Jennifer Bonfiglio; Stuart Saginor Subject: CPA housing information/thanks for contacting Rep. Boldyga Now, we need your help! If you would, please contact state Senator James Welch and Representative Nicholas Boldyga and ask them to co-sponsorAn Act to Sustain Community Preservation, filed by Senator Creem (Senate Docket #82) and Representative Kulik (House Docket#474). Legislators have until February 4, 2011 to sign on as co-sponsors; even if they sponsored last session, they must sign on again. Here's the information about the bill you'll need and the contact imformation: Name of Bill: An Act to Sustain Community Preservation Filed in Senate: Docket # 82, Senator Cynthia Stone Creem Contact: Catherine Anderson, Catherine.AndersonPmasenate.go 617-722-1639 Filed in House: Docket # 474, Representative Stephen Kulik Contact: Katie Bishop, Katherine.BishopC&mahouse.ciov 617-722-2380 ' ate ouse,� 'H St o6in.BY�7.-!,- 56sto nA MA IU 133' W, A 2- M4 b-611di, -ho- Re' "fon' 'MA 02.1,33' Phone:.61,77722�1660 1* jarnu �verch'. r Emal n --asena e.go % D! ' t ff ,qfejlc 0. i -St. 2 U�ioh st S_ ��V�e ppn�fl6ld, �'A-,010W' ,, P�ci rf�: 4 1,� 5 3"-'7'7 7".7 5�6, . TR-2011-15 A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT SENATE DOCKET 82 AND HOUSE DOCKET 474 AN "ACT TO SUSTAIN COMMUNITY PRESERVATION" (SPONSORED BY COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS) WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam has accepted Massachusetts General Laws c.44B, "Community Preservation Act" (hereinafter"Act"); and WHEREAS,the Bill is indented to encourage and enable communities to develop new parks, playgrounds, and recreational fields, protect open space, preserve historic buildings and resources, and support affordable housing; and WHEREAS, Senate Docket 82 and House Docket 474, "An Act to Sustain Community Preservation," (hereinafter"Bill") would increase the annual minimum Community Preservation Act Trust Fund match by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to seventy-five (75) percent; and WHEREAS, the Bill would clarify allowable uses for the Community Preservation Act funds so that communities may rehabilitate existing outdoor parks and other recreational resources; and WHEREAS, passage of the Bill would allow for the repair and maintenance of existing assets such as the High School Tennis Courts and Construction of a new Track; and WHEREAS,the Agawam City Council Supported a the act in the 2009-2010 legislative year pursuant to TR-2010-81- WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Town of Agawam that the Bill be approved and made law; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL that the Agawam City Council shows support for the Bill and urges Senator James Welch and Representative Nicholas Boldyga, and Governor Deval Patrick to work in support of the Bill. DATED THIS DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Donald M. Rheault, President APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Vincent F, Gioscia, City Solicitor INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FULL COUNCIL FROM: COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS SUBJECT: TR-2011-15 DATE: 2/3/2011 Please see the attached email with respect to TR-2011-15. If any of you would like to be a co-sponsor, please let me know during our next Council Meeting under New Business. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Hi - I received a call from Kathy Roth from the CPA Coalition. The new legislative session began last week, and State Senator Cynthia Stone Creem and Representative Stephen Kulik have re-filed An Act to Sustain Community Preservation, the CPA legislation that seeks to stabilize the statewide CPA Trust Fund and make other improvements to the Act. (Please see below) Jennifer Bonfiglio From, Katherine Roth (ma fto:Kathe ri ne.Roth@ commu n itypreservatio n-org Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 20112:46 PM To:jenbonfig@comcast.net Cc: Jennifer Bonfiglio; Stuart Saginor Subject: CPA housing information/ thanks for contacting Rep. Boldyga Now, we need your help! If you would, please contact state Senator James Welch and Representative Nicholas Boldyga and ask them to co-sponsor An Act to Sustain Community Preservation, filed by Senator Creem (Senate Docket#82) and Representative Kulik (House Docket #474). Legislators have until February 4, 2011 to sign on as co-sponsors; even if they sponsored last session, they must sign on again. Here's the information about the bill you'll need and the contact imformation: Name of Bill: An Act to Sustain Community Preservation Filed in Senate: Docket # 82, Senator Cynthia Stone Creem Contact: Catherine Anderson, Catherine.Anderson(&m asenate.C1 617-722-1639 Filed in House: Docket # 474, Representative Stephen Kulik Contact: Katie Bishop, Katherine,Bishop(a)ma house.go 617-722-2380 Representative Nicholas A. Boldyga State House Room B1 Boston, MA 02133 Phone: 617-722-2425 EmAlle nicholas.boldygagpmahouse-gov lRepresentative James T. Welch State House Room 213B Boston, MA 02133 Phone: 617-722-1660 Email: JaMeS.Wglgh@Mi�sgnatQ.qgv District Office 772 Union St. West Springfield, MA 01089 Phone: 413-737-7756 !Fox: 413-Z�Z-7747 TR-2011-15 A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT SENATE DOCKET 82 AND HOUSE DOCKET 474n 6G NACT TO SUSTAIN COMMUNITY PRESERVATION" (SPONSORED BY COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS) WHEREAS,the Town of Agawam has accepted Massachusetts General Laws c.44B,'Community Preservation Act" (hereinafter"Act");and WHEREAS,the Bill is indented to encourage and enable communities to develop new parks, playgrounds,and recreational fields, protect open space, preserve historic buildings and resources, and support affordable housing; and WHEREAS, Senate Docket 82 and House Docket 474, "An Act to Sustain Community Preservation," 1hereinafter"Bill")would increase the annual minimum Community Preservation Act Trust Fund match by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to seventy-five(75) percent; and WHEREAS,the Bill would clarify,allowable uses for the Community Preservation Act funds so that communities may rehabilitate existing outdoor parks and other recreational resources; and WHEREAS, passage of the Bill would allow for the repair and maintenance of existing assets such as the High School Tennis Courts and Construction of a new Track;and WHEREAS,the Agawam City Council Supported a the act in the 2009-2010 legislative year pursuant to TR-2010-8; WHEREAS, it Is In the best interest of the Town of Agawam that the Bill be approved and made law; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL that the Agawam City Council shows support for the Bill and urges Senator James W61ch and Representative Nicholas Boldyga,and Governor Deval Patri,ck to work in support of-the Bill. DATED THIS_DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 11 D Donald M. Rheault, P sident on a Id M. Rheaull, P siden t V 1) L AP URO D AS TO M AND LEGALITY Vincen�F.Glbs6a, Cit;Solicitor