TR-2011-21 LOCAL AID RES. (BOLDYGA, BITZAS) I cc PDA P ve P/�� d- TR-2011-dj ollf A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT"LOCAL AID RESOLUTION" CURRENTLY UNDERCONSIDERATION BY THE MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE (SPONSORED BY COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS) WHEREAS, Representative Nicholas A. Boldyga filed a resolution on March 10, 2011 regarding Local Aid; and WHEREAS,the Bill is indented to Establish minimum levels of Chapter 70 and unrestricted aid equal to proposed amounts in the Governor's FY12 budget; and WHEREAS, cities and towns are struggling thru these difficult fiscal times; and WHEREAS, the Bill would provided for flexibility during budget debates so that the Legislature might further increase local aid appropriations; and WHEREAS the bill would provide for predictability for municipalities who are already constructing their budgets; and WHEREAS the Resolution under consideration by the Legislature has received bipartisan support; and WHEREAS the Resolution has been referred to the House Committee on Rules; and WHEREAS it is in the best interest of the Town of Agawam that the Bill be approved and made law; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL that the Agawam City Council shows support for the Bill; and kc- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to urge Senator James Welch and Representative Nicholas Boldyga, and C) Governor Deval Patrick to work in support of the Bill, DATED THIS DAY OF 2011. 3;w :gCd3 PER ORD E G M CITY COUNCIL Uyef-T�i A AWA 'C' 3n CJL- A RO ED AS FORM AND LEGALITY 7T 06v-rc-1. ( Vincent F. Gioscia, City Solicitor SCR-1 1-06 RESOLUTION SUPPORT OF "LOCAL AID RESOLUTION" CURRENTLY UNDER CONSIDERATION BY THE MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE (co-sponsored by Richard Cohen & Anthony Bonavita) WHEREAS, Representative Nicholas A. Boldyga filed a resolution on March 10, 2011, regarding Local Aid, and WHEREAS, this Resolution is intended to "Establish a i-ninimurn level of Chapter 70 and Unrestricted Local Aid equal to the amount proposed by the Governor for FY'l 2", and WHEREAS, cities and towns are struggling through difficult fiscal times, and WHEREAS, the Resolution would provide for flexibility during budget debates so that the Legislature may further increase local aid appropriations, and WHEREAS, the Resolution would provide for predictability for municipalities, which are already constructing their budgets, and WI JERE-AS, the Resolution under consideration by the Legislature has received bipartisan support, and WHEREAS, the Resolution has been referred to the House Committee an Rules, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Agawam Public Schools that the Resolution be approved and rnade law. NOW, therefore, be it resolved that the Agawam School Committee shows support for the proposed legislation, and Be it further resolved, that the Agawam School Committee urges Senator James Welch, Representative Nicholas Boldyga, and Govemor Deval Patrick to work in support of this Resolution. Mary A. Czajkowski, Ed.D. Superintendent Date SCHOOL COMMITTEE ACTION yeas nays Dated this day of . 2011. Richard A. Cohen, Mayor/Chairperson Agawam School Committee From: Neale, Andrea (HOU) [mailto:Andrea.Neale@rnahouse.gov] On Behalf Of Boldyga, Nicholas - Rep(HOU) Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:29 PM To: Neale, Andrea (HOU) Subject: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: REPRESENTATIVE BOLDYGA OFFERS LOCAL AID RESOLUTION Importance: High 0 Wile; Nicholas A.Boldyga COMMITTEES: State Representative Commonwealth of Massachusetts Financial Services House of Representatives Public Safety & Homeland State House,Room 167 Security Boston, MA 02133 Higher Education (617)722-28 10 3/14/2011 rOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Andrea Neale March 10, 2011 (617) 722-2810 Ext. 8258 REPRESENTATIVE BOLDYGA OFFERS LOCAL AID RESOLUTION Resolution Receives Biportisan Support BOSTON—Representative Nicholas A. Boldyga(R-Southwick)today announced that he,along with the entire Republican caucus,offered a Local Aid Resolution during the House's full formal session, In an email distributed to House colleagues, House Minority Leader Bradley 11.Jones, Jr.,who drafted the resolution, said,"As our cities and towns continue to develop their local budgets during these very tough times they need certzinty and reliable information more than ever. It is important that we,as legislators,provide some predictability for our districts." The resolution proposes the following: Establish a minimum level of Chapter 70 and Unrestricted Local Aid equal the amount proposed by the Governor for F Y'12 ne minimum Chapter 70 appropriation must equal $3.99 billion for FY'l 2; and The minimum Unrestricted Local Aid appropriation must equal $899 million, Establish a minimum level of funding for each of the following accounts to equal the amount proposed by the Governor for FY'i 2 a. Reimbursement to Cities in Lieu of Taxes-$25.3 million b. Rcgi,onal School Transportation-$40.5 million C. Special Education Residential Schools- $213 miilion "Our cities and towns are struggling.This would have, at the very least,given them a baseline to begin their budgeting process. Additional uncertainty is an added burden they do not need. It is disappointing that my colleagues across the aisle refused to openly debate the issue and take a step toward helping our communities,"stated Representative Boldyga of the resolution. This resolution would provide among other things, flexibility during budget debate so that the Legislature might further increase local aid appropriations from an established floor. It also provides predictability for municipalities who are already constructing their budgets. With one single objection,the res6lution was referred to the House Committee on Rules without any opportunity for debate. 944 9'own of Agawam Nayor Richard-A. Cohen 36 -Main Street, AgawaM NA oiooi 1eC (413) 786-0400 - Fax: (413) 786-9927 March 17, 2011 Dear Community Leaders; We are writing to you, asking that you please support the resolution sponsored by, 3ro Hampden District State Representative Nicholas A. Boldyge-47t.regards to Chapter 70 and unrestricted Local Aid to all communities in the CoTi The resolution establishes.a, u layel-'Of Chapter-MOZAd4i"n.est'' ted Local Aid equal to the amount proposed by the rnorfoY'PY!'2 �vith minimum Ch.VyweFAWNPPropriations equaling �N aeq, $3.99 billion and the rpf,Z40 Unrestricted Local Aid Approp iafi ual $8.99 million. 12 in the OrfF This bi-partisan res, ighes a minimum level of-fu'ndin' appropriations for,F m u nfito cittes in lied'of tzixesjegior�al s=rMs ortation and ir special educationiresi 11sq, I It is important thit lyr ead6sponsor sirnWresbWt through its hp& K' ithW elected bodies a�jt, Ian Please find the citb ecdl Aga%6rh dity C'O'U-P resolutions in support of Repre On ati L IAVI� 'M 04§�Aed Kjbe ess release rklma t i bn issued by Mr. Boldyffla!'* K x. IV- K eir residents as our Communities musO Ot-r W a is r Uion. VL I.—A., bts�Win W� I omi 't1mR Cities and Towns are4 cin Thank you for yoursup Sincer Y. TED Richard A.Cohen, Mayor George Bitzas, City Councilor a&Afi W_ 4&16W�k Anthony Bonavitdf Vice-Chair School Committee Cc:Agawam City Council Agawam School Committee MAYORAL ACTION Received this _d.yof 2011 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this day of Oj 2011. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Aga harter, as hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on tf. day of 12011. Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2011 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this dayof_04�1 ) ' 2011. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FULL COUNCIL FROM: COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS SUBJECT: TR-2011-21 DATE: 3/17/2011 Please see the attached resolution regarding Senator Boldyga's Local Aid Resolution. I believe this resolution will help every community in the Commonwealth during the budgetary process. It's important that community leaders sponsor similar resolutions of support through it elected bodies as it has a significant impact on our constituents. Communities must work together to support this resolution for the benefit of their residents as out cities and towns are facing very difficult econorruic times. Therefore the attached letter and resolution has been sent to the surrounding communities for similar action. If you have any ques6ons, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. T'own of-Agawam Nayor Richard-A. Cohen 36 Nain Street, Agawam, NA wooi - '118C (413) 786-0400� - Fax: (413) 786-9927 March 17, 2011 C� Dear Community Leaders; rd We are writing to you, asking that you please support the resolution sponsored by 3 Hampd District State Representative Nicholas A BoJdyga-"-+-re43Qrds.to Chapter 70 and unrestricted Lgal _Z-7c Z� , Aid to all communities in the Com i. If A F A The resolution establishes apo e -af ricted Local Aid equal fiPhe ,�l �c AM a f 7a, amount:proposed by th o rnor ar�peif-�Vit minimurf), %ropriations equaling M's $3.99 billion and the U restricted Local Aid Approprlafi W ual $8.99 million. Us This bi-partisan reR I Is is es 6 minimum level of.fund iYh�g...OAW� n h 7: k appropriations for r bu f, ftftte-�s-in lie axes,-regionalsai n' ioritateion and st 40 special educatiol, si so A -4.� Yr - ead 'sponsor sirpi through its It is important thaltj Md wsblutirih . . 4 WON A-'�- ,-4 A elected bodies a[jtpps Please find the a�II6 awam'City' Counci itt resolutions in e % ed ess release support of Repre4enkati y t 'Ag issued by Mr. Bolb is re t Ph ir residents as our Communities must W al IAAiO Cities and Towns are\f c-n d n`6 im"i Thank you for your supp Sincer ly, Richard A. Cohen, Mayor X0 OREa��ttee Cc: Agawam City Council Agawam School Committee TR-2011-d,l A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT"LOCAL AID RESOLUTION" CURRENTLY UNDERCONSIDERATION BY THE MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE (SPONSORED BY COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS) WHEREAS, Representative Nicholas A. Boldyga filed a resolution on March 10, 2011 regarding Local Aid; and WHEREAS, the Bill is indented to Establish minimum levels of Chapter 70 and unrestricted aid equal to proposed amounts in the Governor's FY12 budget; and WHEREAS, cities and towns are struggling thru these difficult fiscal times; and WHEREAS,the Bill would provided for flexibility during budget debates so that the Legislature might further increase local aid appropriations, and WHEREAS the bill would provide for predictability for municipalities who are already constructing their budgets; and WHEREAS the Resolution under consideration by the Legislature has received bipartisan support; and WHEREAS the Resolution has been referred to the House Committee on Rules;and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Town of Agawam that the Bill be approved and made law; NOW THEREFORE,;BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL that the Agawam City Council shows support for the Bill; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to urge Senator James Welch and Representative Nicholas Boldyga , and Governor Deval Patrick to work in support of the Bill. DATED THIS DAY OF 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Donald M. Rheault, President 4ARO ED tASFORM AND LEGALITY �incent F. G—ioscia, City Solicitor SCR-11-06 RESOLUTION SUPPORT OF "LOCAL AID RESOLUTION" CURRENTLY UNDER CONSIDERATION BY THE MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE (co-sponsored by Richard Cohen & Anthony Bonavita) WHEREAS, Representative Nicholas A. Boldyga Filed a resolution on March 10, 2011, regarding Local Aid, and WHEREAS, this Resolution is intended to "Establish a minimum level of Chapter 70 and Unrestricted Local Aid equal to the am ount proposed by the Governor for FY'l 2", and WHEREAS, cities and towns are struggling through difficult fiscal times. and WHEREAS, the Resolution would provide for flexibifity during budget debates so that the Legislature may further increase local aid appropriations, and WHEREAS, the Resolution would provide for predictability for municipalities, which are already constructing their budgets, and WHEREAS, the Resolution under consideration by the Legislature has received bipartisan support, and WHEREAS, the Resolution has been referred to the House Committee on Rules, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Agawam Public Schools that the Resolution be approved and made law. NOW, therefore., be it resolved that the Agawam School Committee shows support for the proposed legislation, and Be It further resolved, that the Agawam School Committee urges Senator James Welch, Representative Nicholas Boldyga, and Govemor Deval Patrick to work in support of this Resolution. Mary A. Czaikowski, Ed.D. Superintendent Date SCHOOL COMMITTEE ACTION yeas nays Dated this day of Richard A. Cohen, Mayor/Chairperson Agawam School Commiiiee From: Neale, Andrea (HOU) [mailto:Andrea.Neale@mahouse.gov] On Behalf Of Boldyga, Nicholas - Rep (HOU) Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:29 PM To: Neale, Andrea (HOU) Subject: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: REPRESENTATIVE BOLDYGA OFFERS LOCAL AID RESOLUTION Importance: High Pllrlw" Hampden Nicholas A.Boldyga COMMIT7EES: State Representative Commonwealth of Massachusetts Financial Services House of Representatives Public Safety & Homeland State House,Room 167 Security Boston,MA 02133 Higher Education (617)722-2810 3/14/20) ) rOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact., Andrea Neale March 10, 2011 (617) 722-28 10 Ext. 8258 REPRESENTATIVE BOLDYGA OFFERS LOCAL AID RESOLUTION Resolution Receives Bipartisan Support BOSTON— Representative Nicholas A, Boldyga(R-Southwick)today announced that he, along with the entire Republican caucus,offered a Local Aid Resolution during the House's full formal session. In an email distributed to House colleagues, House Minority Leader Bradley 11.Jones, Jr,,who drafted the resolution,said,"As our cities and towns continue to develop their local budgets during these very tough,itimes they need certainty and reliable information more than ever. It is important that we,as legislators, provide some predictability for our districts." The resolution proposes the following. Establish a minimum level of Chapter 70 and Unrestricted Local Aid equal the amount proposed by the Governor for FY'l 2 The minimum Chapter 70-appropriation must equal S3.99 billion for F)"12;and The minimum Unrestricted Local Aid appropriation must equal $899 million. Establish a minimum level of funding for each of the following accounts to equal the amount proposed by the Govemor for FYA 2 a. Reimbursement to Cities in Lieu ofTaxcs-$25.3 million b. Regional School Transportation -S40.5 million c. Special Education Residential Schools- $213 million "Our cities and towns are struggling.This would have, at the very least, given them a baseline to begin their budgetin, process, Additional uncertainty is an added burden the L y do riot need.I i is disappointing that �nv colleagues across the aisle refused to openly debate the issue and take a step toward helping our communities,"stated Representative Boldyga of the resolution. This resolution would provide among other things., flexibility during budget debate so that the Legislature might further increase local aid appropriations from an established floor- It also provides predictability for municipalities who are already constructing their budgets. With one single objection,the resolution was referred to the House Committee on Rules without any opportunity for debate. #49 If i T'own of Agawam J.4ayor Richard-A. Cohen 36 Nain Street, AgawaM NA Ojool - 7eC (413) 786-0400 - Fax: (413) 786-9927 March 17, 2011 Dear Community Leaders; We are writing to you, asking that you please support the resolution sponsored by, 3 rd Hampden District State Representative Nicholas_��BoJgrga-in-ragards to Chapter 70 and unrestricted Local Aid to all communities in the Com ti A The resolution establishes e _9a thcted Local Aid equal to the amount proposed by the.. r rJarl�Y1`2_.�vith minimum -4p%r ' "ppropriations equaling �mTus, ual $8.99 million. $3.99 billion and the restricted Local Aid Appropriati This bi-partisan res hs'hes a minimum level of.funddl�nb,.. k in the appropriations for r bur kbtitids in lieu of tixesjegiohia scho nsportation and special education( i e �S.l t. It is important th�jvr hi I A",iponsor sirmpi -ce t' through its I ,%in- .�SUIPR 1.0S, -6n s elected bodies a�� t Oatt ip resolutions in Please find the atta e Agawam ity oun 11 .&. support of Repr4ekafi 'SLtocalA�Oj e, 'sed ess release issued by Mr. Sol 1%. . er N, a P Amth is lution ft ir residents as our Communities must W. re t o Cities and Towns a44 c'n 6m I 41F, A jr Thank you for your su Sincer ly, Richard A. Cohen, Mayor George Bitzas, City Councilor Anthony BonavVit , 'Vice-Chair School Committee I �OXYWKA Cc:Agawam City Council Agawam School Committee TR-2011-al A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT"LOCAL AID RESOLUTION" CURRENTLY UNDERCONSIDERATION BY THE MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE (SPONSORED BY COUNCILOR GEORGE BITZAS) WHEREAS, Representative Nicholas A. Boldyga filed a resolution on March 10, 2011 regarding Local Aid; and WHEREAS, the Bill is indented to Establish minimum levels of Chapter 70 and unrestricted aid equal to proposed amounts in the Governors FY12 budget; and WHEREAS, cities and towns are struggling thru these difficult fiscal times; and WHEREAS,the Bill would provided for flexibility during budget debates so that the Legislature might further increase local aid appropriations; and WHEREAS the bill would provide for predictability for municipalities who are already constructing their budgets; and WHEREAS the Resolution under consideration by the Legislature has received bipartisan support; and WHEREAS the Resolution has been referred to the House Committee on Rules; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Town of Agawam that the Bill be approved and made law; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL that the Agawam City Council shows support for the Bill; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to urge SenatorJames Welch and Representative Nicholas Boldyga, and Governor Deval Patrick to work in support of the Bill. DATED THIS DAY OF 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Donaldd M. Rhea It, President A RO ED ASP- FORM AND LEGALITY �incent F. Gioscia, City Solicit6r j SCR-11-06 RESOLUTION SUPPORT OF "LOCAL AID RESOLUT'iON" CURRENTLY UNDER CONSIDERATION BY THE MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE (co-sponsored by Richard Cohen & Anthony Bonavita) WHEREAS, Representative Nicholas A. Boldyga filed a resolution on March 10, 2011, regarding Local Aid, and WHEREAS, this Resolution is intended to "Establish a minimum level of Chapter 70 and Unrestricted Local Aid equal to the amount proposed by the Governor for FY'l 2", and WHEREAS, cities and towns are struggling through difficult fiscal tirnes. and WHEREAS, the Resolution would provide for flexibility during budget debates so that the Legislature maN further increase local aid appropriations.. and WHEREAS, the Resolution would provide for predictability for municipalities, which are already constructing their budgets, and WHEREAS. the Resolution under consideration by the Legislature has received bipartisan support, and WHERE-AS. the Resolution has been referred to the House Committee on Rules. and WHEREAS. it is in the best interest of the Agawam Public Schools that the Resolution be approved and made law. N 0 W, therefore, be it resolved that the Agawam School Committee shows support for the proposed legislation, and Be it further resolved, that the Agawam School Committee ur ges Senator James Welch, Representative Nicholas Boldy-a, and Governor Deval Patrick to work in support of this Resolution. Mary A. Czajkowski, Ed.D. Superintendent Date SCHOOL COMMITTEE ACTION yeas nays Dated this day of Richard A. Cohen, Mayo r/C hai rperson Agawam School Committee From: Neale, Andrea (HOU) [mailto:Andrea.Neale@mahouse.gov] On Behalf Of Boldyga, Nicholas - Rep (HOU) Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:29 PM To: Neale, Andrea (HOU) Subject: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: REPRESENTATIVE BOLDYGA OFFERS LOCAL AID RESOLUTION Importance, High 11710 A 3ra" ifamp den r Nicholas A. ol ga COMMITTEES: State Representative Commonwealth ofMassachusetis Financial Services House of Representatives Public Safely& Homeland State House, Room 167 Security Boston,MA 02133 Higher Education (617)722-2810 3/14/2011 rOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Andrea Neale March 10, 2011 (617) 722-2810 Ext. 8258 REPRESENTATrVE BOLDYGA OFFERS LOCAL AID RESOLUTION Resolution Receives Bipartisan Support BOSTON—Representative Nicholas A. Boldyga(R-Southwick) today announced that he,along with the entire Republican caucus,offered a Local Aid Resolution during the House's full formal session, In an email distributed to I-louse colleagues, House Minority Leader Bradley 1-1. Jones, Jr., who drafted the resolution,said,"As our cities and towns continue to develop their local budgets during these very tough times they need certainty and reliable information more than ever. It is important that we, as legislators,provide some predictability for our districts." The resolution proposes the following: Establish a mini mum level of Chapter 70 and Unrestricted Local Aid equal the amount proposed by the Governor for FY'I 2 The minimum Chapter 70 appropriation must equal $3.99 billion for FY'I 2; and The minimum Unrestricted Local Aid appropriation must equal S899 million. Establish a minimum level of funding for each of the following accounts to equal the amount proposed by the Govemor for FY*12 a. Reimbursement to Cities in Lieu of Taxes-$25.3 million b. Regional School Transportation-$40.5 million c. Special Education Residential Schools- S213 million "Our cities and towns are struggling. This would have,at the very least,given them a baseline to begin their budgeting process.Additional uncertainty is an added burden they do not need. It is disappointing that my colleagues across the aisle refused to openly debate the issue and take a step toward helping our communities,"stated Representative Boldyga of the resolution. This resolution would provide among other things, flexibility during budget debate so that the Legislature might further increase local aid appropriations from an established floor. It also provides predictability for municipalities who are already constructing their budgets. With one single objection,the resolution was referred to the House Committee on Rules without any opportunity for debate, Page I of 2 barbara bard From: Neale, Andrea (HOU) [Andrea.Neale@mahouse.gov) on behalf of Boldyga. Nicholas- Rep (HOU) [Nicholas.Boldyga@mahouse.gov] Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 3:07 PM To: barbara bard Subject: Public Service Hearing on Municipal Health Reform Importance: High Nicholas A. Boldyga COMMITTEES: State Representative Commonwealth of Massachusetts Financial Services House of Representatives Public Safety & Homeland Security State House,Room 167 Higher Education Boston,MA 02133 (617)722-2810 March 4, 2011 Barbara Bard Agawam City Council 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 RE: Public Hearing on Municipal Health Reform Dear Barbara Bard: We received noti ce this morning that House Chairman John W. Scibak and Senate Chairwoman Katherine Clark of The Joint Committee on Public Service will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 8 at 10:00 am in the Gardner Auditorium to hear testimony regarding Municipal Health Reform. I am reaching out to inform you of the meeting and let you know you have the option of attending the hearing and testifying before the Committee should you so desire. I hope you will consider making the trip to the State House next Tuesday. Please let me know if you will be making the trip. I would like the opportunity to meet with you after the hearing'has concluded. Sincerely, 3/7/2011 Page 2 of 2 NICHOLAS BOLI)YGA State Representative Proudly Serving Agawam, Granville, Russell and Southwick 3,d District of Hampden 3/7/2011