TR-2011-25 ENERGY SMART AGAWAM _ 11 �G li a� l�l �r II it (kpf VJ 6A, TR-2011-25 A RESOLUTION TO PROMOTE ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IN AGAWAM THROUGH THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATIONS AND DECONSTRUCTION OF TOWN FACILITIES BY DESIGNATING AGAWAM AS AN "ENERGY SMART COMMUNITY" AND SUPPORTING AND ENDORSING AN APPLICATION TO BE DESIGNATED A GREEN COMMUNITY (Sponsored by Councilor Robert E. Rossi) WHEREAS, the purpose of these provisions is to prescribe green building requirements to city building projects as well as traditional Public Works projects; and WHEREAS, Agawam is committed to becoming an "Energy Smart" and sustainable community working together with our citizens to balance ecological, economic, and social needs to ensure a clean, healthy and safe environment for the City of Agawam and the region for generations to come; and WHEREAS, it is also in the public best interest to strongly promote and support the inclusion of "Energy Smart" and green building strategies in private development projects through the provision of incentives from the City of Agawam; and WHEREAS, to ensure a viable future, the City of Agawam must take a leadership role and address the impacts placed on the environment by urbanization and a growing populace; and WHEREAS, these impacts include air and water pollution, climate change, and habitat loss; and WHEREAS, to accomplish these goals, the City of Agawam shall establish policies that will incorporate environmental responsibility into its daily management of urban and industrial growth, education, energy and water use, air quality, transportation, waste reduction, economic development, and open space and natural habitats; and WHEREAS, the City of Agawam established an Energy Commission on September 10, 2009 in which this commission is comprised of eleven voting members to assist and ensure that the City identify, develop, implement, and manage programs and policies that achieve high levels of energy efficiency and energy resource sustainability and guard against effects of energy resource disruption/depletion in all of Agawam's public and private sectors; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City of Agawam working in conjunction with the recently formed Energy Commission to develop an "action plan" committed to increasing energy smart design and operational requirements in the most immediate and meaningful way so as to include energy efficiency and green building elements in as many public city buildings and other projects as possible. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL that Agawam is designated an "Energy Smart Community" believing it to be in the best public interest to address the appropriateness of mandating energy smart and green building requirements into the City of Agawam's Building Codes, for municipal building projects and applying such requirements to all traditional public-works projects; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL that the City Council does support and endorse the City of Agawam's application of the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources to be designated a "Green Community". Dated this day of JU 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL zVk&W Donald M. Rheault, President ue A]�PROVED TO FORM AND LEGALITY �Jn Vincent F. Gioscia, City Solicitor MAYORAL ACTION Received this ",—day of 5 2011 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this day of A a_j ) 2011. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agaw . er, as amenqed, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this �'?Vay of ) 2011. Richard A. Cohen,Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2011 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this day of 2011. TR-2011-25 A Proclamation for an Energy Smart Agawam (Sponsored by City Council Vice President Robert E. Rossi) WHEREAS, to promote economic and environmental health in Agawam, it is vital that the City itself, through the design, construction, operations and deconstruction of its own facilities, provide leadership to both the private and public sectors in the arena of energy efficiency and "green" building practices; and WHEREAS, the purpose of these provisions is to prescribe green building requirements to city building projects as well as traditional Public Works projects; and WHEREAS, Agawam is committed to becoming an "Energy Smart" and sustainable community working together with our citizens to balance ecological, economic, and social needs to ensure a clean, healthy and safe environment for the City of Agawam and the region for generations to come; and WHEREAS, it is also in the public best interest to strongly promote and support the inclusion of "Energy Smart" and green building strategies in private development projects through the provision of incentives from the City of Agawam; and WHEREAS, to ensure a viable future, the City of Agawam must take a leadership role and address the impacts placed on the environment by urbanization and a growing populace; these impacts include air and water pollution, climate change, and habitat loss; and WHEREAS, to accomplish these goals, the City of Agawam shall establish policies that will incorporate environmental responsibility into its daily management of urban and industrial growth, education, energy and. water use, air quality, transportation, waste reduction, economic development, and open space and natural habitats; and WHEREAS, the City of Agawam established an Energy Commission on September 10, 2009 in which this commission is comprised of eleven voting members to assist and ensure that the City identify, develop, implement, and manage programs and policies that achieve high levels of energy efficiency and energy resource sustainability and guard against effects of energy resource disruption/depletion in all of Agawam's public and private sectors; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City of Agawam working in conjunction with the recently formed Energy Commission to develop an "action plan" committed to increasing energy smart design and operational requirements in the most immediate and meaningful way so as to include energy efficiency and green building elements in as many public city buildings and other projects as possible. NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL DOES HEREBY. ORDAIN that the City of Agawam to be a designated "Energy Smart Community" believing it to be in the best public interest to address the appropriateness of mandating energy smart and green building requirements and applying such requirements to all city projects. Be it further resolved that the Agawam City Council does support and endorse the City of Agawam's application to the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources to be designated a "Green Community". Dated this day of 20—. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Donald M. Rheault, President APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Vincent F. Gioscia, City Solicitor Preamble for an Energy Smart Agawam I believe strongly that environmental sustainability and econornic sustainability are one and the The saine. investments made through Ener-y Smart measures will not only save LIS money, they will reduce our Greenhouse Gas emissions and help end our addiction to foreign oil. The initiative, called "Energy Smart Agawam," would help Agawam consumers save money by giving them more choices over how they consume and conserve energy. It would also solidify Agawam's leadership in championing the responsible environmental practices needed to address tile longer-ten-n challenge of addressing climate change which poses a significant threat to our city and the surrounding region. The Energy Smart Agawam Initiative is an investment ill the future of our city, our residents and our neighborhoods and is an important first step toward creating the green jobs of the future and building a clean energy economy. To ensure a viable future, the City of Agawarn must be willing to take tile necessary first step ill maintaining a leadership role and address the impacts placed on the environment and growing populace. For the sake of our econoinv. our energy independence., our environment and our future, this projJect must move forward. I invite you. the citizens of Agawam, to join us in supportino the city's efforts to be a truly Energy Smart and Green, sustainable city. Bob Rossi.. Vice President Aoawam City Council q� COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERCjY AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY RESOURCES 100 CAMBR IDG E ST., SU ITE 1020 BOSTON. MA 02114 Telephone:'617-626-7300 Facsimile:617-727-0030 Deval L. Patrick Richard K.Sullivan,.Jr. Governor Secretary Tirnothy P.Murray Mark D.Sylvia Lieutenant Governor Commissioner CP An July 12, 2011 C-- Mayor Richard A. Cohen C) Agawam City Hall 36 Main Street -30 Xgawam, MA,0 100 1 C-1 Dear Mayor Cohen: co Thank you for submitting a Green Communities designation application received on June 3, 2011. Recently, I spoke with Agawam Planning and Community Development Director, Deborah Dachos regarding our review and was able to communicate with her the status of Agawam's application. This letter is a follow up to that conversation. The Green Communities Division has determined that the Town meets Criteria 1, 2 and 4 with respect to the requirements for as-of-right siting, expedited permitting and adoption of a policy to purchase only fuel efficient vehicles. Accordingly, these criteria are considered approved and no further information will be required for these criteria as it relates to a future Green Communities designation application from the Town. Regarding Criterion 3, this criterion requires a municipality to establish an energy use baseline inventory for municipal buildings, vehicles and street and traffic lighting, and put in place a comprehensive program designed to reduce this baseline by 20 per cent within 5 years of initial participation in the program. Based on the information provided, the following items need to be addressed in order to meet the requirements of Criterion 3, including: I. Table 3 — the conversion factor for oil should be 0.139 = 26,143 mmbtu (rather than the 26,086 reported) 2. Table 3 — please remove streetlights from the table since they are not included in the baseline 3. Table 3 — please separate gasoline and diesel usage. This will allow more accurate information about the reductions on both greenhouse gas emissions and energy. We will be revising both our Guidance and Mass Energy Insight to split gasoline from diesel. 4s 4. Table 4 — 16,602 MMBTU identified as a combination of "Energy Walk Through, Audits, Best Practices". Documentation is required to support how these estimates were determined. Some estimates appear to have come from WMECO audits but most are not identified as to how the estimated savings were calculated. The Green Communities Division is ready to work with you to revise your plan for meeting Criterion 3. Regarding Criterion 5, this criterion requires all new residential construction over 3,000 square feet and all new commercial and industrial real estate construction to minimize, to the extent feasible, the life-cycle cost of the facility by utilizing energy efficiency, water conservation and other renewable or alternative energy technologies. The town sought to meet this criterion through local processes rather than adoption of the Stretch Code. Agawam's submission provided information regarding a variety of clean energy policies and initiatives it is implementing as well as an Energy Smart Initiative as an alternative. However, these activities do not provide a sufficient mechanism for requiring a criterion for new residential and commercial construction, nor documentation of how this alternative provides a standard that reduces life-cycle energy costs in new construction. Therefore, the Green Communities Division does not approve Agawam's submission for meeting criterion 5 through local processes. The Green Communities Division stands ready to provide information regarding adoption of the Strech Code to meet Criterion 5, or conversely to review any proposed alternative to meeting the Stretch Code prior to submitting a designation application. Your Regional Coordinator, Jim Barry,jim.barry@state.ma.us, (413)755-2232, is available to answer any questions you may have or provide you with any clarifications. Agawam is to be commended for the many initiatives and policies in place to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions and for reducing energy usage. We look forward to continuing to work with you to fulfill all criteria for becoming a designated Green Community and to receiving a future designation application from the Town. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions you may have. Sincerely, Meg Lusardi, Director Green Communities Division cc: Jim Barry,GC Regional Coordinator Deborah Dachos,Director Agawam Office of Planning and Community Development Page I of 2 barbara bard From: Deborah Dachos Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 10:34 AM To: barbara bard Cc: Mayor Richard Cohen; Christopher Golba; Deborah Dachos; Howard Stafford; Jay Berger; Jill Messick; Jim Cichetti; Joel Cummings; Dominic Urbinati; Pamela Kerr; Robert Rossi; Roger Kupec; Todd Bard; Anthony Albro Subject: FW: Agawam Green Communities Applications Hi Barb, Below, please see the email I received from the State regarding our Green Communities application. The deadline for applying for Green Communities' funding is August 12th, however, DOER will not be making their decisions on the Designation until next week. That means that I will not know if we can apply for funding until next week and the Council will only have one meeting before the funding deadline. A Please advise me how we can proceed if we do get designated a Green Community. I would hate to miss out on the $140,000 in potential funding. Thanks. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Debbie Deborah S.Dachos,Director Agawam Office of Planning and Community Development 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 0 100 1 (413) 786-0400,ext. 283 Rlannincr@acrawam.ma.us From: Barry, Jim (ENE) [mailto:jim.barry@state.ma.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 10:10 AM To: Deborah Dachos Cc: Christopher Golba; Howard Stafford; Jay Berger; Jill Messick; Jim Cichetti; Joel Cummings; Dominic Urbinati; Pamela Kerr; Robert Rossi; Roger Kupec; Todd Bard; Anthony Albro; 'Markey, Brian' Subject: RE: Agawam Green Communities Applications Good Morning, Debbie we hope to complete review of Green Communities Designation Applications by the end of this week and have an Official Announcement/Press Release next week. The deadline for Grant Applications is currently set as August 12 (but this MAY slide a week depending on how successful we are in completing the reviews this week). II m From: Deborah Dachos [mailto:DDachos@agawam.ma.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 20119.57 AM To: Barry, Jim (ENE) Cc: Christopher Golba; Deborah Dachos; Howard Stafford; Jay Berger; Jill Messick; Jim Cichetti; Joel Cummings; Dominic Urbinati; Pamela Kerr; Robert Rossi; Roger Kupec; Todd Bard; Anthony Albro Subject: Green Communities Applications Hi Jim, 7/5/2011 Page 2 of 2 Hope you had a grea t holiday. I'm trying to advise the Energy Commission about how we should proceed with the Green Communities activities. As you know, Agawam submitted an application for Green Communities designation. I am not sure what the timing is for action on the applications. Brian Markey has advised us that the applications for funding are also due this summer. I am not allowed to submit an application without Town Council authorization and they only meet once per month during the summer. What is the schedule for action on the designation and due date for funding? Thanks. Debbie Deborah S.Dachos,Director Agawam Office of Planning and Community Development 36 Main Street Agawam. MA 0 100 1 (413) 786-0400,ext. 283 i3lannincrOacrawam.ma.us Confidentiality Statement This Town of Agawam electronic message along with any corresponding attachments may contain privileged or confidential information.This information is for the use of the intended recipient(s)only.Any disclosure.copying,distribution.or use of the contents of this message in any manner is strictly prohibited by anyone other than the intended redpient(s).If you have received this email in error,notify the sender immediately by email and delete all copies from your network. 7/5/2011 TR-2011-25 A RESOLUTION TO PROMOTE ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IN AGAWAM THROUGH THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATIONS AND DECONSTRUCTION OF TOWN FACILITIES BY DESIGNATING AGAWAM AS AN "ENERGY SMART COMMUNITY" AND SUPPORTING AND ENDORSING AN APPLICATION TO BE DESIGNATED A GREEN COMMUNITY (Sponsored by Councilor Robert E. Rossi) WHEREAS, the purpose of these provisions is to prescribe green building requirements to city building projects as well as traditional Public Works projects; and WHEREAS, Agawam is committed to becoming an "Energy Smart" and sustainable community working together with our citizens to balance ecological, economic, and social needs to ensure a clean, healthy and safe environment for the City of Agawam and the region for generations to come; and WHEREAS, it is also in the public best interest to strongly promote and support the inclusion of "Energy Smart" and green building strategies in private development projects through the provision of incentives from the City of Agawam; and WHEREAS,to ensure a viable future, the City of Agawam must take a leadership role and address the impacts placed on the environment by urbanization and a growing populace; and WHEREAS, these impacts include air and water pollution, climate change, and habitat loss; and WHEREAS, to accomplish these goals, the City of Agawam shall establish policies that will incorporate environmental responsibility into its daily management of urban and industrial growth, education, energy and water use, air quality, transportation, waste reduction, economic development, and open space and natural habitats; and WHEREAS, the City of Agawam established an Energy Commission on September 10, 2009 in which this commission is comprised of eleven voting members to assist and ensure that the City identify, develop, implement, and manage programs and policies that achieve high levels of energy efficiency and energy resource sustainability and guard against effects of energy resource disruption/depletion in all of Agawam's public and private sectors; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City of Agawam working in conjunction with the recently formed Eneirgy Commission to develop an "action plan" committed to increasing energy smart design and operational requirements in the most immediate and meaningful way,so as to include energy efficiency and green building elements in as many public city buildings and other projects as possible. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL that Agawam is designated an "Energy Smart Community" believing it to be in the best public interest to address the appropriateness of mandating energy smart and green building requirements into the City of Agawam's Building Codes, for municipal building projects and applying such requirements to all traditional public works projects; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL that the City Council does support and endorse the City of Agawam's application of the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources to be designated a "Green Community". Dated this day of 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Donald M. Rheault, President A PROVED A. TO FORM AND LEGALITY Vincent F. Gioscia, City Solicitor Preamble for an Energy Smart Aga-wam I believe stron-ly that en vIron ment a] susuinabilliy and econornic SLIStainability arc one and the sarne. The *investments made through Ener-y Smart measures �,vill not only save LIS money, they ,will reduce our Greenhouse Gas ernissions and help end our �Iddiction to floreign oil. The initiative, called "Energy Smart Agawam," would help Agawarn consurners save money by giving them more choices over how they consume and conserve energy. It would also solidify AgaNvarn's leadership in championing the responsible environmental practices needed to address the longer-terin challenge of addressing cliniate change which poses a significant threat to our city and the surrounding region. The Energy Smart Agawam Initiative is an investment in the future of our city, our residents and our neighborhoods and is an important first step toward creating the green jobs of the future and building a clean energy economy. To ensure a viable future, the City of Agawam must be willing to take the necessary first step in maintaining a leadership role and address the impacts placed on the environment and growing populace. For the sake of our econorriv. our energy independence. our environment and our future., this project must move forward. I iMlite );OLI, the citizens of. Agawam.. to join LIS in supl)ortin- the citv's efforts to be a truly Encr-v Smart and Green, sustainable city. Bob Rossi.. Vice President Aoawain Cltv Council Draft: Mamh 31, 2011 Preamble I believe strongly that environmental sustainability and economic sustainability are one and the same The investments made through Energy Smart measures will not only save us money, they will reduce our Greenhouse Gas emissions, help end our addiction to foreign oil. The Initiative, called "Energy Smart Agawam,*' would help Agawam consumers save money by giving them more choices over how they consume and conserve energy. It would also solidify Agawam's leadership in championing the responsible environmental practices needed to address the longer-ten,77 challenge of addressing climate change, which poses a significant threat to our city and surrounding region. The Energy Smart Agawam Initiative is an investment in the future of our city, our residents and our neighborhoods, and is an important first step toward creating the green jobs of the future and building a clean energy economy. To ensure a viable future, the city of Agawam must be willing to take the necessary first step in maintaining a leadership role and address the impacts placed on the environment and growing populace. For the sake of our economy, our energy independence, our environment and our future, this project must move forward. I invite you the citizens of Agawam, to join us in supporting the City's efforts to be a truly Energy Smart and Green, sustainable city. Bob Rossi, Vice President Agawam City Council BE -b V R- HdV 1101 *VW IWVAVBY � 11IJ-40 M313 iloNnm Draft,Bob Rossi,City Council RESOLUTION PROCL"ATION FOR AN ENERGYSMARTAGA WAM To he kwwn as ,'A GREEN COMMUNITY" Purpose: To promote economic and environmental health in Agawam,it is key that the City itself,through the design,construction, operations and deconstruction of its own facilities,provide leadership to both the private and public sectors in the arena of energy efficiency and"green"building practices. Therefore,the purpose of these provisions is to prescribe green building requirements to city building projects as well as traditional Public works projects Whereas,Agawam is committed to becoming a"Energy Smart Grem"and sustainable community working together with our citizens to balance ecological,economic,and social needs to ensure a clean.healthy and safb environment for the City of Agawam and the region for generations to come; Whereas, it is also in the public interests to strongly promote and support the inclusion of'Energy Smart"and green building strategies in private development projects through the provision of incentives from the City of Agawam; WherelM,To ensure a viable future,the City of Agawarn must take a leadership role and address the impacts placed on the environment by urbanization and a growing populace.Tliese impacts include air and water pollution,climate change,and habitat lose, Whereas,,To accomplish these goals,the City of Agawam shall establish policies that will incorporate environmental responsibility into its daily management of urban and industrial growth,education.energy and water use,air quality, transportation,waste reduction,economic development,and open space and natural habitats; Whereas,The City Agawam established an Energy Commission on September 10,2009.This commission comprising of eleven voting members to assist and ensure that the City identify,develop,implcment�and manage programs and policies that achieve high levels of energy efficiency and energy resource sustainability and guard against effects of energy resource disiuption/depletion in all of Agawam's public and private sectors. Whereas,,it is the intent of the City of Agawam working in conjunction with the recently formed Energy Commission to develop an"action plan"committed to increasing energy smart design and operational requirements in the most immediate and meaningful way so as to include energy efficiency and green building elements in as many public City buildings and other projects as possible. NOW THEREFORE THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCEL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AGAWAM A DESIGNATED GREEN COMMUNITY BELEIVING IT TO BE IN THE BEST PUBLIC INTEREST TO ADDRESS THE APPROPRIATENESS OF MANDATING ENERGY SMART AND GREEN BUILDING RFEQUIREMIENTS AND APPLYING SUCH REQUIREMENTS TO ALL CITY PROJECTS INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FULL COUNCIL FROM: ROBERT ROSSI, CITY COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT SUBJECT: TR-2011-25 DATE: 4/20/2011 In an attempt to answer Gina's question at the end of last night's Council meeting, attached please find an explanation stating the purpose of TR-2011-25. I hope this clarifies any questions you might have regarding this resolution. If you have further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. The our-oose of the Resoludon: To secure technical assistance for Agawam to become designated a'Green Community"—that will qualify Agawam for ftiture grant rounds of up to$10 million annually to fund Agawam's energy efficiency projects. To qualify for these grants,Agawam must meet five criteria: • adopt local zoning bylaw or ordinance that allows'as-of-right-sitting"of renewable energy projects; • adopt an expedited permitting process related to the as-of-right facilifies; • establish a municipal energy use baseline and establish a program designed to reduce baseline use by 20 percent within five years; • purchase only fuel-effident vehicles for municipal use,whenever such vehicles are commercially available and practicable; • Require all new residential construction over 3,000 square feet and all new commercial and industrial real estate construction to reduce lifecycle energy costs. *As-of-right sitting means that specific site or sites chosen may be developed for the intended purpose described in the bylaw without the need for a special permit,variance,amendment.waiver,or other discretionary approval. However,the development is subject to site plan review to determine conformance with local, state and federal laws. *Expedited permitting application requires the towns to adopt a process whereby the as-of-right sitting development must take less than one year. If no action is taken within the 365-day window,the project will be considered approved,a mechanism commonty referred to as a"constructive approval provision.'This applies only and specifically to development referred to in the as-of-right sitfing bylaw. To be eligible for this assistance, communities must provide a letter of commitment to meet all five criteria within a year of the technical assistance award, and to have an established energy committee, which is already in place, the Agawam Energy Commission. This Resolution will serve a dual purpose: As the city's communiquL&to that commitment'and to seek a necessary waiver for the"Stretch Codeo which is part of the fifth requirement(listed above). Pursuant to MGIL Chapter 25A Sec. 1 Oc, the Secretary of Energy may waive any of the above requirements based on a wriften finding that due to unusual circumstances, a municipality cannot reasonably meet all of the requirements and that the city has committed to alternative measures that advance the purposes of the"Green Communities Program". It is our hope to get that"Green Designation"and to secure that waiver. I hope this will add some clarity as to the intent and purpose of this Resolution... Bob Rossi TR-2011-25 A RESOLUTION TO PROMOTE ECONOMIC AND ENVIROMENTAL HEALTH IN AGAWAM THROUGH THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATIONS AND DECONSTRUCTION OF TOWN FACILITIES BY DESIGNATING AGAWAM AS A-%-REE-N-C��TY"AND TO SUPPORT AND ENDORSE AN APPLICATION TO BE P41 "eAMy DESIGNATED A��EE�,COMM UNITY P—r Robert Rossi) CWJ :6 Za 5r— Whereas, the purpose of these provisions is to prescribe green building requirements to citZuildl' projects as well as traditional Public Works projects;and .=;K >1= Whereas, Agawam is committed to becoming 4Z Energy Smart" and sustainable communitAor'kiq together with our citizens to balance ecological, economic, and social needs to ensure a cleapealt1`9_1 and safe environment for the City of Agawam and the region for generations to come; and Whereas, it is also in the public interest to strongly promote and support the inclusion of"Energy Smart" and green building strategies in private development projects through the provision of incentives from the City of Agawam; and Whereas, to ensure a viable future, the City of Agawam must take a leadership role and address the impacts placed on the environment by urbanization and a growing populace; and Whereas,these impacts include air and water pollution, climate change, and habitat loss; and Whereas, to accomplish these goals, the City of Agawam should establish policies that will incorporate environmental responsibility into its daily management of urban and industrial growth, education, energy and water use, air quality, transportation, waste reduction, economic development, and open space and natural habitats; and Whereas, the City of Agawam established an Energy Commission on September 10, 2009 to assist and ensure that the City identify, develop, implement, and manage programs and policies that achieve high levels of energy efficiency and energy resource sustainability and guard against effects of energy resource disruption/depletion in all of Agawam's public and private sectors; and Whereas, it is the intent of the City of Agawam working in conjunction with the recently formed Energy Commission to develop an "action plan" committed to increasing energy smart design and operational requirements in the most immediate and meaningful way so as to include energy efficiency and green building elements in as many public City buildings and other projects as possible; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL that Agawam is designated an el energy smart community" believing it to be in the best public interest to support Energy Smart and green building requirements, for municipal building projects and traditional public works projects; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL that the Agawam City Council support and endorse the City of Agawam's application of the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources to be designated a "Green Community." DATED THIS DAY OF 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Donald M. Rhe It, President A ROVED A T FORM AND LEGALITY Vincent F.Gioscia, City Solicitor Preamble for an Energy Smart Aga-wam I believe stron-1), that environmental sustalnabi14 and econornic sustainability are one and the sarne. The investments made through Ener-Y Smart measures will not only save Lis rnoney, the), will reduce our Greenhouse Gas ernissions and help end our addiction to foreign oil.' The initiative, called "Energy Smart Agawam," would help Agawam consumers save money by giving them more choices over how they consume and conserve energy. It would also solidify Agawam's leadership in championing the responsible environmental practices needed to address the longer-terrn challenge of addressing climate change which poses a significant tbreat to our city and the surrounding region. The Energy Smart Agawam Initiative is an investment in the future of our city, our residents and our neighborhoods and is an important first step toward creating the green jobs of the future and building a clean energy economy. To ensure a viable future, the City of Agawarn must be willing to take the necessary first step in maintaining a leadership role and address the impacts placed on the environment and growing populace. For the sake of our econornv. our energy independence, our environment and our future., this prQject must i-nove forward. I 111Vi1C VOLI. the citizens ol' Agawani. to join Lis in supportin- the citv's eflbi-ts to be 3 ti-Oly Enenyv Smart and Green, sustainable city. Bob Rossi.. Vice President Agawarn City Council TR-20111-25 4-0 a-A-C n6t A-RES Itly T Tur=- ;A`&0TE ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IN AGAWAM THROUGH THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATIONS AND DECONSTRUCTION OF TOWN FACILITIES BY DESIGNATING AGAWAM AS AN "ENERGY SMART COMMUNITY" AND SUPPORTING AND ENDORSING AN APPLICATION TO BE DESIGNATED A GREEN COMMUNITY (Sponsored by Councilor Robert E. Rossi) WHEREAS, the purpose of these provisions is to prescribe green building requirements to city building projects as well as traditional Public Works projects; and WHEREAS, Agawam is committed to becoming an "Energy Smart" and sustainable community working together with our citizens to balance ecological, economic, and social needs to ensure a clean, healthy and safe environment for the City of Agawam and the region for generations to come; and WHEREAS, it is also in the public best interest to strongly promote and support the inclusion of "Energy Smart" and green building strategies in private development projects through the provision of incentives from the City of Agawam; and WHEREAS, to ensure a viable future, the City of Agawam must take a leadership role and address the impacts placed on the environment by urbanization and a growing populace; and WHEREAS, these impacts include air and water pollution, climate change, and habitat loss; and WHEREAS, to accomplish these goals, the City of Agawam shall establish policies that will incorporate environmental responsibility into its daily management of urban and industrial growth, education, energy and water use, air quality, transportation, waste reduction, economic development, and open space and natural habitats; and WHEREAS, the City of Agawam established an Energy Commission on September 10, 2009 in which this commission is comprised of eleven voting members to assist and ensure that the City identify, develop, implement, and manage programs and policies that achieve high levels of energy efficiency and energy resource sustainability and guard against effects of energy resource disruption/depletion in all of Agawam's public and private sectors; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City of Agawam working in conjunction with the recently formed Energy Commission to develop an "action plan" committed to increasing energy smart design and operational requirements in the most immediate and meaningful way so as to include energy efficiency and green building elements in as many public city buildings and other projects as possible. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL that Agawam is designated an "Energy Smart Community" believing it to be in the best public interest to address the appropriateness of mandating energy smart and green building requirements, or municipal building projects and applying such requirements to all traditional public works proje�ctt�Sl and in-IV f-At NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL that the City Council does support and endorse the City of Agawam's application of the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources to be designated a"Green Community". Dated this day of 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Donald M. Rheault, President APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Vincent F. Gioscia, City Solicitor TR-2011-_ A RESOLUTION TO PROMOTE ECONOMIC AND ENVIRMENTAL HEALTH IN AGAWAM THROUGH THE DESIGN,CONSTRUCTION,OPERATIONS AND DECONSTRUCTION OF TOWN FACILITIES BY'15E-SIG�ATING �GAWAM�S A"GREEN COMMUNIM;MD'�YFTqRT!N�qAND ENDORS NG AN APPL ------------------I----------------ICATI-ON TO_B-E..........— Comment[VG1]: removed. DESIGNATED A GREEN COMMUNITY (SPONSORED BY Councilor Robert Rossi) Whereas, the purpose of these provisions is to prescribe green building requirements to city building projects as well as traditional Public works projects;and Whereas, Agawam is committed to becoming a" Energy Smart" and sustainable community working together with our citizens to balance ecological, economic, and social needs to ensure a clean, healthy and safe environment for the City of Agawam and the region for generations to come;and Whereas, it is also in the public 'interests to Strongly promote and support the inclusion of "Energy Smart"and green building strategies in private development projects through the provision of incentives from the City of Agawam;and Whereas, to ensure a viable future, the City of Agawam, must take a leadership role and address the impacts placed on the environment by urbanization and a growing populace;and Whereas,these impacts include air and water pollution,climate change,and habitat loss;and Whereas,to accomplish these goals, the City of Agawam should establish policies that will incorporate environmental responsibility into its daily management of urban and industrial growth, education, energy and water use,'air quality, transportation, waste reduction, economic development, and open space and natural habitats;and Whereas,the City Agawam established an Energy Commission on September 10, 2009.This commission is to assist and ensure that the City identify, develop, implement, and manage programs and policies that achieve high levels of energy efficiency and energy resource sustainability and guard against effects of energy resource disruption/depletion in all of Agawam's public and private sectors; and Whereas,It is the intent of the City of Agawam working in conjunction with the recently formed Energy Commission to develop an "action plan"committed to increasing energy smart design and operational requirements in the most immediate and meaningful way so as to include energy efficiency and green building elements in as many public City buildings and other projects as possible;and NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL that Agawam is designated an. "energy smart community" believing it to be in the best public interest to address the appropriateness I of mandating energy smart and green buildings requirements, for municipal building,.prqjects and' 2ppjying_�uch requirements to all traditional pqblic works p o cts; ndT. Comment[VG2].'Not sure if this�s Lit—_2.. ............... ------ ------------------ Lneed.d? NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL that the Agawam City Council does support and endorse the City of Agawam's application of the Massachusetts Department of energy resources to be designated a"Green Community." DATED THIS-DAY OF 12011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Donald M.Rheault,President APPROVED AS TOiFORM AND LEGALITY Vincent F.Gloscia,City Solicitor