TR-2011-37 CPA PURCHASE OF CEMETERY SIGNS FT110 F AG AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL J, 36 MAIN STREET AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 June 22, 2011 PRESIDENT Donald M. Rheouli VICE PRESIDENT Robert E. Rossi COUNCILORS Priscilla Peterson Gearge Bitzas 51 Monroe Street James P. Cichetti Agawam, Ma. 0 100 1 Gina Al. betellier Robert A. Magovern Jill& messi.ck Dear Priscilla: Joseph Mineo Dennis J Perry Jill P. simp'Fon On behalf of the Agawam City Council, I would like to thank you John F. Walsh for your diligence and time spent toward acquiring cemetery signs ADMINISTRATIVE for our historical cemeteries in Agawam. Your thoughtfulness and ASSISTANT perseverance is greatly apprdci ated. Barbara A. Bard Thank you again for your dedication and support to the citizens OC our town. Sincerely, -n) Donald M. Rheault, P#esdent Agawam City Council DMR/bb TELEPHONE (413) 786-0400 Ext. 233 FAX (413) 786-9927 EMAIL bbardoa aguwamina,us TR-2011-37 �12-01 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE TO SPEND S555.00 FOR THE PURCHASE OF SIX CEMETERY SIGNS FOR THE SEK HISTORICAL CEMETERIES OF THE TOWN OF AGAWAM AS PROVIDED FOR UNDER THE RESTORATION OF HISTORIC RESOURCES SECTION OF THE COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ACT (Sponsored by Councilor George Bitzas) WHEREAS, the voters of Agawam Chose to form a Community Preservation Committee, and WHEREAS, one of the Committee's Function, as provided by the Community Preservation Act is related to the preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of historic resources, and WHIEREAS, the Town of Agawam has six historic cemeteries whose signs are in need of replacement, and WHEREAS,the Committee has determined that the cemeteries are in fact historic resources ort preservation and rehabilitation; and in;= WHERAS, Six Flags New England has generously decided to aid the Town in providing the __ynd these signs. n NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Agawam City Council that the Community-Jq ' -n Preservation Committee be authorized to expend up to$55 5.00 from the Historical Resources fmAd for jHe purchase and hanging of six new cemetery signs for the Cooper Street, Old Feeding Hills, Smith-�amily, Maple grove, Agawam Center,and Springfield Street Cemeteries, in accordance with Massachusetts General Law 44B Section 2. /I n q-K — Dated this day of I LhU, 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL b Donald M. Rheauli resident,Agawam City Council SC 0., PROVED AS' FORM AND LEGALITY Cmncl Vincent 6id1§Ejajity Solicitor MAYORAL ACTION Received this r� day of tA 2011 from Council Clerk. Si ped by Council President this day of 2011. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam libarter, as ament I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on th day of 2011. Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2011 for the following reason(s): Ricbard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this day of ) 2011. TR-2011-37 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE TO SPEND $550.00 FOR THE PURCHASE OF SIX CEMIETERY SIGNS FOR THE SIX HISTORICAL CEMETERIES OF THE TOWN OF AGAWAM AS PROVIDED FOR UNDER THE RESTORATION OF HISTORIC RESOURCES SECTION OF THE COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ACT (Sponsored by Councilor George Bitzas) WHEREAS, the voters of Agawam Chose to form a Community Preservation Committee, and WHEREAS, one of the Committee's Function, as provided by the Community Preservation Act is related to the preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of historic resources, and WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam has six historic cemeteries whose signs are in need of replacement, and WHEREAS,the Committee has determined that the cemeteries are in fact historic resources worthy of preservation and rehabilitation; and WHERAS, Six Flags New England has generously decided to aid the Town in providing the funds for these signs, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Agawam City Council that the Community Preservation Committee be authorized to expend up to$555.00 from the Historical Resources fund for the purchase and hanging of six new cemetery signs for the Cooper Street, Old Feeding Hills, Smith Family, Maple grove, Agawam Center,and Springfield Street Cemeteries, in accordance with Massachusetts General Law 44B Section 2. Dated this day of 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 4Donald JM. e It, President, Agawam City Council I A P OVE S TO FORM AND LEGALITY Vincent Nru!:tia, City Solicitor LC I zr?7 -nK F A Town of Agawam Interoffice Memorandum Date: May 31,2011 To: Vincent Gioscia, City Solicitor Cc: Barba'ra Bard, Cheryl St. John From: Jennifer Bonfiglio rn RE- CPA Application ? C) CIO Or r Enclosed is an application from Chris Sparks for Agawam cemetery signs. This application was recently approved by the Community Preservation Committee and will be recommended to the City Council for approval, The CPA committee has recommended a$555 appropriation which will be funded through the CPA Historic Fund. An additional $555 was donated by Six Flags to complete the project. A resolution will be needed so that this may be included in the packages and placed on the next Council agenda. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information Thanks You, Jennifer COMMUNITY PRESERVATION PROJECT APPLICATION COVER SHEET 1: Project Information Project Title: Agawam Cemetery Signs Project Summary: To install uniform signs at all historic cemeteries throughout the Town of Agawam. This project is collaboration between the Agawam Rotary Club, The Agawam Parks & Recreation Department, the Agawam Historical Commission, and Six Flags. Verbal quotes for six signs were obtained with Moren Signs coming in the least expensive at $185 per sign totaling $] 110.00. Six Flags has agreed to pay for three of the signs. This application is for payment of three historic cemetery signs. The Agawam Historic Commission will hang all six signs. Once signs are installed a story will be placed in the Agawam Advertiser highlighting the that started with Priscilla Peterson, at a Rotary meeting and the collaboration between Six Flags, the Historical Commission, the Parks and Recreation De2artment and the CPA. Estimated start date: —May 2011 Estimated completion date: June 2011 CPA Program Area (check all that apply): Open Space _X_Historic Preservation —Community Housing Recreation If: Applicant/Developet- Information —Contact Person and or/primary applicant: Chris Sparks —Organization (if applicable): Agawam Parks & Recreation Mailing Address: 36 Main Street, Agawarn ,MA 01001 Daytime phone#: 413-821-0513 4:13-789-2610 E-mail address: recreation@agawam.ma.us Project Manager: Chris Sparks III: Budget Summary —Total budget for proje7t: $1,110.00 —CPA fiinding request: $555.00 Other Funding Source:_Six Flags New England $ 555.00 Applicant's Signature: Date Submitted: Page I of I Christopher Sparks From: Jennifer Mance UMance@sftp.com] Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 10:21 AM To: Christopher Sparks Cc: Melissa Pinkerton Subject: RE: Cemetary Sign Quote P-0-BOX307 SIX la Agawt7m,MA.0100, I F We are able to split the difference with you. I 9V NgwEngland 413-786-.9300En.35?7 From: Christopher Sparks [mailto:CSparks@agawam.ma.us) Fair 413-82y-083;- Jennifer Mance JManceesftp.com Sent: Monday, March 28, 20118:40 AM Director OfMarketinglsales To: Jennifer Mance Subject, Cemetary Sign Quote Jennifer, It was a pleasure meeting with you and Jason last week. I received a quote of$.185 per sign with a total cost of$11,1110 for all six signs. Moren Signs is going to include a 1/4" pvc backer Wth a finish layer of 1/8" high gloss diebon,d (alum acrylic composite), with wrap molding around all edges. . White signs with black lettering and burgundy deco art. The 3/4" pvc backing will give the signs extra strength to help with weathering and vandalism. If we split the cost 50/50 each of our cost would be$550 to provide the Historical Commission six new matching signs for every cemetery in Agawam. I can fax you a copy of the quote if you wish. Please let me know how Six Flags wants to proceed at this point. Thank you, Chris Sparks Confidentiality Statement This Town of Agawam electronic message along with any corresponding attachments may contain privileged orconfidenUal information.This - information is for the use of the intended recipient(s)only.Any disclostire,copying,distribution,or use of the contents of this message in any manner is strictly prohibited by anyone other than the intended recipient(s).it you have received this email in error,notify the sender immediately by email and delete all copies from your network. Town of Agawam AGAWAM HISTORICAL COMMISSION 36 Mairi Street Agawam,Mamebusetts 0 100 1 Mr. Larry Litton,Park President Six Flags New England 1623 Main Street Post Office Box 307 Agawam,Massachusetts 01001 Dear Mr. Litton: Donald Anderson ofHampden Bank/Agawam Rotary Club contacted me after a recent Rotary Club meeting and informed me of Priscilla Peterson's request to have a sign created for the historic cemetery on Cooper Street,and of your generous offer to have SixFlags fabricate such a sign. However, the single sign for that cemetery is just part of a larger project that has been percolating in the minds of several historical commission members for some time, namely, the replacement of all cemetery signs in town, most of which were rhade over 30 years ago: 0 •Cooper Street Cemetery-Cooper Street • Old Feeding Hills Cemetery-South Westfield Street • Smith Family Cemetery- South Westfield Street • Maple Grove Cemetery- Southwick Street •Agawam Center Cemettry-Main Street • Springfield Street Cemetery(New Feeding.Hills Cemetery) - Springfield Street Fabricating six signs is a considerably larger project thanjust one sign,and I%%rill understand completely if that falls beyond the scope of what you had originally offered. Artwork will be provided to you by the Agawam Historical Commission for any signs to be constructed. This matter will be discussed at the 29,lune 2010 meeting of the Agawam Historical Commission, scheduled for 7PM at the Captain Charles Leonard House,663 Main Street,Agawam,which you are most welcome to attend. I hope you will consider favorably this expansion ofthe original project,and look forward to hearing from you soon. With best regards, David Cecchi Chairman Agawam Historical Commission 7863236 cecco@davidcecchi.coni OVE5/2011 14:3S 413-7660377 MOREN SIGNS PAGE 01 101 Rainah Circle South Md-REN- Agawam, MA 01001 DATE NEWPH. 413-78&W49 3/25/201' Q J)t( FAX 413-78&0377 )XfQW_' Agawam Park &Recreation Dept. BUM- 760 Cooper Street Agawam,MA 0 100 1 a ILLUMINATED SIGNS Aft: Chris Sparks * NEON CHANNEL LETTERc 9 VEHICLE LETTERiNG * INTERIOR SIGNAGE SYST -,"MS CRANE SERVICE SIGN MAINTENANCE r10 CUO III:, V 1-0513 Chris Sparks 777 AM 6 Fabricate (6) TxTcustorn made exterior signs, 185.0( L110-00 3/4"thick pvc backer, with finish layer of 1/8" high gloss diebond , (alum acrylic composite)with wrap rnolding on all edges. Whilte signs with black- text and burgundy deco art. Rcady to install by your staff. For Cemetery iocations... L- Old Burying C—hound on Federal Hill !-Agawam Center Cemetery — f I-Maple Grove Cemetery 1-0id Feeding Hills Cemetery I-Smith Family Cemetery 0 I-SpTingf ield-Street Cernctcr­y, j Picase contact OUr Office to place this ordcr,. That�r,you TOTAL sl') ,40,00