TR-2011-38 CPA PURCHASE OF LASERFICHE - - - � � -III �� ���� - - rQ 6�-t _ _ . _ _ _ r I J TR-2011-38 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE TO SPEND $7,612 FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF A LASERFICHE SOFTWARE UPGRDE TO FURTHER UPDATE THE TOWN CLERK'S HISTORICAL RECORDS UNDER THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION SECTION OF THE COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ACT (Sponsored By: Councilor George Bitzas) V*rHEREAS,the voters of Agawam chose to form a Community Preservation Committee, and WHEREAS, one of the Committee's functions, as provided by the Community Preservation Act, is related, to the preservation,rehabilitation, and restoration of historic resources; and WHEREAS, public records of the Town of Agawam are historical documents worthy of preservation, and WHEREAS, a means of preservation by computer software is a desirable method of preservation, and WHEREAS, this expenditure would preserve these records, NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL that the Community Preservation Committee be authorized to expend up to$7, 612.00 from the Historic Resources fund for the purchase, installation and staff training of the LaserFiche Software Upgrade in accordance with C7) Massachusetts General Law 44B, Section 2. CS ay o Dated this d f 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL n TD W Donald M. Rhea It, President, Agawam City Council AP ROVED A 0 FORM AND LEGALITY Vihcent dio—scia, City Solicitor MAYORAL ACTION Received this day of 2011 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this dayof APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Aga harter, as ded, I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this day of ' 2011. Richa�d A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2011 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this C21 day of 2 011. E Town of Agawam Interoffice Memorandum To: Councilor George Bitzas CC: From: Jeffrey Hulbert ZItz Date: 6/1/11 Subject: Upgrade of Clerks office Laserfiche Software Councilor Bitzas, Per our conversation dated 6/1/2011, 1 am aftaching the memo I sent to the CPA commiftee chairman justifing the upgrade of the Clerks Office Laserfiche document imaging software. Should you have any further questions regarding the upgrade of this software please contact me. Regards, FROm THE DESK OF... JEFFREY HULBERT IT DIRECTOR TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 MAIN ST AGAWAM,MA 0 1001 jhuIbert@agawam.ma.us 413-786-0400 X 263 Fax:413-786-9927 Town of Agawam Interoffice Memorandum To: Henry Kowloski CC: Richard Theroux From: Jeffrey hulbert Date: 6/1/11 Subject: Clerks Office Vital Records and Laser Fiche upgrade justification The first phase of the Town's project to preserve the community's historical documents was completed in 2009 utilizing Agawam's Community Preservation Act funds. That project, which included the purchase of Laserfiche Document Management software and the scanning and indexing of thousands of vital records, has enabled the Clerk's office to rapidly store and retrieve information, provide a higher level of customer service and help to preserve the original documents—which is of the utmost importance. The second phase of the project will enablethe Town to continue to preserve the Town's history by adding more historical information into the Laserfiche Document Management system in the Clerk's office and by enhancing the software used to manage the information. An upgrade to the Laserfiche Avante and V8 will enable additional staff in the Clerk's office to use the software and will provide everyone with the ability to improve their business processes which will create even greater efficiencies for the staff. The upgrade to Avante and V8 will provide the Town with additional named user licenses for the staff, automated workflow, enhanced search capabilities, annotation improvements, an easier to use and more functional scanning interface, better security including secured encryption of emails, and an improved Administrative Console. As well the upgrade includes on site installation as well as in depth training for the Clerk's staff—which is essential. The Town of Agawam's Community Preservation Committee recognized the need to move forward with a project to digitize their records in 2009 so they were no longer at risk for loss or damage. Continued funding will ensure that the work to preserve the community's history will be ongoing. Upgrading the current version of Laserfiche will protect the original investment, assure retention of historical records and provide nearly instant accessibility to information for current and future access. Upgrading the Town's current Laserfiche system is a required element of the project and the results will ensure the preservation and conservation of permanent records. As the CPA knows--- archiving creates the basis for documenting Agawam's history for the future. Only by continuing to enhance the tools needed can this most important work continue. FRom THE DESK OF... JEFFREY HULBERT IT DIRECTOR TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 MAIN ST AGAWAM,MA 0100 1 jhuJbert@a9awam.ma.us 413-786-0400 X 263 Fax:413-786-9927 TR-2011-38 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZINC THE COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE TO SPEND $7,612 FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF A LASERFICHE SOFTWARE UPGRDE TO FURTHER UPDATE THE TOWN CLERK'S HISTORICAL RECORDS UNDER THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION SECTION OF THE COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ACT (Sponsored By-. Councilor George Bitzas) WHEREAS,the voters of Agawam chose to form a Community Preservation Committee,and WHEREAS, one of the Committee's functions, as provided by the Community Preservation Act, is related, to the preservation, rehabilitation,and restoration of historic resources; and WHEREAS, public records of the Town of Agawam are historical documents worthy of preservation, and WHEREAS, a means of preservation by computer software is a desirable method of preservation,and WHEREAS, this expenditure would preserve these records, NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL that the Community Preservation Committee be authorized to expend up to$7, 612.00 from the Historic Resources fund for the purchase, installation and staff training of the LaserFiche Software Upgrade in accordance with Massachusetts General Law 44B, Section 2. Dated this day of ---,2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL r, Donald M. Rhea It, President, Agawam City Council on adea s,,d not' A ga a I M' It' Pre e AP ROVED A 0 FORM AND LEGALITY I v Vi6ent io—scia, City Solicitor N.) 'Zt�b cl� .1 Town of Agawam Interoffice Memorandum To: Councilor George Bitzas CC: From: Jeffrey Hulbert zjtz Date: 6/1/11 Subject: Upgrade of Clerks office Laserfiche Software Councilor Bitzas, Per our conversation dated 6/1/2011, 1 am attaching the memo I sent to the CPA committee chairman justifing the upgrade of the Clerks Office Laserfiche document imaging software. Should you have any further questions regarding the upgrade of this software please contact me. Regards, FRom THE DESK OF... JEFFREY HULBERT IT DIRECTOR TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 MAIN ST AGAWAM,MA 0 1001 jhulbert@agawam.ma.us 413-786-0400 X 263 Fax:413-786-9927 Town of Agawam Interoffice Memorandum To- Henry Kowloski CC: Richard Theroux From: Jeffrey hulbert Date: 6/1/11 Subject: Clerks Office Vital Records and Laser Fiche upgrade justification The first phase of the Town's project to preserve the community's historical documents was completed in 2009 utilizing Agawam's Community Preservation Act funds. That project, which included the purchase of Laserfiche Document Management software and the scanning and indexing of thousands of vital records, has enabled the Clerk's office to rapidly store and retrieve information, provide a higher level of customer service and help to preserve the original documents—which is of the utmost importance, The second phase of the project will enable the Town to continue to preserve the Town's history by adding more historical information into the Laserfiche Document Management system in the Clerk's office and by enhancing the software used to manage the information. An upgrade to the Laserfiche Avante and V8 will enable additional staff in the Clerk's office to use the software and will provide everyone with the ability to improve their business processes which will create even greater efficiencies for the staff. The upgrade to Avante and V8 will provide the Town With additional named user licenses for the staff, automated workflow, enhanced search capabilities, annotation improvements, an easier to use and more functional scanning interface, better security including secured encryption of emails, and an improved Administrative Console. As well the upgrade includes on site installation as well as in depth training for the Clerk's staff—which is essential. The Town of Agawam's Community Preservation Committee recognized the need to move forward with a project to digitize their records in 2009 so they were no longer at risk for loss or damage. Continued funding will ensure that the work to preserve the community's history will be ongoing. Upgrading the current version of Laserfiche will protect the original investment, assure retention of historical records and provide nearly instant accessibility to information for current and future access. Upgrading the Town's current Laserfiche system is a required element of the project and the results will ensure the preservation and conservation of permanent records, As the CPA knows--- archiving creates the basis for documenting Agawam's history for the future. Only by continuing to enhance the tools needed can this most important work continue. FROm THE DESK OF... JEFFREY HULBERT IT DIRECTOR TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 MAIN ST AGAWAM,MA 01001 jhu1bert@agawam.ma.us 413-786-0400 X 263 Fax:413-786-9927 TED Town of Agawam Interoffice Memorandum Dawn May 31, 2011 C� To: Vincent Gioscia, City Solicitor Cc: Barbara Bard, Cheryl St. John,Jeffrey Hulbert Ron: Jennifer Bonfiglio M ;1= RE- CPA Application > :rx ?>C:) Cr Enclosed is an application from Jeffrey Hulbert for a Laser Fiche software upgrade in the Town Clerks office. This application was recent.ly approved by the Community Preservation Committee and will be recommended to the City Council for approval. The CPA committee has recommended a $7,612 appropriation which will be funded through the CPA Historic Fund. A resolution will be needed so that this may be included in the packages and placed on the next Council agenda. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information Thanks You, Jennifer Do not write in this space - For CPA use only —Open space Historic preservation —Affordable housing _Other(Recreation) -4 N, TOWNOFAGAWAM COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR FUNDING NAME OF APPLICANT Jeffrey Hulbert TITLE IT Director SPONSORING ORGANIZATION Town of Agawam MAILING ADDRESS 36 Main St CITY Agawam STATE MA ZIp01001 U5 DAY TEME PIIONE 413-786-0400 EVENING PHONE 413-786-0400 EIMAIL11L ff*wm-l�r PROJI,CT NAW Clerks Office Laseffiche Upgrade to Laserfiche Avante version 8 PROJECT MANAGER Jeffrey Hulbert —PHONE 413-786-0400 ADDRESS 36 Main S Check the appropriate CPA category/categories below for your proposal: (MGL CH. 44B) Open space x Historic preservation Affordable housing _Other (Recreation) If Multiple year project,specify amount requested for each year in the table below. CPA Funding Requested Other Fundin g Sources 'Sources #1 Sources#2 Is' Year S7,612 Is'Year S 1st Year S 2'4 Year $ 2,d year S 2'd Year S 3rd Year S 3'd Year $ 3 rd Year S CPA Total S Source#1 Total S Source#2 Total S Total Cost of Project S 7.612 I have read the entire application and agree to the terms outlined, SIGNATURE DATE Page 3 of 5 Town of Agawam Interoffice Memorandum To� Henry Kowloski CC: Richard Theroux From: Jeffrey hulbert Date- 3/22/11 Subject: Clerks Office Vital Records and Laser Fiche upgrade justification The first phase of the Town's project to preserve the community's historical documents was completed in 2009 utilizing Agawam's Community Preservation Act funds. That project, which included the purchase of Laserfiche Document Management software and the scanning and indexing of thousands of vital records, has enabled the Clerk's office to rapidly store and retrieve information, provide a higher level of customer service and help to preserve the original documents—which is of the utmost importance, The second phase of the project will enable the Town to continue to preserve the Town's history by adding more historical information into the Laserfiche Document Management system in the Clerk's office and by enhancing the software used to manage the information. An upgrade to the Laserfiche Avante and V8 will enable additional staff in the Clerk's office to use the software and will provide everyone with the ability to improve their business processes which will create even greater efficiencies for the staff. The upgrade to Avante and V8 will provide the Town with additional named user licenses for the staff, automated workflow, enhanced search capabilities, annotation improvements, an easier to use and more functional scanning interface, b6tter security including secured encryption of emails, and an improved Administrative Console. As well the upgrade includes on site installation as well as in depth training for the Clerk's staff—which is essential. The Town of Agawam's Community Preservation Committee recognized the need to move forward with a project to digitize their records in 2009 so they were no longer at risk for loss or damage. Continued funding will ensure that the work to preserve the community's history will be ongoing. Upgrading the current version of Laserfiche will protect the original investment, assure retention of historical records and provide nearly instant accessibility to information for current and future access. Upgrading the Town's current Laserfiche system is a required element of the project and the results will ensure the preservation and conservation of permanent records. As the CPA knows— archiving creates the basis for documenting Agawam's history for the future. Only by continuing to enhance the tools needed can this most important work continue, FROM THE DESK OF... JEFFREY HULBERT IT DIRECTOR TOWN OF AGAWAM 36 MAIN ST AGAWAM,MAO 100 1 1htJberf(c)ac;3w;3m.maj >AYSWER A_LL OF THE FOLLOWING QuESTIONS >PLEASE WRITE "NIA"IF NOT APPLICABLE >INCLUDE SUPPORTING MATERLALS AS NECESSARY TIMELINE: What is the schedule for project implementation? Starting date May 1, 2011 50% completion date May 2, 2011 Completion date May 3, 2011 GOA-LS: What are the goals of the proposed project? 1, Upgrade existing Laserfiche installtion to Laserfiche Avante version 8 2.Train users on new software. PLAN: What is the plan? Include a one-page thumbnail of your proposal. Day 1 Install/upgrade server and client software. Train existing users highlighting differences in between current version and version 8 Day 2 Full day of training for new users Day 3 Full day of tra�ning for new users COMMUNITY NEED: How will this project help to preserve and/or improve the character of Agawam? How will it benefit the town? Please refer to attached memo COMMUNITY SUPPORT: What is the nature and level of support for this project? Include letters of support. SUCCESS FACTOR: How will the success of this project be measured? Be as specific as possible. Successful installation of upgrade and training of staff. Page 4 of 5 Please provide the following additional information, as applicable. DOCUMENTATION: Applicant has evidence of site control, such as Purchase and Sale Agreement or deed. NA EVIDENCE: Project does not violate any zoning ordinance of the Town of Agawam. NA IDENTIFICATION: Identify known hazardous ma.terials and plans for remediation. Identify wetlands on the site. NA EVIDENCE: Provide evidence that professional standards and state code be followed if construction, restoration or rehabilitation is proposed. NA Page 5 of 5