TR-2011-46 WAIVE RIGHT 1ST REFUSAL SPORTSMANS CLUB a-1 opeoe,4m) OYM-1 TR-20111 4 A RESOLUTION TO WAI HE RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL FOR LAND CLASSIFIED UNDER M.G.L. Ch. 61B LOCATED AT 358 COREY STREET, AGWAWAM, MA (SPONSORED BY ROBERTA. MAGOVERN) WHEREAS, 358 Corey Street, Agawam, MA is better known as the Agawam Sportsman's Club; and WHEREAS, there is currently an $817,000.00 EPA lien on the property; and WHEREAS, the property is currently in tax title; and WHEREAS, there may still be hazardous materials located within the structure and upon the land; and WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam-and the United States Department of Justice signed an agreement to allow for the property to be sold to a developer; and WHEREAS, the developer would be responsible for removing any additional hazardous materials on the land or located within the structure; and WHEREAS, the property is currently classified as recreational land pursuant to M.G.L. ch. 61B; WHEREAS, a Purchase and Sales Agreement and Notice of intent to Sell has been forwarded to the Town of Agawam and is attached to this resolution; WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Town of Agawam to release the rights of first refusal and allow the property to be sold and returned to the tax rolls. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BYTHE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL that the Agawam Town Council waives its right of first refusal pursuant to M.G.L. 61B for land located at 358 Corey Street, Agawam, MA and to authorize the Mayor to execute any and all documents required to waive the Town's right of first refusal. DATED THIS DAY OF 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Donald M. Rh4u' lt, President PPR VED AS FORKAND LEG6LITY Vincent F. a, City Solicitor To: Donald M. Rheault, President, Agawam Council From: Henry A. Kozloski Two weeks ago Council member Robert Magovern mentioned my name during the Council meeting concerning the Agawam Sportsman's Club property. I must response to those comments and let the public know the facts. When in 2005 1 voted as a member of the Agawam Conservation Committee not to accept the first right of refusal option by the town, I realized that the town would have to buy the property which had an estimated cost of$290,000 plus an estimated cost for the cleanup of over$500,000 dollars. Actually EPA 's cost became $817,000 of taxpayers money to clean up both the Sportsman's Club and the adjacent School Street Park property. One does not have to be fiscally conservative to realize that the town should not buy the property at that time. That was my position when I voted at that time as a member of the Agawam Conservation Commission not to buy the property. The second comment made by Councilor Robert Magovem stated that Chris Sparks, Park and Rec Director, had written that there was a large wetland between the Sportsman's Club property and School Street Park. The Town of Agawam had a certified wetland specialist map the School Street Park property. The Agawam Conservation Committee members went on site to verify and approve the wetland boundaries. The wetland between the Sportsman's Cub property and the School Street Park is only 25 feet wide which could easily be crossed to access the School Street Park. (See the enclosed map.) Two years ago the EPA labeled the Sportsman's Club property along with the adjacent School Street property a health hazard to the neighborhood. (Note: most of the contamination was on the Town of Agawam property. See the two enclosed maps.) At the time EPA completed the brownfield cleanup, then Mayor Dawson was communicating with EPA for the town of Agawam to buy the property. This stopped when she was not reelected. Both Mayor Cohen and Vincent Gioscia of the Law Department said they would continue the communication with EPA regarding having the town of A&warn purchase the Sportsman's Club property. Chris Sparks and Mayor Cohen requested and received funds from Agawam's CPA to have conceptual plans prepared for the last phase of School Street Park with and without the Sportsman's Club property. (See the two enclosed plans.) I believe that since the taxpayers of Agawam and the taxpayers of the United States have paid for the cleanup, we should have the right to buy the property for a reasonable price and convert it into a park for the citizens to enjoy now and in the future. r-n '31�, Ln r mun L -06- Lai Li 00 —1 Lj— r,,, LL HEAD L z < <—r LJ F-- Dr .-"'--HEADWALL t24' CULVERT HEADWALL DRAINAGE FROM T 57 ci CD LJ CD x LLJ F- C6 z Li C—) < POND JANELLE DRIVE 0 7 ICorey Street Janelle Drivel anell, On-Si j0n-Site Building 0 The Agawam Sportsman Club Site imate oundafy J C- -.6 400 0 so too Z�7 t - -�MINI - I EPA Region I Date Son rem: Figure 2 Superfund Technical Assessment and Aerial Photo Name(s):113866,113870. Response Team(START)M 109866.109870 Site Ma Contract No.EP-W-05-042 All other data: START TDID Number; 09-05-0006 Agawam Sportsman Club Created by: T Benton 358 Corey Street Created on: 27 October 2008 Agawam,Massachusetts Modified by: L.Bolte ==%' . i Modified on: 24 September 2009 Restoring Resource Efficiency E:WA-G]S\ApwamSpwt�n=Club\MxDsTig=2.mxd .. ..... .................. ........................ 7�.............................................................. .................................. ........ ............................ ............ . ...... ......... ......... M. .......... .......... .......... ............. .......... X. TIM ........ ..... . ............... ... :N. A SH. .......... HN. iro Jui No ... .. ........ H r WH % .. ......... .... .4 ..... ...... ...................... .................N ............ ........... ..... ........ �OIIMHI�k �p ........... .. ........ M ................. ................ .................................. ... ...... . ........ 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MAGOVERN) WHEREAS, 358 Corey Street, Agawam, MA is better known as the Agawam Sportsman's Club; and WHEREAS, there is currently an $817,000.00 EPA lien on the property; and WHEREAS, the property is currently in tax title; and WHEREAS,there may still be hazardous materials located within the structure and upon the land; and WHEREAS, the Town of Agawam and the United States Department of Justice signed an agreement to allow for the property to be sold to a developer; and WHEREAS,the developer would be responsible for removing any additional hazardous materials on the land or located within the structure; and WHEREAS,the property is currently classified as recreational land pursuant to M.G.L. ch. 6113; WHEREAS, a Purchase and Sales Agreement and Notice of intent to Sell has been forwarded to the Town of Agawam and is attached to this resolution; WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Town of Agawam to release the rights of first refusal and allow the property to be sold and returned to the tax rolls. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL that the Agawam Town Council waives its right of first refusal pursuant to M.G.L. 61B for land located at 358 Corey Street, Agawam, MA and to authorize the Mayor to execute any and all documents required to waive the Town's right of first refusal. DATED THIS DAY OF 12011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL Donald M. Rhe It, President PPR VED AS FORK AND LEGALITY Vincent*F.Zi`6`sc`ia, City Solicitor %40 Law Office Of MITCHELL T. ALLEN Attorney 276 BELMONT AVE. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 01108 TEL: (413) 737-0066 FAX: (413) 737-3907 June 29, 2011 To: Agawam Board of Selectmen Agawam Board of Assessors Agawam Planning Board Agawam Conservation Commission Commissioner of the Dept. of Conservation NOTICE OF INTENT TO SELL Please be advised that I represent the Agawam Sportsmahl-s .,Club in the sale of real property located at its former site at 358 Corey Street, Agawam, MA. Attached to this Notice is a certified copy of the Purchase and Sale Agreement outlining the terms of the sale. The property consists of approximately 5.5 acres and is identified as Map M12, Block 2, Lot 1 , Map M12, Block 2, Lot 2, Map M12, Block 2, Lot 6 on the Assessor's maps in Agawam, MA. The owner of the real estate is the Agawam Sportsman' s Club which no longer operates at the subject property. The President of the Club is Donald Swindle, 49 Shoemaker Lane, Agawam, MA 01001 , with a home telephone number of (413) 789-8680. The real estate at 358 Corey Street has been designated a Superfind Site by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 1 . The Buyer ' s proposed use of the property identified in the Purchase and Sale Agreement is residential use. The parties to the Purchase and Sale Agreement request a Waiver of Right of First Refusal er truly you titihe�15.)A) MTA/mm cc;Vincent Gioscia, Esq. E I V JUL 0 6 2011 �A Bo 1@.-14 4137892427 AYRE REAL ESTATE CO PAGE 02/02 REALTOR PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT I. PARTIES.This Agreement is made this 16th day of March,2014 between Agawam sportainaWs Ck&b,Dostaid X SvAndle,President of 3M Corey St.,AgarvAu",MA 01004, hereinafter called the SELLER,and Thonum J.Rus",Jr.of 204 Suffisid St,Agawam,MA 01001,hereinafter calied the BUYER, 2-DESCRIPTION. Subject to the terms and conditionu hereinafter set forth,the SELLER agrees to sell and the BUYER agrees to buy the follov6rig bounded and deScribed prerWses- 368 Corey St,Agawam,MA 01001 as more partcularly described in a Deed dated and recorded hi the l4arnsdan County Regictry of DQeds in lElook 1827,Page 464 and Back 1081,Page 257. 3.BUILDINGS,STRUCTURES,IMPROVEMENTS,FIXTURES. Included in the sale as part of said premises are all buildings,strUCtUTOG,improvements and fixtures located in or an the premises belonging to the SELLER and used in connection therevAth including, IF ANY,all venetian'blinds,wrtain rods,window shades,wall to wall carpeting,screen doors,storm Winduws and doors,avAiIngs. shutters,fumaCes.heaters,oil and gas burnem and fixtures appurtenant theretv.hot water tanks,plumbing fixturr5,electrical and other lIgHng fboures,TV antennas,rotors and controls,garage door openers and controls,mantels,fences,gates,tmes,shrubs,plants,and,IF BUILT-W,exhauzit fans,garbage disposer%,dishwashOTS.air condifioning equipment,kitchen ranges and evens,and vacuum cleaners. Items to be transferrM to the 3 UYE R in"as is"condition and not to be considemd part of the sale are: �nane- Not included in Me sale as part of the premises are the following items: ..norW* Not included in the sale at part of the premises are the following rented fbdures not belonaing to the SELLER- I.none" 4.TITLE. Said premises are to be conveyed on or before hUy 31,2011-by a good and AuMcient Deed of the SELLER which shall be a Deed of equal character and covenants as held try the SELLER,conveying a good,clear record2nd marketable title to the same free fromall encumbrances.except! a.Usual public ufdffiea servicing the premises,if any; b,Taxes for the Current year not clue and payable on the date of delWry of the Deed; c.Any liens for-municipal assessiments and/or orders for which assessments may be,made after the date of this Aareement: d.Restrictions and casements of record,if any,which do not m2tehally affect the value or current use 0 of the premises, e.P rovisions of existing building and zoning!aws, in the evant the wms,equditlem and respon5ibalgles set forth in Addendum B att2ched hweto am not fullY camPleted OY May 31,2011,the cfa veyance alsall be axtended to a mutuadjy agreembte date by a wrItten extenskin agrecinazwL Biuyii's Initials CQpyrightO 2009 RFALTOR0 Azaaciation of Planear Valley, InCZ, 09,13 4137892427 AYRE REAL ESTATE CO PAGE 03/11 AVRE pEAL ES-FATE CO PAGE 03/09 13*.-?S 41.S7892427 5.ADDITWMAL 130CUMENTATION AT CLOSING.The SELLER agrea6to execute and<KrW alrriuftanoov�y�V& tho delivery of ihe r)aad-uch agowcaWns as ryay wamnably be raq;.riree by the DUYER'S attorney or the SWER'S mortonge lender includino,wilhout&�Wn,doc;UnWts rerUM9 to Inc QbftnrO Of tenBrft in ft prernises,Uve absence of meau-Iries or amiercWrr�s Wns.Vie payment of munwipal Ilent,the ebs*n*--of VFF1 at the premises arid the -5eu-ER3 wrnptiance wfth raqiirenwits irnposad upon residenhal Sellers wilh respect to UFFI by metufe and spp6cable remAnfiorm,the brideflying li:rwandOl temn of to pt�e 2M tale,%ho dlimnship arid residency of ft 9ELLER,(trtd the SELLERS w4myer iidentftafron riumber and lorAmMng siddress. S.CONSIDERA710N. For ruch Dead and corrvayanm�the 8 UYER is to tmy the sum of ... PPJCE$=Ratiw orwfth..................................... ................ ............................................... ... DEP108FT S PGGOA)G have bow od fts day as a deW34 and -................--..............................BALANCE WE W-Moomw are to be paid in auh.or by certified or befth ctteck or attarmy(C)LTA.check,upon delivVy of the Deed. 7,PEPPORMANCF- The 0eed is to b6 d4verod and the conakk-ration pad al Me Rgzgis"Of Deed a in which tn Deed shoW be.by Jew recorded on 21,2&tl at 1000 A.WuAlw*so=other ptace erNo lime vtwuW be mutuamy agreed upom To anable Me SELLER zb mft convoyanw as heruin provided,the SELLER mny�at the Ume of derrveny or the Dead,use the pw-o-Aae rnoney or any portion thereof to clear tW toe of any ard z1f encvrrixw�oos orimtWoets. and all insiruments.so procured to clear the b1le Ohall op,m4x-rded simijitancously wtth ft clellv"of the D@W. &CASUALTY LOSS- In ca3m of any darnage tD 1he Premises by lift offm cmelty MOW AMe sigrieng and delivery at IN3 Agrearnera by a3 pastes hamo.&M unAu the promises shall fwva been raftred tolft mrrriw con&flan by Me 2ELLER pMt to ft porMMmrice date,;the BUYER I'My.4 fhe BUYERS ap*n,e*-*r Oanft,4 this Apfflargelt and recover aff sums paid hwwr%%W or require m part of eft Agreamerit That Um SELLER pay over or assign.on delWery of the Deed,all zu=moov&W or rvwv&ab1Q an wW anj ali inamotm wyeffq such dernage,pkin an wneunt equEd to any'dedu;;0W undur sucn trisurarrm, 9.POSSEMON. FuO possession of the oremlluz, fi"of aff temmfx and oacuparft.ex pt the tonarrm an providod horekbeM,is to be defi*�to the BLIYM at Me t1ing of the dellvwy of tW Deed.the saw preffhas to be Own in ft aamQ carwWan'in vftch tIrtey now am,reasortable uve and wear of the buildings t-vervan exwpted.Trio GELLI�R atso agrees.t1ho the pmrnbes w9l be detwed to the BUYER In'brogrn dezrr caft&dort.Thv BUYER sh@M have Ow rjaht to irixubat the pr=-mism for oornoan=wa!P tnfs pan;gm pn prior to ddivety,of ft Deed upon�ma*orgoe rp*m to vie 1O.ADJUSTMENTS. Fwat,mrdr.somwity and rard dclumits"my Martz diAOiemn,wawralm,aevmr use*no tam and homwam;W awoubytion or coridoninium few aWor rearves"Lie appoftn"ea cfv4 day ofdellve� ofthe 0ead.tfthO 8mmunt ofsald Uxeiia not knovm attfie fime offt dWery oftbe Dead,they shoA beappiortWed oil the basis of ft tams assessed for f�=pr000dnS yearwith a reapporfiermerst av own as the www tax rate and wakwfim can be aBotrtalned,Wiich Wfter larmision"sw*ft ft de6wy ofIlhe Deed. if.DEPOSITS. AD depomb maft her6w2der WWH be Wd by A�pm Reek EMate Ca-One, herein oW*d IN l3roker, and stia-d be dW z=unW for at the Vrne for performarmm of this Agreement In ft evard of 2 dsputs beirwoon SELLER ar%d BUYER as w wry or all cr.1he proWnIone of tl!�a Agreenwit or te perfwnarm-.�P--tt-Feyeof,tho BMIw nW mt3m All depoah hereurAer In the Sn*ieea"am acaturd,unhems z�other Wearnerg is r*eche4 in wnMg butdaen ft psites,or tmfil ft dlspL*is mmviad eber by court kjbffnW or by Vnioring selflamert between the partles-The BrOW shall abido by arT court d8aizion=VDerring to whm lhefurIds shot]be paid and shal)not be mude a parly to a tuwsAt Solely as a MaWl of ho.11ding QWMvme tnds.Should 9w Broker bQ made a party in vwatmon of 1U3 pmnwapn.I*BroKer OW be dismissed and the party esserrwig a cialm agaftt the brakiv w-Wr pay The en*cea rsamnwe e1orrieVa'%ors and cosL-- 12.DEFAIJI-7. Should Me BUYER defaiult in WYER'S obUoathns unOw Vft Agnaw^ftn the SLII(EF?t delpc�r) snag be"inW by the SeLLER as liq4deW darnages wd wch re*nlim of deposit(s)snail be SELLER'S sdG renvedy,eitheir at law or In equity.for th6 BLWERIS deftsit under Uft Agnummni;pro*dftc�however,that in the ovem tha anuunt oft:ha BUYEF?S deposit(s)is less than Sm pemam(VA)of the Deed considerafion set forth in paragrapha abmm,than the BUYER shoo pay to ft.SELLER as jquktatad darnaM,in addWan to thmSELLER19 retention of the 51,1YERS.dapW11(a).the dfierenca bfftwwn fte Peroent(5%)of tl*Deed cansklumben xio the amount orthe BUYWS depix*u).plus inewonable aitarneya fee$,OoLut 0=an(l eXpanses k=md by the SELLER in cWedkv such admonw amunt. 2 GoWUMM 2M REALTOR&Astociiatan of Pioneer VWley,ICIL 03/16/2011 09'13 4237892427 AYRE REAL ESTATE CO PAGE 04111 AVRE REAL EsTATE CO PAGE 84/09 0�115/2011 13,.39 4237$92427 11MORTGAGE CONTINGENCY. This A4reernerd k cantinaQnl inn the BUYEFM abqlay to CbWn I cunvan6cnw mar%age loan corrMimu-rA of 4=AMOO.If,do2pft the BUYER'$digent offorts,a CQI`nrnitn�t fur SUCh 10411 canrlOt be obtained tn or bdore Vawoh 30,2MI the SUYER utoll 30 adviae ft 8 miter in wOng and Wis Agreement small become nUll"v6d,and ag DAyrnards Mde hereunder shall be MWded and 2A obligMM6 to each aftr shelf cease, If such written noice Is not received on or before the e*mfion date hereinabove s2Dffied,ft BUYER shoIJ bQ bound to paftrm the BUY9R'S oNgatiom under thts Agroomm Further,the BUYER agpo%to pmuidg;5ucs)Tess"We docwgstii;t)on of the BUYWS faiium to obWn wch loan Mrnndtn�effl as ft SELLER may reqkmst.In MO event shaft the BUYeR be daeffmd to Nr-v--tised Vsli ord eftw-to ablain 3udi corrmarient unlen the BUY ER suhnft ,% a complete mononge lc*n appikoffon oonkwtntnq to meforegoing provisiorss"with. dope AAR, one 2M Js.TERMrM1NSFECTIC)k This Agrearrml�G aubjiuA to the Aght of ft BUYER to obWn,al YUYtR'S&.vn expernce, a temAe or c9her wood-deslmykV kmad inwectkm wW writwri report being MWk t)y a Imnsed GAerminaW,on cr beforla PIVA.2011. If t1he inqXX11:04 a"that OWe IS no evWerm of terr(ft or ether wood-deMyingimsw infattathn in the e)d2*W canbuuC50n,or if infectoWns W existed,they have be=owzdad,fts Agreement shall be in tO fame. if ft 1nqxcCw shovis ftI there is evi4ence of tormites or othea woa�i-destroyinq ht*e1:t Infastaorta anwor dam"n*6 a result edinfeembona,the BUYER shg furnish SELLER wfth a copy of the wriMn mpoMS)swft tw rasuu of tie jnspeeSon.it the bOM cost of treaMlerd a lid repair does riot wmeed$1,000.00 the SGUER snag underwl�&3uch veatment anklim repair and ft BUYERshall be boind tD peftm to BUYER'S obligations urow ft Awmanwa.In the event that Baia COM GMQJ q=OW$1.000.0(3�the SELLER at SELLZ-f�',5 op:W,may Wu all eMenaes in exam of si,Womo or may.pibj=tD the BuYERIS e4ecdon cancei tHs Aareoment hy no0ying the Bm*or in watino,In%t*b&mnr Ofm Aorm=W 09 bezorne null and void and 14 deposits mWe hereunder"I be raftmded to ths BUYER.NohufttencUng the SELLE.WS riot to ftnoW,the GUYER may,upon prompt witaen rso0w to ft SELLER,agree to pW al amounts in exImaDs of$1,OW.M In which celse ft SELIER*W1,be bound to perfbirn this; A,greorricro,paymg the fbmt 31,WMDO of Um CM of e4erallinafion OrWor re�w- 16,LEM IPMUT LAW. 'The EMIR acknowiednea that urKW Wasachuseb L�w.*Oenevur a Cmd unclar six(5) yaors 451 agg reeideD ir,tiny prambea in w0ch pWm plaster or oDw accessible rWeriai conWn�dongerum kwels of 6ad,the omm of said Piremims nxmt r4rnew or tower mA-A mateiiat z*so to make it lnaoomsible to chiddren urKW sb� VS)yvara or age. The BUY�R fur*W acknoWk*es ftl P(W to VM signing of fts AWOMM ft 39-LEIR and the broker have(a)pmvided to the RUVER th a swridard rKdft2son Om"from the Ma=achumft Deparbnard of PubUC HeWth ooncerning Wad pe�t and Oo BUYER tiWed the Woperly trarmfer nolifiention oerffk:WW,(b)dx6ozad to 9--d IRUYER any Wbrmation known to the SELLM or the&&.er cw a"of them ubpa"Presence of sucn marLaft contalnirrig damprour,ieve:ls at WW in ft pu"Ises;(c)infiammd&e 13UYER of the wallabillty ofinspecrOns for dangorpue kr�of lewr and(a)verbally Maned the BUYER of ft powbe presenm of ftnflarous tevew of Wad Wd to provhOons of 1LIrw lewl paInt law and rugulffliorm, 17.FUM.STCH%AGE TANMS-The putioa evdvWwle'�Sle twd*W Masuachuza=BWT4 of Fire Predention hra tUued raga4diom p4WHng the rnoirderwrtco—n*L&an(I Ion Vai OF Weil storage ten�m.Thig SELLER hereby dizt�thert "M am( )am not( )TUal#bMe tafti)jr!the promises.If*mare are one or frore hid tankis at the premises.ft SELLER furthar discimft Jhat fho Wk(s)haw( )hove not( )been usec imthiin The paw exclus"ly ibr IM sftraaecr fuel for cm%s�an on the MwN&A and to the best of thQ 9ELLER'S knav4edW there �tan been no rweast w Waxng of N91 torri sucn ft*(U in the evern T=umh uInks be"not been so uand,SELLER agrace that SELLER mellf coo ply vft the appikable provisWw of Z27 CMR SM M W.reawdq the removaltffift e;f sLeh tonks ao that at the firjn�c�the deliW'ery of the Deed th e pimifies vAll be In uoMpJW=wiLh the prwisform of ft e%mSald;e;uLqUons. Unknown CopoghtV=09 REALTOft Aspociatlion oF Piora—r Vaifey,Inc. 03/16/2011 09:13 4137822427 AVRE REAL ESTATE CO PAGE 05/11 03/15/2E11 13'Z9 4137852427 AYRE REAL EST4 I TE CC RACE 85/09 18.SUBSWWACE SEWAGE D119P0aAL SYSTEM INSPrKCYION COMIINGENCY. Qhetkhwe(tD�gapp[icable, and attach Adderdirn A,which shall become part of this Agreenmi. 19.hIlISCELLANSOUS REPRESMATIONS, a,in the everd ffo a powate Water source is servicing to pmntises,the SELLER repRsexis th at the ymt;-r saurce i*prowidhg Vliaqvaft arnoUnts Qf potable VVQW for normal hauSahvW Ulc as of the awe nerad. b.The SELLER represents 2it all mechanlasi Componfto v4 be in opembrip candMan at*is time of daMry of the Deed,unk%5 odwwise,811"ated in thts.Agreement 20.RIGHT TID INSPECT.,ACKMCMaSWERENT. TWs AWeeraent is sub)ect to 4he right of the BUYER to obtain,at BUYER'$own sXpense.an iropedion�f the preKazz and wriden repw to inducie,=not be lirnitea to,M Shuctural ooWcn of the dwelling(s).pod(s)if arky,other 6tructures d any,airld the corxUrl of all systWM In the OmIllng(s)or on me prarnMm.Tne BUYER'S right of kmoeaUon shall ovire on mm,2ni I(remmmended 10 days)-The BLTYF.R and ft j%JYER'$comv=rg(s)stiall how ft fight of aoce"to the pmmLc s4 at meambLe tirr�upon tNerrrf1bur(24)hwm advanm nWm to the Broker.for the pdTom of inspectino,as aforesaid,ft condition v(=id prernisac If the BUYr;R is ncd aat&md wdh ft resuft of But;h"don(s),inis Agmemem may be terminated by W*BUYER.at the OUYER,s eimdko,wovut L-14 or cquhaVe reocurse to eilivr ptuly.Me Darliem t1weby rehasing eaWi vthw from all rrability Linder this Agreement,ancl"deposA&hWI be returned w the BVYFFR.provided however,IhM the 13UYER"hmm notAW the Broker,in wtifing.an ar before the Imcpecdon expiratitm data hereinabow qmMed,of the BUYCR'S ir*&A�Dn to so terndri2la.If such vw6ce is nat reoemod on or before the inspeWon eViration date heiekudwt specified, ft BUYER rholl be bound ta perform BUYER'S cHigakm under thOg Agreamerg. 1BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT-(a)INFOFWATIOJ4 wAs suppum ffYrHE SELLER AND HAS NOT RMN CHECKED FOR AccuRAcy ey THE 6RoKm-(b)PUBLIC INFOtiMATICINI WAS cuBJEcvro avYERr. VERIFICA'11QN,(C?EACH ITEM WAS�UBJr=CT TO DIRECT INWIRY BYTHE BUYER,AND THE 15UYER HAS OGS-N GO ADVIS21);(A THE BROKER MAKES NO kEPIZE8ENTATICKS PMOARVING THE CONDITION OF TfJE PREMISES,STIRUCTUIRE(S)THEREON OR THE MECKANtCAL COMPONENTS THEREiDF;AND(e)THE BLrYER RPA NOT SEEN INFLUENCED TV ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT NOR KAS THE BUYER RELIED UPON ANY WARRANTIES OR RFFRE6FNTAT10NS NOT SET FORTH OR INCORPORATED IN THIS AGPTZEIVIENT OR PREVIOUSLY MADE IN WRITING.EXCEPT FOR THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL WARRA�MEG OR REPRESENTATIONS.F ANY,MAOC DY ETTHER THE SO I ER OR THF-13ROKERISJ. (If none,state'non*."If any fisted,indcpta by vibom the warranty or repraze=*n waa made)"nofte Jj,AUYWS RLQ rMA 9 CV SELL=AND 13ROKMRMI Tho OUYL-R hereby refeatcs ft 3r;LLER wid ft 5micer fmm arry and an liability of any n*um reWM to the cordtim of,or any defects in.the pmmiaees or any matefals, nubstances or=ucatres cr Impr6vemerft therean,speeffiverly InchAdIng.%fthoiA lim1bdim.all mnftm met forth in paragraph 20 above,of which the SILLPA or Smkar.an*m case may be.had no acba knvwfedue pW b�,the wwcullon of this Agreernmt. V-WUMIING OF PROPER7Y. SELLER agreei;tha uppri elgntrq of thm PgTewnwd by SELLER RM BUYER,arW dinirig the pendwmy of this Agret:man�the Broker shW ham no obfigz�to furtltw marM the prope*. 23.COWTMUC1110A OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement has beon axecui4ad in one or mrs cmfflh-,rpans and each e��d copy"be 4verned Iv be an original,Is to bo oweArved uhdcr Me Wv.%of MaszadSuzekLzi,is bD taiqo eNed as a sa2rad 4=wumnt,aeb forth the eribre nor&--ment betwaen 1he partie2,1:9 binding upon and irwres to the benaM of the partiem heron and emir respec6ve h�irx,OW3oft,exeWtDrs,2dMinWralors,wucoescom and assi"and may be jmrxmied,mcdkkW or anerdled only by a Ywhan instrument execLad by the parties harato 6rthigr kk_qal reprasentztlivas,if two or mdre porsorm am named hef4pin az SEa.LM ior BLrYER thelt uWiptions hereunder"I be joimt a rod weverel- 24.MCMM Any nMft required to bo given in fts Ago3ament tMall be h Wniii-q;and shall be deamed to be d*given when dejivered to ft Darty erArtled to woh nofice at their addreas cat fcrth ft"n.AyffO aaW e-&-6*ca.,inp.of 701, Vhdn Str=06 Aawwwn,12A 01J=1 CopyTightO 2M REALTORO Assoclacon of Ploweir Vail".Inr--' 03/16/2011 09:13 4137892427 AYRE REAL ESWE CO PAGE 06/11 25 -Arsk IT-ris 6AJMS. AAY d!sW@ p F. 8,mpewpent 0)al;00 AgFeeMarA,the IiFeaGh of thir. gieeFR6114 0;the 40keFA96 W;WIQe5 pfeyideO i F 14 1 ROW164i 8!%teffi�DRS'q IDISIDW86 and U &-s"!spesiflually inal-de....ith—I": -----FA0QA&MaAe b!.F tke CD Lad i, -131cly-FER. e 6a�a,--pias�aheses AFJORGO, GQRdififfl OF Oth—- PR43 of the Regligance apkdieF kaud. AAY aq;GeF"ePA.----1,AAq 1he dispLie Gir rAaim rAgRed by the p&;1ieG+uFsuaF4!o4ha4aedk#iGn GoRferaRGe 6higil IDO -any-pagy U�P@Ge Of PFOGOA— hall Pot ..A4,41— -$1 �V—W)ee-141�4 even!thal*Fly P a-;e sever M -2 F1--- amey's fees, n paqy�o By is�qninq th's gyr e—vit,the paFfies-hemto-adolowle6ge that kh&��e FOG-0-00 1-r,0;AW;Q and agreq io swbmi P64er, ta-madiatioA in ame -R-a4th the,1499 RyIns andPF0r.G4Wr-8&. ZhQqf0'd P- 26,ADDITIONAL PROMIONS. Setforth beloware additional provisions,ifany,which areincorporeled her6in and made a part hereot(if norte,state"none',)Subject to tdhv Sellers negotiating prezent lion*an the property Inc Wing EPA,Town of Agawam and any others there maybe and obtaining relea3es. Sellortosupply documents of EPA cleanup and cieautitle prior to closing. property being sold-w is".Ruier Is aware that Tldo V failed and them In no plumbing in the building.Buyeep agent in related to Bayer. This is an MI-8 cooperative 5iWe between Ayre Real Estate Co.,Inc.and Cer1tury::!1 Hiornatown AsSoWgt9c. Ayro Real Estate Co,Inc.repnnenks!the Seller and Century 21 Represents the buyer in this transaction. This is a IeqW and binding w3mentent. Aym Real E5tate Go,Inc.advise-s all partiom l"volved in thl* agratemont to seek legal ativice,priouto signing. 27.ADIDENDUM(S)TO AGREEMENT. Attached heretO i8lare a0ftndUM(S)which islare incorporated herein and rrode a part hereof.(If none,stme"none") A.-Addendum A R:Addendum 0 Q Agency Disolocura D.-Ayra Disclosure Date suym Date SEI I ER Date BUYER Date FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY,the following Reaf Estate Broker(s)is/are assisting with thi3 transaction: Broker;Ayre Real Estate ce,Inc.Second Broker(it any).Century 21 Hometown Realty CopyriiqhM 2009 REALTOM Assoc.iation of Pioneer Valley,Inc. 03/16/2011 09:13 4137892427 -4VRE REAL ESTATE 00 PAGE 07/11 6a�15/2011 13:99 4197892427 AYRE REAL ESTATE CO PAGE 07/09 ADDENDUM A $7ANDARDS:Any matter or practice arising under or relating W ttds Agreernerrt which is the subject of a title sWndard or a practk*stand2rd of the Mamchusetts Convey2neers Association at the Orne for deRym of the deo shall be c=ered by such stara&M to the mderA appficable. saller Buyer 09:13 4137892427 AYRE REAL ESTATE CO PAGE 08/11 ADDENDUM 9 Re: Agawam Sportsman's Club, Seller, by Donald R. Swindle as president and Thomas 0. Russo, Jr. , Buyer. it is mutually agreed that the fo)lowing provisions are incorporated into and hereby becoma a materia? part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the parties referenced above. 1 . $uYer is in receipt of An 0vironmental. report (the "Report") dated December 75, 2010 and prepared by O'Reilly, Talbot & Okun ("OTO*). In that Report, it was found that the Agawam Sportsman's Club located at 355 Corey Street, Agawam, AA (the "Premises") has a structure containing asbestos and lead, at li�vels diateftined to require their removal C�y a certifiad and Massachusetts 7icensed abatement contractor. The cost estimate presented.b�: OTO for the asbestos and lead removal is $34,500,00. 2. It i5 agreed between Buyer and Seller that the asbestos and lead removal shal I take place prior to closing on.the Premise5, and Buyer ihal I supply copies of any removal bids to Seller for approval , said approval not to be Qnreasonably Withheld- The bids to be secured by Ru�er shall be limited in scope to the work outlined In the Report. Any approved bid shall dcknow- ]edge That if, during 'the course of the dsbestos and lead removal , the approved removal contractor increases the costs or expenses of said removal by more than 10%, Seller and Buyer sha13 lumia-diately be so informed and shall confer wlZh each other as' to tha increase. Should such increase be deemad reasonable and Pecessary by mutual agreement, Ruyer and Seller shall allow the continuation of the asbestos and lead removal. 05/02/2011 11:53 4137R92427 AYFE PEAL ESTATE Cn PAGE 02/02 May 31,2011 ADDENDUM This is an Addondum to the Purchase and Sale Agreement daied March 16,20 between Ajimy�am Sportsman's Chub,Donald R. SwinOr..Fresident,Seffer.and Thomas J.Rus3q,Jr.,Buyer, of the property located at 358 Care _Street in. y A_vr a wn m, It is understood and agreed by all parties that: 1. The time for closing shall be extended from May 31,2011 to on or beforr,July 29, 2011. I It is Ruther agreod between Seller and Buyer that the closing is confingent on the premises receiving a clean M.G.L. Ch.21E assessment acceptable to Buyer's lender. All other terms and conditions.to%aid Ptuchase and Sale Agreement remain the same. I/We have Tead the above,agree to its terms and have received a copy. R NEILE �DA BUTYE CERTIFICATION On this "'fl day of June, 2011 , 1 certify that the preceding document is a true, exact, complete, and unaltered copy made by me of a Purchase and Sale Agreement for property located at 358 Corey Street, Agawam, MA. Mitchell T. Allen, Notary Public M iff C HE L L T.AU.W My commission expires: 1/5/2018 Notary Pubfie CGMMOW,v-�;-aith of AftssaChusft My COMmi` :On ExPftJAN.05, 2016