� - - --- - -
V -----
WHEREAS, Rive rmoor-Citizens, LLC located in the Town of Agawam (the "Town") has entered into a long
term lease for the property located at 365 Main Street, Agawam (the "Property"); and
WHEREAS, Rivermoor-Citizens, LLC,through its wholly owned subsidiary, Rive rmoo r-Citizens Holyoke,
LLC(collectively, "Rive rmoor-Citize ns") intends to develop a photovaltic solar energy project on the
Property(the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, photovoltaic installations provide communities with reliable and clean energy and reduces
greenhouse gas emissions and local reliance on imported energy; and
WHEREAS, Rive rm oo r-Citize ns and the Town, under the authority of M.G.L. c. 59, §38H(b), desire to
execute a negotiated tax agreement for payment of taxes on the Project in order to otherwise exempt
Rive rmoo r-Citizens from the payment of real and personal property taxes for the Project; and
WHEREAS, Rive rmoo r-Citize ns and the Town have reached this Tax Agreement as the result orapodi�p-
faith negotiations so that the annual payment of taxes shall be the equivalent of the property to I Cn
obligations based on full and fair cash valuation of the project; and
Cp 1:�;*
WHEREAS, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town acknowledge that a comprehensive agreement fixinAnd-P%
maintaining mutually acceptable, reasonable, and accurate tax payments for the Project for each Tikal -.0
year from 2012 through 2037 is appropriate and serves their respective interests. tr—
enter into the attached agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the tax agreement as attached
to this resolution.
UO VM)Per 2011,
Donal Rheault, President
I 1JV, Cc
C C.—
Vincent F. Gioscia, City Solicitor
WHEREAS, Rivermoor-Citizens, LLC located in the Town of Agawam (the "Town")
has entered into a long term lease for the property located at 365 Main Street, Agawam (the
"Property"); and
WHEREAS, Riven-noor-Citizens, LLC, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Riven-noor-
Citizens Agawam, IJX (collectively, "Rivermoor-Citizens") intends to develop a photovaltic
solar energy project on the Property (the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town, under the authority of M.G.L. c. 59,
§38H(b), desire to execute a negotiated tax agreement for payment of taxes on the Project in
order to otherwise exempt Rivermoor-Citizens from the payment of real and personal property
taxes for the Project; and
WHEREAS, Riven-noor-Citizens and the Town have reached this Tax Agreement as the
result of good faith negotiations so that the annual payment of taxes shall be the equivalent of the
property tax obligations based on full and fair cash valuation of the project; and
WHEREAS, Riven-noor-Citizens and the Town acknowledge that a comprehensive
agreement fixing and maintaining mutually acceptable, reasonable, and accurate tax payments
for the Project for each fiscal year from 2012 through 2037 is appropriate and serves their
respective interests.
NOW, THEREFORE, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town agree as follows:
1. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement is fair and beneficial to them because it
resolves all tax issues between them with resulting alleviation of economic and financial
uncertainty, Moreover, both parties value the tax and economic stability achieved by this
Agreement because it will result in steady, predictable and reasonable tax payments for the
Project. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement contemplates any increases in real
property taxes on the Property that may be assessed solely as a result of the Project. This
Agreement shall not otherwise impact the Town's ability to raise or lower real property taxes in
the ordinary course of its tax assessment practices. The owner of the Property shall remain
responsible for all real property taxes.
2. The amount of real and personal property tax paid in each fiscal year by Riven-noor-
Citizens to the City on account of the Project shall be based on an assessed value $282,500,
multiplied by the commercial tax rate for that particular fiscal year.
For example, the current commercial tax rate for Fiscal Year 2011 is $28.32 per thousand
dollars of valuation, so Rivermoor-Citizens shall pay the town $8,000.40 in property taxes. The
assessors may allocate the value on which the tax is based between the Project's real property
and personal property in their determination of full and fair cash value of each.
[For each fiscal year, Rivermoor-Citizens shall make two payments of the tax obligations
required by this Agreement on October I"and February I" at the tax rate for the previous fiscal
year, and a pro rated payment on May I"based on that fiscal year's tax rate.]
3. This Agreement is entered into in good faith to achieve predictability and economic
stability for both parties by establishing reasonable, accurate, and reliable tax agreement
payments for Rivermoor-Citizens Project. Accordingly, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town agree
that neither party shall seek to use the fair market values established by this Agreement in any
future proceedings regarding the value of Rivermoor-Citizens' property in the Town or in any
other proceeding regarding the value of other Riven-noor-Citizens property, except as provided in
paragraph 5 of this Agreement.
4. This Agreement shall terminate as of fisc al year 2037 unless both parties agree to extend
the Agreement with its current terms, such agreement to be in writing.
5. The Parties have entered into this Agreement only after full and due consideration thereof
and with the advice of their counsel.
6. The Parties agree that, if any provision of this Agreement is determined invalid or
unenforceable, the entire Agreement shall be invalid and unenforceable.
7. Riven-noor-Citizens, on behalf of itself and any successors to or assigns of its interest the
Project, and the Town shall act in good faith to carry out this Agreement and to resolve amicably
any disputes or disagreements which may arise hereunder.
8. This Agreement is subject to approval by the City Council of Agawam acting through its
Mayor, and its Board of Assessors.
9. This Agreement is full, final and complete expression of the parties' agreement on all
real and personal property tax issues respecting all of Rivermoor-Citizens' Project at the
Property in the Town of Agawam.
Executed this_day of 2011, by the undersigned who represent
that they are ftilly and duly authorized to act on behalf of their principals.
Its Mayor, Richard A. Cohen
Received this —day of 2011 from Council Clerk.
Signed by Council President this 0?1 day of 2011.
By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Aga am_C��er, as
Krn ded, 1 erepb')�approve the passage of the above legislation on this �"-day of
rON V 2011.
Richard . Cohen, Mayor
By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as
amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of
2011 for the following reason(s):
Richard A. Cohen, Mayor
Returned to Council Clerk this CR3_)'1--_. dayof
Summary of Tax Agreement between Rivermoor-Citizens,LLC and the Town of Agawam
L andfldl—Hood Solar Agawam City Council November 15,2011
-Project summM
Rivermoor-Citizens,LLC is currently developing a ground-mounted,solar electric generating facility at Mushy's Driving
Range(former Grasso Landfill). The system is 1.7 megawatts(MW) in size,large enough to power approximately 200
homes. The electricity will be sold under.a long-term,net metering contract to HP Hood, which abuts the property. This
project will also have a larger social benefit by offsetting environmentally harmful coal,oil,and natural gas power plants,
A portion of project revenues will support Citizens Energy's charitable programs, such as the heating oil program. Since
2006, Citizens has donated 36,000+gallons of heating oil (267 households)to Agawam residents.
Applicabili1y of the Tax Aggeemen
The tax agreement will only be applicable to personal property taxes associated with the installation(which includes all of
the equipment associated with the solar facility). Additionally,real estate taxes will increase because the property is
currently taxed under Chapter 61 (recreational land). The town will receive roll-back taxes and a higher valuation of the
property since the land will no longer be taxed under Chapter 61. Therefore, the tax agreement on the personal property is
purely additional revenue to the City of Agawam coming from an otherwise undevelopable property(a landfill which can
not ever be built upon due to inherent geotechnical conditions of landfill properties).
Dollar amount
The amount of the tax agreement for personal property taxes will be $8,000 per year.(This will be in addition to the
approximately$1,200 per year currently paid in real estate taxes on the land plus an additional $1,800 in additional real
estate taxes for land because the property will no longer being taxed under Chapter 6 1,for a total of approximately
$3,000.). This amount was calculated by the Town Assessor based on value of the personal property and through an
analysis of comparable renewable energy facilities in the region.
Economic and Communi1y Benefits of the Development for HP Hood &the Town of Agawam
• HP Hood is a Major Employer and Taxpayer in the Town of Agawam
• HP Hood is headquartered in Lynnfield,MA. The Agawam plant is Hood's only operatingplant in the
Commonwealth, Hood employs over 200 skilled workers at its plant, many of them Agawam residents.
Hood is a substantial taxpayer in the Town. Hood has requested that the Town approve the tax plan so
that it can move forward with the solar plan and remain operationally efficient for the long run.
• Hood will save 15%on its utility cost for the power produced by the solar development on the former
Grasso Landfill. Electrical costs are one of the top three cost categories for the plant,along with labor
and dairy inputs into the production process. This agreement will also provide additional, stable tax
revenue to the Town in addition to the significant utility cost savings for the Town outlined above.
• Job Creation During the Six Month Construction Period
o Rivermoor-Citizens estimates that fifty skilled construction positions will be created during the
construction period. We expect to have a number of construction positions for experienced Agawam
residents in the construction industry.
• Environmental Leadership and Health of the Agawam Community
o The Town of Agawam has the opportunity to take a leadership role in caring for the environment and
reducing air pollution from the use of fossil fuel (asthma, children and elderly health problems related to
pollutants and particulates in the air, etc.) HP Hood will show strong corporate leadership by offsetting
approximately 30%of its electrical usage through power produced by the solar array.
Summary of Tax Agreement between Rivermoor-Citizens, LLC and the Town of Agawam
Town ofAgawam Solar Agawam City Council November 15,2011
Proiect summM
Rivermoor-Citizens,LLC is currently developing a ground-mounted, solar electric generating facility on
Route 57 in Agawam, MA. The system is 1.67 megawatts(MW) in size, large enough to power
approximately 200 homes annually. The discount of 15%on the electricity produced by the solar asset
will be provided under a long-term agreement with the Town of Agawam. The 15%utility discount will
benefit the citizens of Agawam through reduced governmental operating costs. From an environmental
perspective,the solar asset will reduce the local need for harmful coal, oil, and natural gas power plants,
improving local air quality and public health. Additionally, a portion of the revenues from the project
will go to support Citizens Energy's charitable programs,such as the heating oil program. Since 2006,
Citizens Energy has donated over 36,000 gallons of heating oil (267 households)to Agawam residents.
Projects such as this one help support these charitable programs.
A Vp I icahi&of the Tax Agreement
The tax agreement will only be applicable to personal property taxes associated with the installation
(which includes all of the equipment associated with the solar facility). Real estate taxes on the land will
continue to be paid in addition to the tax agreement, Therefore,the tax agreement is purely additional
revenue to the Town of Agawam coming from an underutilized property.
Dollar amount
The amount of the tax agreement is$5,000 per year(this will be in addition to the approximately $10,800
per year in real estate taxes). This amount was calculated by the Town Assessor based on value of the
personal property and through an analysis of comparable renewable energy facilities in the region.
Economic and Community Benefits of the Devel2pment for�the Town of Agawam
Utility Cost Savings to the Town of Agawam
• Over the initial 20 years of the net metering agreement� which provides a 15%discount
on the power produced by the solar asset(2.21 million kWh of annual power production)
using the historical 3%annual inflation rate in electrical power rates,the savings to the
Town of Agawam on its annual WMECo utility costs is estimated to be$830,000. Over
a 25 year period,the savings are estimated to be $1.12 million.
• This agreement will provide additional, stable tax revenue to the city in addition to the
significant utility cost savings for the Town outlined above.
• Job Creation During the Six Month Construction Period
o Rivermoor-Citizens estimates that fifty skilled construction positions will be created
during the construction period. As was the case with the permitting and engineering
phase, in which our lead engineer is an Agawam resident, we expect to have a number of
construction positions for experienced Agawam residents in the construction industry.
• Environmental Leadership and Health of the Agawam Community
o The Town of Agawam has the opportunity to take a leadership role in supporting the
development of renewable energy,caring for the environment and reducing air pollution
from the use of fossil fuel in its community(asthma,children and elderly health problems
related to pollutants and particulates in the air, etc.)
WHEREAS, Rivcrmoor-Citizens, LLC located in the Town of Agawam (the "Town")
has entered into a long term lease for the property located at 365 Main Street, Agawarn (the
"Property"); and
WHEREAS,Rivermoor-Citizens, LLC,through its wholly owned subsidiary, Rivermoor-
Citizens Agawam, LLC (collectively, "Rivermoor-Citizens") intends to develop a photovaltic
solar energy project on the Property (the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town, under the authority of M.G.L. c. 59,
§38H(b), desire to execute a negotiated tax agreement for payment of taxes on the Project in
order to otherwise exempt Rivermoor-Citizens from the payment of real and personal property
taxes for the Project; aqd
WHEREAS, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town have reached this Tax Agreement as the
result of good faith negotiations so that the annual payment of taxes shall be the equivalent of the
property tax obligations based on full and fair cash valuation of the project; and
WHEREAS, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town acknowledge that a comprehensive
agreement fixing and maintaining mutually acceptable, reasonable, and accurate tax payments
for the Project for each fiscal year from 2012 through 2037 is appropriate and serves their
respective interests.
NOW, THEREFORE, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town agree as follows:
1. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement is fair and beneficial to them because it
resolves all tax issues between them with resulting alleviation of economic and financial
uncertainty. Moreover, both parties value the tax and economic stability achieved by this
Agreement because it will result in steady, predictable and reasonable tax payments for the
Project. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement contemplates any increases in real
property taxes on the Property that may be assessed solely as a result of the Project. This
Agreement shall not otherwise impact the Town's ability to raise or lower real property taxes in
the ordinary course of its tax assessment practices. The owner of the Property shall remain
responsible for all real property taxes.
2. The amount of real and personal property tax paid in each fiscal year by Rivermoor-
Citizens to the City on account of the Project shall be based on an assessed value $282,500,
multiplied by the commercial tax rate for that particular fiscal year.
For example, the current commercial tax rate for Fiscal Year 2011 is $28.32 per thousand
dollars of valuation, so Rivermoor-Citizens shall pay the town $8,000.40 in property taxes. The
assessors may allocate the value on which the tax is based between the Project's real property
and personal property in their determination of full and fair cash value of each.
[For each fiscal year, Rivermoor-Citizens shall make two payments of the tax obligations
required by this Agreement on October I" and February Vt at the tax rate for the previous fiscal
year, and a pro rated payment on May I" based on that fiscal year's tax rate.]
3. This Agreement is entered into in good faith to achieve predictability and economic
stability for both parties by establishing reasonable, accurate, and reliable tax agreement
payments for Rivermoor-Citizens Project. Accordingly, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town agree
that neither party shall seek to use the fair market values established by this Agreement in any
future proceedings regarding the value of Rivermoor-Citizens' property in the Town or in any
other proceeding regarding the value of other Rivermoor-Citizens property, except as provided in
paragraph 5 of this Agreement.'
4. This Agreement shall terminate as of fiscal year 2037 unless both parties agree to extend
the Agreement with its current terms, such agreement to be in writing.
5. The Parties have entered into this Agreement only after full and due consideration thereof
and with the advice of their counsel.
6. The Parties agree that, if any provision of this Agreement is determined invalid or
unenforceable, the entire Agreement shall be invalid and unenforceable.
7. Riverm oor-Citizens, on behalf of itself and any successors to or assigns of its interest the
Project, and the Town shall act in good faith to carry out this Agreement and to resolve amicably
any disputes or disagreements which may arise hereunder.
8. In the event Rivermoor-Citizens, LLC or their successors/assigns or its named subsidiary
or its successors/assigns in this agreement files for bankruptcy protection this agreement shall
become null and void and any taxes accrued from the date of filing shall be in accordance with
Massachusetts General Law and not calculated or governed by this agreement.
9. Rivermoor-Citizens, LLC or their successors/assigns or its named subsidiary or its
successors/assigns acknowledge that the Town of Agawam shall bear no cost in returning the site
to its original condition. Furthermore, Ri vermoor-Citizens, LLC or their successors/assigns or
its named subsidiary orits successors/assigns state that their lease agreement with the property
owner sufficiently address this contingency. It is the intent of the parties hereto that this
paragraph shall survive should this agreement become null and void pursuant to paragraph (8)
10. This Agreement is subject to approval by the City Council of Agawam acting through its
Mayor, and it's Board of Assessors.
11. This Agreement is full, final and complete expression of the parties' agreement on all
real and personal property tax issues respecting all of Rivermoor-Citizens' Project at the
Property in the Town of Agawam.
Executed this—day of 2011, by the undersigned who represent
that they are fully and duly authorized to act on behalf of their principals.
Its Mayor, Richard A. Cohen
Rivermoor-Citizens Agawam, LLC
Other Tax Agreements
'�ROOS-004 AnOO5100K
Mars Hill, ME
Mars Hill Wind
Lowell, VT $3.88/MWh
Kingdom Community Wind
,rinisnm HROPJF.F GR4FTnN
Hancock MA rnv Floridal MA
Berkshire Wind �,UILU Hoosac Wind
$4.33/MWh Agawam Projects:
Mushy's Landfill
KnK, ? C —
SHInE PDEN 5,-rORF(ILK $3.76/MWh
PF11VI- ME- r'.Y' Agawam, MA
TOL- 0 E NICE I CIL 11401.11H
Holvoke, MA TFOPD KEVI all I dl�LE. Shoemaker Lane
Holyoke Solar
�vl LONDUk $2.50/MWh
$4.00/MWh BRIII TOL __J
D L 0 CK I"L,
WHEREAS, Rive rmoor-Citize ns, LLC located in the Town of Agawam (the "Town") has entered into a long
term lease for the property located at 365 Main Street,Agawam (the "Property"); and
WHEREAS, Rive rmoor-Citizens, LLC,through its wholly owned subsidiary, Rivermoor-Citizens Holyoke,
LLC(collectively, "Rive rm o o r-Citizen s") intends to develop a photovaltic solar energy project on the
Property(the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, photovoltaic installations provide communities with reliable and clean energy and reduces
greenhouse gas emissions and local reliance on imported energy; and
WHEREAS, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town, under the authority of M.G.L. c. 59, §38H(b), desire to
execute a negotiated tax agreement for payment of taxes on the Project in order to otherwise exempt
Rivermoor-Citizens from the payment of real and personal property taxes for the Project; and
WHEREAS, Rive rmoor-Citizens and the Town have reached this Tax Agreement as the result of good
faith negotiations so that the annual payment of taxes shall be the equivalent of the property tax
obligations based on full and fair cash valuation of the project; and
WHEREAS, Rive rmoor-Citizens and the Town acknowledge that a comprehensive agreement fixing and
maintaining mutually acceptable, reasonable, and accurate tax payments for the Project for each fiscal
year from 2012 through 2037 is appropriate and serves their respective interests.
enter into the attached agreement and authorize the Mayor to.execute the tax agreement as attached
to this resolution.
Donald M. Rheault, President C:
Vincent F. Gioscia, City Solicitor
WHEREAS, Rivermoor-Citizens, LLC located in the Town of Agawam (the"Town")
has entered into a long term lease for the property located at 365 Main Street, Agawam (the
"Property"); and
WHEREAS, Ri ven-noor-Citizens, LLC, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Riven-noor-
Citizens Agawam, I-IC (collectively, "Riverrnoor-Citizens") intends to develop a photovaltic
solar energy project on the Property (the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town, under the authority of M.G.L. c. 59,
§38H(b), desire to execute a negotiated tax agreement for payment of taxes on the Project in
order to otherwise exempt Rivermoor-Citizens from the payment of real and personal property
taxes for the Project; and
WHEREAS, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town have reached this Tax Agreement as the
result of good faith negotiations so that the annual payment of taxes shall be the equivalent of the
property tax obligations based on full and fair cash valuation of the project; and
WHEREAS, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town acknowledge that a comprehensive
agreement fixing and maintaining mutually acceptable, reasonable, and accurate tax payments
for the Project for each fiscal year from 2012 through 2037-is appropriate and serves their
respective interests.
NOW, THEREFORE, Rivermoor-Citizens and the Town agree as follows:
1. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement is fair and beneficial to them because it
resolves all tax issu6s between them with resulting alleviation of economic and financial
uncertainty. Moreover, both parties value the tax and economic stability achieved by this
Agreement because it will result in steady, predictable and reasonable tax payments for the
Project. The par-ties acknowledge that this Agreement contemplates any increases in real
property taxes on the Property that may be assessed solely as a result of the Project. This
Agreement shall not otherwise impact the Town's ability to raise or lower real property taxes in
the ordinary course of its tax assessment practices. The owner of the Property shall remain
responsible for all real property taxes.
2. The amount of real and personal property tax paid in each fiscal year by Rivermoor-
Citizens to the City on account of the Project shall be based on an assessed value $282,500,
multiplied by the commercial tax rate for that particular fiscal year.
For example, the current commercial tax rate for Fiscal Year 2011 is $28.32 per thousand
dollars of valuation, so Rivermoor-Citizens shall pay the town $8,000.40 in property taxes. The
assessors may allocate the value on which the tax is based between the Project's real property
and personal property in their determination of full and fair cash value of each.
[For each fiscal year, Rivermoor-Citizens shall make two payments of the tax obligations
required by this Agreement on October I" and February I't at the tax rate for the previous fiscal
year, and a pro rated payment on May I" based on that fiscal year's tax rate.]
3. This Agreement is entered into in good faith to achieve predictability and economic
stability for both parties by establishing reasonable, accurate, and reliable tax agreement
payments for Rivermoor-Citizens Project. Accordingly, Riven-noor-Citizens and the Town agree
that neither party shall seek to use the fair market values established by this Agreement in any
future proceedings regarding the value of Rivermoor-Citizens' property in the Town or in any
other proceeding regarding the value of other Rivermoor-Citizens property, except as provided in
paragraph 5 of this Agreement.
4. This Agreement shall ten-ninate as of fiscal year 2037 unless both parties agree to extend
the Agreement with its current terms, such agreement to be in wfiting.
5. The Parties have entered into this Agreement only after full and due consideration thereof
and with the advice of their counsel.
6. The Parties agree that, if any provision of this Agreement is determined invalid or
unenforceable, the entire Agreement shall be invalid and unenforceable.
7. Rivermoor-Citizens, on behalf of itself and any successors to or assigns of its interest the
Project, and the Town shall act in good faith to carry out this Agreement and to resolve amicably
any disputes or disagreements which may arise hereunder.
8. This Agreement is subject to approval by the City Council of Agawam acting through its
Mayor, and its Board of Assessors.
9. This Agreement is full, final and complete expression of the parties' agreement on all
real and personal property tax issues respecting all of Rivermoor-Citizens' Project at the
Property in the Town of Agawam.
Executed this' day of 2011, by the undersigned who represent
that they are fully and duly authorized to act on behalf of their principals.
Its Mayor, Richard A. Cohen
TO: Agawam City Council
I r1r
FROM: Mayor Richard A. Cohen
DATE: November 3, 2011
SUBJECT: Tax Agreements with Rivermoor-Citizens, LLC
Enclosed please find two resolutions for New Business for the Council's November 9,
2011 meeting. The resolutions concern proposed Tax Agreements with Rivermoor-
Citizens, LLC for the construction of two solar powered structures facilities in Agawam.
The proposed location for one facility is 912 Shoemaker Lane, on a 13-acre parcel of
vacant land owned by Westmass Area Development Corp, The proposed facility, when
constructed, will provide power to the Town of Agawam at a 15% discounted rate. This
will save the town approximately $40,000 on average per year of the agreement. The
excess power generated will be returned to the electricity grid for sale by Rivermoor-
Citizens, LLC.
The proposed location for the other facility is 365 Main Street, on a 20.75-acrc parcel of
land owned by Mushy's Golf Center, LLC. The proposed facility, when constructed, will
provide power to HP Hood Inc located at 233 Main Street at a discounted rate, with the
excess power generated returned to the electricity grid for sale by Rivermoor-Citizens,
LLC. This savings will help keep people employed in difficult times and help to reduce
HP Hood's costs.
Further documentation regarding the specifics of each proposed facility will be provided
prior to the November 21, 2011 Council Meeting.
25 Year Benefit to Agawam
$2,000,000 $378,553 TOTAL Ip885..045
Town will receive over $1.5
million in ADDITIONAL taxes
from these parcels
Town Savings on Electric Bill*
Tax Agreement, Landfill
$500P000 Tax Agreement, Shoemaker
S27.117 Real Estate Tax.. Landfill
Real Estate Tax, Shoemaker
Without Solar With Solar *ASsUrnes town will ask to extend contract in years 21-25