TR-2011-65 USE OF PROCEEDS FOR AMBULANCE Of Pro RESOLUTION TR-2011-65 A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING THE USE OF INSURANCE PROCEEDS PURSUANT TO MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL CHAPTER 44, SECTION 53 FOR THE REPAIR OF AN AGAWAM FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE (Sponsored By: Mayor Richard A. Cohen) WHEREAS, an Agawam ambulance designated Rescue 2 was involved in an accident on November 1, 2011; and WHEREAS, the Trident Insurance Company has provided funds in the amount of eighty thousand nine hundred twenty-three and 00/100 ($80,923.00) as a settlement for the repair of Rescue 2; and WHEREAS, M.G.L. c. 44 s. 53 requires a specific appropriation of the funds if they are in excess of$20,000.00,- and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to appropriq"te�the funds and repair Rescue 2. M I. C.0 GO -0 NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves to:Wpropriate from account number 24711-48000 the amount of$80,923.00 as received from Trideon' surance Company to repair the ambulance designated Rescue 2. t 0� I C2 THIS 4�017 ,_, FCQjWA_irL4_, 201X DATED __LL PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL �Iyl Cy Donald M. Rhea esident 11h (C� A L aA�j ROVED AS T FORM AND LEGALITY Vincentdi o g"ria, Solicitor Page I of I Vince Gioscia From: Alan Sirois Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 3:47 PM To: Vince Gioscia; Vincent Gioscia Subject: Ambulance Collision Vince; The ambulance that was damaged was Rescue 2. The police report incorrectly states that Rescue 1 was the vehicle involved. Feel free to contact me by cell or email with any questions. Regards, Alan Sirois, Fire Chief Agawam Fire Department 800 Main Street Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Office: 413-786-0657 Cell: 413-531-5944 Fax: 413-786-1241 Email: asirois@agawam.ma.us 12/14/2011 Agawam Police Department Page ; SUPPLEMENTAL NARRATIVE FOR PATRCLMAN 'JAMES -M WHEEL.ER Ref: 11-455-AC and inaifing it to I)er residence. I un� also -niailinn all hcraccldenL papeiwork due to tho fact she is still in t� hospital recoverkig-frbni her irjun*es. NOTE- The accident diagrFun is not to scale, Additional Wjfncss iiifbrn)afion. Aga%vam Fircmen )alc Dushanc. and Actim, LL.lobn LahrecqLIC Agawani Fin: station '-7 1-200 springfield St.. Feeding BiEs MA 01030 16 41'1-78 -750,� Alert Aw.bulance 3 17 A.-leadow St. Chicopee NIA 0 10 13 413-53S-021J3 Alert Ambulance CreNv. Gina Nfaihos '9 61 South-AN/estfield Sr, )I 4A 0 1030 Fp-cdi' g Hill N 413-30 1-2551 Mike Lvons '15 Coolidge Rd. chicouce MA 010 13 Commonwealth of N-Tassachusctts Crhel­[altil W C yvffem Del,or I L,11 1 'V 25 Motor Vehicle Crash F _ v �I :,011 JRjL,, Luml Pa ice 0 4GAW.AM I . .1 .Cd N161-%Pulict a 24 Police Report 12 4 11 On— XI'UNTERSECTION'. 2 MILL St, RW,tk TM-cclull Nv)r nl'Ro' RVII.I. th.C.,11.a A- "m N-.tjliv v':(tuj%w.�Sircu r5 At, 2 POPLAR ST R.I -io—LI,ei aw.1: rr , A�(j.jj lnljg�SUCljr-jI%,,tll C' or FT07. 7. -6.—mchu.. Nanic of Inirr cunt 3 r9—9 Q 1 1 - 455 -AC 1 LiCtILSC j; SI VLA�-rXl�',Ag---K-TU��9�1 R.,eSialc MA-- IST-7 99 S".M— D- C;ab,�r 4�,J)j. Veh r V-,h N1 akL "Ch(':)Mflg LIT �4 Opanfor FR,—=Z— 0tTncrT=-u--.&QAWW.-- 3 a'- �,"L Addre3s 6 1 EbLrR,5-W__RD an.AGAWAM Stn't Coy AW6M --�—Swi-MA FjInsurance CompaU5 ARG Q tujjj��. Vehic;e Acnot.F�iorao C -;I, I)ajt),,z6c(j C,-dv:I t:ircic Up!o T'4,t .!- 4 r2 Vellidu Travd n6wim RC�1101.ii.L, It Ls--lacclicy! 'l, 321 3 21 2, - .. ,-N ri F\ i 17 lu 4led 24 241 k 9 0;,cr Sc.�!i b -- -,— i 1 99 u4aiown S 6 2 vtol D--,NwSub Tm. 111 i,jf t� I q��klr 4.1. .1'1 4P.!t%.f;j U!��d 13 --:L---—Fle""It- W STATS 2. 1 11 0 10 13 1� NAYUIT&L 700-SPRrGT.-Y..D ST 1A% GTATS JAKEJ COOK muw.-!" m aloo'. I �1 0 0 3 2 POL 2 IF N chirte 1 2.0t,w,,ant, Arms 00 n I. a-;-,F 0 A3-UB-4-0.2-8--st--C-T-mm jv: P-eg -11=.LT--. -—' -Ng T�jw,RC ---R.ghvlc CT yj�yak.a.EJ SE!12S1WAG0NS C,-jL— vei L--j FOperator CUMMING Joe --LYINE. M Q1=1NGS I Address o,yPRESTON S1,01-& L- ip-Q 6 jk-5 ay PRE 0 TON 6'3 65 21 I-swwcc canp-y-SMATYLFAM velliele 11n.or w crath I Onmigz a.u Co(le:Wircil,V,io nr") 2 3 4 --T-TF 0 None Vehirle Tra-,.;Ditertirn: Ell- 1=11, 2 1, 121 221 2 ?im I lanaf.,! 23 L Viol.1:MS&w�S11b 7 A Me' 2:t wsc SO, .[19 24 1, 241 (;.hrr Viol.3-MISCclsob %S;'! Tvi-C41A Plcme(it)aur fvp t�,)crmoi mnt-mworisir u it Opt.a10-r/No�s-.'-lo!oj isl �cw Ab�vc ------- 0 0 3 2 kZ01 C%L 11Lq�jl1rjt::Yr ANA jUYLSTATE ELIZABETH BOVMNPO T �01�.WYTFLD, XA'DIOR! 03/04/1,360 F 3 1.1 1" 3 0 ID 3 Diref-lion, L-LJ Vehicle Y N101,1de 1 +0 -4- If Crq'sh Did NolOccur _j 9 1 1'i oil a PUT)& Way; 0 1 W'-Slrec-Pukilla i or 10 1'3tced H(5ert Cnurdi 0 North VI an Agawam Fire Dept. Ambulance and Agawim Fire 3�ept. Engine 2 were travelling east on Mill St. to a 911 EMERGENCY C;�LL. Both vehi'cles had Lheir eaterguncy lights and sirens on. As they approached the inters6ction of Mill. and Poplar St. the Ambulance reduced its speed, V2 was travelling SCU th on Poplar St. Both veiiielen were heading towardB a blacked-out inteisectlon� The traffic ligSta and street lights were not functioning due' to bl'ack-out power condiLions from a recent show storm, The witneaaes atate that. V2 did not yield the right of way to the Ambulan=e as both vehic3ee entered the intersection and �-ras.�ed. An Alert Ambulanc-e crew Just happened to be in the area and were the first to give n:edical -attention to the occupants c�,f V2. After VI Llae Ambulance came to final rest the Agawam Paramedics exited the AmhulanQe and took over medical care for the injured occupancs. Refer to Supplemental Narrative. Shloment Norm(I cuYintMiddli.) GRANGER ROBE RT 873 SPRINGFTELD ST AGAWAM MA 01001 413-231-6341 TUPMR I(ENNETIi RUSSELL lu26 NPRiNGFIELD ST AGAWXX t.'A 01030 413-478-2126 Conia NAI"z Address ------ -S1- X IJS DOT Hi_ Cargo Body Type�odz D Gross Vd):.!e W;bi EJ Trailer Reg R%,,�yr 112ZMAC 1-f0rM9dnn:- 1 4 742 r1lacarl O.ircrial I di-nil I- 'o"411 I d6. Rut.ns:code Patrolman -James YLLWheeler 1225 - Aga)�am Police Re_artment 1110112011 p POIiCt Ofr=f Nan-�(MMC PnnTi i-Bidr.ed llepaltI11011 clis Diie Coil 11-1449 Aq�Awam Police .Department Page : 1 -SUPPLEMENTAL NARRATIVE -FOR PA..VRQLMAN JAMES M WFEELEI� Ref. ii-45s-AC . The operator and passelirycr ofV2 �Nere' transportcd to 13SMC for their injuries by AFD EMS Rescue 1. At this time dic West Springficld A'tribulancc. arrivedimi tran§po�tcd [lie Ngawarn Pni-anicdic5 to 11S. PVIC to be tresltxt for their injuries. Vehicle 2 was (owed b,. Larigonet and the Apabiflance \�as IoNved to Pirc Station 2 by Interstate and reloased to the A,7avvam Fi-rc ChIc f. I thenyvf, to BSMC to sn ak flic involved par6ws. I ,Qok written-sta�c.1 r;jils Iomi flic \gawiln ljr�nieij. jjqpDl�,t to the passenger o."V2 who was beina ticated f6i her inttuies. Sbc staled.10 r,:�e Oiat itist ht;fore flic crash she said to the operator Jocely.ne Curnmings ihe Anibu!ancc isn't gclirg to stop, the�n ihcv crashcd. I I.licn brieny spoke to Ctu-nmings who wa!z also 1),-,in2 licatcd for iii.Juries in the Trauma Urit,"Shc Nvasn't in ain: condidor to tall, aboui the accident, I cravc her iny card and advised hL;r to ca)l ote tonionow when is in a bclt�:i candition to Lalk. On 11,12/2011 at 19:00'liou'rs I wcra to 102(, Spild St.'to tal(,.� a wnittcyi -,Latcryient fuoril Orie ol' d)e witnesses. Kem. ieth Tunier-statcd that 11'q saN% the Anibulanbl, with its.-erntr,,cri-cy lights and sircri on approaching the r CD intersection. Then lie saw a flash offinht-and li(.-ard loiid*crasli whell the vehicles impacted in !he middle of die intersection. See wrimm miement'. I. then came back to Police Headquarters and spol.,- Lo another witness, Robert.Tumer viu th.,: 0cphone. He was driving west bound on Mill St. just bol'bre the GULS11. 110 PLIII�d ovcr-to dic righi and'�,toopcd nis �chicic to allow the Ambulance and Fire E.nglne to pa3s b), beCat.Ne 111C11 ciner-ciney lights aild sircrts were on. 11-1c then observed V2 enter the intc�rscction at a high specd and it crEshed iritc, the Arribiflancc. 'rumr stit.es lie lives in Lenox Massachusetts and is unavailablc to provide a written statewelit. ,\t about 10.00 hbu�s Jocelvnc Cummings 'ontacte' d nie via ibe phone Froin the liospital� I askcd her what she C 1'emembered about the accidcnt. She stated all she rerriernbers is sL;ei rig the Ambulance and the cinergency lighw just before they crzished. The two other witriesses 'are 1;oth Ag'awan-- Firemen. Jake Dushane was driving Engine 2 and Acting Lt. Labrccquc was the passenger in the front ri�dit soai. -Dtishane siales that thcy wure responding io an Ernergenc) 911 Call. The Ambulance �was op�,rating wih iis eirierg6ricy lights on. His I-Iligiric Was abou' '00 ficet behind the Ambulance. He stated he observed the brake lights conic on in the rear of' th.,, Ambulance as it slowed before entered the blacked-out intersection. He also obser%ed the Ambulance start s.werving. I Ic then states that hc observed V2 enter the Jritcrscalon iiever slowing doA!!i a-s it crashed into the Ambulance. See written staV�mcnt. L.t. Labrecque also staies that the Ain' bulance and FjJ`C Erio'inc- wc-rc responding to an Dn,:.rgency 911 Call with the ernergdmy lighl.S Eind.sircins on: 11c states that li�; obso.rved the ArriMance slow down and proceed into the blacked-out intersecti-on. He then ob.s4.;rvcd Y2 iicvk:r activating the n�ar brake liglv3 collide with the Ambulance. He states the traffic light was inoperable due to the pov-ver ClftaeC CI-0111 the, S110W SLorni. See written stat(,mcnt. Based on the witness-statenien.ts the accident was caused-by Jocelyne Cumir.irgs failin'o, to Y17111) THE RIGHT OF WAY to an CMERGINCYNEHICLI-_� that was, operating-with its E-rncrgency Lights 4nd Sirens on. Cumminas is beiriv iSSL[c:d a vAwitteri warrimg for the:!abovc ofi"�nse..l ani.issuim,, her Citation Number RI 190435 Aqa�vam Police .Ddpartment Page; I SUPPLETIENTAL NARRATIVE -FOR PATROLMAN JAMES M WHE3LER' ' Ref: 11-455-AC .11 IV201 11 The operator and passenger of V2 wer6 transportuJ to 13S'IM.C. lor their injuries by AFD E`MS Re�cue 1. At this 0 .' time flic. West Springfield Anibulanc-.- arrived alid 1rans.portcd ffie Agawam Paramedics to BSMC to be treated for their linjuries. Vehicle 2 waq iowed by l.ango' net and tN Ambulance.was towed u) rirc Station 2 by Interstate and reb�ased to the Agawam Firc Chief Qn wc-nt to 13SNIC to SmAh tbc'h1voh,i:d p,�rfiesj look vviJuen staicrnert,; form the Agawam Fir,,,men. I spoke to the passen-er oil'V2 \.N,ho was bein,, trcat��d for hez injuries. She stat,,k1no me that just bcfore th4f crash sbe said C� It? to the operator Jocelyne Cumming-, the Ambulance isn't going to sio theii they crashcd. I then Iniefly spoke to C p Cummings who was'also being tredted for iniaries iii the Tiatinia Unit. Sb! wasn't in am"cond.iLiOn. to 11ilk about the accident, I ga�,: her my card and'ad-\is&l her to call rie tornorrow whei). is 111 ;i better condition lo talk-, C> On 11/2/2011 at 19:OU'h.ou'rs I wcm to 1026 Spild St. to taW a written statement horn one ci�� die witnesses, Keruieth Tuiner­,tated that lir, saw the AnibUlance. x0h its:em�r c-n-cy !iglits and sin.r) or, appt-oacblng die intersection. 7hen he saw a flash of light and licard loud'ciasli whch. the vehicles impa�led in !he middle of the intersection. See written SlAtement. .1 then came back to Pu'lice 1-loadquarters and sl)ul:c to another wi,lncss Turrier vi,,i the telcphone. He was driving west bound on Mill St. just before the crash. Hc pullcd o\,cr to flic riolit and 'stoopud his vehicle to allow the AinbWance and Fire Engiiic to pass by hecati qc t4cir cmer-oney 1 ights a,id sirens �v�;re or,. Fit! then observed V2 enter the inwrsection at a high sl-,ccd and ir cras'icd into lhc Anibu)am;v. 'rumer suit.cs he iivi�s in Lenox ,Massachusetts and is unavailable'to provide a voilteristatenictit. At about 20:00 bouis Joccbme. Cummings contacted me via tbe phone froin the hospfl@�. I asked hel what slic remembered abutit the accident. She stat6d all she iemernbers is seeing. die AnibulanGc awl tbe cincreency lights just before they crashed. The two othcr witn�;sses- a-e both' Agawitrr.. Firern.1-n. Jak-. Ditshane was driving Emfine 2 and Acting Lt. Labrecque was the passenger in the front right seat. ,Dushane siales thal thcv Nvitre rusponding to an Emergency 911 Call. The Ambulance �vas opie'raflng witlh its einergency I ights on. His Enoine was about 300 1�et behind &,e Ambulance. He stated lie observed the brak-c lip_�ts voric on in the Toar of thu Ambulance as it slowed before enter-.d the blacked-out intersection. lie' also .obser\ud the Ambulance stail s*�z-vhrig. lie then states that he observed V2 entcr the intcr's,�ctiou never bloNving dovji as it crashcd.into the Ambulance. See written statcMent. Lt. Labrecque also states that die Affibulance and the Fire Engine wei c responding to an Em,;rg ricy 911 Call with the emergency lights 6nd sir6ns on.' He'statcs that he obse.rved the Ambulance slow dovvn and proceed into the blacked-out intersection. Ile flien ob.,-erved V2 ncvcr activatino. 'Jic rear bl-alKe lighs collide with the ArnbUlance- He states the,ti4fic I i0it \.vas inoperable due to the POIA'er.01.itagefrom lh�� snow sLorm. See �\Titten statcment, Based on the vvitne.ss-statenicnIts the accident was --aused-by J,-cclync Cunni-rings fitilin'g Y'111,1) THE RfGHT OF WAY to an EMERGINCYNEHICLE' that. w&% operating-with it-, Emcrocncy' Lights and Sirens on. Cunaminas is beim-, issucd a -writteu warn;niz for the::above off�nse..l ani.isst iina li�:r Citai ion Number RI J 9043 5 TRIDENT INSURANCE SERVICES OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. 7320 AND AXIS U.S. INSURANCE ON BEHALF OF METROGARD AND DIThY&M INSURANCE PROGRAMS Check No: 7320 Check Amt-. $80,923.00 Agawam,Town of(MA)-a Check Date: 12/0612011 Claimant Claimant: City of Agawam Claim No. TNT-0094881 City of Agawam Date of Loss: il/0112011 12:00 AM Adjuster: Jeff Staples Payee Name: City of Agawam Producer. Trident Insurance Services of NE, Inc Payable Comment Service Dates: 12106f2011 To 12/0612011 Collision Damage to Ambulance on 11/1/11, less$1000 deductible TRIDENT INSURANCE SERVICES�OF NEW ENGLAND,INC. 7320 AND AXIS U.S.INSURANCE ON BEHALF OF METROGARD AND DIPLOMAX INSURANCE PROGRAMS Insured Check No: 7320 Check Amt: $80,92100 Agawam,Town of(MA)-a Check Date: 12/06/2011 Claimant Claimant: City of Agawam Claim No: TNT-0094881 City of Agawam Date of Loss: 11/01/2011 12:00 AM Adjuster: Jeff Staples Payee Name: City of Agawam Producer: Trident Insurance Services of NE,Inc Payable Comment Service Dates: 12JO6/2011 To 12106/2011 Collisio6 Damage to Ambulance on 11/1111,less$1000 deductible TRIDENT INSURANCE SERVICES OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK,NA. 7320 I)ALLAS,TEXAS 75201 AND AXIS U.S.INSURANCE 32-6111110 ON BEHALF OF METROGARD AND DIPLOMAX INSURANCE PROGRAMS Claim No:TNT-0094881 Check Date:1 MWO 11 VOID AFIFER 90 DAYS Date of Loss: 11/01/2011 Pay Eighty Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-Three and 00/100 Dollars $80,92pq] To The TWO SIGNATURES A E R Ul D FOR CHECKS$5000 AND OVER Order City of Agawam 36 Main Street S E Al Of: Agawam,MA 01001 00073200 1: 1L100060X 63&q33E1qqII1 Town of Agawam Schedule of Departmental Payments to Treasurer No: LAW DEPT Date 1217/2011 Org and Object Source Amount Total 24710 48000 COLLISION DAMAGE TO AMBULANCE 11/1/2011 $ 80,923.00 80,923.00 Date: 12/7/2011 To the Department Officer making the Payment: Received of Treasurer the sum of 80,923,00 Dollars for the ending 1217/2011 for collections as per schedule of this date, filed in my office. Treasurer MAYORAL ACTION Received this —day of 2012 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this dayof 2012, APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawaynabarter, as atpended I hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2012. Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2012 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK I q 44- Returned to Council Clerk this day ofT&n bla W j 2012. RESOLUTION TR-2011-65 A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING THE USE OF INSURANCE PROCEEDS PURSUANT TO MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL CHAPTER 44, SECTION 53 FOR THE REPAIR OF AN AGAWAM FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE (Sponsored By: Mayor Richard A. Cohen) WHEREAS, an Agawam ambulance designated Rescue 2 was involved in an accident on November 1, 2011; and WHEREAS, the Trident Insurance Company has provided funds in the amount of eighty thousand nine hundred twenty-three and 00/100 ($80,923.00) as a settlement for the repair of Rescue 2; and WHEREAS, M.G.L. c. 44 s. 53 requires a specific appropriation of the funds if they are in excess of$20,000.00; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Town of Agawam to appropriate the funds and repair Rescue 2. NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves to appropriate from account number 24711-48000 the amount of$80,923.00 as received from Trident Insurance Company to repair the ambulance designated Rescue 2. DATED THIS OF --, 2011. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL >.6 Donald M. Rheault, esident > A ROVED AS T FORM AND LEGALITY '9 Vincent Clog ia, Solicitor Page I of I Vince Gioscia From: Alan Sirois Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 3:47 PM To: Vince Gioscia; Vincent Gioscia Subject: Ambulance Collision Vince; The ambulance that was damaged was Rescue 2. The police report incorrectly states that Rescue 1 was the vehicle involved. Feel free to contact me by cell or email with any questions. Regards, Alan Sirois, Fire Chief Agawam Fire Department 800 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 Office: 413-786-0657 Cell: 413-531-5944 Fax: 413-786-1241 Email: asirois@agawam.ma.us 12/14/2011 Agawam Police * Department Page : StTPPLEMENTAL NARRATIVE FOR PATRCLMAN 'JAMES -14 WHEEL.ER Ref: 11-455-AC and mailing it to her residcnce. I ar)-i' also mailing all her 'accident papen-vork due to thc fact she is still in t� Kospital recovering fifoni her injurics. NOTE: The accidem diagrain is not to scale. Additional Wifficss infoi-niation.- Agawani Hrenien 3alx Dush6ncand Actim D, John Labrecq= Agawani Fire Station '-? 1200 Springfield SL, Feeding Hflls MA 01030 41'1-786-751); Alei-t Ambulance 17 M eadow St. Chicopee NIA 0 10 13 413-535-02"" Alert Ambulance CreNv. Gina Ma!hos '9 61 Souih-Wertfield Sc. 4 Feedi�g Bills NIA 0 1030 413-301-255) MAke Lyons 2i Coolidge Rd. ChiC0DCeM.A 0 10 1 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Spew Limil tore Police CI Motor Vehicle Crash. K-n,bc-I - 4 [2 02 4 AGAW; Whxhm Isjued I ., L,"I Po me 0 I Lai. M61APUNOC 0 Policelleport 2 14 1.(jn,-- 011m.- 241, 1 A:I'I NTYRS ECT I ON, 2 WILL ST. Rmile.11 5—mtwi. Nvir ol'Ro� 4, 1 TL T POPLAR LT D;::t60rj sl^-' A�,a al InIL 1WCL;T,'1l ill 2 -in-' . L Dircc�on Nalit of Inter�ctin-' 3 lAv-mrl; ia V'hioc I-Z—komldanN HU11111A Q 11uped 11 4 5 5 -AC Se.Y,M- D. GaJ L I t Vch-,,.r 2 9 0 9 .hMakL-0BD-- [En --j - F4 Operant-BAUER- SCOTT 3 i7k, 7Z — Addmss-E1-Z-UU0N RP at% AGWIM suac JXL&-.Z�p D;-Q-Q I Coy AGAW&M MA -i 0.(U---1-8.0 1. Inswaime Compan) Yrhic;o Actim.Niorn J'Al� Dwni&ctl A it;a Cwlc� L:tfcic Up io Tlut) Vdaicic Tmvcl nijccjigji w "c 22 0 None \TY 3 10 Undercarriage F 1-11 Chation "k,51 11.1infi;b'em i 1 1 ulaled F2% 4! 91 0-11cl. Iliol Cp.Se. �qb le 99 UlLnown V� .4 1 7 6 1 2 viol CW3ef.,Sjjb 9 5; ?4-,1-F-1 L6611- wy 5TATA 0 3 .2 ptuz:k;l -200�aRA2t.GF:2:0 ST Jim. arhym JAMM; COOK Ith nia,". 1 :3, 0 0 3 --R F4 2 IF alim IN MunIn Ilmd AlAlaX3-4-0 2 St. CT AL, Licm-,,,tz F?xe A Rit T% . In P --51 S", _I,�.ak.CL C.IfL C;)L— A4.Y -:� J ER3.E8/WA00N11 sex-F— Lie,cla- ��ic'Rev'iclirliis F,—1 Foperotor CUMMING jor F'T. fu-ner-MM N Adriness-7.9.-EWANURY. RT) R12 cily PRESIOU sm.--c-T-YIP-M-E-5- -ci,VPRESTOX vehicle"'Cfi�)'rior w Cr. 2 '22 22 22 4 Vehicle Trv�c;Dirctlim El--�11 I R,.- Scv'k-�Xe 0 None Ciiaii6it i(tr luttem R 119 0 4 3 5-- Nou Han-flfA-:�Vlh 23 0 undmirriage 2]3 Viol,1:CWS&vSub ,7A vw' (1rs.. S01 DriT-�r Ccir'bi,inr,r,'nJ,: 7-41L —7'24 1 C- � 1)7(,;h�r Unknown U8 6 Viol.1 M/SeOSub Please fill OUT 101 C�pcnnur W11-4110106 St 11'u 81' ol-d CL MA-l-, 0.7 CTATZ Opt.aiorlNo i-'Amfm Sc,:A b.Tv ------- 1 1 .2 0 0 3 2 kmi m IS 111Lr-%:ur A%z IlLaT STATS ELIZABLIM DOW179MI10 PA,oioft� 03/041,990 r 3 11 1- 0 0 3 b=IcAL I If Crash Did NotOccur Mill-at ;79 H,�,S". Oil a Public Way: 0 (III-Srrec.hriina 1 oi Polp I-, St. 0 L3 NID11 sk-p"Ilr CV11a D Otwr h'%�ic my qm_cmd Heert C�Rurch f Mirth VI an Agawam Fir�e Dept, Amb-ula.nce and AqaWi:,m Fire Dept. Engine 2 were travelling east on Mill St. to a 911 EI�ERGEXCY CAIL. Both vehi'cles had Lheir ewergency lights and sirens on, AS they approached the interst!ction of M1:11, and Poplar St. the Ambulance reduced its speed. V2 wa3 travelling &cuth on Poplar St. Botb vehicles wpre heading towards a blacked-out inteisectiorl.� The traffic ligl�t!3 and aLreet 112hts were not functioning due*to black-out power condiLioDs from a recent show storm. The witneasee state that, V2 did not yield the right of way to the Ambulanz!e as both vehicles entered the intersection and crashed. A33 A2.6rt Azabulance crew just happened to be in the area and were the first to give n:edical -attention to the occupants of V2. After Vl Lhe Ambulance came to final rest the Aaawam Paramedics exited the Ambulance and took over medical care for the injured occtxpants. Refer to �upplemental Narrative. N;%rdt(L sL%FJrst,.%bdd1q Address shlement GRANGER ROBERT 873 SPRINGFTELD ST AGAWAM MA 01001 413-231-6341 TUP,NER, KENNETH RUSSELL 106 SPRINGrIBLD ST AGAWAM M 0103OL413-478-2126 0)%,ncr(Lsv,hrhl,�;Adlc) 'Addrcs.- ph.'ac ff. 34-'J)lie 9rscr�pdoo,or Daimig.ed l'iuljrriy Mnl?, LQ- 1=1 I R Carrict Niwic 'Coy JP US DOT k___ �smiyi,slati:--[CC if! Cup Body T�pc'_odr Grmv VCII�JC U;:i�JJL �lacarl Z 41, .k'gitcrivil di.61 P uxle L_j Patrolman .James M.Wheeler. 1221 Agawam Police R_qp�jEtment 1110112011 Police Officer Narr�(Please Prinfij Lkplimml D31d CUP1 Aqp�wain Police .Department Page : I SUPPtEMENTAL NARRATIVE -FOR PATROLMAN JAMES M WKEELER' Ref. It/l/2011 The operator and passengcr of"%,2 vvere' transported to 13S110C, for their injuries by A-FD RMS Rescue 1'. At this time the West Springfield A rribulancz arrived and tnan�po�fcd t-he Agawarn Param-MiL:s to 11SNIC" it) be treatt(l. for their injurits. Vehicle 2 was [owed b3 Langonet and the Ambulancc NAas towed to rim Station 2 by Interstate and rcioased to the Arylawani Firc Chief. I then A to BSNIC tp=;tk fljlQ'involved parlies, 1I Wb folm flie Agawaw J."remen. UpDkt to the passenger o-."V2 who was, being it cated -r& her ii,,jmics. Sbe sLated' to mo 1]tat i ust t)cf6.-c IN crash she said to the operator Jocely'ne Cummings the AmMance isn't goirg to stop, thdii ilicy crashed. I !hcn briefly spoke to Ciwinini7igs who %vaF also b,�in2 licated -for itliuries in the Traurna Ur'it.'She Nvasn't in an.), condidor to talk about the accident. I cravc.her my card wid advised hur to call rite tomori-ow when is LI a bintci,C(.'])(I;IL!on (L) talk. C On 11,12/2011 at 19.0011'ou,rs I went to 102C, SpIld St,"to tah,�i a wi�ttcn stawment fi�orn one of' d)e witnesses. Ke-ineth Tunier-stated that he sa,.N- the Anibulantz, wnh its.=�q.cn'cy lights and siren on approaching the intersection. Then lie saw a flash of lioht.and hc.�ard lond crash when the vehicles impacted in the middle of the intersection. See written stAlement'. I then came back to Police Headquarters and spokz- bo anotlicr Nvi-Iness Robci't,Tumer ViLl the 0cphone. He was driving west bound un Mil I St.just bcfoie the ciash- I tC pUlled ovcr.to Ific right andstoopod his vchicle to allow t: the Ambulance and Fire E.li-ine to pass by because then cn-trr-oncy 14--is aild sirens were on, He thert observed Z:� C V2 enter the int��rscctioii at a high specd and it crashed into the Anibulancc. Tumcr states he lives in Lenox Ma,ssacliusetts and is wiavailablc toprovide a written stateuiciit. At about 20:00 hou�s Jocel�,ne Cummines contacttd nic via ifie phone rroin the hospital. I askcd her whal she iemembered about the accidcrit. She stated all she)-cincrnbers is sL;cing the Ambulance aiid the cir-ergency lights, just before they cr6shed. The tivo other witnesses 'a-re both Agawam Firemen. Jake Dushape wus diiving En-ine 2 and Acting Lt, Labrccque was the passenger in the fr6nifight seai. -Dushane s'ales that they wure responding io an Emergency 911 Call. The Ambulance �vas Op�,_ating with its einerg6ncy lights on. His I"11" line was abou' 3%00 f'eet behind the Ambulance. He stated he observed the brake lights 6onic on in the rear ol' dic. Ainbulance as it slowed before entered -die blacked-out inierwedon. He also observed the Ambulance SLa'rt s,wervirig. Ile then sTates that he observed V2 entci the,interscction neverslowing down aus it crashed.inio the!uibuhince. See written staMrncr�t. Lt. Labrecque also states that the AiT'ibu1aT-jcc and'the Fij-c Engine wc-re responding to art Einc-gency 911 Call with the enierge�ncy lighis And-sireiris onAle states flial lie obscrved.the Ambulance slow down and proceed into the blacked-out intersection. He then obscrved V2 never activating the -rear brake li-his collide with the Ambulance. He states the traffic light was inoperable due to the POVVCr C'UtaRC from the S00W SLorni. See written statemcrit. Based on the witness,statenients the accident was causod-by Jocelyne Cominirgs failin'g Lo YEILD THE RIGHT OF WAY to an EMERGEINC Y Vh'l41CLl-_',. that. was operating-with its Emergency Lights and Sirens on. Curnminp-s is beina issucd a .vritten wam,na for thc:.above ofi-�nsc..J ani,issiting her Citation Number R1 190435 Aqawam Police .Deipa:rtment Page: 1 SUPPLE14ENTAL NARRATIVE -FOR PATROLMAN JAMES M WHE31;El?' Ref: ii-455-Ac I I 11i2011 The operator and passenger of V-9 werd transported to BSVVC fior their injm4es by AFD ENS Rescue 1. At this tirne the West Springficl.d. Anibulanc,—arTived and Iranspoi-ted the AgawFn) Paramedics to IISMC to be treated for their injuries, Vehicle 2 was lowed by I.angon�t and th�: Ambulance.was towed to Firc Station 2 b% Interstate and reb�ased to the Agawam Fire Chief I thm-wc-nt-to 13SNIC-to_=ak the in,.-olvcd pQ-rties.J_1r_,wk vN.'ritten staicirerts Form tl)L� �Uawarn Firemen, I spoke to the passen-er ofV2 N-�-ho was beino treatzd foy her injuries. She stat,,dlo n)c dial jUst bcforc thc' crash she said to the operator Jocelyne Cummings the Ambu.aiicc isn't going to stop, 'hen Lhcy craslwd. I thcn hilefly spoke to Cummings who was also beino treated for injuries 15'1 dic Trauma U1.1it. ShL! wasn't in any condil.i0n to talk about the accident. I gavc her my card and'advised her to call 111C tOM01TONY Whefl is iria beLter condition Io talk. On 11/2/2011 at 19:0u'h'ou,rs I \v. ,,,nt to 1026 .Splid St, to W(� a vviiiten statement fiorn one of die witnesses. Kenneth Tuiiier,qtated that Ir saw the Ambulance. with its:cmtrgenby !ights and siren or, apploaching die intersection. Then he saw a 11ash or light and heard 1011d'crash -i-hcn- the vehicles impacted in !he middle of the intersection. Seewritten slatcment. I. then carne back' to Puilce I-1cadquarters and spuke to dnutlyr wi-tricss Robin! Turner vi.'� the telephone. fie was driving west bound on Mih 9L.JUst befort: (lie crash. I-lepulled oVer to the ri()ht and 'stoopud his vQhicle to FLII,-)w the Ambulance and Fire, 6,ngine to pass by beca�s&th'cir emer-oney lights aitd sireni ivere or.. I-le (lien observed V2 enter the int(:rsection at a high sliced and it crashed into lhe AnibuMni;c. Tumer st-,3!cs hc lives in Lenox Massachusetts and is unavailabic to provide a v.,ritten statcrtietit. At about 20:00 bbui-s Juctlyne' Cummings ccrritact�d me via the phone froin the hospitai. I asked hei what slic rernembercd about the Liccident. She statdd h1l she icniembers is seeing die Ambulance wid the ernergency fights just before they crdshed, The two otbtr witnesses. are both' Agmvani 1,iperrcn. Jake Ditshane. was driving Engine 2 and Acting Lt. Labrecque was the passenger in the front ritilit seat. ,Dushane siales thatlbc), Nvere responding to an Emergency 911 Call, The -Airribulance iA,as opie,�aiing with its einergency lights on. flis Enoine was about 300 ficet behind &,e Ambulance. He stated lie observed the brakc lights conic on in the recar of thu Ambulance as it slowed befoi,e entered the blacked-out intersection. He* also .observed the Anibulance' $Lart S.WC]'Villig. He thcn states that he observed V2 enter the-inter's*ection never �Jowine, down as it crashcd.into the Ambulance. See written stato M- cnt. Lt. Labrecque also states that die Am' bulaocc an d the Fire Engine wei-c responding to an Ernurgency 911 Call with the emergenc'y liglits Pind sire'ns on.'.He'states that he obse,rved the Ambulance slow down and proceed into the blacked-out intersec6on, fie flilen observed V2 mver activating. 11-ic rear bralKe lights w1lide with the Ambulance. HesLatcstbetr�ffic li0itwas inoperable due to the power.UUtage-from thystiow sLorm. See %kTitten sta1cment. Based on the witiness-statenicats the accidcnt was ��auscd-by JJL,L;ely11e CUrni-nings fitiling -,o Y111,1) THE RTGHT OF WAY to an CN4r-.RG).-.NCY -VF.1f1C1,1-_' that. was operiiing-with its Emeruncy* Lights and Sirens on, Curnminas is belm-Y issued a -writteu warnim-, for thc,:above off6ise_l arnJissuing bur Citation Number RI )90435 TRIDENT INSURANCE SERVICES OF NEW ENGLAND,INC. 7320 AND AXIS U.S. INSURANCE ON BEHALF OF METROGARD AND DIThRbM INSURANCE PROGRAMS Check No: 7320 Check Amt: $80,923.00 Agawam,Town of(MA)-a Check Date: 12JO612011 Claimant Claimant: City of Agawam Claim No: TNT-0094881 City of Agawam Date of Loss: 1110 112011 12:00 AM Adjuster. Jeff Staples Payee Name: City of Agawam Producer: Trident Insurance Services of NE,Inc Payable Comment Service Dates: 1210612011 To 12106/2011 Collision Damage to Ambulance on 11/1111,less$1000 deductible TRIDENT INSURANCE SERVICES OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. 7320 AND AXIS U.S. INSURANCE ON BEHALF OF METROGARD AND DIPLOMAX INSURANCE PROGRAMS Insured Check No: 7320 Agawam,Town of(MA)-a Check Amt: $80,923.00 Check Date: 1210612011 Claimant Claimant: City of Agawam Claim No: TNT-0094881 City of Agawam Date of Loss: 11/0112011 12:OOAM Adjuster: Jeff Staples Payee Name: City of Agawam Producer: Trident Insurance Services of NE, Inc Payable Comment Service Dates: 12/06/2011 To 12106/2011 Collisloh Damage to Ambulance on 1111111,less$1000 deductible TRIDENT INSURANCE SERVICES OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK,N-A. 7320 DALLAS,TEXAS 75201 AND AXIS U-.S. INSURANCE 32-6111110 ON BEHALF OF METROGARD AND DIPLOMAX INSURANCE PROGRAMS Claim No:TNT-0094881 Check Date:12/06/2011 VOID AFTER 90 DAYS Date of Loss: 11/01/2011 Pay Eighty Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-Three and 00/100 Dollars 1 $80;92TO70 TWO SIGNATURES ER Ul D FOR CHECKS S5000 ANDOVER To The City of Agawam Order 36 Main Street Of: Agawam,MA 01001 ro I SIP ,is n n r;i a :i n nn a i- i i ri n n r- i i so 17 3 r r-1 -1 -1 171 rl r..s Town of Agawam Schedule of Departmental Payments to Treasurer No: LAW DEPT Date 12/712011 Org and Object F Source Amount Total 24710 48000 COLLISION DAMAGE TO AMBULANCE 11/1/2011 $ 80,923.00 80,923.00 Date: 12/7/2011 To the Department Officer making the Payment: Received of Treasurer the sum of 80,923.00 Dollars for the ending 12f712011 for collections as per schedule of this date, filed in my office. Treasurer