TR-2012-1 APPT OF CHRISTINA THOMPSON TO HOUSING OF TR-2012-1 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF CHRISTINA THOMPSON, 70 COREY COLONIAL, AGAWAM, MA TO THE AGAWAM HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR AN UNEXPIRED TERM EXPIRING THE SECOND MONDAY IN JANUARY 2014 WHEREAS, a vacancy exists on the Agawam Housing Authority; and WHEREAS,the Mayor has appointed Christina Thompson,70 Corey Colonial,Agawam, MA to the Agawam Housing Authority for an unexpired term expiring on the second Monday in January 2014; and NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL hereby resolves to confirm the appointment of Christina Thompson,70 Corey Colonial,Agawam,MA to the Agawam Housing Authority for an unexpired term expiring on the second Monday in January 2014. DATED THIS V�k DAY OF, L?012. Z-n PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL t-n Christopher Johns�n) President,Agawam Town Council ED A 0 FORM AND LEGALITY . I -:')I � I " r,j S T Vincent Gioscia, Solicitor C C Christina Thompson 70 Corey Colonial Agawam, MA 0 100 1 November 29, 2011 Ct. X Mayor Richard Cohen Town of Agawam 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 0 100 1 Dear Mayor Cohen, As you know, my five year term as the-Governor's appointee to the Board of Commissioners of the Agawam Housing Authority recently came to an end. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and felt that the opportunity to serve the town in this fashion was one that was too good to pass up. As I told my husband when the idea of the appointment was first presented to me, I was excited to not just live in the town, but to participate in some way. Regrettably, I have just learned that Vincenzo Ronghi, one of my fellow Board members, has made it known that he plans to step down before serving his full term. I would be happy to be considered as a replacement for Mr. Ronghi for the duration of the time remaining in his appointment. As it is a Mayoral appointment, I understand that your approval is the first step in this process. Therefore, I am requesting your support and your willingness to submit my name to the City Council as a candidate for the appointment. I hope that I will be given the opportunity to continue my service to the Agawam Housing Authority. Sincerely, Christina Thompson December2, 2011 Scott Macy, Chairman Agawam Housing Authority DEC 2, - 2011 Mr. Macy, I must formally offer my resignation, as a Commissioner, from the Agawam Housing Authority, I am confident that my tenure on the Board, as its Treasurer, was a positive and productive influence. I will make myself available to work through to complete the tasks undertaken with the Authority's fee acoountant, Gary De Pace. I have enjoyed the opportunity working with the current board members as well as the Executive director to move the Authority forward. Should you or the Authority have the need or desire to seek assistance or advice in matters that I have been a part of; I am willing to volunteer the time. Respe lly Submitted, Vincenzo Ronghi 55 Avalon Place Feeding Hills MA 01030 MAYORAL ACTION Received this day of 2012 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this day of ' 2012. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to A-rticle 3, Section 3-6 of the Agaw7n is ,Qharter, as arfiKnded, I her y approve the passage of the above legislation on th day of N�%— 2012. L Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2012 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this day of ' 2012. �OFAG AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREE'l . ..... . -fS 01001 AGAWAM, MASSACHUSET TED February 2012 PRESIDEN't- chrislopher C.Johnson VICE PRESIDIZINT Dennis J. Perr), COUNCILORS Gcorgc Bilzas Cecilia P. Calabrese Christine Tjj�)Jllpsoll POW C Cavallo 70 Corcy Coloni,11 James P. Cicholti Gina Af. Letellier Agawaill, MA. 01001- Robert,4- Afagovern Joseph Alineo I)ear j\4s. 'Fhompson: Donald Af. Rheault Robert E Rossi Co ng ralL.11�IdOiJS ()�j )'0LJl- 111111cill to [lie Agawam HOUSifig C, AW1101-11V to Lill m1expired tel'ill thc second Mojidav in ADNIINISTRAWIF JMILIXV 01'20 14. The City Cotillcil I-ecogil' lZe; N OLIF 1101-d work and ASSISTANT C011111111111cilt to this board Lis well as to Ific Town, Barbura,,I. Bard 011ce agaill, On behalf of Ifle Agawam Clt�' CoUncil. thank YOU Jbr your decliC,111,011 to OL11- [MV11, I'alli.h'ttra A. Bard Admillistrative Assistant to the C11V COL11161 TELEPHONE (41-3) 786-0400&u. 8716 FAX (413) 726-9717 ENI A 11, hbordCo,agawam.in a.us F AC AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STKEET -IUSETTS 01001 AGAWAM, MASSACI ED J�111LKII-\' 12. 2012 PRESIDENT Ch-istopher C Johnsr)n VICE PRESIDENT Dennis J Perry COUNCILORS coorge Bit-Tas Christina Thompson Cecilia P Calabrese 70 Corev Colunial Palo/C. cavul/v Agawaill., MA. 0 100 1 James P. Cicheiti Gina At Lerellier RoberfA. Magoirern De'll- Nds. Thoillpsow JosephAlineo Donald Al. Orem& Oil bchalf' of� [lie A4'awam GIV COLHICil. I %ViSh tO CXMICI cul Rc)burt E, Rossi HlVilt',16011 to 'NICIld the RCLJ1k11- C01.111CH �It whiCh 111c COLHIC11 Will VOW tO C0111-11111 \'0U?' 2j)P0.J1l(1llCflt 10 [Ile HOLISiM-1 AL111101'11V. ThiS 111CL:H11L', hils bc�:ri SCIM11,11Cd 161- A 1)N1 I N I STRATIV E ASSISTANT 6, 2012 it 7:00, and wIll he hCI(l Ill [Ile LILKH101-11-1111 M 01C Barbara A. Bard Roberla G. J)ocriiiij School. 68 Main Street. Agawam. Thank VOLI f'()1' N'0Hf' dCCliC!1(i011 10 OUrtOWil. Sincerely., ;6'a-q a - (I. &ut__, Administrative As'Sl,,tant lo the City Council TELEPHONE (413) 786-0400 Ea 233 FAX (413) 786-9927 ENIAIL hbard,ji,)agawanr.mo.us 4F TR-2012-1 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF CHRISTINA THOMPSON, 70 COREY COLONIAL,AGAWAM, MA TO THE AGAWAM HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR AN UNEXPIRED TERM EXPIRING THE SECOND MONDAY IN JANUARY 2014 WHEREAS, a vacancy exists on the Agawam Housing Authority; and WHEREAS,the Mayor has appointed Christina Thompson,70 Corey Colonial,Agawam, MA to the Agawam Housing Authority for an unexpired term expiring on the second Monday in January 2014; and NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL hereby resolves to confirm the appointment of Christina Thompson,70 Corey Colonial,Agawam,MA to the Agawam Housing Authority for an unexpired term expiring on the second Monday in January 2014. DATED THIS DAY OF 2012. PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Christopher Johnson, President, Agawam Town Council ED AS 0 FORM AND LEGALITY Vincent Gioscia, Solicitor L mc Christina Thompson 70 Corey Colonial Agawam, MA 0 1001 November 29, 2011 CL Mayor Richard Cohen Town of Agawam 4. 36 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 Dear Mayor Cohen, As you know, my five year term as the,Governor's appointee to the Board of Commissioners of the Agawam Housing Authority recently came to an end. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and felt that the opportunity to serve the town in this fashion was one that was too good to pass up. As I told my husband when the idea of the appointment was first presented to me, I was excited to not just live in the town, but to participate in some way. Regrettably, I have just learned that Vincenzo Ronghi, one of my fellow Board members, has made it known that he plans to step down before serving his full term. I would be happy to be considered as a replacement for Mr. Ronghi for the duration of the time remaining in his appointment. As it is a Mayoral appointment, I understand that your approval is the first step in this process. Therefore, I am requesting your support and your willingness to submit my name to the City Council as a candidate for the appointment. I hope that I will be given the opportunity to continue my service to the Agawam Housing Authority. Sincerely, Christina Thompson December 2, 2011 Scott Macy, Chairman Agawam Housing Authority DEC 2 - 2011 Mr. Macy, I must formally offer my resignation, as a Commissioner, from the Agawam Housing Authority. I am confident that my tenure on the Board, as its Treasurer, was a positive and productive influence. I Will make myself available to work through to complete the tasks undertaken with the Authority's fee accountant, Gary De Pace. I have enjoyed the opportunity working with the current board members as well as the Executive director to move the Authority forward. Should you or the Authority have the need or desire to seek assistance or advice in matters that I have been a part of, I am willing to volunteer the time. 7 Respe Ily Subm 7 itted, Vincenzo Ronghi 55 Avalon Place Feeding Hills MA 01030