TR-2012-11 REAPPT OF MARYJO SAFFORD - BOA I� �� ✓ �� 1 Scc rd OcP V l f C� TR-2012-11 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF MARY JO SAFFORD, 92 JUNIPER RIDGE DRIVE, FEEDING HILLS, MA TO THE BOARD OF HEALTH TO A TERM EXPIRING THE FIRST MONDAY IN FEBRUARY, 2015 WHEREAS, a vacancy currently exits on the Board of Health; and WHEREAS, the Mayor has appointed Mary Jo Safford, 92 Juniper Ridge Dr., Feeding Hills, MA to the Board of Health to a term expiring the first Monday in February 2015; NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves to confirm the appointment of Mary Jo Safford, 92 Juniper Ridge Dr., Feeding Hills, MA to the Board of Health to a term expiring the first Monday in February, 2015.. DATED THIS DAYOF -AOZIL- 2012 PER ORDER OF THEAGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL (73�� d-L Christopher C. jo 7 on, President, Agawam City Council APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY 1-y Vincent F. Gioscia, Solicitor 0s :1 -'qW -WVMVSV �31330 )4��10 11314003 won- its 75�4 MAYORAL ACTION Received this -31 —day of 2 from Council Clerk. Signed by Council President this day of 2012. APPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawap harter, as X� an3,ended -1 hereby approve the passage of the above legislation on this j day of 2012. Richard A. Cohen, Mayor DISAPPROVAL OF LEGISLATION By the powers vested in me pursuant to Article 3, Section 3-6 of the Agawam Charter, as amended, I hereby veto the passage of the above legislation on this day of 2012 for the following reason(s): Richard A. Cohen, Mayor RETURN OF LEGISLATION TO COUNCIL CLERK Returned to Council Clerk this � f/h-day of 'P�(-) F _, 2012, FAG It% - ­�-Qj AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL j. .... 36 MAIN STREET AGA WAM. MASSACHUSETTS 01001 ApHl 3, 2012 PRERDENT Chrislopher C. Johnson NICE PREADENT Dvmn's.J. Perry COUNCILORS GeclrKv Bf�xos C-ec.-ho 11 ("71CY121-csr Mary A Saffbal Paul C. ("al-fillo 92 Moor RWgc 144c -1fifire'-s 1, cichviti Gblel.,W. ("'Ohor FccIng I H Hn NdA. 0 1030 Roberi.4. Magovern JmqA Abwo Nis, S.'Ifrord; Doncild At. 10wend? Robert h, Rossi Congrzitulations on your appoinnnem w the 11mal of AM A; a Iona expiring thu Am Adonday in Februm, 2015. Ile Cig' AD.MUNISTRATINT, council recogni'mi your 11�ird work Lill(I c(ganjitnIC11t to this hmird ASTSTANT Is Nvell tis to the 'Vown ol'Ag-,iwam. Barbaya"). Hard (Mcc agrK. on bchMf of the Qn"!Wn Cit�' COLHIGH. thillik )'()LI V01' sinwcrcly� Barbara A. H�ird AdminiMr,itive -Assisltill 10 [Ile CiL�! C0111161 (413) 786-0400 Lvi. 8716 FAX (411) 726-9717 EMAIL hborafCagawaimmans f AG AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL 36 MAIN STREET ......... AGAWAM, MASSACHUSETTS 01001 tMarch 11). 2012 PRESIDENT Christopher C Johnson VICE PRESIDENT Demus,l Perry COUNCILORS ("corge Bit-�as Nis. Mary Jo SafTord Cecilia P. Calabrese paid C. Gavollo 92 JUMI)cn- Rlkc DrIvc James P. Cicheal FeLding Hills, MA, 0 1030 Ginet.lf. Letelfier Robert.-I. kfagovern Dcai- NIs. SaFf-Ord: 'ln.sel,h,�,fhreo DV�7(11(1�11-Rhe(1111f Oil heliall, ol, 111c Aumvmll 0tv council. I %v[.sh to cNtcnd all Robert L Rossi ItIVIM11011 W 'Ittelld 111C RCOLLIZ11- COL11161 .1MCC1111'" ZIL WhiCh 111t: Council will voit: to C()11111-111 V01.11- dj)j)0II1tI11CJ1I to the Agawam ADMINISTRATIVE Board of Flealth. This Illectillf, 11LI's heel) scheduled for IN'londay, ASSISTANT April 2, 2012 at 7:00, �Illd will bi� held III 111C LlUdItoritim at tile Barbani A Bard Roburtii G. Doering School, 68 Mail) Street. Aniwani. Thank \101.1 1`01- C0116111,]Cd dCdlCZlh0I1 to oul, town, sincerely. ]Kirbara A. 13-,trci Acillilinistr"Itk1t: ASSISLant tO 111C 0tV C0111161 TELENIONE (4 13) 786-0400 Ext. 8716 FAX (41.3) 726-9717 ENMAH, bt'mjrd(ji�agotvom.,ma.us TR-2012-11 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF MARY JO SAFFORD, 92 JUNIPER RIDGE DRIVE, FEEDING HILLS, MA TO THE BOARD OF HEALTH TO A TERM EXPIRING THE FIRST MONDAY IN FEBRUARY, 2015 WHEREAS, a vacancy currently exits on the Board of Health; and WHEREAS, the Mayor has appointed Mary Jo Safford, 92 Juniper Ridge Dr., Feeding Hills, MA to the Board of Health to a term expiring the first Monday in February, 2015; NOW THEREFORE, THE AGAWAM CITY COUNCIL hereby resolves to conftrm the appointment of Mary Jo Safford, 92 Juniper Ridge Dr., Feeding Hills, MA to the Board of Health to a term expiring the first Monday in February, 2015.. DATED THIS DAYOF ' 2012 PER ORDER OF THE AGAWAM TOWN COUNCIL Christopher C. Johnson, President, Agawam City Council C-') C_- APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Vincent F. Gioscia, Solicitor q9 4= Cn -0 917- zz